IntelliJ Idea 常用快捷键列表

RunInspection command shift alt I Analyze->Run Inspection By Name 根据代码检查的例子,运行代码检查
AutoIndentLines control alt I Code->Auto-Indent Lines 自动缩进 CommentByBlockComment command alt SLASH Code->Comment With Block Comment 整段用/* */注释 CommentByLineComment command SLASH Code->Comment with Line Comment 注释 CodeCompletion control SPACE Code->Completion 代码自动完成 SmartTypeCompletion control shift SPACE Code->Completion->SmartType 智能类型完成,不太明白 CollapseBlock command shift PERIOD Code->Folding 折叠区块代码 CollapseSelection command PERIOD Code->Folding 选中某一段代码后,用这个快捷键来折叠 CollapseRegion command SUBTRACT Code->Folding->Collapse 选中后,折叠某个方法或类 CollapseAll command SUBTRACT Code->Folding->Collapse 选中后,折叠某个方法或类 CollapseAllRegions command shift SUBTRACT Code->Folding->Collapse All 折叠所有 比如折叠某个类的某个方法 CollapseRegionRecursively command alt SUBTRACT Code->Folding->Collapse Recursively 循环折叠 ExpandAll command ADD|control EQUALS Code->Folding->Expand 折叠当前方法 ExpandAllRegions command shift ADD Code->Folding->Expand All 展开所有被折叠的地方 ExpandRegion command ADD Code->Folding->Expand All 如果某个方法被折叠了,可以展开 ExpandRegionRecursively command alt ADD Code->Folding->Expand Recursively 迭代展开方法 ImplementMethods control I Code->Implement Method... 实现某个方法 InsertLiveTemplate command J Code->Insert Live Template 插入代码模板,比如sout等 MoveLineDown alt shift DOWN Code->Move Line Down 移动当前行到上一行 MoveLineUp alt shift UP Code->Move Line Up 移动当前行到下一行 MoveStatementDown command shift DOWN Code->Move Statement Down 把当前代码块,比如一个方法往下移动 MoveStatementUp command shift UP Code->Move Statement Up 把当前代码块,比如一个方法往上移动 OptimizeImports control alt O Code->Optimize Imports import优化 OverrideMethods control O Code->Override Method 重载当前类的方法 ReformatCode command alt L Code->Reformat Code 格式化代码 SurroundWith command alt T Code->Surround With 选中某一段,然后可以用if之类的包含这段 Unwrap command shift DELETE Code->Unwrap 删除,但是没有尝试出来 Generate command N Code->generate 代码生成,包括构造函数,getter setter NewElement command N Code->Generate 新建一个元素,比如getter setter方法,非常有用 ContextHelp F1 显示方法的帮助信息,比如javadoc SurroundWithLiveTemplate command alt J 选中一行或一端,然后用模版来包裹
CopyPaths command shift C Edit->Copy Path 拷贝当前文件的路径 CopyReference command alt shift C Edit->Copy Reference 拷贝引用 $Cut command X Edit->Cut 剪切 EditorDuplicate command D Edit->Duplicate Line 复制当前行到下一行 FindNext F3|command G Edit->Find->Find Next 找到下一个 SelectNextOccurrence control G Edit->Find->Find Next 选定某些个字符后,找到下一个出现的地方 FindPrevious command shift G Edit->Find->Find Previous 查找某个变量后,找到上一个出现的位置 ShowSettingsAndFindUsages command shift alt F7 Edit->Find->Find Usage Settings 打开find usages的设置 需要选中某个类,方法,变量才能执行 FindUsages alt F7 Edit->Find->Find Usages 找到类,方法或变量被使用的地方,在hierarchy中显示出来 FindUsagesInFile command F7 Edit->Find->Find Usages in File 给定一个方法或变量,在当前文件中找到用的地方 FindWordAtCaret control F3 Edit->Find->Find Word at Caret FindInPath command shift F Edit->Find->Find in Path 在文件中查找 HighlightUsagesInFile command shift F7 Edit->Find->Highlight Usages in File 选中某个变量,然后进行查找 Replace command R Edit->Find->Replace 替换 ReplaceInPath command shift R Edit->Find->Replace in Path 根据文件的路径,替换文件中的内容,可以做到全局替换 SelectAllOccurrences command control G Edit->Find->Select All Occurrences 选定某些个字符后,在当前文件中,找到所有该字符 并高亮显示 ShowUsages command alt F7 Edit->Find->Show Usages 在当前editor,显示类,方法或变量被使用的地方 UnselectPreviousOccurrence control shift G Edit->Find->Unselect Occurrence 通过Select Next Occurrence找到一些内容后,不选定这些内容 EditorIndentSelection TAB Edit->Indent Selection 把选中的内容进行缩进 $Paste command V Edit->Paste 粘贴 EditorPasteSimple command alt shift V Edit->Paste Simple 简单粘贴,不做分析 $Redo command shift Z|alt shift BACK_SPACE Edit->Redo 重复上一个动作 $Undo command Z Edit->Undo 撤销上一次修改 Find command F 查找
Editor Actions
EditorBackSpace BACK_SPACE Editor Actions->Backspace 删除 EditorChooseLookupItem ENTER Editor Actions->Choose Lookup Item EditorCutLineEnd control K Editor Actions->Cut up to Line End 剪切光标之后的到行尾的内容 $Delete DELETE Editor Actions->Delete 删除 EditorDelete DELETE Editor Actions->Delete EditorDeleteLine command BACK_SPACE Editor Actions->Delete Line 删除本行 EditorDeleteToWordEnd alt DELETE Editor Actions->Delete to Word End 删除光标后的字符到字符串的结尾 EditorDeleteToWordStart alt BACK_SPACE Editor Actions->Delete to Word Start 删除到字母开始的地方 EditorDown DOWN Editor Actions->Down 光标往下移动一行 EditorDownWithSelection shift DOWN Editor Actions->Down with Selection 往下选择 EditorLeft LEFT Editor Actions->Left 编辑器左移 EditorLeftWithSelection shift LEFT Editor Actions->Left with Selection 选择光标左边的字符 EditorCodeBlockEnd command alt CLOSE_BRACKET Editor Actions->Move Caret to Code Block End 移动光标到代码块的结尾,比如移动到方法的最后一个}处 EditorCodeBlockEndWithSelection command alt shift CLOSE_BRACKET Editor Actions->Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection 移动鼠标到代码块的结束处,并全选 EditorCodeBlockStartWithSelection command alt shift OPEN_BRACKET Editor Actions->Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection 移动光标到代码块的结尾,比如移动到方法的最后一个}处,并全选内容 EditorLineEnd command RIGHT Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line End 光标移动到行尾 EditorLineEndWithSelection shift END Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line End With Selection 光标移动到行尾,并全选 EditorLineStart command LEFT Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line Start 移动光标到行开头,很有用 EditorLineStartWithSelection command shift LEFT Editor Actions->Move Caret to Line Start with Selection 光标向左移动到行开始处,并全选 EditorPreviousWord alt LEFT Editor Actions->Move Caret to Previous Word 移动光标到上一个单词 EditorTextEnd command END Editor Actions->Move Caret to Text End 移动光标到文件的最后面 EditorTextEndWithSelection command shift END Editor Actions->Move Caret to Text End with Selection 选中从光标开始之后的内容 EditorTextStartWithSelection command shift HOME Editor Actions->Move Caret to Text Start with Selection 选中从光标之前的所有内容 EditorMoveToPageBottom command PAGE_DOWN Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Bottom 移动光标到文件底部 EditorMoveToPageBottomWithSelection command shift PAGE_DOWN Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Bottom With Selection 移动光标到文件底部,并选择 EditorMoveToPageTop command PAGE_UP Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Top 移动光标到文件顶部 EditorMoveToPageTopWithSelection command shift PAGE_UP Editor Actions->Move caret to Page Top With Selection 移动光标到文件顶部 并选择 NextTemplateVariable TAB|ENTER Editor Actions->Next Template Variable 下一个模板 EditorPageDown PAGE_DOWN Editor Actions->Page Down 往下翻一页 EditorRight RIGHT Editor Actions->Right 向右移动 EditorRightWithSelection shift RIGHT Editor Actions->Right With Selection 光标往右,并选中 EditorUnSelectWord alt DOWN Editor Actions->Shrink Selection 缩小已经选中的 EditorSplitLine command ENTER Editor Actions->Split Line 貌似和普通的回车没有太大区别 EditorStartNewLine shift ENTER Editor Actions->Start New Line 在本行之后开始一个新行,很有用的键 EditorStartNewLineBefore command alt ENTER Editor Actions->Start New Line Before Current 在本行之前开始一个新行 EditorToggleCase command shift U Editor Actions->Toggle Case 不知道 EditorUnindentSelection shift TAB Editor Actions->Unindent Line or Selection 取消行或选定内容的缩进 EditorUpWithSelection shift UP Editor Actions->Up with Selection 选中光标向上的部分 PrevParameter shift TAB Editor Actions->shift TAB EditorJoinLines control shift J Editor Join Lines 下一行与本行放在同一行中 $SelectAll command A Editor->Select All 全选 NextParameter TAB Editor->TAB EditorScrollDown control DOWN EditorToggleColumnMode shift meta 8|shift meta MULTIPLY|shift meta 8 EditorToggleInsertState INSERT ExpandAllToLevel1 command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY ExpandAllToLevel2 command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY ExpandAllToLevel3 command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY ExpandAllToLevel4 command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY ExpandAllToLevel5 command alt MULTIPLY|meta alt MULTIPLY ExpandLiveTemplateByTab TAB ExpandToLevel1 command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY ExpandToLevel2 command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY ExpandToLevel3 command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY ExpandToLevel4 command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY ExpandToLevel5 command MULTIPLY|control MULTIPLY EditorPreviousWordWithSelection alt shift LEFT 选中左边的word EditorTextStart command HOME 回到文件的第一行,非常有用 EditorPageDownWithSelection shift PAGE_DOWN 光标往下移动,并选中 EditorPageUpWithSelection shift PAGE_UP 光标往上移动,并选中
Exit command Q File->Exit 退出 SaveAll command S File->Save All 保存全部 FileChooser.TogglePathShowing command P GotoCustomRegion command alt PERIOD GotoAction command shift A Help->Find Action 可以根据快捷键,找到相应快捷键,比如输入refactor HippieBackwardCompletion alt shift SLASH HippieCompletion alt SLASH ShowSettings command COMMA Intellij IDEA->preferences 打开idea的设置 JumpToLastChange command shift BACK_SPACE FullyExpandTreeNode MULTIPLY MULTIPLY MethodDown control DOWN 不知道 MethodUp control UP EditorNextWord alt RIGHT Move Caret to Next Word 移动光标到下一个单词 EditorNextWordWithSelection alt shift RIGHT Move caret to Next Word with Selection 移动到下一个词,并全选 Synchronize command alt Y File->Synchronize 同步文件
Back command OPEN_BRACKET Navigate->Back 回退 NextOccurence command alt DOWN Navigate->Bookmarks->Next Occurence 下一个书签 ShowBookmarks command F3 Navigate->Bookmarks->Show Bookmarks 显示书签 ToggleBookmark F3 Navigate->Bookmarks->Toggle Bookmark 加书签 ToggleBookmarkWithMnemonic alt F3 Navigate->Bookmarks->Toggle Bookmark With Mnemoic 打有标示的标签 CallHierarchy control alt H Navigate->Call Hierarchy 选中某个方法后,打开该方法的调用链 GotoClass command O Navigate->Class 打开某个类 GotoDeclaration command B Navigate->Declaration 调到变量或方法声明处 GotoFile command shift O Navigate->File 打开一个文件 ShowFilePath command alt F12 Navigate->File Path 显示文件路径 FileStructurePopup command F12 Navigate->File Structure 打开文件的结构 如果是class文件,显示变量,方法;也可以xml文件的结构 Forward command CLOSE_BRACKET|meta alt RIGHT Navigate->Forward 前进 不是太明白 GotoImplementation command alt B Navigate->Implementations(s) 调到该方法的实现处 ShowNavBar command UP|alt HOME Navigate->Jump to Navigation Bar 调到导航条 GotoLine command L Navigate->Line 跳到某一行 MethodHierarchy command shift H Navigate->Method Hierarchy 不知道 方法结构,貌似不起作用 GotoNextError F2 Navigate->Next Highlighted Error 光标移到下一个错误 GotoPreviousError shift F2 Navigate->Previous Highlighted Error 跳到上一个错误处 PreviousOccurence command alt UP Navigate->Previous Occurence 不知道 GotoRelated command meta UP Navigate->Related Symbol 不知道 SelectIn alt F1 Navigate->Select In 可以进入Project View File Structure GotoSuperMethod control U Navigate->Super Method 跳到父类方法 GotoSymbol command alt O Navigate->Symbol 根据符号名打开文件 GotoTest command shift T Navigate->Test 跳到测试方法,或创建一个测试方法 GotoTypeDeclaration command shift B|control shift B Navigate->Type Declaration 调到变量的声明处 TypeHierarchy control H Navigate->Type Hierarchy 打开类型结构图 NewElementSamePlace control alt N
ActivateProjectToolWindow command 1 Other->Activate Project Tool Window 打开project window 常用 ActivateFavoritesToolWindow command 2 Other->Activate Favorites Tool Window 打开favorites window ActivateFindToolWindow command 3 Other->Activate Find Tool Window 打开find window ActivateRunToolWindow command 4 Other->Activate Run Tool Window 打开运行window 如果此工程没有运行过,则打不开 ActivateDebugToolWindow command 5 Other->Activate Debug Tool Window 打开debug windows 如果此工程没有调试过,则打不开 ActivateTODOToolWindow command 6 Other->Activate TODO Tool Window 打开TODO windows ActivateStructureToolWindow command 7 Other->Activate structure Tool Window 打开structure window ActivateHierarchyToolWindow command 8 Other->Activate Hierarchy Tool Window 打开hierarchy window ActivateChangesToolWindow command 9|meta shift 9 Other->Activate changes Tool Window 打开change window 比如git的修改 AddToFavoritesPopup alt shift F Other->Add to Favorites ExpandTreeNode ADD ADD ProjectViewChangeView alt F1 Other->Change View 切换view ClassNameCompletion control alt SPACE Other->Class Name Completion 类名自动完成 FileChooser.GotoDesktop command D Other->Desktop Directory ExportToTextFile control O Other->Export to Text File 导出到文本文件中 不起作用 EditBreakpoint command shift F8 Other->Edit 光标在断点所在行以后,可以编辑断点,比如加入条件 GotoBookmark0 control 0 Other->Goto Bookmark 0 跳到第0个书签处 GotoBookmark1 control 1 Other->Goto Bookmark 1 跳到第1个书签处 GotoBookmark2 control 2 Other->Goto Bookmark 2 跳到第2个书签处 GotoBookmark3 control 3 Other->Goto Bookmark 3 跳到第3个书签处 GotoBookmark4 control 4 Other->Goto Bookmark 4 跳到第4个书签处 GotoBookmark5 control 5 Other->Goto Bookmark 5 跳到第5个书签处 GotoBookmark6 control 6 Other->Goto Bookmark 6 跳到第6个书签处 GotoBookmark7 control 7 Other->Goto Bookmark 7 跳到第7个书签处 GotoBookmark8 control 8 Other->Goto Bookmark 8 跳到第8个书签处 GotoBookmark9 control 9 Other->Goto Bookmark 9 跳到第9个书签处 CodeInspection.OnEditor alt shift I Other->Inspect Code With Editor Settings EditorLookupDown control DOWN Other->Lookup down EditorLookupUp control UP Other->Lookup up MaintenanceAction command alt shift SLASH Other->Maintenance ActivateMessagesToolWindow command 0 Other->Messages 打开消息窗口 FileChooser.GotoModule command 3 Other->Module Directory FileChooser.NewFolder command N Other->New Folder Console.Open command shift F10 Other->Open Console 打开console EditSourceInNewWindow shift F4 Other->Open Source in New Window 用新窗口打开文件 PreviousEditorTab control shift LEFT Other->Previous Editor Tab 不知道 怎么用 FileChooser.GotoProject command 2 Other->Project Directory Refresh command R Other->Refresh 这个键与替换快捷键重复了 RemoveFromFavorites control DELETE Other->Remove From Favorites Rerun command R Other->Rerun 再次运行 RerunTests control command R 再次运行测试 DuplicatesForm.SendToLeft command 1 Other->Send to Left DuplicatesForm.SendToRight command 2 Other->Send to Right ShowIntentionActions alt ENTER Other->Show Intention Actions 自动完成功能,比如引入一个变量,最常用的功能之一 ShowReformatFileDialog command shift alt L Other->Show Reformat File Dialog 显示格式化代码的对话框 Switcher ctrl TAB|ctrl shift TAB Other->Switcher 弹出列表,可以在打开的文件列表中切换 EditorChooseLookupItemReplace TAB Other->TAB ActivateTerminalToolWindow alt F12 Other->Terminal 打开终端 ToggleBookmark0 control shift 0 Other->Toggle Bookmark 0 在当前打上第0个书签 ToggleBookmark1 control shift 1 Other->Toggle Bookmark 1 在当前打上第1个书签 ToggleBookmark2 control shift 2 Other->Toggle Bookmark 2 在当前打上第2个书签 ToggleBookmark3 control shift 3 Other->Toggle Bookmark 3 在当前打上第3个书签 ToggleBookmark4 control shift 4 Other->Toggle Bookmark 4 在当前打上第4个书签 ToggleBookmark5 control shift 5 Other->Toggle Bookmark 5 在当前打上第5个书签 ToggleBookmark6 control shift 6 Other->Toggle Bookmark 6 在当前打上第6个书签 ToggleBookmark7 control shift 7 Other->Toggle Bookmark 7 在当前打上第7个书签 ToggleBookmark8 control shift 8 Other->Toggle Bookmark 8 在当前打上第8个书签 ToggleBookmark9 control shift 9 Other->Toggle Bookmark 9 在当前打上第9个书签 PasteMultiple command shift V|control shift INSERT 粘贴多行 PopupHector command alt shift H QuickChangeScheme control BACK_QUOTE Console.History.Browse command alt E 展示console中的历史
Refactor菜单 重构部分
ChangeTypeSignature command shift F6 类型迁移 ChangeSignature command F6 Refactor->Change Signature 修改方法 CopyElement F5 Refactor->Copy 拷贝,比如拷贝一个类 IntroduceConstant command alt C Refactor->Extract->Constant 重构,抽出一个constant IntroduceField command alt F Refactor->Extract->Field 把方法中的一个变量抽成一个类变量 ExtractMethod command alt M Refactor->Extract->Method 重构,代码抽成方法 IntroduceParameter command alt P Refactor->Extract->Parameter 重构,把某个值重构成方法的参数 IntroduceVariable command alt V Refactor->Extract->Variable 自动引入变量 Inline command alt N Refactor->Inline 内联,把方法的内容放入到调用者中 也就是减少一个方法 Move F6 Refactor->Move 移动方法或者类 RenameElement shift F6 Refactor->Rename 重构,命名元素(变量名,方法名) SafeDelete command DELETE Refactor->Safe Delete 重构,安全删除元素(变量,方法等) Refactorings.QuickListPopupAction control T
CompileDirty command F9 Build->Make Project 编译工程 Compile command shift F9 Build->Compile 编译当前文件
Debug control D Run->Debug 调试上一次调试过的程序 DebugClass control shift F9|control shift D 调试类 ChooseDebugConfiguration control alt D Run->Debug... 选择哪一个程序或方法来调试 EvaluateExpression alt F8 Run->Evaluate Expression 调试,表达式估值 ForceRunToCursor command alt F9 Run->Force Run to Curosr 在调试中,强制让程序运行到光标所在处 ForceStepInto alt shift F7 Run->Force Step Into debug时,强制进入 ForceStepOver alt shift F8 Run->Force Step Over debug时,强制Step Over QuickEvaluateExpression command alt F8 Run->Quick Evaluate Expression 调试,快速表达式估值 Resume command alt R Run->Resume 调试,继续,放过本断点直到下一个断点 Run control R Run->Run 运行上一次运行的程序 RunToCursor alt F9 Run->Run to Cursor 在调试中,让程序运行到光标所在处 ChooseRunConfiguration control alt R Run->Run... 选择哪一个程序或方法来运行 RunClass control shift F10|control shift R Run->Run... 运行某个方法 ShowExecutionPoint alt F10 Run->Show Execution Point 回到断点处 SmartStepInto shift F7 Run->Smart Step Into debug时,可以选择哪个方法step into StepInto F7 Run->Step Into 调试 进入方法 StepOut shift F8 Run->Step Out 跳过本方法 StepOver F8 Run->Step Over 调试时,跳过某个方法 Stop command F2 Run->Stop 停止程序运行 ToggleLineBreakpoint command F8 Run->Toggle Line Breakpoint 打断点 ViewBreakpoints command shift F8 Run->View Breakpoints 列出所有断点
Version Control System
Vcs.ShowMessageHistory command E Version Control System->Commit Message History GotoChangedFile command O Version Control System->Diff->Go To Changed File NextDiff F7 Version Control System->Diff->Next Difference 比较两个文件时,下一个不同的地方 Diff.ShowDiff command D Version Control System->Diff->Show Diff Diff.ShowSettingsPopup command shift D Version Control System->Diff->Show Setting Popup VcsShowNextChangeMarker shift control alt DOWN Version Control System->Next Change VcsShowPrevChangeMarker shift control alt UP Version Control System->Previous Change VcsHistory.ShowAllAffected command ctrl A Version Control System->Show All Affected Files 貌似与qq的截屏键冲突了 Vcs.QuickListPopupAction ctrl V Version Control System->Vcs Operations Popup 打开vcs的菜单 PreviousDiff shift F7 Version Control Systems->Diff->Previous Difference 上一个不同的地方 ShelveChanges.UnshelveWithDialog command shift U Version Control Systems->Shelve->Unshelve Changes ToggleTemporaryLineBreakpoint command shift alt F8 加一个临时的行断点
CompareTwoFiles command D View->Compare With 选择一个文件与当前文件进行比较 EditorContextInfo control shift Q View->Context Info 显示当前编辑文件的信息 也就是类信息 ShowErrorDescription command F1 View->Error Description 显示错误信息 ExternalJavaDoc shift F1 View->External Documentation 不知道 ParameterInfo command P View->Parameter Info 显示某个方法的参数信息 QuickJavaDoc F1 View->Quick Documentation 选中某个方法或变量后,打开文档 RecentChangedFiles command shift E View->Recent Changed Files 最近修改过的文件列表 RecentFiles command E View->Recent Files 最近打开的文件列表 EditSource F4 View->Show source 进入源码,进入方法的定义 ToggleFullScreen command control F View->Toggle Full Screen Mode 全屏或者退出全屏 QuickImplementations command Y 查看方法的实现
CloseActiveTab control shift F4 Window->Active Tool Window->Close Active Tab 关闭活跃的Tab HideActiveWindow shift ESCAPE Window->Active Tool Window->Hide Active Tool Window 隐藏打开的工具栏 也比较有用 HideAllWindows command shift F12 Window->Active Tool Window->Hide All Tool Windows 隐藏所有工具栏 JumpToLastWindow F12 Window->Active Tool Window->Jump to Last Tool Window 回到上一个工具窗 MaximizeToolWindow command shift QUOTE Window->Active Tool Window->Maximize Tool Window 最大化工具栏,在看调试信息的时候,还是比较有用 ResizeToolWindowDown command shift DOWN Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Down 工具栏下边框往下移动 ResizeToolWindowLeft command shift LEFT Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Left 工具栏左边框往左移动 ResizeToolWindowRight command shift RIGHT Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Right 工具栏右边框往右移动 ResizeToolWindowUp command shift UP Window->Active Tool Window->Resize->Stretch to Up 工具栏上边框往上移动 PreviousTab command shift OPEN_BRACKET Window->Editor Tab->Select Previous Tab editor 的前一个tab tab切换 CloseContent command W Window->Editor Tabs->Close 关闭窗口 PrevSplitter alt shift TAB Window->Editor Tabs->Goto Previous Splitter NextTab command shift CLOSE_BRACKET Window->Editor Tabs->Select Next Tab 在同一行中调到行尾 NextEditorTab control shift RIGHT Window->Editor Tabs->Select Next Tab MinimizeCurrentWindow command M Window->Minimize 最小化窗口 NextProjectWindow command BACK_QUOTE Window->Next Project Window 切换到上一个工程 PreviousProjectWindow command shift BACK_QUOTE Window->Previous Project Window 切换到下一个工程 RestoreDefaultLayout shift F12 Window->Restore Default Layout 恢复默认布局,这个还是比较常用 ZoomCurrentWindow command control EQUALS Window->Zoom 放大或缩小当前窗口 更多:




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


