系统设计DDIA之Chapter 6 Partitioning 之请求路由


  1. 任意节点路由:客户端可以把请求发送到集群中的任意一个节点。如果接收请求的节点没有所需的数据,它会把请求转发到正确的节点。这种方法实现起来比较简单,但可能会导致额外的网络延迟和节点负载增加,因为有更多的转发步骤。

  2. 路由层:使用一个专门的路由层作为了解分区情况的负载均衡器。它接收所有客户端请求,确定哪个节点持有正确的数据分区,然后把请求转发到相应的节点。这种方法集中管理路由逻辑,减少了客户端的复杂性,但增加了系统的额外层次。

  3. 客户端感知路由:客户端知道分区方案,了解每个节点持有哪些分区,这样它们可以直接将请求发送到合适的节点。这减少了延迟和系统负载,但增加了客户端的复杂性,因为它们必须不断追踪分区分配的变化。

为了保持路由的准确性,分布式系统通常依赖于像 ZooKeeper 这样的协调服务,它跟踪集群状态的元数据,包括分区的分配情况。ZooKeeper 确保所有组件的路由信息是一致的,但这也增加了系统的复杂性。

或者,一些数据库使用 Gossip 协议,让节点之间相互分享状态信息。这种去中心化的方法避免了集中协调服务的复杂性,但可能需要更长时间来在整个集群中传播更新。

Couchbase 这样的数据库避免了 自动再平衡,以简化设计,减少潜在的错误或中断。在这种情况下,集群状态发生变化时需要人工干预。对于节点地址稳定的环境,DNS 就足够用于请求路由,客户端只需知道哪个节点有需要的数据并解析出正确的 IP 地址即可。


When data is partitioned across multiple nodes in a distributed database, the challenge becomes determining which node holds the data required to handle a client’s request. This is crucial for ensuring that requests are routed correctly and efficiently. There are three main approaches to solving this request routing problem:

  1. Any-Node Routing: Clients can send requests to any node in the cluster. If the receiving node does not hold the required data, it forwards the request to the correct node. This approach is simple to implement but can result in extra network latency and higher load on nodes due to additional forwarding steps.

  2. Routing Tier: A dedicated routing tier acts as a partition-aware load balancer. It receives all client requests, determines which node holds the correct data partition, and forwards the request accordingly. This method centralizes the routing logic and reduces client complexity but adds an additional layer to the system.

  3. Client-Aware Routing: Clients are aware of the partitioning scheme and know which nodes hold which partitions. This allows clients to directly send requests to the appropriate node, reducing latency and load on the system. However, this approach increases client complexity since they must constantly keep track of any changes in partition assignments.

To maintain accurate routing, distributed systems often rely on coordination services like ZooKeeper, which tracks metadata about the state of the cluster, including partition assignments. ZooKeeper ensures that routing information is consistent across all components, but it adds complexity to the system.

Alternatively, some databases use a gossip protocol, where nodes share state information with each other. This decentralized approach avoids the complexity of a centralized coordination service but may take longer to propagate updates throughout the cluster.

Some databases, like Couchbase, avoid automatic rebalancing to simplify their design and reduce potential errors or disruptions. In such cases, manual intervention is required to handle changes in cluster state. For environments with stable node addresses, DNS can be sufficient for request routing, allowing clients to resolve the correct node's IP address when they already know which node contains the required data.

Overall, the choice of request routing strategy and supporting technologies depends on the trade-offs between simplicity, performance, fault tolerance, and scalability.

Let me know if you'd like more details or if there's anything else you'd like to explore!


  1. 在分区数据库中,请求路由的主要挑战是什么?为什么这很重要?
  2. 分区数据库中请求路由的三种主要方法是什么?
  3. 允许客户端联系任意节点的方法是如何工作的?它有哪些潜在的缺点?
  4. 在分区数据库中,路由层的作用是什么?它是如何工作的?
  5. 让客户端知道分区和分区到节点的分配有什么优点和缺点?
  6. ZooKeeper 在分布式数据系统中的请求路由中扮演什么角色?
  7. 使用 ZooKeeper 和使用 Gossip 协议管理集群元数据有什么区别?
  8. 为什么有些数据库(比如 Couchbase)会避免自动再平衡?这如何影响请求路由?
  9. DNS 如何在请求路由中发挥作用,在什么情况下它被认为是足够的?


  1. 在分区数据库中,请求路由的主要挑战是什么?为什么这很重要?

    • 主要的挑战是确定哪个节点持有请求所需的正确分区。这很重要,因为错误的路由会导致错误、延迟增加或数据访问不一致的问题。
  2. 分区数据库中请求路由的三种主要方法是什么?

    • 三种方法是:
      1. 允许客户端将请求发送到任何节点,如果该节点不持有所需的分区,就将请求转发到合适的节点。
      2. 使用一个路由层,将请求转发到正确的节点。
      3. 客户端了解分区方案,直接连接到正确的节点。
  3. 允许客户端联系任意节点的方法是如何工作的?它有哪些潜在的缺点?

    • 客户端发送请求到任意节点;如果该节点没有所需的分区数据,它会将请求转发到合适的节点。缺点包括由于额外的网络跳跃导致的网络延迟增加,以及中间节点的负载增加,可能成为瓶颈。
  4. 在分区数据库中,路由层的作用是什么?它是如何工作的?

    • 路由层充当一个中介,了解分区方案并将客户端请求转发到正确的节点。它本身不处理数据,只作为一个了解分区的负载均衡器。
  5. 让客户端知道分区和分区到节点的分配有什么优点和缺点?

    • 优点:减少网络延迟和系统负载,因为不需要中间层。
    • 缺点:增加了客户端的复杂性,因为它们必须跟踪分区变化并处理动态的集群状态。
  6. ZooKeeper 在分布式数据系统中的请求路由中扮演什么角色?

    • ZooKeeper 作为一个协调服务,维护集群的元数据,比如分区分配。当有任何变化时,它会通知路由层或了解分区情况的客户端,确保请求路由的准确性。
  7. 使用 ZooKeeper 和使用 Gossip 协议管理集群元数据有什么区别?

    • ZooKeeper:提供集群状态的集中化、一致性视图,增加了复杂性但确保了强一致性。
    • Gossip 协议:是一种去中心化的方法,节点之间相互分享状态信息,提供更高的容错能力,但在发生变化时,所有节点达成一致需要更长的时间。
  8. 为什么有些数据库(比如 Couchbase)会避免自动再平衡?这如何影响请求路由?

    • 避免自动再平衡可以简化设计,减少在再平衡过程中发生错误的风险。这样可以避免频繁的请求路由中断,但可能需要手动调整。
  9. DNS 如何在请求路由中发挥作用,在什么情况下它被认为是足够的?

    • DNS 通过将主机名解析为 IP 地址来帮助请求路由,当客户端知道需要联系的正确节点时,这种方式就足够了。这种方法在节点地址变化不频繁的稳定环境中非常有效。
  1. What is the main challenge in request routing for partitioned databases, and why is it important?
  2. What are the three main approaches to request routing in a partitioned database?
  3. How does the approach of allowing clients to contact any node work, and what are its potential drawbacks?
  4. What is the purpose of a routing tier in a partitioned database, and how does it function?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having clients aware of partitioning and the assignment of partitions to nodes?
  6. What role does ZooKeeper play in request routing for distributed data systems?
  7. What is the difference between using ZooKeeper and a gossip protocol for managing cluster metadata?
  8. Why might some databases, like Couchbase, avoid automatic rebalancing, and how does it impact request routing?
  9. How does DNS help in request routing, and in what scenarios is it considered sufficient?

Sample Answers

  1. What is the main challenge in request routing for partitioned databases, and why is it important?

    • The main challenge is determining which node holds the correct partition for a given request. It is important because incorrect routing can lead to errors, increased latency, or inconsistent data access.
  2. What are the three main approaches to request routing in a partitioned database?

    • The three approaches are:
      1. Allowing clients to send requests to any node, which forwards the request to the appropriate node if necessary.
      2. Using a routing tier that directs requests to the correct node.
      3. Clients being aware of the partitioning scheme and connecting directly to the correct node.
  3. How does the approach of allowing clients to contact any node work, and what are its potential drawbacks?

    • Clients send requests to any node; if that node doesn’t hold the required partition, it forwards the request to the appropriate node. Drawbacks include extra network latency due to additional hops and increased load on intermediary nodes, which can become bottlenecks.
  4. What is the purpose of a routing tier in a partitioned database, and how does it function?

    • A routing tier serves as an intermediary that knows the partitioning scheme and directs client requests to the correct node. It does not process data itself but acts as a partition-aware load balancer.
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having clients aware of partitioning and the assignment of partitions to nodes?

    • Pros: Reduces network latency and system load by avoiding intermediaries.
    • Cons: Increases complexity for clients, which must keep track of partition changes and handle dynamic cluster states.
  6. What role does ZooKeeper play in request routing for distributed data systems?

    • ZooKeeper acts as a coordination service, maintaining cluster metadata such as partition assignments. It notifies routing tiers or partition-aware clients of any changes, ensuring accurate request routing.
  7. What is the difference between using ZooKeeper and a gossip protocol for managing cluster metadata?

    • ZooKeeper: Provides a centralized, consistent view of cluster state, adding complexity but ensuring strong consistency.
    • Gossip Protocol: Decentralized approach where nodes share state information with each other, offering higher fault tolerance but slower convergence on changes.
  8. Why might some databases, like Couchbase, avoid automatic rebalancing, and how does it impact request routing?

    • Avoiding automatic rebalancing simplifies design and reduces the risk of errors during rebalancing. It avoids frequent disruptions in request routing but may require manual adjustments.
  9. How does DNS help in request routing, and in what scenarios is it considered sufficient?

    • DNS helps by resolving hostnames to IP addresses when clients know which node to contact. It is sufficient in stable environments where node addresses do not change frequently.
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