

– 创建数据库
– create database python_test_1 charset=utf8;

– 使用数据库
– use python_test_1;

– students表
– create table students(
– id int unsigned primary key auto_increment not null,
– name varchar(20) default ‘’,
– age tinyint unsigned default 0,
– height decimal(5,2),
– gender enum(‘男’,‘女’,‘中性’,‘保密’) default ‘保密’,
– cls_id int unsigned default 0,
– is_delete bit default 0
– );

– classes表
– create table classes (
– id int unsigned auto_increment primary key not null,
– name varchar(30) not null
– );

– 查询练习
– 查询所有字段
– select * from 表名;
select * from students;

– 查询指定字段
– select 列1,列2,… from 表名;
select name,age from students;

– 使用 as 给字段起别名
– select 字段 as 名字… from 表名;
select name as ‘姓名’,age from students;

– select 表名.字段 … from 表名;
select from students;

– 可以通过 as 给表起别名
– select 别名.字段 … from 表名 as 别名;
select * from students as s;

select from students as s;

– 消除重复行(查性别)

– distinct 字段 不要记有个印象
select distinct gender from students;

< >= <= != <>
– 条件查询
– 比较运算符
– select … from 表名 where …
– >
– 查询年纪大于18岁的信息
select * from students where age > 18;

– <
– 查询年纪小于18岁的信息
select * from students where age < 18;
– >=
– <=
– 查询小于等于18岁的信息
select * from students where age <= 18;

– =
– 查询年龄为18岁的所有学生的名字
select * from students where age = 18;

– != 或者 <>
– 查询年龄不为18岁的所有学生的名字
select * from students where age != 18;
– select * from students where age <> 18;
and or not
– 逻辑运算符
– and
– 18和28之间的所以学生信息
select * from students where age > 18 and age < 28;

– 18岁以上的女性
select * from students where age > 18 and gender = ‘女’;

– or
– 18以上或者身高高过180(包含)以上
select * from students where age > 18 or height >= 180;
– not
– 不在 18岁以上的女性 这个范围内的信息
– select * from students where not (age>18 and gender=2);
select * from students where not age > 18 and gender= “女”;

select * from students where not (age > 18 and gender = “女”);

like % _
– 模糊查询(where name like 要查询的数据)
– like
– % 替换任意个
– _ 替换1个
– 查询姓名中 以 “小” 开始的名字
select * from students where name like ‘小%’;
– 查询姓名中 有 “小” 所有的名字
select * from students where name like ‘%小%’;

– 查询有2个字的名字
select * from students where name like ‘__’;

– 查询有3个字的名字
select * from students where name like ‘___’;

– 查询至少有2个字的名字
select * from students where name like ‘__%’;

select * from students where name not like “__”;

– 范围查询
– in (1, 3, 8)表示在一个非连续的范围内
– 查询 年龄为18或34的姓名
select * from students where age = 18 or age = 34 ;
select * from students where age in (18,34);
– not in 不非连续的范围之内
– 年龄不是 18或34岁的信息
select * from students where age not in(18,34);

– between … and …表示在一个连续的范围内
– 查询 年龄在18到34之间的的信息
select * from students where age > 18 and age < 34;
– between xxx and xxx
select * from students where age between 18 and 34; --between…and…这是包含两端的数据

– not between … and …表示不在一个连续的范围内
– 查询 年龄不在18到34之间的的信息

select * from students where age not between 18 and 34;
– 空判断
– 判空is null
– 查询身高为空的信息
select * from students where height is null;

– 判非空is not null
select * from students where height is not null;

order by 字段 asc,desc

– 排序
– order by 字段
– asc
– asc从小到大排列,即升序
– desc
– desc从大到小排序,即降序
– 查询年龄在18到34岁之间的男性,按照年龄从小到大到排序
select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender=‘男’ order by age asc;

– 查询年龄在18到34岁之间的女性,身高从高到矮排序
select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender =‘女’ order by height desc;
– order by 多个字段
– 查询年龄在18到34岁之间的女性,身高从高到矮排序, 如果身高相同的情况下按照年龄从小到大排序
select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender = ‘女’ order by height desc,age asc;

– 如果年龄也相同那么按照id从大到小排序
select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender =‘女’ order by height desc,age asc,id desc;
– 排序有优先级,第一个主排序,后面是次排序,在保证主排序不变的情况下,能排就排,不排就算了

– 聚合函数
– 总数
– count
– 查询男性有多少人 count(字段) 要注意如果值有null那么不会进行计算
select count(*) from students where gender=‘男’;

– 最大值
– max
– 查询最大的年龄
select max(age) from students;

– 查询女性的最高 身高
select max(height) from students where gender =‘女’;

– 最小值
– min
select min(age) from students ;

– 求和
– sum
– 计算所有人的年龄总和
select sum(age) from students;

– 平均值
– avg
– 计算平均年龄
select avg(age) from students;

– 计算平均年龄 sum(age)/count()
select sum(age)/count(
) from students;

– 四舍五入 round(123.23 , 1) 保留1位小数
– 计算所有人的平均年龄,保留2位小数
select round (avg(age),2) from students;

– 计算男性的平均身高 保留2位小数
select round(avg(height),2) from students where gender=‘男’;
select avg(height) from students where gender = ‘男’;

– 分组

– group by
– 按照性别分组,查询所有的性别
– select 分组字段 from 表名 group by 分组字段;
select gender from students group by gender;

select 分组字段 from 表名 group by 分组字段;

– 计算每种性别中的人数
select gender,count(*) from students group by gender;

– group_concat(…)
– 查询同种性别中的姓名
select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender;

– 查询每组性别的平均年龄
select gender,avg(age) from students group by gender;

– select * from students where
– group by xxx having having用在分组条件
– having(注意having和group by 连用 having后通常也要跟 聚合函数)
– 查询平均年龄超过30岁的性别,以及姓名
select gender ,avg(age) from students group by gender having avg(age) > 30;

– 查询每种性别中的人数多于2个的信息
select gender,count() from students group by gender having count() > 2;

– with rollup 汇总的作用(了解)
–select gender,count() from students group by gender with rollup;
select gender,count(
) from students group by gender with rollup having count(*) >2;

select gender,avg(height),group_concat(name) from students group by gender having avg(height) > 160 and gender=‘女’;

– limit 起始位置,个数, 这个一定要放在最后
– 分页
– limit start, count
– limit 放在最后面(注意)

起始位置 = (页数-1)*每页的个数

– 限制查询出来的数据个数
– 查询前5个数据
select * from students limit 0,5;

– 每页显示2个,第1个页面
select * from students limit 0,2;
– 每页显示2个,第2个页面
select * from students limit 2,2;

– 每页显示2个,第3个页面
select * from students limit 4,2;

– 每页显示2个,第4个页面
select * from students limit 6,2;

– 每页显示2个,显示第6页的信息, 按照年龄从小到大排序
select * from students order by age asc limit 6,2;
– 如果重新排序了,那么会显示第一页

– 连接查询
– inner join … on
– select … from 表A inner join 表B;
– 查询 有能够对应班级的学生以及班级信息
select * from students inner join classes on students.cls_id =;

– 按照要求显示姓名、班级
select, from students inner join classes on students.cls_id =;

– 给数据表起名字
select, from students as s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id =;

– 查询 有能够对应班级的学生以及班级信息,显示学生的所有信息 students.,只显示班级名称
select students.
, from students inner join classes on students.cls_id =;

– 在以上的查询中,将班级名显示在第1列
select,students.* from students inner join classes on students.cls_id =;

– 查询 有能够对应班级的学生以及班级信息, 按照班级名进行排序
select,students.* from students inner join classes on students.cls_id = order by asc;

– 当时同一个班级的时候,按照学生的id进行从小到大排序
select,students.* from students inner join classes on students.cls_id = order by asc, asc;

#如果是group by 条件使用having
#如果是inner join条件使用on

– left join
– 查询每位学生对应的班级信息
select * from students left join classes on students.cls_id =;

– 查询没有对应班级信息的学生
select * from students left join classes on students.cls_id = where is null;

– right join on
– 将数据表名字互换位置,用left join完成

select * from students right join classes on students.cls_id =;

select * from classes right join students on students.cls_id =;

– 子查询
– 标量子查询: 子查询返回的结果是一个数据(一行一列)
– 列子查询: 返回的结果是一列(一列多行)
– 行子查询: 返回的结果是一行(一行多列)

– 查询出高于平均身高的信息(height)
select avg(height) from students;

select * from students where height > 172;

select * from students where height > (select avg(height) from students);

– 查询学生的班级号能够对应的 学生名字
select * from students where cls_id in (1,2);

select id from classes;

select * from students where cls_id in (select id from classes);

create table areas(
aid int primary key,
atitle varchar(20),
pid int
– source 具体地址/areas.sql;
source areas.sql;

select * from areas where pid is null;

select aid from areas where atitle = ‘山西省’;
select * from areas where pid = (select aid from areas where atitle = ‘山西省’);

select * from areas as a1 inner join areas as a2 on = a2.aid where a2.atitle=‘山西省’;

select * from areas where pid = (select aid from areas where atitle = ‘广州市’);

select * from areas as a1 inner join areas as a2 on = a2.aid where a2.atitle=‘广州市’;


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