GestureDetector 手势识别器源码详解

 * Detects various gestures and events using the supplied {@link MotionEvent}s.
 * The {@link OnGestureListener} callback will notify users when a particular
 * motion event has occurred. This class should only be used with {@link MotionEvent}s
 * reported via touch (don't use for trackball events).
 * To use this class:
 * <ul>
 *  <li>Create an instance of the {@code GestureDetector} for your {@link View}
 *  <li>In the {@link View#onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)} method ensure you call
 *          {@link #onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)}. The methods defined in your callback
 *          will be executed when the events occur.
 *  <li>If listening for {@link OnContextClickListener#onContextClick(MotionEvent)}
 *          you must call {@link #onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)}
 *          in {@link View#onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)}.
 * </ul>
public interface OnGestureListener{
         * Notified when a tap occurs with the down {@link MotionEvent}
         * that triggered it. This will be triggered immediately for
         * every down event. All other events should be preceded by this.
         * @param e The down motion event.向下运动事件。
         */当发生轻击时发生向下{@link MotionEvent}触发它。这将立即触发每个下降事件。 所有其他事件应该在这之前。
        boolean onDown(MotionEvent e);

         * The user has performed a down {@link MotionEvent} and not performed
         * a move or up yet. This event is commonly used to provide visual
         * feedback to the user to let them know that their action has been
         * recognized i.e. highlight an element.
         * @param e The down motion event 向下运动事件。
用户已执行了{@link MotionEvent},但未执行移动或向上。 此事件通常用于提供可视化反馈给用户,让他们知道他们的行动已经识别,即突出显示一个元素。
        void onShowPress(MotionEvent e);

         * Notified when a tap occurs with the up {@link MotionEvent}
         * that triggered it.
         * @param e The up motion event that completed the first tap
         * @return true if the event is consumed, else false
当发生轻击时通知{@link MotionEvent}触发它。 @param e完成第一次敲击的向上运动事件 @如果事件被消耗则返回true,否则为false
        boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e);

         * Notified when a scroll occurs with the initial on down {@link MotionEvent} and the
         * current move {@link MotionEvent}. The distance in x and y is also supplied for
         * convenience.
         * @param e1 The first down motion event that started the scrolling.
         * @param e2 The move motion event that triggered the current onScroll.
         * @param distanceX The distance along the X axis that has been scrolled since the last
         *              call to onScroll. This is NOT the distance between {@code e1}
         *              and {@code e2}.
         * @param distanceY The distance along the Y axis that has been scrolled since the last
         *              call to onScroll. This is NOT the distance between {@code e1}
         *              and {@code e2}.
         * @return true if the event is consumed, else false
         */在初始向下滚动时发生滚动{@link MotionEvent}和
          *当前移动{@link MotionEvent}。 还提供x和y中的距离
          * 方便。
          * @param e1开始滚动的第一个向下运动事件。
          * @param e2触发当前onScroll的移动运动事件。
          * @param distanceX自上次以来滚动的X轴上的距离
          *调用onScroll。 这不是{@code e1}
          *和{@code e2}。
          * @param distanceY自上次以来滚动的Y轴上的距离
          *调用onScroll。 这不是{@code e1}
          *和{@code e2}。
          * @如果事件被消耗则返回true,否则为false
        boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY);
         * Notified when a long press occurs with the initial on down {@link MotionEvent}
         * that trigged it.
         * @param e The initial on down motion event that started the longpress.
         */当长按初始化时,通知{@link MotionEvent}
          * @param e启动长按的初始向下运动事件
        void onLongPress(MotionEvent e);

         * Notified of a fling event when it occurs with the initial on down {@link MotionEvent}
         * and the matching up {@link MotionEvent}. The calculated velocity is supplied along
         * the x and y axis in pixels per second.
         * @param e1 The first down motion event that started the fling.
         * @param e2 The move motion event that triggered the current onFling.
         * @param velocityX The velocity of this fling measured in pixels per second
         *              along the x axis.
         * @param velocityY The velocity of this fling measured in pixels per second
         *              along the y axis.
         * @return true if the event is consumed, else false
         */通知初始化时发生的fling事件{@link MotionEvent}
          *和匹配{@link MotionEvent}。 沿着计算的速度提供
          * x和y轴以像素每秒为单位。
          * @param e1启动fling的第一个向下运动事件。
          * @param e2触发当前onFling的移动运动事件。
          * @param velocityX此fling的速度以像素每秒为单位测量
          * @param velocityY此fling的速度以像素每秒为单位测量
          * @如果事件被消耗则返回true,否则为false
        boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY);
     * The listener that is used to notify when a double-tap or a confirmed
     * single-tap occur.
    public interface OnDoubleTapListener {
         * Notified when a single-tap occurs.
         * <p>
         * Unlike {@link OnGestureListener#onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent)}, this
         * will only be called after the detector is confident that the user's
         * first tap is not followed by a second tap leading to a double-tap
         * gesture.
         * @param e The down motion event of the single-tap.
         * @return true if the event is consumed, else false
          *不像{@link OnGestureListener#onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent)},这个
          * @param e单击的向下运动事件。
          * @如果事件被消耗则返回true,否则为false
        boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e);
         * Notified when a double-tap occurs.
         * @param e The down motion event of the first tap of the double-tap.
         * @return true if the event is consumed, else false
          * @param e双击的第一次敲击的向下运动事件。
          * @如果事件被消耗则返回true,否则为false
        boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e);

         * Notified when an event within a double-tap gesture occurs, including
         * the down, move, and up events.
         * @param e The motion event that occurred during the double-tap gesture.
         * @return true if the event is consumed, else false
          * @param e双击手势期间发生的运动事件。
          * @如果事件被消耗则返回true,否则为false
        boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent e);

     * The listener that is used to notify when a context click occurs. When listening for a
     * context click ensure that you call {@link #onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)} in
     * {@link View#onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)}.
     */他用于在发生上下文点击时通知的侦听器。 当听时
      *上下文点击确保你调用{@link #onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)}
      * {@link View#onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)}。
    public interface OnContextClickListener {
         * Notified when a context click occurs.
         * @param e The motion event that occurred during the context click.
         * @return true if the event is consumed, else false
          * @param e在上下文单击期间发生的运动事件。
          * @如果事件被消耗则返回true,否则为false
        boolean onContextClick(MotionEvent e);

     * A convenience class to extend when you only want to listen for a subset
     * of all the gestures. This implements all methods in the
     * {@link OnGestureListener}, {@link OnDoubleTapListener}, and {@link OnContextClickListener}
     * but does nothing and return {@code false} for all applicable methods.
      *所有的手势。 这实现了所有的方法
      * {@link OnGestureListener},{@link OnDoubleTapListener}和{@link OnContextClickListener}
      *但什么都不做,并返回{@code false}所有适用的方法。
    public static class SimpleOnGestureListener implements OnGestureListener, OnDoubleTapListener,
            OnContextClickListener {
        public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
            return false;
        public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
        public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2,
                float distanceX, float distanceY) {
            return false;
        public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX,
                float velocityY) {
            return false;
        public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {
        public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
            return false;

        public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
            return false;

        public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent e) {
            return false;

        public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) {
            return false;

        public boolean onContextClick(MotionEvent e) {
            return false;
     * Creates a GestureDetector with the supplied listener.
     * This variant of the constructor should be used from a non-UI thread 
     * (as it allows specifying the Handler).
     * @param listener the listener invoked for all the callbacks, this must
     * not be null.
     * @param handler the handler to use
     * @throws NullPointerException if either {@code listener} or
     * {@code handler} is null.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #GestureDetector(android.content.Context,
     *      android.view.GestureDetector.OnGestureListener, android.os.Handler)} instead.
      * @param listener为所有回调调用的监听器,这必须
      * @param handler使用的处理程序
      * @throws NullPointerException如果{@code listener}或
      * {@code handler}为null。
    public GestureDetector(OnGestureListener listener, Handler handler) {
        this(null, listener, handler);
     * Creates a GestureDetector with the supplied listener.
     * You may only use this constructor from a UI thread (this is the usual situation).
     * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
     * @param listener the listener invoked for all the callbacks, this must
     * not be null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code listener} is null.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #GestureDetector(android.content.Context,
     *      android.view.GestureDetector.OnGestureListener)} instead.
      * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
      * @param listener为所有回调调用的监听器,这必须
    public GestureDetector(OnGestureListener listener) {
        this(null, listener, null);
     * Creates a GestureDetector with the supplied listener.
     * You may only use this constructor from a {@link android.os.Looper} thread.
     * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
     * @param context the application's context
     * @param listener the listener invoked for all the callbacks, this must
     * not be null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code listener} is null.
      *你只能从{@link android.os.Looper}线程中使用这个构造函数。
      * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
      * @param context应用程序的上下文
      * @param listener为所有回调调用的监听器,这必须
    public GestureDetector(Context context, OnGestureListener listener) {
        this(context, listener, null);
     * Creates a GestureDetector with the supplied listener that runs deferred events on the
     * thread associated with the supplied {@link android.os.Handler}.
     * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
     * @param context the application's context
     * @param listener the listener invoked for all the callbacks, this must
     * not be null.
     * @param handler the handler to use for running deferred listener events.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code listener} is null.
      *线程与提供的{@link android.os.Handler}相关联。
      * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
      * @param context应用程序的上下文
      * @param listener为所有回调调用的监听器,这必须
      * @param handler用于运行延迟侦听器事件的处理程序。
    public GestureDetector(Context context, OnGestureListener listener, Handler handler) {}
     * Creates a GestureDetector with the supplied listener that runs deferred events on the
     * thread associated with the supplied {@link android.os.Handler}.
     * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
     * @param context the application's context
     * @param listener the listener invoked for all the callbacks, this must
     * not be null.
     * @param handler the handler to use for running deferred listener events.
     * @param unused currently not used.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code listener} is null.
      *线程与提供的{@link android.os.Handler}相关联。
      * @see android.os.Handler#Handler()
      * @param context应用程序的上下文
      * @param listener为所有回调调用的监听器,这必须
      * @param handler用于运行延迟侦听器事件的处理程序。
      * @param unused当前未使用。
    public GestureDetector(Context context, OnGestureListener listener, Handler handler,
            boolean unused) {
        this(context, listener, handler);
     * Sets the listener which will be called for double-tap and related
     * gestures.
     * @param onDoubleTapListener the listener invoked for all the callbacks, or
     *        null to stop listening for double-tap gestures.
      * @param onDoubleTapListener为所有回调调用的侦听器,或
      * null停止监听双击手势。
    public void setOnDoubleTapListener(OnDoubleTapListener onDoubleTapListener) {
        mDoubleTapListener = onDoubleTapListener;
     * Sets the listener which will be called for context clicks.
     * @param onContextClickListener the listener invoked for all the callbacks, or null to stop
     *            listening for context clicks.
      * @param onContextClickListener为所有回调调用的侦听器,或null停止
    public void setContextClickListener(OnContextClickListener onContextClickListener) {
        mContextClickListener = onContextClickListener;
     * Set whether longpress is enabled, if this is enabled when a user
     * presses and holds down you get a longpress event and nothing further.
     * If it's disabled the user can press and hold down and then later
     * moved their finger and you will get scroll events. By default
     * longpress is enabled.
     * @param isLongpressEnabled whether longpress should be enabled.
      *移动他们的手指,你会得到滚动事件。 默认
      * @param isLongpressEnabled是否应启用longpress
    public void setIsLongpressEnabled(boolean isLongpressEnabled) {
        mIsLongpressEnabled = isLongpressEnabled;

     * @return true if longpress is enabled, else false.
     */@return true如果长按启用,否则为false。
    public boolean isLongpressEnabled() {
        return mIsLongpressEnabled;

 private GestureDetector detector;  //初始化
 private void initView(final Context context) {
        detector = new GestureDetector(context,new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener()
            public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
             * @param e1
             * @param e2
             * @param distanceX 在X轴滑动了的距离
             * @param distanceY 在Y轴滑动了的距离
             * @return
            public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) {
                return true;
            public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
                return super.onDoubleTap(e);
        }); //这里就是new的SimpleOnGestureListener类,还有很多方法这里只贴出了这几个。
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
detector.onTouchEvent(event); //一定要传递进来,不然就没作用
        switch (event.getAction()){
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
        return true;




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