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原创 【Data Structures】 12. Hashing, HashMap and HashSet in Java

The hashCode() method in Java is implemented in the Object class.Basically, the hashCode() method provides a numeric representation of an object.hashCode method in the String class uses the follow

2016-11-27 04:04:02 187

原创 【Data Structures】 11. HashTable—Simple Implementation

HashTableInterface interface// HashTable interface that takes only positive integers.// No mapping, just keyspublic interface HashTableInterface { // Return true when the key is found. boo

2016-11-27 01:32:38 209

原创 【Data Structures】 10. Hashing—Mission Possible

Converting words to numbers, more specifically integers.Workaround 1: Open Addressing (mainly linear probing)Step size:In linearing

2016-11-26 23:59:56 186

原创 【Data Structures】 9. Recursion: calling itself again

Recursive programming has a method that call itself.However, we do not want to call the method itself recursively to infinity (infinite recursion).The condition that leads to a recursive method re

2016-11-16 11:27:23 139

原创 【Data Structures】 8. Sorting in Java—Comparable and Comparator

To sort an array or a collection of objects, we need to make sure that the objects are mutually comparable. This is supported by the Comparable interface that contains only one method:compareTo(Ob

2016-11-16 00:32:29 160

原创 【Data Structures】 7. Simple Sorting—Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, and Insertion Sort

Bubble sort1. Compare two values at a time.2. If the one on the left is bigger, swap them to BUBBLE UP the bigger value to the right.3. Move one position to the right.

2016-11-15 01:41:51 210

原创 【Data Structures】 6. Queue—Another limited data structure and FIFO

A queue is a container of objects that are inserted and removed based on FIFO (First-in First-out) principle.In the queue, there are two major operations, enqueue and dequeue.1. Enqueue means inse

2016-11-07 23:37:32 234

原创 【Data Structures】 5. Stack—A limited data structure and LIFO

A stack is a container of objects that are inserted and removed according to the last-in first-out (LIFO) principle.Simply speaking, there are two major operations.1. Push: push an item onto the t

2016-11-07 22:57:47 299

原创 【Data Structures】 4. LinkedList

LinkedList is one of the two general-purpose List implementations. In addition to some general and common methods, LinkedList in Java also offers a few methods that work with the elements at the begin

2016-11-02 10:55:40 191

原创 【Data Structures】 3. ArrayList and Binary Search

ArrayList class has many methods:add(object), add(index, object), set(index, object), get(index), remove(index), size()Initial length of new ArrayList is 10. You can also set the initial Array

2016-11-01 03:46:56 173

原创 【Data Structures】 2. Arrays and Linear Search

Arrays in JavaArrays in Java can hold primitives and references. Good for storing and accessing a sequence of data.An array in java, in terms of manipulating its data, has one method, clone(), and

2016-11-01 02:58:11 195



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