Data structure notes

Data Structure
Pooint: organize data so that it can be accessed quickly and usefully.
Examples: lists,stacks,queues,heaps,search trees,hashtables,
bloom filters, union-find, etc
Rule of thumb: choose the “minimal” data structure that supports all the operations that you need.
Heap: Supported Operations
A container for objects that have keys
Insert: add a new object to a heap.
Running time: O(log(n))
Extract-Min: remove an object in heap with a minimum key value.
Running time: O(log(n))
Also:Heapify(堆化)(n batched Inserts in O(n) time), Delete (O(log(n)) time) .

Application: Sorting
Canonical use of heap: fast way to do repeated minimum computations.
Example: Selection Sort θ(n) θ ( n ) θ(n2) θ ( n 2 ) running time on array of length n
Heap Sort:
1.) insert all n array elements into a heap.
2.) Extract-Min to pluck out elements in sorted in sorted order.
Running time = 2n heap operations = O(nlog(n)) time.
Application: Speeding Up Dijkstra
Dijkstra’s Shortest-Path Algorithm
n: number of vertices,m: number of edges.
Naive implementation => running time = θ(nm) θ ( n m )
with heaps => running time = O(mlog(n))
The Heap Property
Conceptually: think of a heap as a tree.
-rooted, binary, as complete as possible
Heap Property: at every node x.
Key[x] <= all keys of x’s children
object at root must have minimum key value
Array Implementation
Note: parent[i] = i / 2 if i even else [i/2] (向下取整)if i odd
children of i are 2i, 2i + 1.
Insert and Bubble-Up(插入操作)
Implementation of Insert(given key k)
Step1: stick k at end of last level.
Step2: Bubble-Up k until heap property is restored.
1) bubbling up process must stop, with heap property restored.
2) run time = O(log(n))
Extract-Min and Bubble-Down
Implementation of Extract-Min
1.Delete toot.
2.Move last leaf to be new root.
3.Iteratively Bubble-Down until heap property has been restored.
always swap with smaller child
1.) only Bubble-Down once per level, halt with a heap
2.) run time = O(log(n))
Sorted Arrays: Supported Operations (有序数组)

operationsRunning time
Search θ(log(n)) θ ( l o g ( n ) )
Select(give order statistic l)O(1)
Predecessor/Successor(given pointer to a key)O(1)
Rank(#of keys less than or equal to a given value)O(log(n))
Output in sorted orderO(n)

Balanced Search Trees & Supported Operations (平衡二叉树)

operationsRunning time
Search θ(log(n)) θ ( l o g ( n ) )
Select(give order statistic l)O(log(n))
Predecessor/Successor(given pointer to a key)O(log(n))
Rank(#of keys less than or equal to a given value)O(log(n))
Output in sorted orderO(n)

Binary Search Tree Structure
1) exactly one node per key
2) mostly basic version:
each node has
left child pointer
right child pointer
parent pointer
The Height of a BST
Note: height[(also known as depth) longest root-leaf path]
could be anywhere from log2n l o g 2 n (best case,perferctly balanced) to n n (Worst case).
Searching and Inserting
To Search for key k in tree T
start at the root
traverse left/right child pointers as needed
return node with key k or NULL, as appreciable.
To Insert a new key k into a tree T
search for k(unsuccessfully)
rewrite final NULL ptr to point to a new node with key k.

In-Order Traversal
To print out keys in increasing order
Let r = root of search tree, with subtrees TL and TR
recurse on TL
[by recursion(induction) prints out keys of TL in increasing order]
Print out r’s key
Recurse on TR
[prints out keys of TR in increasing order]
To delete a key k from a search tree.
Search for k
Easy case(k’s node has no children)
Just delete k’s node from tree,done
Medium case(k’s node has one child)
(unique child assumes(夺取) position previously held by k’s node)
Deletion(con’ d)
(Difficult case(k’s node has 2 children))
Compute k’s predecessor l.
[traverse k’s (non-NULL) left child ptr, then right child ptrs until no longer possible]
in it’s new position, k has no right child, k has no right child!=>easy to delete or splice(拼接) out k’s new node.
predecessor: next smallest child in the tree.
Exercise: at end, have a valid search tree.
Select and Rank
Idea: store a little bit of extra indo at each tree node about the tree itself (not about the data)
Example Augmentation: size(x) = # of tree nodes in subtree rooted at x.
Note: if x has children y and z,
then size(y)(population in left subtree) + size(z)(population in right subtree) + 1(x itself)
Also: easy to keep sizes up-to-date during an Insertion or Deletion.

Select and Rank
How to select ith i t h order statistic from augmentated search tree.(with subtree sizes)
start at root x ,with children y and z.
let a = size(y) [a=0 if x has no left child]
if a = i i -1,return x’s key.
if a i ≥ i ,recursively compute ith i t h order statistic of search tree rooted at y.
if a < i i -1,recursively compute (ia1)th order stastic of search tree rooted at z.
Running Time = θ(height) θ ( h e i g h t )
Red-Black Invariants (常量)
(1) Each node red or black
(2) Root is black
(3) No 2 reds in a row[red node => only black children]
(4)Every root-NULL (like in an unsuccessful search ) path has same number of black nodes
Height Guarantee
Claim: every red-black tree with n nodes has height 2log2(n+1) ≤ 2 l o g 2 ( n + 1 ) .
if every root-NULL path has k nodes,then tree includes (at the top) a perfectly balanced search tree of depth k-1.

/* 1.i个元素中较大值的一半放在最大堆中,较小的部分放在最小堆中
* 2.在保持两个堆的大小较为平衡
* 3.中位数分布在最大堆中的最后一个值和最小堆中的最后一个元素
* 4.插入元素j时,j>Max_heap_min,放入最大堆,j

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