yii2关系 Active Record Relation

Working with Relational Data
使用Relational Data(关系数据)
Besides working with individual database tables, Active Record is also capable of bringing together related data, making them readily accessible through the primary data. For example, the customer data is related with the order data because one customer may have placed one or multiple orders. With appropriate declaration of this relation, you may be able to access a customer's order information using the expression  $customer->orders which gives back the customer's order information in terms of an array of  Order Active Record instances.

Declaring Relations
To work with relational data using Active Record, you first need to declare relations in Active Record classes. The task is as simple as declaring a  relation method for every interested relation, like the following,
class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public function
$this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id']);

Order extends ActiveRecord
public function
$this->hasOne(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id']);
In the above code, we have declared an  orders relation for the  Customer class, and a  customer relation for the  Order class.
Each relation method must be named as  getXyz. We call  xyz (the first letter is in lower case) the  relation name. Note that relation names are  case sensitive.
While declaring a relation, you should specify the following information:
  • the multiplicity of the relation: specified by calling either hasMany() or hasOne(). In the above example you may easily read in the relation declarations that a customer has many orders while an order only has one customer.

  • the name of the related Active Record class: specified as the first parameter to either hasMany() or hasOne(). A recommended practice is to call Xyz::className() to get the class name string so that you can receive IDE auto-completion support as well as error detection at compiling stage.

  • the link between the two types of data: specifies the column(s) through which the two types of data are related. The array values are the columns of the primary data (represented by the Active Record class that you are declaring relations), while the array keys are the columns of the related data.

  • An easy rule to remember this is, as you see in the example above, you write the column that belongs to the related Active Record directly next to it. You see there that  customer_id is a property of  Order and  id is a property of  Customer.
         要记住这些,一个简单的规则就是像上面的例子一样,你写的列名属于它最靠近的那个AR。return $this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id']);这一段中customer_id是数据它前面Order的.

Accessing Relational Data
After declaring relations, you can access relational data through relation names. This is just like accessing an object  property defined by the relation method. For this reason, we call it  relation property. For example,
定义了关系之后,你就可以通过关联名操作关联数据了,这就和操作对象的属性一样,所以我们称之为 关系属性(relation property)。操作示例如下:
// SELECT * FROM `customer` WHERE `id` = 123
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);

// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` = 123
// $orders is an array of Order objects
$orders = $customer->orders;
Info: When you declare a relation named  xyz via a getter method  getXyz(), you will be able to access  xyz like an  object property. Note that the name is case sensitive.
If a relation is declared with  hasMany(), accessing this relation property will return an array of the related Active Record instances; if a relation is declared with  hasOne(), accessing the relation property will return the related Active Record instance or null if no related data is found.
When you access a relation property for the first time, a SQL statement will be executed, like shown in the above example. If the same property is accessed again, the previous result will be returned without re-executing the SQL statement. To force re-executing the SQL statement, you should unset the relation property first:  unset($customer->orders).
Note: While this concept looks similar to the  object property feature, there is an important difference. For normal object properties the property value is of the same type as the defining getter method. A relation method however returns an  yii\db\ActiveQuery instance, while accessing a relation property will either return a  yii\db\ActiveRecord instance or an array of these.
$customer->orders; // is an array of `Order` objects
$customer->getOrders(); // returns an ActiveQuery instance
This is useful for creating customized queries, which is described in the next section.

Dynamic Relational Query
Because a relation method returns an instance of  yii\db\ActiveQuery, you can further build this query using query building methods before performing DB query. For example,
因为一个关系方法返回的的是yii\db\ActiveQuery,这样你就可以在执行数据库操作之前通过查询构建方法(query building metohd)来进一步构建查询。如下面例子所示:
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);

// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `subtotal` > 200 ORDER BY `id`
$orders = $customer->getOrders()
where(['>', 'subtotal', 200])
Unlike accessing a relation property, each time you perform a dynamic relational query via a relation method, a SQL statement will be executed, even if the same dynamic relational query was performed before.
Sometimes you may even want to parametrize a relation declaration so that you can more easily perform dynamic relational query. For example, you may declare a  bigOrders relation as follows,
class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public function
getBigOrders($threshold = 100)
$this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id'])
where('subtotal > :threshold', [':threshold' => $threshold])
Then you will be able to perform the following relational queries:
// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `subtotal` > 200 ORDER BY `id`
$orders = $customer->getBigOrders(200)->all();

// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `subtotal` > 100 ORDER BY `id`
$orders = $customer->bigOrders;

Relations via a Junction Table

In database modelling, when the multiplicity between two related tables is many-to-many, a  junction table is usually introduced. For example, the  order table and the  item table may be related via a junction table named  order_item. One order will then correspond to multiple order items, while one product item will also correspond to multiple order items.
在数据库建模中,当关系的类型是多对多的时候,我们通常使用连接表(junction table)。比如说订单(order)表和物品(item)表通过一个链接表order_item关联,一个订单会有多个订单物品,一个物品同样会出现在多个订单中。

When declaring such relations, you would call either  via() or  viaTable() to specify the junction table. The difference between  via() and  viaTable() is that the former specifies the junction table in terms of an existing relation name while the latter directly the junction table. For example,
class Order extends ActiveRecord
public function
$this->hasMany(Item::className(), ['id' => 'item_id'])
viaTable('order_item', ['order_id' => 'id']);
or alternatively,
class Order extends ActiveRecord
public function
$this->hasMany(OrderItem::className(), ['order_id' => 'id']);

public function
$this->hasMany(Item::className(), ['id' => 'item_id'])
The usage of relations declared with a junction table is the same as that of normal relations. For example,
// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `id` = 100
$order = Order::findOne(100);

// SELECT * FROM `order_item` WHERE `order_id` = 100
// SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `item_id` IN (...)
// returns an array of Item objects
$items = $order->items;

Lazy Loading and Eager Loading
In  Accessing Relational Data, we explained that you can access a relation property of an Active Record instance like accessing a normal object property. A SQL statement will be executed only when you access the relation property the first time. We call such relational data accessing method  lazy loading. For example,
// SELECT * FROM `customer` WHERE `id` = 123
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);

// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` = 123
$orders = $customer->orders;

// no SQL executed
$orders2 = $customer->orders;
Lazy loading is very convenient to use. However, it may suffer from a performance issue when you need to access the same relation property of multiple Active Record instances. Consider the following code example. How many SQL statements will be executed?
// SELECT * FROM `customer` LIMIT 100
$customers = Customer::find()->limit(100)->all();

foreach (
$customers as $customer) {
// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` = ...
$orders = $customer->orders;
As you can see from the code comment above, there are 101 SQL statements being executed! This is because each time you access the  orders relation property of a different  Customerobject in the for-loop, a SQL statement will be executed.
To solve this performance problem, you can use the so-called  eager loading approach as shown below,
// SELECT * FROM `customer` LIMIT 100;
// SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE `customer_id` IN (...)
$customers = Customer::find()

foreach (
$customers as $customer) {
// no SQL executed
$orders = $customer->orders;
By calling  yii\db\ActiveQuery::with(), you instruct Active Record to bring back the orders for the first 100 customers in one single SQL statement. As a result, you reduce the number of the executed SQL statements from 101 to 2!
You can eagerly load one or multiple relations. You can even eagerly load  nested relations. A nested relation is a relation that is declared within a related Active Record class. For example, Customer is related with  Order through the  orders relation, and  Order is related with  Item through the  items relation. When querying for  Customer, you can eagerly load  items using the nested relation notation  orders.items.
The following code shows different usage of  with(). We assume the  Customer class has two relations  orders and  country, while the  Order class has one relation  items.
// eager loading both "orders" and "country"
$customers = Customer::find()->with('orders', 'country')->all();
// equivalent to the array syntax below
$customers = Customer::find()->with(['orders', 'country'])->all();
// no SQL executed
$orders= $customers[0]->orders;
// no SQL executed
$country = $customers[0]->country;

// eager loading "orders" and the nested relation "orders.items"
$customers = Customer::find()->with('orders.items')->all();
// access the items of the first order of the first customer
// no SQL executed
$items = $customers[0]->orders[0]->items;
You can eagerly load deeply nested relations, such as  a.b.c.d. All parent relations will be eagerly loaded. That is, when you call  with() using  a.b.c.d, you will eagerly load  aa.ba.b.cand  a.b.c.d.
Info: In general, when eagerly loading  N relations among which  M relations are defined with a  junction table, a total number of  N+M+1 SQL statements will be executed. Note that a nested relation  a.b.c.d counts as 4 relations.
提示:一般来讲当你预加载N个关系,其中M个关系是通过关联表(junction table)定义的,总的sql查询数量将会是N+M+1。记住一个a.b.c.d这样的嵌套关系算作4个关系(译者注:最后这句搞的我反倒不懂了呢,是我英文还有待提升咩,还是说我不会数数了)
When eagerly loading a relation, you can customize the corresponding relational query using an anonymous function. For example,
// find customers and bring back together their country and active orders
// SELECT * FROM `customer`
// SELECT * FROM `country` WHERE `id` IN (...)
// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` IN (...) AND `status` = 1
$customers = Customer::find()->with([
'orders' => function ($query) {
$query->andWhere(['status' => Order::STATUS_ACTIVE]);
When customizing the relational query for a relation, you should specify the relation name as an array key and use an anonymous function as the corresponding array value. The anonymous function will receive a  $query parameter which represents the  yii\db\ActiveQuery object used to perform the relational query for the relation. In the code example above, we are modifying the relational query by appending an additional condition about order status.
Note: If you call  select() while eagerly loading relations, you have to make sure the columns referenced in the relation declarations are being selected. Otherwise, the related models may not be loaded properly. For example,
$orders = Order::find()->select(['id', 'amount'])->with('customer')->all();
// $orders[0]->customer is always null. To fix the problem, you should do the following:
$orders = Order::find()->select(['id', 'amount', 'customer_id'])->with('customer')->all();

Joining with Relations
Note: The content described in this subsection is only applicable to relational databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.
The relational queries that we have described so far only reference the primary table columns when querying for the primary data. In reality we often need to reference columns in the related tables. For example, we may want to bring back the customers who have at least one active order. To solve this problem, we can build a join query like the following:
// SELECT `customer`.* FROM `customer`
// LEFT JOIN `order` ON `order`.`customer_id` = `customer`.`id`
// WHERE `order`.`status` = 1
// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` IN (...)
$customers = Customer::find()
leftJoin('order', '`order`.`customer_id` = `customer`.`id`')
where(['order.status' => Order::STATUS_ACTIVE])
Note: It is important to disambiguate column names when building relational queries involving JOIN SQL statements. A common practice is to prefix column names with their corresponding table names.
However, a better approach is to exploit the existing relation declarations by calling  yii\db\ActiveQuery::joinWith():
$customers = Customer::find()
where(['order.status' => Order::STATUS_ACTIVE])
Both approaches execute the same set of SQL statements. The latter approach is much cleaner and drier, though.
By default,  joinWith() will use  LEFT JOIN to join the primary table with the related table. You can specify a different join type (e.g.  RIGHT JOIN) via its third parameter  $joinType. If the join type you want is  INNER JOIN, you can simply call  innerJoinWith(), instead.
默认的,joinWith()方法会使用left join来链接主表和关联表,你可以通过第三个参数$joinType指定一个不同的连表方式(比如 right join)如果你希望使用inner join,你可以直接使用innerJoinWith()方法
Calling  joinWith() will  eagerly load the related data by default. If you do not want to bring in the related data, you can specify its second parameter  $eagerLoading as false.
Like  with(), you can join with one or multiple relations; you may customize the relation queries on-the-fly; you may join with nested relations; and you may mix the use of  with() and  joinWith(). For example,
$customers = Customer::find()->joinWith([
'orders' => function ($query) {
$query->andWhere(['>', 'subtotal', 100]);
Sometimes when joining two tables, you may need to specify some extra conditions in the  ON part of the JOIN query. This can be done by calling the  yii\db\ActiveQuery::onCondition() method like the following:
// SELECT `customer`.* FROM `customer`
// LEFT JOIN `order` ON `order`.`customer_id` = `customer`.`id` AND `order`.`status` = 1
// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` IN (...)
$customers = Customer::find()->joinWith([
'orders' => function ($query) {
$query->onCondition(['order.status' => Order::STATUS_ACTIVE]);
This above query brings back  all customers, and for each customer it brings back all active orders. Note that this differs from our earlier example which only brings back customers who have at least one active order.

Info: When  yii\db\ActiveQuery is specified with a condition via  onCondition(), the condition will be put in the  ON part if the query involves a JOIN query. If the query does not involve JOIN, the on-condition will be automatically appended to the  WHERE part of the query.

Inverse Relations
Relation declarations are often reciprocal between two Active Record classes. For example,  Customer is related to  Order via the  orders relation, and  Order is related back to  Customer via the  customer relation.
class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public function
$this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id']);

Order extends ActiveRecord
public function
$this->hasOne(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id']);
Now consider the following piece of code:
// SELECT * FROM `customer` WHERE `id` = 123
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);

// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` = 123
$order = $customer->orders[0];

// SELECT * FROM `customer` WHERE `id` = 123
$customer2 = $order->customer;

// displays "not the same"
echo $customer2 === $customer ? 'same' : 'not the same';
We would think  $customer and  $customer2 are the same, but they are not! Actually they do contain the same customer data, but they are different objects. When accessing  $order->customer, an extra SQL statement is executed to populate a new object  $customer2.
To avoid the redundant execution of the last SQL statement in the above example, we should tell Yii that  customer is an  inverse relation of  orders by calling the  inverseOf() method like shown below:
class Customer extends ActiveRecord
public function
$this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id'])->inverseOf('customer');
With this modified relation declaration, we will have:
// SELECT * FROM `customer` WHERE `id` = 123
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);

// SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `customer_id` = 123
$order = $customer->orders[0];

// No SQL will be executed
$customer2 = $order->customer;

// displays "same"
echo $customer2 === $customer ? 'same' : 'not the same';
Note: Inverse relations cannot be defined for relations involving a  junction table. That is, if a relation is defined with  via() or  viaTable(), you should not call  inverseOf() further.
注意:反向关系无法在使用了关联表(junction table)的情况使用。也就是说凡是通过via()或者viaTable()定义的关系,都不要使用inverseOf()方法了

Saving Relations
When working with relational data, you often need to establish relationships between different data or destroy existing relationships. This requires setting proper values for the columns that define the relations. Using Active Record, you may end up writing the code like the following:
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);
$order = new Order();
$order->subtotal = 100;
// ...

// setting the attribute that defines the "customer" relation in Order
$order->customer_id = $customer->id;
Active Record provides the  link() method that allows you to accomplish this task more nicely:
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);
$order = new Order();
$order->subtotal = 100;
// ...

$order->link('customer', $customer);
The  link() method requires you to specify the relation name and the target Active Record instance that the relationship should be established with. The method will modify the values of the attributes that link two Active Record instances and save them to the database. In the above example, it will set the  customer_id attribute of the  Order instance to be the value of the  idattribute of the  Customer instance and then save it to the database.
Note: You cannot link two newly created Active Record instances.
The benefit of using  link() is even more obvious when a relation is defined via a  junction table. For example, you may use the following code to link an  Order instance with an  Item instance:
$order->link('items', $item);
The above code will automatically insert a row in the  order_item junction table to relate the order with the item.
Info: The  link() method will NOT perform any data validation while saving the affected Active Record instance. It is your responsibility to validate any input data before calling this method.
The opposite operation to  link() is  unlink() which breaks an existing relationship between two Active Record instances. For example,
$customer = Customer::find()->with('orders')->all();
$customer->unlink('orders', $customer->orders[0]);
By default, the  unlink() method will set the foreign key value(s) that specify the existing relationship to be null. You may, however, choose to delete the table row that contains the foreign key value by passing the  $delete parameter as true to the method.
When a junction table is involved in a relation, calling  unlink() will cause the foreign keys in the junction table to be cleared, or the deletion of the corresponding row in the junction table if $delete is true.

Cross-Database Relations
Active Record allows you to declare relations between Active Record classes that are powered by different databases. The databases can be of different types (e.g. MySQL and PostgreSQL, or MS SQL and MongoDB), and they can run on different servers. You can use the same syntax to perform relational queries. For example,
AR允许你在两个AR在不同数据库的情况下定义AR之间的关系。数据库的类型也可以是不同的(比如说MySQL和PostgreSQL或者MS SQL和MongoDB)甚至,他们还运行在不同的服务器上。你都只需使用相同的语法来执行关系查询,举个例子:
// Customer is associated with the "customer" table in a relational database (e.g. MySQL)
class Customer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public static function

public function
// a customer has many comments
return $this->hasMany(Comment::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id']);

// Comment is associated with the "comment" collection in a MongoDB database
class Comment extends \yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord
public static function

public function
// a comment has one customer
return $this->hasOne(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id']);

$customers = Customer::find()->with('comments')->all();
You can use most of the relational query features that have been described in this section.
Note: Usage of  joinWith() is limited to databases that allow cross-database JOIN queries. For this reason, you cannot use this method in the above example because MongoDB does not support JOIN.
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