Access vba实例

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command0_Click()
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim name As String, pass As String
    On Error Resume Next
    strSQL = "select top 1 from Inventorytemp"
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection
    If (Err) Then
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        strSQL = "select * into Inventorytemp from [Inventory-raw]"
        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        strSQL = "drop table [Inventory-raw]"
        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
        strSQL = "select * into Inventorytemp from [Inventory-raw]"
        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    strSQL = "delete * from [SO Allocation-BY LOT] "
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True

    '读取so type配置表
    Dim sortrs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set sortrs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sortorder As String
    sortorder = ""
    strSQL = "select * from [orderstatus] order by id"
    sortrs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
    If sortrs.EOF Then
        'MsgBox "请检查排序配置表!"
        'sortorder = sortorder + " [Ship to]"
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim laststr As String
        laststr = "999999)"
        count = 1
        Do While Not sortrs.EOF
            sortorder = sortorder + " IIf ([Order Status] ='" & sortrs("Order Status") & "'," & sortrs("id") & ","
            If count = sortrs.RecordCount Then
              sortorder = sortorder + laststr
            laststr = laststr + ")"
            count = count + 1
            End If
    End If
    '读取ship to 配置
    Dim shiptors As ADODB.Recordset
    Set shiptors = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sortshipto As String
    sortshipto = ""
    strSQL = "select * from [shipto] order by id"
    shiptors.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
    If shiptors.EOF Then
        'MsgBox "请检查排序配置表!"
        Dim count2 As Integer
        Dim laststr2 As String
        laststr2 = "999999)"
        count2 = 1
        Do While Not shiptors.EOF
            sortshipto = sortshipto + " IIf ([Ship To] =" & shiptors("Ship To") & "," & shiptors("id") & ","
            If count2 = shiptors.RecordCount Then
              sortshipto = sortshipto + laststr2
            laststr2 = laststr2 + ")"
            count2 = count2 + 1
            End If
    End If

    strSQL = "select * from [SO Backlog Report-raw]" + " order by " + sortorder + "," + sortshipto + ", [Order Number] ,[Line Number]"
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
    If rs.EOF Then
    MsgBox "请检查源数据!"
       '读取ship to 配置[Location Number]
        Dim Locationrs As ADODB.Recordset
        Set Locationrs = New ADODB.Recordset
        Dim sortLocation As String
        sortLocation = ""
        strSQL = "select * from [LocationNumber] order by id"
        Locationrs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
        If Locationrs.EOF Then
            'MsgBox "请检查排序配置表!"
            Dim count3 As Integer
            Dim laststr3 As String
            laststr3 = "999999)"
            count3 = 1
            Do While Not Locationrs.EOF
                sortLocation = sortLocation + " IIf ([Location Number] ='" & Locationrs("Location Number") & "'," & Locationrs("id") & ","
                If count3 = Locationrs.RecordCount Then
                  sortLocation = sortLocation + laststr3
                laststr3 = laststr3 + ")"
                count3 = count3 + 1
                End If
        End If
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            'MsgBox "'" & rs("ordernumber") & "'"
            Dim Inrs As ADODB.Recordset
            Set Inrs = New ADODB.Recordset
            strSQL = "select * from [Inventorytemp] where [Item Number]='" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "' and [Purchasing Qty]>0" + " order by " + sortLocation
            Inrs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
                If Inrs.EOF Then
                     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [SO Allocation-BY LOT]([BU],[Order Status],[SUB BU],[Or Date Ty],[Order Number],[Or Ty],[Line Number],[2nd Item Number],[Quantity],[UOM],[Unit Price],"
                     strSQL = strSQL + "[Total Amount],[Extended Amount],[Quantity Shipped],[Quantity Backordered],[Branch/Plant],[Location],[Lot Serial Number],[Last Status],[Next Status],[Pick Number]"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",[Document Number],[Doc Ty],[Invoice Date],[Ship To Description],[Ship To],[Sold To],[Customer PO],[Description 1],[Order Date],[Request Date],[Price Effective Date]"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",[Branch/Plant2],[Location2],[Lot Serial Number2],[可配货数量],[可配货金额])"
                     strSQL = strSQL + " values('" & rs("bu") & "','" & rs("Order Status") & "','" & rs("SUB BU") & "','" & rs("Or Date Ty") & "','" & rs("Order Number") & "','" & rs("Or Ty") & "'"
                     strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Line Number") & "','" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "','" & rs("Quantity") & "','" & rs("UOM") & "','" & rs("Unit Price") & "','" & rs("Total Amount") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Extended Amount") & "','" & rs("Quantity Shipped") & "','" & rs("Quantity Backordered") & "','" & rs("Branch/Plant") & "','" & rs("Location") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Lot Serial Number") & "','" & rs("Last Status") & "','" & rs("Next Status") & "','" & rs("Pick Number") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Document Number") & "','" & rs("Doc Ty") & "','" & rs("Invoice Date") & "','" & Replace(rs("Ship To Description"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Ship To") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Sold To") & "','" & rs("Customer PO") & "','" & Replace(rs("Description 1"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Order Date") & "','" & rs("Request Date") & "','" & rs("Price Effective Date") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",null,null,null,0,0)"
                    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                    Dim num As Integer
                    num = 0
                    Do While Not Inrs.EOF
                    If (num >= rs("Quantity")) Then
                        Exit Do
                        If (Inrs("Purchasing Qty") + num >= rs("Quantity")) Then
                            strSQL = "INSERT INTO [SO Allocation-BY LOT]([BU],[Order Status],[SUB BU],[Or Date Ty],[Order Number],[Or Ty],[Line Number],[2nd Item Number],[Quantity],[UOM],[Unit Price],"
                            strSQL = strSQL + "[Total Amount],[Extended Amount],[Quantity Shipped],[Quantity Backordered],[Branch/Plant],[Location],[Lot Serial Number],[Last Status],[Next Status],[Pick Number]"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",[Document Number],[Doc Ty],[Invoice Date],[Ship To Description],[Ship To],[Sold To],[Customer PO],[Description 1],[Order Date],[Request Date],[Price Effective Date]"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",[Branch/Plant2],[Location2],[Lot Serial Number2],[可配货数量],[可配货金额])"
                            strSQL = strSQL + " values('" & rs("bu") & "','" & rs("Order Status") & "','" & rs("SUB BU") & "','" & rs("Or Date Ty") & "','" & rs("Order Number") & "','" & rs("Or Ty") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Line Number") & "','" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "','" & rs("Quantity") & "','" & rs("UOM") & "','" & rs("Unit Price") & "','" & rs("Total Amount") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Extended Amount") & "','" & rs("Quantity Shipped") & "','" & rs("Quantity Backordered") & "','" & rs("Branch/Plant") & "','" & rs("Location") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Lot Serial Number") & "','" & rs("Last Status") & "','" & rs("Next Status") & "','" & rs("Pick Number") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Document Number") & "','" & rs("Doc Ty") & "','" & rs("Invoice Date") & "','" & Replace(rs("Ship To Description"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Ship To") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Sold To") & "','" & rs("Customer PO") & "','" & Replace(rs("Description 1"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Order Date") & "','" & rs("Request Date") & "','" & rs("Price Effective Date") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & Inrs("B/P#") & "','" & Inrs("Location Number") & "','" & Inrs("Lot Number") & "','" & rs("Quantity") - num & "','" & (rs("Quantity") - num) * Inrs("SBJ DNP ") & "')"
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                            DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                                Dim aaa As Single
                                aaa = (rs("Quantity") - num) * Inrs("SBJ DNP ")
                                strSQL = "update [Inventorytemp] set [Purchasing Qty]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Qty") - rs("Quantity") + num & ",[Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") - aaa & "  where [B/P#]=" & Inrs("B/P#") & " and [Location Number]='" & Inrs("Location Number") & "'"
                                strSQL = strSQL + " and [Item Number]='" & Inrs("Item Number") & "' and [Purchasing Qty]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Qty") & " and [Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") & ""
                                DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                            num = num + (rs("Quantity") - num)
                            strSQL = "INSERT INTO [SO Allocation-BY LOT]([BU],[Order Status],[SUB BU],[Or Date Ty],[Order Number],[Or Ty],[Line Number],[2nd Item Number],[Quantity],[UOM],[Unit Price],"
                            strSQL = strSQL + "[Total Amount],[Extended Amount],[Quantity Shipped],[Quantity Backordered],[Branch/Plant],[Location],[Lot Serial Number],[Last Status],[Next Status],[Pick Number]"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",[Document Number],[Doc Ty],[Invoice Date],[Ship To Description],[Ship To],[Sold To],[Customer PO],[Description 1],[Order Date],[Request Date],[Price Effective Date]"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",[Branch/Plant2],[Location2],[Lot Serial Number2],[可配货数量],[可配货金额])"
                            strSQL = strSQL + " values('" & rs("bu") & "','" & rs("Order Status") & "','" & rs("SUB BU") & "','" & rs("Or Date Ty") & "','" & rs("Order Number") & "','" & rs("Or Ty") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Line Number") & "','" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "','" & rs("Quantity") & "','" & rs("UOM") & "','" & rs("Unit Price") & "','" & rs("Total Amount") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Extended Amount") & "','" & rs("Quantity Shipped") & "','" & rs("Quantity Backordered") & "','" & rs("Branch/Plant") & "','" & rs("Location") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Lot Serial Number") & "','" & rs("Last Status") & "','" & rs("Next Status") & "','" & rs("Pick Number") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Document Number") & "','" & rs("Doc Ty") & "','" & rs("Invoice Date") & "','" & Replace(rs("Ship To Description"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Ship To") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Sold To") & "','" & rs("Customer PO") & "','" & Replace(rs("Description 1"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Order Date") & "','" & rs("Request Date") & "','" & rs("Price Effective Date") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & Inrs("B/P#") & "','" & Inrs("Location Number") & "','" & Inrs("Lot Number") & "','" & Inrs("Purchasing Qty") & "','" & Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") & "')"
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                            DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                                 strSQL = "update [Inventorytemp] set [Purchasing Qty]=0,[Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=0 where [B/P#]=" & Inrs("B/P#") & " and [Location Number]='" & Inrs("Location Number") & "'"
                                 strSQL = strSQL + " and [Item Number]='" & Inrs("Item Number") & "' and [Purchasing Qty]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Qty") & " and [Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") & ""
                                 DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                            num = num + Inrs("Purchasing Qty")
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
    End If
    DoCmd.OpenTable "SO Allocation-BY LOT"
End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim name As String, pass As String
    On Error Resume Next
    strSQL = "select top 1 from Inventorytempwithoutlot"
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection
    If (Err) Then
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        strSQL = "select * into Inventorytempwithoutlot from [Inventory-raw]"
        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        strSQL = "drop table [Inventorytempwithoutlot]"
        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
        strSQL = "select * into Inventorytempwithoutlot from [Inventory-raw]"
        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    strSQL = "delete * from [SO Allocation-without LOT] "
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    '读取so type配置表
    Dim sortrs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set sortrs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sortorder As String
    sortorder = ""
    strSQL = "select * from [orderstatus] order by id"
    sortrs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
    If sortrs.EOF Then
        'MsgBox "请检查排序配置表!"
        'sortorder = sortorder + " [Ship to]"
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim laststr As String
        laststr = "999999)"
        count = 1
        Do While Not sortrs.EOF
            sortorder = sortorder + " IIf ([Order Status] ='" & sortrs("Order Status") & "'," & sortrs("id") & ","
            If count = sortrs.RecordCount Then
              sortorder = sortorder + laststr
            laststr = laststr + ")"
            count = count + 1
            End If
    End If
    '读取ship to 配置
    Dim shiptors As ADODB.Recordset
    Set shiptors = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sortshipto As String
    sortshipto = ""
    strSQL = "select * from [shipto] order by id"
    shiptors.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
    If shiptors.EOF Then
        'MsgBox "请检查排序配置表!"
        Dim count2 As Integer
        Dim laststr2 As String
        laststr2 = "999999)"
        count2 = 1
        Do While Not shiptors.EOF
            sortshipto = sortshipto + " IIf ([Ship To] =" & shiptors("Ship To") & "," & shiptors("id") & ","
            If count2 = shiptors.RecordCount Then
              sortshipto = sortshipto + laststr2
            laststr2 = laststr2 + ")"
            count2 = count2 + 1
            End If
    End If
    strSQL = "select * from [SO Backlog Report-raw]"
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
    If rs.EOF Then
    MsgBox "请检查源数据!"
    '读取ship to 配置[Location Number]
        Dim Locationrs As ADODB.Recordset
        Set Locationrs = New ADODB.Recordset
        Dim sortLocation As String
        sortLocation = ""
        strSQL = "select * from [LocationNumber] order by id"
        Locationrs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
        If Locationrs.EOF Then
            'MsgBox "请检查排序配置表!"
            Dim count3 As Integer
            Dim laststr3 As String
            laststr3 = "999999)"
            count3 = 1
            Do While Not Locationrs.EOF
                sortLocation = sortLocation + " IIf ([Location Number] ='" & Locationrs("Location Number") & "'," & Locationrs("id") & ","
                If count3 = Locationrs.RecordCount Then
                  sortLocation = sortLocation + laststr3
                laststr3 = laststr3 + ")"
                count3 = count3 + 1
                End If
        End If
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            'MsgBox "'" & rs("ordernumber") & "'"
            Dim Inrs As ADODB.Recordset
            Set Inrs = New ADODB.Recordset
            'Dim strInSQL As String
            strSQL = "select * from [Inventorytempwithoutlot] where [Item Number]='" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "' and [Purchasing Qty]>0" + " order by " + sortLocation
            Inrs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
                If Inrs.EOF Then
                     strSQL = "INSERT INTO [SO Allocation-without LOT]([BU],[Order Status],[SUB BU],[Or Date Ty],[Order Number],[Or Ty],[Line Number],[2nd Item Number],[Quantity],[UOM],[Unit Price],"
                     strSQL = strSQL + "[Total Amount],[Extended Amount],[Quantity Shipped],[Quantity Backordered],[Branch/Plant],[Location],[Lot Serial Number],[Last Status],[Next Status],[Pick Number]"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",[Document Number],[Doc Ty],[Invoice Date],[Ship To Description],[Ship To],[Sold To],[Customer PO],[Description 1],[Order Date],[Request Date],[Price Effective Date]"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",[可配货数量],[可配货金额])"
                     strSQL = strSQL + " values('" & rs("bu") & "','" & rs("Order Status") & "','" & rs("SUB BU") & "','" & rs("Or Date Ty") & "','" & rs("Order Number") & "','" & rs("Or Ty") & "'"
                     strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Line Number") & "','" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "','" & rs("Quantity") & "','" & rs("UOM") & "','" & rs("Unit Price") & "','" & rs("Total Amount") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Extended Amount") & "','" & rs("Quantity Shipped") & "','" & rs("Quantity Backordered") & "','" & rs("Branch/Plant") & "','" & rs("Location") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Lot Serial Number") & "','" & rs("Last Status") & "','" & rs("Next Status") & "','" & rs("Pick Number") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Document Number") & "','" & rs("Doc Ty") & "','" & rs("Invoice Date") & "','" & Replace(rs("Ship To Description"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Ship To") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Sold To") & "','" & rs("Customer PO") & "','" & Replace(rs("Description 1"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Order Date") & "','" & rs("Request Date") & "','" & rs("Price Effective Date") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",0,0)"
                    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                    Dim num As Integer
                    num = 0
                    Dim Allocableamount As Double
                    Allocableamount = 0
                    Dim account As Integer
                    account = 1
                    Do While Not Inrs.EOF
                    If (num >= rs("Quantity")) Then
                        Exit Do
                        If (Inrs("Purchasing Qty") + num >= rs("Quantity")) Then
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                            Dim aaa As Double
                            aaa = (rs("Quantity") - num) * Inrs("SBJ DNP ")
                            strSQL = "update [Inventorytempwithoutlot] set [Purchasing Qty]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Qty") - rs("Quantity") + num & ",[Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") - aaa & "  where [B/P#]=" & Inrs("B/P#") & " and [Location Number]='" & Inrs("Location Number") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + " and [Item Number]='" & Inrs("Item Number") & "' and [Purchasing Qty]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Qty") & " and [Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") & ""
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                            DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                            num = num + (rs("Quantity") - num)
                            Allocableamount = Allocableamount + aaa
                            strSQL = "INSERT INTO [SO Allocation-without LOT]([BU],[Order Status],[SUB BU],[Or Date Ty],[Order Number],[Or Ty],[Line Number],[2nd Item Number],[Quantity],[UOM],[Unit Price],"
                            strSQL = strSQL + "[Total Amount],[Extended Amount],[Quantity Shipped],[Quantity Backordered],[Branch/Plant],[Location],[Lot Serial Number],[Last Status],[Next Status],[Pick Number]"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",[Document Number],[Doc Ty],[Invoice Date],[Ship To Description],[Ship To],[Sold To],[Customer PO],[Description 1],[Order Date],[Request Date],[Price Effective Date]"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",[可配货数量],[可配货金额])"
                            strSQL = strSQL + " values('" & rs("bu") & "','" & rs("Order Status") & "','" & rs("SUB BU") & "','" & rs("Or Date Ty") & "','" & rs("Order Number") & "','" & rs("Or Ty") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Line Number") & "','" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "','" & rs("Quantity") & "','" & rs("UOM") & "','" & rs("Unit Price") & "','" & rs("Total Amount") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Extended Amount") & "','" & rs("Quantity Shipped") & "','" & rs("Quantity Backordered") & "','" & rs("Branch/Plant") & "','" & rs("Location") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Lot Serial Number") & "','" & rs("Last Status") & "','" & rs("Next Status") & "','" & rs("Pick Number") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Document Number") & "','" & rs("Doc Ty") & "','" & rs("Invoice Date") & "','" & Replace(rs("Ship To Description"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Ship To") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Sold To") & "','" & rs("Customer PO") & "','" & Replace(rs("Description 1"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Order Date") & "','" & rs("Request Date") & "','" & rs("Price Effective Date") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & num & "','" & Allocableamount & "')"
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                            DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                            strSQL = "update [Inventorytempwithoutlot] set [Purchasing Qty]=0,[Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=0 where [B/P#]=" & Inrs("B/P#") & " and [Location Number]='" & Inrs("Location Number") & "'"
                            strSQL = strSQL + " and [Item Number]='" & Inrs("Item Number") & "' and [Purchasing Qty]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Qty") & " and [Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)]=" & Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") & ""
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                            DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                            num = num + Inrs("Purchasing Qty")
                            Allocableamount = Allocableamount + Inrs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)")
                            If account = Inrs.RecordCount Then
                                strSQL = "INSERT INTO [SO Allocation-without LOT]([BU],[Order Status],[SUB BU],[Or Date Ty],[Order Number],[Or Ty],[Line Number],[2nd Item Number],[Quantity],[UOM],[Unit Price],"
                                strSQL = strSQL + "[Total Amount],[Extended Amount],[Quantity Shipped],[Quantity Backordered],[Branch/Plant],[Location],[Lot Serial Number],[Last Status],[Next Status],[Pick Number]"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",[Document Number],[Doc Ty],[Invoice Date],[Ship To Description],[Ship To],[Sold To],[Customer PO],[Description 1],[Order Date],[Request Date],[Price Effective Date]"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",[可配货数量],[可配货金额])"
                                strSQL = strSQL + " values('" & rs("bu") & "','" & rs("Order Status") & "','" & rs("SUB BU") & "','" & rs("Or Date Ty") & "','" & rs("Order Number") & "','" & rs("Or Ty") & "'"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Line Number") & "','" & rs("2nd Item Number") & "','" & rs("Quantity") & "','" & rs("UOM") & "','" & rs("Unit Price") & "','" & rs("Total Amount") & "'"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Extended Amount") & "','" & rs("Quantity Shipped") & "','" & rs("Quantity Backordered") & "','" & rs("Branch/Plant") & "','" & rs("Location") & "'"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Lot Serial Number") & "','" & rs("Last Status") & "','" & rs("Next Status") & "','" & rs("Pick Number") & "'"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Document Number") & "','" & rs("Doc Ty") & "','" & rs("Invoice Date") & "','" & Replace(rs("Ship To Description"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Ship To") & "'"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Sold To") & "','" & rs("Customer PO") & "','" & Replace(rs("Description 1"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Order Date") & "','" & rs("Request Date") & "','" & rs("Price Effective Date") & "'"
                                strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & num & "','" & Allocableamount & "')"
                                DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                                DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                                DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                            account = account + 1
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
    End If
    '打开表按ship to ,order status 排序
    DoCmd.OpenTable "SO Allocation-without LOT"

End Sub
Private Sub Command12_Click()
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "delete * from [Available Inventory]"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    strSQL = "select * from [Inventory-raw]"
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
      If rs.EOF Then
      MsgBox "请检查源数据!"
       Do While Not rs.EOF
            Dim rstemp As ADODB.Recordset
            Set rstemp = New ADODB.Recordset
            'strSQL = "select * from [Inventorytemp] where [B/P#]=" & rs("B/P#") & " and [Location Number]='" & Inrs("Location Number") & "' and [Item Number]='" & Inrs("Item Number") & "' and  [Lot Number]='" & Inrs("Lot Number") & "'"
            strSQL = "select * from [Inventorytemp] where [B/P#]=" & rs("B/P#") & " and [Location Number]='" & rs("Location Number") & "' and [Item Number]='" & rs("Item Number") & "' and  [Lot Number]='" & rs("Lot Number") & "'"
            rstemp.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
                If rstemp.EOF Then
                MsgBox "请检查源数据!"
                ElseIf (rstemp.RecordCount = 1) Then
                    strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Available Inventory]([B/P#],[Location Number],[Item Number],[Item Description],[Purchasing UOM],[Packing Size],[Unit Price in local Currency]"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",[Amount Price in local Currency],[Vendor Code],[Vendor Name],[Manufacturing Date],[Expiry Date],[Implant Instruments(Y/N)],[Product Line Name],[Report Date],[Local Product Group]"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",[License Number],[License Effective Date],[License Expiry Date],[XRef SuppItem number],[BU],[Purchasing Qty],[SBJ DNP ],[Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)],[Bridge Buy (Y or N)],[PLCM Investment]"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",[Committed Qty],[Commtitted INV Amout by DNP],[Available INV Qty],[Available INV Amount by DNP])"
                    strSQL = strSQL + " values('" & rs("B/P#") & "','" & rs("Location Number") & "','" & rs("Item Number") & "','" & Replace(rs("Item Description"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("Purchasing UOM") & "','" & rs("Packing Size") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Unit Price in local Currency") & "','" & rs("Amount Price in local Currency") & "','" & rs("Vendor Code") & "','" & rs("Vendor Name") & "','" & rs("Manufacturing Date") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Expiry Date") & "','" & rs("Implant Instruments(Y/N)") & "','" & rs("Product Line Name") & "','" & rs("Report Date") & "','" & rs("Local Product Group") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & Replace(rs("License Number"), "'", "") & "','" & rs("License Effective Date") & "','" & rs("License Expiry Date") & "','" & Replace(rs("XRef SuppItem number"), "'", " ") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("BU") & "','" & rs("Purchasing Qty") & "','" & rs("SBJ DNP ") & "','" & rs("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") & "','" & rs("Bridge Buy (Y or N)") & "','" & rs("PLCM Investment") & "'"
                    strSQL = strSQL + ",'" & rs("Purchasing Qty") & "','" & rs("Purchasing Qty") * rs("SBJ DNP ") & "','" & rstemp("Purchasing Qty") & "','" & rstemp("Purchasing Stock Value(DNP)") & "')"
                    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                MsgBox "请检查源数据!"
                End If
      End If
    DoCmd.OpenTable "Available Inventory"
End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "delete * from [report]"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Dim onwhere As String
    strSQL = "SELECT a.[bu] AS BU, a.[Dealer] AS Dealer, a.[Overdue] AS [OverdueOrderStatus], a.[Current] AS [CurrentOrderStatus],"
    strSQL = strSQL + "a.[Future] AS [FutureOrderStatus], b.[Overdue] AS [OverdueAllocation], b.[Current] AS [CurrentAllocation], "
    strSQL = strSQL + "b.[Future] AS [FutureAllocation]"
    strSQL = strSQL + " FROM (SELECT Min([SO Backlog Report-raw].bu) AS BU, Max([SO Backlog Report-raw].[Ship To Description]) AS Dealer, Sum(iif([Order Status]='Overdue'"
    strSQL = strSQL + ",[Quantity],0)) AS Overdue, Sum(iif([Order Status]='Current',[Quantity],0)) AS [Current], Sum(iif([Order Status]='Future',"
    strSQL = strSQL + "[Quantity],0)) AS Future FROM [SO Backlog Report-raw] GROUP BY [SO Backlog Report-raw].[bu], [SO Backlog Report-raw].[Ship To Description])  AS a "
    'strSQL = strSQL + " Inner JOIN (SELECT Min([SO Allocation-BY LOT].bu) AS BU, Max([SO Allocation-BY LOT].[Ship To Description]) AS Dealer, Sum(iif([Order Status]='Overdue',[可配货数量],0)) AS Overdue, "
    strSQL = strSQL + " Left JOIN (SELECT Min([SO Allocation-BY LOT].bu) AS BU, Max([SO Allocation-BY LOT].[Ship To Description]) AS Dealer, Sum(iif([Order Status]='Overdue',[可配货数量],0)) AS Overdue, "
    strSQL = strSQL + "Sum(iif([Order Status]='Current',[可配货数量],0)) AS [Current], Sum(iif([Order Status]='Future',[可配货数量],0)) AS Future FROM [SO Allocation-BY LOT]"
    'strSQL = strSQL + "GROUP BY [SO Allocation-BY LOT].[bu], [SO Allocation-BY LOT].[Ship To Description])  AS b On (a.[Dealer]=b.[Dealer]) and (a.[bu]=b.[bu])"
    strSQL = strSQL + "GROUP BY [SO Allocation-BY LOT].[bu], [SO Allocation-BY LOT].[Ship To Description])  AS b On (Replace(a.[Dealer],""'"","" "")=b.[Dealer]) and (a.[bu]=b.[bu])"
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.AccessConnection, adOpenKeyset
      If rs.EOF Then
      MsgBox "请检查源数据!"
          Dim Overduerate As String
          Dim Currentrate As String
          Dim Futurerate As String
          Dim Total As String
          Dim Overdueaccount As Long
          Overdueaccount = 0
          Dim Currenteaccount As Long
          Currenteaccount = 0
          Dim Futureaccount As Long
          Futureaccount = 0

          Dim AllocationOverdueaccount As Long
          AllocationOverdueaccount = 0
          Dim AllocationCurrenteaccount As Long
          AllocationCurrenteaccount = 0
          Dim AllocationFutureaccount As Long
          AllocationFutureaccount = 0

          Do While Not rs.EOF
             Overdueaccount = Overdueaccount + rs("OverdueOrderStatus")
             Currenteaccount = Currenteaccount + rs("CurrentOrderStatus")
             Futureaccount = Futureaccount + rs("FutureOrderStatus")
             If (IsNull(rs("OverdueAllocation"))) Then
             AllocationOverdueaccount = AllocationOverdueaccount + rs("OverdueAllocation")
             End If
             If (IsNull(rs("CurrentAllocation"))) Then
             AllocationCurrenteaccount = AllocationCurrenteaccount + rs("CurrentAllocation")
             End If
             If (IsNull(rs("FutureAllocation"))) Then
             AllocationFutureaccount = AllocationFutureaccount + rs("FutureAllocation")
             End If
             If (rs("OverdueOrderStatus") = 0 Or IsNull(rs("OverdueAllocation"))) Then
             Overduerate = "0%"
             Overduerate = CStr(Round(rs("OverdueAllocation") / rs("OverdueOrderStatus"), 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             If (rs("CurrentOrderStatus") = 0 Or IsNull(rs("CurrentAllocation"))) Then
             Currentrate = "0%"
             Currentrate = CStr(Round(rs("CurrentAllocation") / rs("CurrentOrderStatus"), 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             If (rs("FutureOrderStatus") = 0 Or IsNull(rs("FutureAllocation"))) Then
             Futurerate = "0%"
             Futurerate = CStr(Round(rs("FutureAllocation") / rs("FutureOrderStatus"), 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             If (rs("OverdueOrderStatus") + rs("FutureOrderStatus") + rs("CurrentOrderStatus")) = 0 Then
             Total = "0%"
             Total = CStr(Round((rs("OverdueAllocation") + rs("FutureAllocation") + rs("CurrentAllocation")) / (rs("OverdueOrderStatus") + rs("FutureOrderStatus") + rs("CurrentOrderStatus")), 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             strSQL = "insert into report([bu],[Dealer],[超需求日未提货(Order Status)],[需求日在当月(Order Status)],[需求日大于当月(Order Status)],[超需求日未提货(Allocation)],[需求日在当月(Allocation)],[需求日大于当月(Allocation]"
             strSQL = strSQL + ",[超期配货率],[当月配货率],[未来需求配货率],[总配货率])"
             strSQL = strSQL + "values('" & rs("BU") & "','" & Replace(rs("Dealer"), "'", " ") & "','" & rs("OverdueOrderStatus") & "','" & rs("CurrentOrderStatus") & "','" & rs("FutureOrderStatus") & "',"
             strSQL = strSQL + "'" & rs("OverdueAllocation") & "','" & rs("CurrentAllocation") & "','" & rs("FutureAllocation") & "','" & Overduerate & "','" & Currentrate & "','" & Futurerate & "','" & Total & "')"
             DoCmd.SetWarnings False
             DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
             DoCmd.SetWarnings True
             Dim totalOverduerate As String
             Dim totalCurrentrate As String
             Dim totalFuturerate As String
             Dim totalTotal As String
             If Overdueaccount = 0 Then
             totalOverduerate = "0%"
             totalOverduerate = CStr(Round(AllocationOverdueaccount / Overdueaccount, 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             If Currenteaccount = 0 Then
             totalCurrentrate = "0%"
             totalCurrentrate = CStr(Round(AllocationCurrenteaccount / Currenteaccount, 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             If Futureaccount = 0 Then
             totalFuturerate = "0%"
             totalFuturerate = CStr(Round(AllocationFutureaccount / Futureaccount, 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             If (Overdueaccount + Currenteaccount + Futureaccount) = 0 Then
             totalTotal = "0%"
             totalTotal = CStr(Round((AllocationOverdueaccount + AllocationCurrenteaccount + AllocationFutureaccount) / (Overdueaccount + Currenteaccount + Futureaccount), 3) * 100) + "%"
             End If
             strSQL = "insert into report([bu],[Dealer],[超需求日未提货(Order Status)],[需求日在当月(Order Status)],[需求日大于当月(Order Status)],[超需求日未提货(Allocation)],[需求日在当月(Allocation)],[需求日大于当月(Allocation]"
             strSQL = strSQL + ",[超期配货率],[当月配货率],[未来需求配货率],[总配货率])"
             strSQL = strSQL + "values('合计',' ','" & Overdueaccount & "','" & Currenteaccount & "','" & Futureaccount & "',"
             strSQL = strSQL + "'" & AllocationOverdueaccount & "','" & AllocationCurrenteaccount & "','" & AllocationFutureaccount & "','" & totalOverduerate & "','" & totalCurrentrate & "','" & totalFuturerate & "','" & totalTotal & "')"
             DoCmd.SetWarnings False
             DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
             DoCmd.SetWarnings True
      End If
      DoCmd.OpenTable "report"
End Sub


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