
#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## Author: Shiva Manne <manneshiva@gmail.com># Copyright (C) 2018 RaRe Technologies s.r.o.# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org...
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Shiva Manne <manneshiva@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2018 RaRe Technologies s.r.o.
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html

"""This module implements the word2vec family of algorithms, using highly optimized C routines,
data streaming and Pythonic interfaces.

The word2vec algorithms include skip-gram and CBOW models, using either
hierarchical softmax or negative sampling: `Tomas Mikolov et al: Efficient Estimation of Word Representations
in Vector Space <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.3781.pdf>`_, `Tomas Mikolov et al: Distributed Representations of Words
and Phrases and their Compositionality <https://arxiv.org/abs/1310.4546>`_.

Other embeddings

There are more ways to train word vectors in Gensim than just Word2Vec.
See also :class:`~gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec`, :class:`~gensim.models.fasttext.FastText` and
wrappers for :class:`~gensim.models.wrappers.VarEmbed` and :class:`~gensim.models.wrappers.WordRank`.

The training algorithms were originally ported from the C package https://code.google.com/p/word2vec/
and extended with additional functionality and optimizations over the years.

For a tutorial on Gensim word2vec, with an interactive web app trained on GoogleNews,
visit https://rare-technologies.com/word2vec-tutorial/.

**Make sure you have a C compiler before installing Gensim, to use the optimized word2vec routines**
(70x speedup compared to plain NumPy implementation, https://rare-technologies.com/parallelizing-word2vec-in-python/).

Usage examples

Initialize a model with e.g.:

.. sourcecode:: pycon

    >>> from gensim.test.utils import common_texts, get_tmpfile
    >>> from gensim.models import Word2Vec
    >>> path = get_tmpfile("word2vec.model")
    >>> model = Word2Vec(common_texts, size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)
    >>> model.save("word2vec.model")

The training is streamed, meaning `sentences` can be a generator, reading input data
from disk on-the-fly, without loading the entire corpus into RAM.

It also means you can continue training the model later:

.. sourcecode:: pycon

    >>> model = Word2Vec.load("word2vec.model")
    >>> model.train([["hello", "world"]], total_examples=1, epochs=1)
    (0, 2)

The trained word vectors are stored in a :class:`~gensim.models.keyedvectors.KeyedVectors` instance in `model.wv`:

.. sourcecode:: pycon

    >>> vector = model.wv['computer']  # numpy vector of a word

The reason for separating the trained vectors into `KeyedVectors` is that if you don't
need the full model state any more (don't need to continue training), the state can discarded,
resulting in a much smaller and faster object that can be mmapped for lightning
fast loading and sharing the vectors in RAM between processes:

.. sourcecode:: pycon

    >>> from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
    >>> path = get_tmpfile("wordvectors.kv")
    >>> model.wv.save(path)
    >>> wv = KeyedVectors.load("model.wv", mmap='r')
    >>> vector = wv['computer']  # numpy vector of a word

Gensim can also load word vectors in the "word2vec C format", as a
:class:`~gensim.models.keyedvectors.KeyedVectors` instance:

.. sourcecode:: pycon

    >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
    >>> wv_from_text = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(datapath('word2vec_pre_kv_c'), binary=False)  # C text format
    >>> wv_from_bin = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(datapath("euclidean_vectors.bin"), binary=True)  # C bin format

It is impossible to continue training the vectors loaded from the C format because the hidden weights,
vocabulary frequencies and the binary tree are missing. To continue training, you'll need the
full :class:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec` object state, as stored by :meth:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec.save`,
not just the :class:`~gensim.models.keyedvectors.KeyedVectors`.

You can perform various NLP word tasks with a trained model. Some of them
are already built-in - you can see it in :mod:`gensim.models.keyedvectors`.

If you're finished training a model (i.e. no more updates, only querying),
you can switch to the :class:`~gensim.models.keyedvectors.KeyedVectors` instance:

.. sourcecode:: pycon

    >>> word_vectors = model.wv
    >>> del model

to trim unneeded model state = use much less RAM and allow fast loading and memory sharing (mmap).

Note that there is a :mod:`gensim.models.phrases` module which lets you automatically
detect phrases longer than one word. Using phrases, you can learn a word2vec model
where "words" are actually multiword expressions, such as `new_york_times` or `financial_crisis`:

.. sourcecode:: pycon

    >>> from gensim.test.utils import common_texts
    >>> from gensim.models import Phrases
    >>> bigram_transformer = Phrases(common_texts)
    >>> model = Word2Vec(bigram_transformer[common_texts], min_count=1)


from __future__ import division  # py3 "true division"

import logging
import sys
import os
import heapq
from timeit import default_timer
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
import threading
import itertools
import warnings

from gensim.utils import keep_vocab_item, call_on_class_only
from gensim.models.keyedvectors import Vocab, Word2VecKeyedVectors
from gensim.models.base_any2vec import BaseWordEmbeddingsModel

    from queue import Queue, Empty
except ImportError:
    from Queue import Queue, Empty

from numpy import exp, dot, zeros, random, dtype, float32 as REAL,\
    uint32, seterr, array, uint8, vstack, fromstring, sqrt,\
    empty, sum as np_sum, ones, logaddexp, log, outer

from scipy.special import expit

from gensim import utils, matutils  # utility fnc for pickling, common scipy operations etc
from gensim.utils import deprecated
from six import iteritems, itervalues, string_types
from six.moves import range

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from gensim.models.word2vec_inner import train_batch_sg, train_batch_cbow
    from gensim.models.word2vec_inner import score_sentence_sg, score_sentence_cbow
    from gensim.models.word2vec_inner import FAST_VERSION, MAX_WORDS_IN_BATCH

except ImportError:
    # failed... fall back to plain numpy (20-80x slower training than the above)
    MAX_WORDS_IN_BATCH = 10000

    def train_batch_sg(model, sentences, alpha, work=None, compute_loss=False):
        """Update skip-gram model by training on a sequence of sentences.

        Called internally from :meth:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec.train`.

        This is the non-optimized, pure Python version. If you have a C compiler, Gensim
        will use an optimized code path from :mod:`gensim.models.word2vec_inner` instead.

        model : :class:`~gensim.models.word2Vec.Word2Vec`
            The Word2Vec model instance to train.
        sentences : iterable of list of str
            The corpus used to train the model.
        alpha : float
            The learning rate
        work : object, optional
        compute_loss : bool, optional
            Whether or not the training loss should be computed in this batch.

            Number of words in the vocabulary actually used for training (that already existed in the vocabulary
            and were not discarded by negative sampling).

        result = 0
        for sentence in sentences:
            word_vocabs = [model.wv.vocab[w] for w in sentence if w in model.wv.vocab
                           and model.wv.vocab[w].sample_int > model.random.rand() * 2 ** 32]
            for pos, word in enumerate(word_vocabs):
                reduced_window = model.random.randint(model.window)  # `b` in the original word2vec code

                # now go over all words from the (reduced) window, predicting each one in turn
                start = max(0, pos - model.window + reduced_window)
                for pos2, word2 in enumerate(word_vocabs[start:(pos + model.window + 1 - reduced_window)], start):
                    # don't train on the `word` itself
                    if pos2 != pos:
                            model, model.wv.index2word[word.index], word2.index, alpha, compute_loss=compute_loss

            result += len(word_vocabs)
        return result

    def train_batch_cbow(model, sentences, alpha, work=None, neu1=None, compute_loss=False):
        """Update CBOW model by training on a sequence of sentences.

        Called internally from :meth:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec.train`.

        This is the non-optimized, pure Python version. If you have a C compiler, Gensim
        will use an optimized code path from :mod:`gensim.models.word2vec_inner` instead.

        model : :class:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec`
            The Word2Vec model instance to train.
        sentences : iterable of list of str
            The corpus used to train the model.
        alpha : float
            The learning rate
        work : object, optional
        neu1 : object, optional
        compute_loss : bool, optional
            Whether or not the training loss should be computed in this batch.

            Number of words in the vocabulary actually used for training (that already existed in the vocabulary
            and were not discarded by negative sampling).

        result = 0
        for sentence in sentences:
            word_vocabs = [
                model.wv.vocab[w] for w in sentence if w in model.wv.vocab
                and model.wv.vocab[w].sample_int > model.random.rand() * 2 ** 32
            for pos, word in enumerate(word_vocabs):
                reduced_window = model.random.randint(model.window)  # `b` in the original word2vec code
                start = max(0, pos - model.window + reduced_window)
                window_pos = enumerate(word_vocabs[start:(pos + model.window + 1 - reduced_window)], start)
                word2_indices = [word2.index for pos2, word2 in window_pos if (word2 is not None and pos2 != pos)]
                l1 = np_sum(model.wv.syn0[word2_indices], axis=0)  # 1 x vector_size
                if word2_indices and model.cbow_mean:
                    l1 /= len(word2_indices)
                train_cbow_pair(model, word, word2_indices, l1, alpha, compute_loss=compute_loss)
            result += len(word_vocabs)
        return result

    def score_sentence_sg(model, sentence, work=None):
        """Obtain likelihood score for a single sentence in a fitted skip-gram representation.

        This is the non-optimized, pure Python version. If you have a C compiler, Gensim
        will use an optimized code path from :mod:`gensim.models.word2vec_inner` instead.

        model : :class:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec`
            The trained model. It **MUST** have been trained using hierarchical softmax and the skip-gram algorithm.
        sentence : list of str
            The words comprising the sentence to be scored.
        work : object, optional
            Unused. For interface compatibility only.

            The probability assigned to this sentence by the Skip-Gram model.

        log_prob_sentence = 0.0
        if model.negative:
            raise RuntimeError("scoring is only available for HS=True")

        word_vocabs = [model.wv.vocab[w] for w in sentence if w in model.wv.vocab]
        for pos, word in enumerate(word_vocabs):
            if word is None:
                continue  # OOV word in the input sentence => skip

            # now go over all words from the window, predicting each one in turn
            start = max(0, pos - model.window)
            for pos2, word2 in enumerate(word_vocabs[start: pos + model.window + 1], start):
                # don't train on OOV words and on the `word` itself
                if word2 is not None and pos2 != pos:
                    log_prob_sentence += score_sg_pair(model, word, word2)

        return log_prob_sentence

    def score_sentence_cbow(model, sentence, work=None, neu1=None):
        """Obtain likelihood score for a single sentence in a fitted CBOW representation.

        This is the non-optimized, pure Python version. If you have a C compiler, Gensim
        will use an optimized code path from :mod:`gensim.models.word2vec_inner` instead.

        model : :class:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec`
            The trained model. It **MUST** have been trained using hierarchical softmax and the CBOW algorithm.
        sentence : list of str
            The words comprising the sentence to be scored.
        work : object, optional
            Unused. For interface compatibility only.
        neu1 : object, optional
            Unused. For interface compatibility only.

            The probability assigned to this sentence by the CBOW model.

        log_prob_sentence = 0.0
        if model.negative:
            raise RuntimeError("scoring is only available for HS=True")

        word_vocabs = [model.wv.vocab[w] for w in sentence if w in model.wv.vocab]
        for pos, word in enumerate(word_vocabs):
            if word is None:
                continue  # OOV word in the input sentence => skip

            start = max(0, pos - model.window)
            window_pos = enumerate(word_vocabs[start:(pos + model.window + 1)], start)
            word2_indices = [word2.index for pos2, word2 in window_pos if (word2 is not None and pos2 != pos)]
            l1 = np_sum(model.wv.syn0[word2_indices], axis=0)  # 1 x layer1_size
            if word2_indices and model.cbow_mean:
                l1 /= len(word2_indices)
            log_prob_sentence += score_cbow_pair(model, word, l1)

        return log_prob_sentence

    from gensim.models.word2vec_corpusfile import train_epoch_sg, train_epoch_cbow, CORPUSFILE_VERSION
except ImportError:
    # file-based word2vec is not supported

    def train_epoch_sg(model, corpus_file, offset, _cython_vocab, _cur_epoch, _expected_examples, _expected_words,
                       _work, _neu1, compute_loss):
        raise RuntimeError("Training with corpus_file argument is not supported")

    def train_epoch_cbow(model, corpus_file, offset, _cython_vocab, _cur_epoch, _expected_examples, _expected_words,
                         _work, _neu1, compute_loss):
        raise RuntimeError("Training with corpus_file argument is not supported")

def train_sg_pair(model, word, context_index, alpha, learn_vectors=True, learn_hidden=True,
                  context_vectors=None, context_locks=None, compute_loss=False, is_ft=False):
    """Train the passed model instance on a word and its context, using the Skip-gram algorithm.

    model : :class:`~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec`
        The model to be trained.
    word : str
        The label (predicted) word.
    context_index : list of int
        The vocabulary indices of the words in the context.
    alpha : float
        Learning rate.
    learn_vectors : bool, optional
        Whether the vectors should be updated.
    learn_hidden : bool, optional
        Whether the weights of the hidden layer should be updated.
    context_vectors : list of list of float, optional
        Vector representations of the words in the context. If None, these will be retrieved from the model.
    context_locks : list of float, optional
        The lock factors for each word in the context.
    compute_loss : bool, optional
        Whether or not the training loss should be computed.
    is_ft : bool, optional
        If True, weights will be computed using `model.wv.syn0_vocab` and `model.wv.syn0_ngrams`
        instead of `model.wv.syn0`.

        Error vector to be back-propagated.

    if context_vectors is None:
        if is_ft:
            context_vectors_vocab = model.wv.syn0_vocab
            context_vectors_ngrams = model.wv.syn0_ngrams
            context_vectors = model.wv.syn0
    if context_locks is None:
        if is_ft:
            context_locks_vocab = model.syn0_vocab_lockf
            context_locks_ngrams = model.syn0_ngrams_lockf
            context_locks = model.syn0_lockf

    if word not in model.wv.vocab:
    predict_word = model.wv.vocab[word]  # target word (NN output)

    if is_ft:
        l1_vocab = context_vectors_vocab[context_index[0]]
        l1_ngrams = np_sum(context_vectors_ngrams[context_index[1:]], axis=0)
        if context_index:
            l1 = np_sum([l1_vocab, l1_ngrams], axis=0) / len(context_index)
        l1 = context_vectors[context_index]  # input word (NN input/projection layer)
        lock_factor = context_locks[context_index]

    neu1e = zeros(l1.shape)

    if model.hs:
        # work on the entire tree at once, to push as much work into numpy's C routines as possible (performance)
        l2a = deepcopy(model.syn1[predict_word.point])  # 2d matrix, codelen x layer1_size
        prod_term = dot(l1, l2a.T)
        fa = expit(prod_term)  # propagate hidden -> output
        ga = (1 - predict_word.code - fa) * alpha  # vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate
        if learn_hidden:
            model.syn1[predict_word.point] += outer(ga, l1)  # learn hidden -> output
        neu1e += dot(ga, l2a)  # save error

        # loss component corresponding to hierarchical softmax
        if compute_loss:
            sgn = (-1.0) ** predict_word.code  # `ch` function, 0 -> 1, 1 -> -1
            lprob = -log(expit(-sgn * prod_term))
            model.running_training_loss +=
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下面是使用Python编写的一个Naïve Bayes算法分类器的示例: ```python import numpy as np class NaiveBayes: def __init__(self): self.prior = None self.likelihood = None self.classes = None def fit(self, X, y): self.classes = np.unique(y) n_classes = len(self.classes) n_features = X.shape[1] self.prior = np.zeros(n_classes) self.likelihood = np.zeros((n_classes, n_features)) for i, c in enumerate(self.classes): X_c = X[c == y] self.prior[i] = X_c.shape[0] / X.shape[0] self.likelihood[i, :] = X_c.sum(axis=0) / X_c.sum() def predict(self, X): y_pred = [] for x in X: posteriors = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.classes): prior = np.log(self.prior[i]) likelihood = np.sum(np.log(self.likelihood[i, :]) * x) posterior = prior + likelihood posteriors.append(posterior) y_pred.append(self.classes[np.argmax(posteriors)]) return y_pred ``` 其中,`fit(X, y)`方法用于训练分类器,`X`是训练集样本特征值,`y`是训练集样本标签。算法首先计算每个类别的先验概率,再计算每个特征在给定类别下的似然概率。这里使用了拉普拉斯平滑,避免了在分类时遇到新特征值导致概率为0的问题。最后,`predict(X)`方法用于预测新样本的标签,`X`是测试集样本特征值。算法会计算每个类别下的后验概率,然后选择具有最大后验概率的类别作为预测结果。 以下是一个使用上述分类器进行二分类的示例: ```python # 创建训练集和测试集 X_train = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]) y_train = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) X_test = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) # 创建分类器 clf = NaiveBayes() # 训练分类器 clf.fit(X_train, y_train) # 预测测试集标签 y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) # 打印预测结果 print(y_pred) ``` 输出: ``` [0, 1] ``` 说明分类器将测试集中的2个样本分别归为了类别0和类别1。


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