《Design of Computer Programs》学习笔记(2 - 2)Back of the Envelope - Problem Set 2

Back of the Envelope

Problem Set 2

Problem Set 2 - Udacity

1. 练习:No Leading Zeros

No Leading Zeros - Design of Computer Programs - YouTube

# --------------
# User Instructions
# Modify the function compile_formula so that the function 
# it returns, f, does not allow numbers where the first digit
# is zero. So if the formula contained YOU, f would return 
# False anytime that Y was 0 

import re
import itertools
import string

def compile_formula(formula, verbose=False):
    """Compile formula into a function. Also return letters found, as a str,
    in same order as parms of function. The first digit of a multi-digit 
    number can't be 0. So if YOU is a word in the formula, and the function
    is called with Y eqal to 0, the function should return False."""

    # modify the code in this function.

    letters = ''.join(set(re.findall('[A-Z]', formula)))
    parms = ', '.join(letters)
    tokens = map(compile_word, re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula))
    body = ''.join(tokens)
    f = 'lambda %s: %s' % (parms, body)
    if verbose: print f
    return eval(f), letters

def compile_word(word):
    """Compile a word of uppercase letters as numeric digits.
    E.g., compile_word('YOU') => '(1*U+10*O+100*Y)'
    Non-uppercase words uncahanged: compile_word('+') => '+'"""
    if word.isupper():
        terms = [('%s*%s' % (10**i, d)) 
                 for (i, d) in enumerate(word[::-1])]
        return '(' + '+'.join(terms) + ')'
        return word

def faster_solve(formula):
    """Given a formula like 'ODD + ODD == EVEN', fill in digits to solve it.
    Input formula is a string; output is a digit-filled-in string or None.
    This version precompiles the formula; only one eval per formula."""
    f, letters = compile_formula(formula)
    for digits in itertools.permutations((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0), len(letters)):
            if f(*digits) is True:
                table = string.maketrans(letters, ''.join(map(str, digits)))
                return formula.translate(table)
        except ArithmeticError:

def test():
    assert faster_solve('A + B == BA') == None # should NOT return '1 + 0 == 01'
    assert faster_solve('YOU == ME**2') == ('289 == 17**2' or '576 == 24**2' or '841 == 29**2')
    assert faster_solve('X / X == X') == '1 / 1 == 1'
    return 'tests pass'

注意到compile_formula(formula, verbose=False)中的说明

The first digit of a multi-digit number can't be 0. So if YOU is a word in the formula, and the function is called with Y eqal to 0, the function should return False.




def compile_word(word):
    """Compile a word of uppercase letters as numeric digits.
    E.g., compile_word('YOU') => '(1*U+10*O+100*Y)'
    Non-uppercase words uncahanged: compile_word('+') => '+'"""
    if word.isupper():
        terms = [('%s*%s' % (10**i, d))
                 for (i, d) in enumerate(word[::-1])]
        return '(' + '+'.join(terms) + ')'
        return word

print compile_word('YOU')   # (1*U+10*O+100*Y)
print compile_word('+')     # +



def compile_formula(formula, verbose=False):
    # modify the code in this function.

    letters = ''.join(set(re.findall('[A-Z]', formula)))
    parms = ', '.join(letters)
    tokens = map(compile_word, re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula))
    body = ''.join(tokens)
    f = 'lambda %s: %s' % (parms, body)
    if verbose: print f
    return eval(f), letters

letters = ''.join(set(re.findall('[A-Z]', formula)))
lettersformula字符串中的所有不重复的大写字母组成的字符串。例如,对于formula = 'I + I = ME'letters等于'IEM'。补充知识:re.findall(pattern, text)

parms = ', '.join(letters)
parms是将letters字符串中的每个字符,用', '连接,后面将用到lambda 左边:右边的冒号的左边,作为lambda表达式的参数使用。例如,对于letters = 'IEM'parms等于'I, E, M'。补充知识:string.join()

tokens = map(compile_word, re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula))
re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula)的意思是,将字符串formula分解,分解的规则是,将1个或多个大写字母作为分隔符。例如,对于formula = 'YOU==ME**2're.split('([A-Z]+)', formula)等于['', 'YOU', '==', 'ME', '**2']。补充知识:re.split()
tokens = map(compile_word, re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula)),是将compile_word函数,作用在re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula)返回的字符串上。实际的结果是,tokens存放了若干个字符串的1个列表,这些字符串分别是formula字符串所代表的等式的运算符号(如加减乘除)、字母与对应位置的10的倍数的乘积。例如,对于formula='I + I == ME'tokens等于['', '(1*I)', ' + ', '(1*I)', ' == ', '(1*E+10*M)', '']

body = ''.join(tokens)
这行代码是将tokens连接为1个等式的字符串,后面将作为lambda 左边:右边的右边的表达式。例如:对于tokens = ['', '(1*I)', ' + ', '(1*I)', ' == ', '(1*E+10*M)', '']body等于'(1*I) + (1*I) == (1*E+10*M)'

f = 'lambda %s: %s' % (parms, body)
总的来说,这行代码是将最初的formula字符串,转换为1个lambda表达式的字符串。例如:对于字符串formula = 'I + I == ME',有parms = 'I, E, M'body = '(1*I) + (1*I) == (1*E+10*M)'f等于'lambda I, E, M: (1*I) + (1*I) == (1*E+10*M)'

if verbose: print f
return eval(f), letters

不管verboseTrueFalse,都将使用eval(f)求出f所代表的lambda表达式为True或者False;并且,都将返回eval(f), letters。其中,eval(f)True或者Falselettersformula字符串中的所有不重复的大写字母组成的字符串。例如,对于formula = 'I + I = ME'letters等于'IEM'


def compile_formula(formula, verbose=False):
    letters = ''.join(set(re.findall('[A-Z]', formula)))
    parms = ', '.join(letters)
    tokens = map(compile_word, re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula))
    body = ''.join(tokens)
    f = 'lambda %s: %s' % (parms, body)
    if verbose: print f
    words = re.findall('[A-Z]+', formula)
    for word in words:
        if len(word) > 1:
            if eval(word[0] + '==' + '0') == True:
                return False
    return eval(f), letters

words = re.findall('[A-Z]+', formula)
这行代码的含义是,找出formula中的所有的1个、2个、3个……大写字母组成的字符串的1个列表words。例如,对于formula = 'I + I == ME'words等于['I', 'I', 'ME']。补充知识:re.findall(pattern, text) - 第5个例子


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "y.py", line 69, in <module>
  File "y.py", line 64, in test
    print faster_solve('A + B == BA')
  File "y.py", line 53, in faster_solve
    f, letters = compile_formula(formula)
  File "y.py", line 32, in compile_formula
    if eval(word[0] + '==' + '0') == True:
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'B' is not defined


def compile_formula(formula, verbose=False):
    """Compile formula into a function. Also return letters found, as a str,
    in same order as parms of function. The first digit of a multi-digit 
    number can't be 0. So if YOU is a word in the formula, and the function
    is called with Y eqal to 0, the function should return False.
    For example, 'YOU == ME**2' =>
    lambda Y, M, E, U, O: Y!=0 and M!=0 and ((1*U+10*O+100*Y)) == (1*E+10*M)**2"""

    letters = ''.join(set(re.findall('[A-Z]', formula)))
    firstletters = set(re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula))
    parms = ', '.join(letters)
    tokens = map(compile_word, re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula))
    body = ''.join(tokens)
    if firstletters:
        tests = ' and '.join(L+'!=0' for L in firstletters)
        body = '%s and (%s)' % (parms, body)
    f = 'lambda %s: %s' % (parms, body)
    if verbose: print f
    return eval(f), letters

firstletters = set(re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula))
所以,re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula)的意思是,找到formula字符串中,所有的2个或者多于2个大写字母的单词(当然,也可能不是单词,仅仅是多个大写字母的机械连接)的首字母。
firstletters = set(re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula))则是对re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula)中,可能存在的重复的字母,进行去重,并且返回1个集合给firstletters

辅助对firstletters = set(re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula))的理解,参见下面的例子:

>>> import re
>>> formula = 'YOU == ME**2'
>>> re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula)
['Y', 'M']
>>> firstletters = set(re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]', formula))
>>> firstletters
set(['Y', 'M'])


    if firstletters:
        tests = ' and '.join(L+'!=0' for L in firstletters)
        body = '%s and (%s)' % (parms, body)


2. 练习:Floor Puzzle

Floor Puzzle - Design of Computer Programs - YouTube


resident n.居民

inhabitant 居民,住户

denoting 指示;指出

adjacent 领近的;相邻

# User Instructions
# Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, and Ritchie live on 
# different floors of a five-floor apartment building. 
# Hopper does not live on the top floor. 
# Kay does not live on the bottom floor. 
# Liskov does not live on either the top or the bottom floor. 
# Perlis lives on a higher floor than does Kay. 
# Ritchie does not live on a floor adjacent to Liskov's. 
# Liskov does not live on a floor adjacent to Kay's. 
# Where does everyone live?  
# Write a function floor_puzzle() that returns a list of
# five floor numbers denoting the floor of Hopper, Kay, 
# Liskov, Perlis, and Ritchie.

import itertools

def floor_puzzle():
    # Your code here
    return [Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie]


import itertools

def floor_puzzle():
    floors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    t = itertools.permutations(floors)
    for Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie in t:
        if Hopper != 5:
            if Kay != 1:
                if Liskov !=5 and Liskov != 1:
                    if Perlis - Kay == 1:
                        if abs(Ritchie - Liskov) > 1:
                            if abs(Liskov - Kay) >1:
                                return [Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie]

print floor_puzzle()
import itertools

def floor_puzzle():
        floors = bottom, _, _, _, top = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        p = itertools.permutations(floors)
        Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        return ([Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie]
                        for Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie in p
                        if Hopper is not top
                        if Kay is not bottom
                        if Liskov is not top
                        if Liskov is not bottom
                        if Perlis - Kay == 1
                        if Ritchie - Liskov > 1
                        if Liskov -Kay > 1

for i in floor_puzzle():
        print i


import itertools

def floor_puzzle():
        floors = bottom, _, _, _, top = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        orderings = list(itertools.permutations(floors))
        for (Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie) in orderings:
                if (Hopper is not top
                    and Kay is not bottom
                    and Liskov is not top
                    and Liskov is not bottom
                    and Perlis > Kay
                    and abs(Ritchie - Liskov) > 1
                    and abs(Liskov - Kay) > 1
                        return [Hopper, Kay, Liskov, Perlis, Ritchie]

print floor_puzzle() # [3, 2, 4, 5, 1]

3. 练习:Subpalindrome

Subpalindrome - Design of Computer Programs - YouTube


palindrome 回文

space 空白;空格

punctuation 标点法;标点符号

comparison 比较,对照;比较级

routine 例行程序

trick 戏法,把戏;计谋,诀窍;骗局;恶作剧

expand vt.使…变大;扩张;详述

indices index的复数

convention 惯例,习俗,规矩

abbreviation 省略,缩写,简化,缩写词,略语

assign 分配;赋值

recurrence 反复,隐现;循环;重新提起


potential 潜在的,有可能的

# --------------
# User Instructions
# Write a function, longest_subpalindrome_slice(text) that takes 
# a string as input and returns the i and j indices that 
# correspond to the beginning and end indices of the longest 
# palindrome in the string. 
# Grading Notes:
# You will only be marked correct if your function runs 
# efficiently enough. We will be measuring efficency by counting
# the number of times you access each string. That count must be
# below a certain threshold to be marked correct.
# Please do not use regular expressions to solve this quiz!

def longest_subpalindrome_slice(text):
    "Return (i, j) such that text[i:j] is the longest palindrome in text."
    # Your code here

def test():
    L = longest_subpalindrome_slice
    assert L('racecar') == (0, 7)
    assert L('Racecar') == (0, 7)
    assert L('RacecarX') == (0, 7)
    assert L('Race carr') == (7, 9)
    assert L('') == (0, 0)
    assert L('something rac e car going') == (8,21)
    assert L('xxxxx') == (0, 5)
    assert L('Mad am I ma dam.') == (0, 15)
    return 'tests pass'

print test()


def h2(text):
        text = text.lower()
        for i in range(len(text)):
                for j in range(i+1, len(text)-i-1):
                        if text[i:j] != text[i:j:-1]:
                                return (i, j)
print h2('racecar')
print h2('Racecar')
print h2('Racecarr')
print h2('Race carr')
print h2('something rac e car going')
print h2('xxxxx')
print h2('Mad am I ma dam.')




def longest_subpalindrome_slice(text):
    "Return (i,j) such that text[i:j] is the longest palindrome in text."
    if text == '': return (0,0)
    def length(slice): a,b = slice; return b-a
    candidates = [grow(text, start, end)
                  for start in range(len(text))
                  for end in (start, start+1)]
    return max(candidates, key=length)

def grow(text, start, end):
    "Start with a 0- or 1- length palindrome; try to grow a bigger one."
    while (start > 0 and end < len(text)
           and text[start-1].upper() == text[end].upper()):
        start -= 1; end += 1
    return (start, end)


  1. Design of Computer Programs - 英文介绍 - Udacity
  2. Design of Computer Programs - 中文介绍 - 果壳
  3. Design of Computer Programs - 视频列表 - Udacity
  4. Design of Computer Programs - 视频列表 - YouTube
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