Does love become hate or forgiveness after a double deviation?文章阅读

跟上篇一样,作者Jungkeun Kim(韩国人?)-新西兰奥克兰理工大学市场营销高级讲师,研究兴趣:消费者和旅行决策和行为


This study aims to (1) examine whether a hotel’s loyalty program is effective in weakening the desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal of high-tiered members after a double deviation and (2) determine which recovery tactic is more effective in attenuating their desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal. Scenario-based studies were conducted to achieve the objectives. The findings of this study suggest that high-tiered members are more likely than nonmembers to suppress their desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal during the transition from a single deviation to a double deviation, advocating the “love-is-forgiving” effect. This study also found that financial compensation and apology moderate perceived betrayal among high-tiered members. By contrast, only financial compensation attenuates perceived betrayal among nonmembers. This study contributes to the literature on loyalty programs and customer coping responses with novel findings on how members and nonmembers respond differently to service failure, failed service recovery, and recovery tactics.



The development and maintenance of customer relationship are ubiquitously regarded as fundamental to business perpetuity. The concept of relationship marketing is prevalently adopted in the tourism and hospitality industry to build customer satisfaction, commitment, loyalty, and retention. The most commonly used tool for implementing relationship marketing is a loyalty/reward program, wherein program members are given economic and social rewards in return for their patronization.

业务长久存续:寻找新客户+维持老客户;关系营销 - MBA智库百科中提到,交易市场营销强调市场占有率(前者),在任何时刻,管理人员都必须花费大量费用,吸引潜在顾客购买;关系市场营销则强调顾客忠诚度(后者),保持老顾客比吸引新顾客更重要。

The prevalence of reward programs prompts researchers to look into the multifaceted issues of loyalty programs. The extant hospitality and tourism literature delves into loyalty programs to understand the differential impact of social and economic rewards, program requirement change, brand relationship quality, the impact of membership tier levels, affective commitment, immediate versus delayed rewards, and loyalty determinants among reward program members. The current reward program literature reports the positive impact of a loyalty program on customer relationship, satisfaction, commitment, and loyalty, but does not present findings of whether a loyalty program is also effective in attenuating customer’s negative coping intentions after service failure. That is, this study is prompted by the following research question: do reward program members suppress negative coping response (i.e., desire for retaliation) more than nonmembers after experiencing a service failure?


Responding to the aforementioned research gap will theoretically contribute to the literature on loyalty program, coping response, and service recovery on the following bases. The effect of relationship quality on customer coping intention and behavior is reported in the marketing literature. High-relationship-quality customers exhibit greater desire for retaliation after service failure than low-relationship-quality customers because the former senses more betrayal than the latter. That is, the “love-becomes-hate” effect is advocated in the marketing literature. Relationship quality is operationalized as trust, satisfaction, and commitment when the effect of relationship quality on coping behavior is examined. High-tiered loyalty program members are perceived as high-relationship-quality customers because they exhibit strong commitment, trust, and attachment toward a service firm. However, members technically differ from nonmembers with high relationship quality because membership can trigger strong social identification and switching costs (as discussed in the literature review section). Thus, members may exhibit different negative coping intention compared with that of nonmembers after service failure.

高/低关系质量的顾客 ≠ \not= =会员/非会员,高关系质量的非会员在服务失败后的应对意愿 ≠ \not= =会员的应对意愿

Nevertheless, previous studies have not delved into how hotel reward program members react differently to service failure compared with nonmembers, and thus, the coping response of members is not known nor reported in the literature. Moreover, this study separately explores the coping response of member and nonmember groups in the context of a single deviation (i.e., service failure) and a double deviation (i.e., failed service recovery). Such approach enables this research to identify clearly the distinction between the two groups’ coping intention transition from a single deviation to a double deviation. In addition, the recovery tactic (i.e., apology versus financial compensation) that works best for members has not been examined in the literature. Determining how differently apology and financial compensation work for members and nonmembers will theoretically advance the related literature. Consequently, the novel findings of this study shed theoretical light on the coping response and recovery strategy of members, enriching the quality of the literature on loyalty program, coping response, and service recovery. To fill in this research gap, the current study (1) examines whether hotel loyalty programs are effective in weakening the desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal of high-tiered members after a double deviation and (2) investigates which recovery tactic (i.e., apology versus financial compensation) is more effective in attenuating their desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal after a double deviation.


Literature review

Theoretical background

The literature on service failure and service recovery is mostly grounded on appraisal theory and justice theory. Appraisal theory states that individuals exhibit the cognition–emotion–coping behavior sequence in assessing an event. People engage in the cognitive appraisal of a particular event through the goal congruence dimension, and they determine the valence of their emotions by confirming goal-congruent or goal-incongruent events. Goal-congruent events (e.g., satisfactory service) elicit positive emotions, whereas goal-incongruent events (e.g., poor service recovery) foster negative emotions. Customers’ negative emotions trigger coping behavior/strategies for dealing with goal-incongruent events. Coping behavior is considered a behavioral response of customers to manage events that exceed their resources. Coping behavior is frequently exercised after negative emotions are triggered in an effort to relieve emotional pain or to exact revenge on those who violated fairness. Appraisal theory is mostly adopted in the literature to develop a conceptual framework for examining customer/tourist response to goal-incongruent events. For example, previous studies have delved into how individuals respond to service failure arising from disruptive customer behavior in a dining context and unethical destination incidents. These studies follow the cognition (e.g., perceived severity, betrayal, and powerlessness)–emotion (e.g., anger, and frustration)–coping strategy (e.g., negative word of mouth, avoidance, and confrontation) sequence in developing a conceptual model for understanding the cognitive and emotional appraisal of and behavioral response to service failure.

评价理论:个体在评价事件时遵循认知-情绪-应对这样的行为序列(the cognition–emotion–coping behavior sequence)

The current study builds on appraisal theory to explore the respective coping responses of hotels’ loyalty program members to a single deviation and a double deviation compared with those of nonmembers by examining their perceptions of betrayal, desire to retaliate, and service failure severity (a control variable). Perceived betrayal is conceptualized as a customer’s perception that a service provider has transgressed relational norms. Perceived betrayal occurs when a service firm takes advantage of customers, disappoints them, lies to them, loses their trust, and breaks its promise. Customers who feel betrayed because of the infringement of relational norms prompt highly intense cognitions and are inclined to view retaliation as a valid means to restore fairness and social order. In the social psychology literature, people become unhappy or worried when they are blamed by a group with whom they have sustained a strong bond or when they maintain a close relationship with the violator, suggesting that perceived betrayal is closely associated with the coping response of individuals who have a strong relationship with a firm, i.e., high-tiered members.


Retaliatory desire or desire for revenge is regarded as customers’ intention to get even with a firm for the trouble or failure it has caused them, and thus, restore justice. Retaliatory desire is considered a natural coping response of those who feel betrayed due to service failure because perceived betrayal strongly motivates customers to take actions that will restore fairness, effectively predicting retaliation. In particular, perceived betrayal and desire to retaliate can further intensify in the case of failed service recovery (i.e., a double deviation) following a single deviation given that a double deviation in experimental research produces an extreme service failure case. The comparison between single and double deviations enables this study to determine how high-tiered members develop perceived betrayal and desire to retaliate from a single deviation to a double deviation, clearly demonstrating the effect of membership on coping response. Service failure severity indicates the extent to which damage is caused by a firm or an individual; it ranges from minor to major aggravation/inconvenience. Failure severity significantly affects coping responses, and thus, it is generally held constant (as a control) in service failure experimental research. The present study also adopts failure severity as a control variable in the experiment.


Justice theory is concerned with service recovery for service failure, and it involves the three dimensions of cognition: distributive, procedural, and interactional fairness. Distributive fairness refers to the outcome or compensation given to customers by service providers because of service failure. A free drink and an apology/discount in exchange for poor service are examples of distributive justice. Procedural fairness refers to the process of resolving problems. Procedural justice covers the procedures, methods, and policies of service firms when handling customer concerns/complaints. Interactional fairness refers to the manner in which service providers deal with and interact with customers. Interactional justice is manifested by treating customers with respect, empathy, and integrity and by offering them with a detailed explanation of the concerned events. Customers perceive fairness as critical to judging service recovery quality. When customers observe a lack of or a violation of fairness in service recovery, they consider it failed service recovery, triggering negative emotions and coping behavior. In accordance with justice theory and experimental research, Liu (2019) investigated the effectiveness of financial compensation and promptness of response in an effort to recover from negative online reviews against a hotel’s service failure. Their study suggested that monetary compensation is suitable for less severe service failure, but a hotel’s prompt response to negative reviews is the best recovery practice for a more severe service failure, enhancing the intention of hotel customers to contribute reviews. On the basis of experimental research, the current study also examines which recovery tactic (i.e., apology versus financial compensation) works best for members, as compared with nonmembers, in service recovery.


Hypotheses development
Love is forgiving

The “love-becomes-hate” phenomenon is observed in the relationship quality literature when best (loyal) customers become the worst critics (Grégoire et al., 2009; Grégoire & Fisher, 2006, 2008). High-relationship-quality customers escalate unfavorable emotions against negative service encounters, such as (a) service recovery failure (Grégoire et al., 2009) and (b) service interaction violation of relational norms (Aggarwal, 2004). High relational customers believe that they offer more favor to a service firm by patronizing it than the firm returns a favor to them. If service failure occurs under such circumstance, then high relational customers are more likely than low relational customers to feel betrayed, and thus, hold a grudge against the service provider (Grégoire et al., 2009; Ward & Ostrom, 2006). The “love-becomes-hate” effect is reported in the literature. In this effect, high relationship quality is operationalized as trust, satisfaction, and commitment under the context of nonmembership. Non-loyalty program members technically differ from high-tiered members who perceive strong social identification and positive switching costs. The current study posits the “love-is-forgiving” effect, in which high relational customers exhibit less tendency to retaliate against a service provider after service failure (Grégoire & Fisher, 2006). Individuals with a strong commitment tend to exercise resistance against counter-attitudinal (negative) information that threatens their motives, needs (Kunda, 1990), or preferred positions (Ahluwalia, 2000). The present study advocates that high-tiered hotel loyalty program members are more likely than nonmembers to suppress perceived betrayal and desire to retaliate after service failure with biased assimilation through the relative weighting of attributes, social identification, and positive switching costs.


Biased assimilation prompts committed individuals to view pro-attitudinal information as more reliable than counterattitudinal information due to a biased memory search for premises, occasions, and inference rules in the past that can lead to a preferred conclusion (Kunda, 1990). When individuals are influenced by biased assimilation, they tend to be more critical of attitude-inconsistent information than attitude-consistent information, and thus, are likely to invalidate counterattitudinal information (Ditto, Munro, Apanovitch, & Lockhart, 1998). Biased assimilation occurs through the relative weighting of attributes. Committed individuals can sense cognitive dissonance (e.g., betrayal) when they are exposed to counter-attitudinal information, e.g., service failure (Ahluwalia, 2000). They are inclined to suppress dissonant cognition by either diminishing the weight of attribute(s) affected by attitude-inconsistent information (Festinger, 1957) or increasing the weight of attitude-consistent attribute(s) (Abelson, 1959), and thus, counteract negative information (Ahluwalia, 2000). Therefore, the current study postulates that when high-tiered members experience service failure, their biased assimilation enables them to better suppress perceived betrayal and desire for retaliation against a hotel than nonmembers to minimize their cognitive dissonance.

biased assimilation有偏同化,个体受有偏同化影响时,倾向于批评态度不一致的信息而非态度一致的信息。

Social identity theory also supports the “love-is-forgiving” effect on high-tiered members, positing that “social identity consists of salient group classifications that, in turn, may be based on demographic categories, gender, or race, as well as membership in central organizations, such as clubs or religious, educational, or cultural institutions” (Bhattacharya, Rao, & Glynn, 1995, p. 47). The theory suggests that social identification arises from a sense of belonging to a group, i.e., the extent to which an individual identifies with a group. Social identification results in organizational identification wherein organizational members define themselves in accordance with organizational membership (Bhattacharya et al., 1995). Organizational identification is driven by a close cognitive link in which a member’s self-concept shares the same attributes with organizational identity (Dutton, Dukerich, & Harquail, 1994). Given that individuals can reflect their social identity through organizational membership, they are motivated to join a prominent organization for self-enhancement and self-esteem through organizational identification (Mael & Ashforth, 1992). Membership affiliation characteristics, such as membership tenure (Mael & Ashforth, 1992) and category (Dutton et al., 1994), indicate the extent to which individuals identify with their organization. That is, the length of time that members stay with their organization and the high level of membership categories that they belong to are suggestive of their commitment to and identification with a focal organization (Bhattacharya et al., 1995). High-tiered membership status is earned through the frequent patronization of a membership-offering hotel over time, and thus, high-tiered members tend to hold a strong social identification with and commitment to the hotel. When they experience service failure, a high level of their social identification and commitment enable them to suppress perceived betrayal and desire for retaliation against the hotel more than nonmembers, who have weak social identification and commitment.

社会认同理论支持高级成员的爱是宽恕效应。supports the “love-is-forgiving” effect on high-tiered members

Another plausible explanation for the “love-is-forgiving” effect on high-tiered members is the positive switching costs (i.e., lost benefit costs and social switching costs) that customers perceive when they terminate a relationship with a service provider. Positive switching costs refer to material and social benefits (e.g., benefits of a loyalty program) that customers will lose if they exit a service firm (Haj-Salem & Chebat, 2014; Jones, Reynolds, Morthersbaugh, & Beatty, 2007). Positive switching costs are perceived as value-added benefits that are regarded as a facilitator of key service rather than a negative restraint (Jones et al., 2007) for maintaining a long-term relationship (Chiu, Hsieh, Li, & Lee, 2005). In accordance with appraisal theory of emotion (Lazarus, 1991), people who experienced a negative episode appraise the unfavorable event and develop emotional reactions, leading to negative coping behavior (e.g., exit, loyalty, or desire for retaliation) to reduce emotional dissonance. In line with appraisal theory of emotion, Haj-Salem and Chebat (2014) developed the following hypothesis: when customers experience service failure, they consider the loss of material and social benefits in deciding whether to end their relationship with a service provider. If the positive switching costs outweigh the service failure, then customers feel indebted to the provider, triggering inward negative emotions, such as sadness, guilt, embarrassment, and regret, which make quitting the service firm difficult for the customer. Moreover, when customers engage in inward negative emotions after service failure, they may develop counterfactual thinking that helps them remain with a service provider (Roese & Olson, 1995). That is, customers who appreciate the value of positive switching costs after service failure may engage in counterfactual thinking that allows them to favorably reinterpret the circumstance (Haj-Salem & Chebat, 2014; Yi & Baumgartner, 2004).
另一种对高级成员“爱就是宽恕”的可能解释是,当客户终止与服务提供商的关系时,客户感知到正的转换成本(即损失的福利成本和社会转换成本)。正的转换成本指的是客户退出服务公司后将失去的物质和社会利益(如忠诚度计划的福利)。正的转换成本被认为是增值收益,对维持长期关系而言,(增值收益)被认为是关键服务的促进因素而非消极约束。根据情绪评价理论,经历了消极事件的人会对不利事件进行评价,并产生情绪反应,导致消极应对行为(如退出、忠诚或报复欲望),以减少情绪失调。Haj-Salem和Chebat(2014)根据情感评价理论(appraisal theory of emotion)提出了如下假设:当顾客遭遇服务失败,他们在决定是否终止与服务提供者的关系时,会考虑到物质利益和社会利益的损失。如果正的转换成本大于服务失败(的损失),那么顾客会对服务提供者产生负债(负罪?)感,从而引发内在的消极情绪,如悲伤、内疚、尴尬和后悔,这使得顾客很难离开服务公司。此外,当顾客在服务失败后产生内向的负面情绪时,他们可能会产生反事实思维,帮助他们与服务提供者保持联系。也就是说,那些在服务失败后意识到正的转换成本价值的客户可能会进行反事实思维,从而允许他们积极地重新解释这种情况。


In summary, high-tiered reward program members are more likely than nonmembers to be exposed to biased assimilation through the relative weighting of attributes, social identification, and positive switching costs. When members experience service failure, their resistance against a counter-attitudinal experience, sense of belonging, and feeling indebted to a hotel play an active role in cushioning their negative cognition, emotion, and coping behavior against the hotel. Therefore, this study contends that high-tiered loyalty program members are more likely than nonmembers to weaken their desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal after service failure, positing the “love-is-forgiving” effect of hotel loyalty membership through the following hypotheses:
High-tiered hotel loyalty program members are more likely than nonmembers to attenuate their desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal against a hotel after a double deviation.
Nonmembers are more likely than members to evoke greater desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal after a double deviation than after a single deviation.


Service recovery tactics

A hotel loyalty program offers social (e.g., personalized attention, recognition, rapport, and preferential treatment) and economic (e.g., point redemption for a free room and food and beverage [F&B] discounts) rewards to its program members. The concept of social and economic rewards is construed from cognitive evaluation theory (CET), which states that reward types or contexts influence customer motivation differentially (Deci & Ryan, 1985) to maintain a relationship with a service firm (Noble, Esmark, & Noble, 2014). CET suggests internal (social) and external (economic) rewards. Internal rewards, which exhibit an intangible nature, drive the intrinsic enjoyment of a behavior and act as an intrinsic motivation to maintain such a behavior (Melancon, Noble, & Noble, 2011). Internal rewards are represented by preferential treatment, personalized recognition/attention from, and rapport with a service provider in relationship marketing (Gwinner, Gremler, & Bitner, 1998). In contrast with internal rewards, external rewards exhibit a tangible nature and are generally deemed as extrinsically motivating rewards, including money and prizes (Rummel & Feinberg, 1988); that is, financial rewards (e.g., free goods/services and discounts) are offered in exchange for loyalty (Berry, 1995).


CET advocates that social rewards are more likely than economic rewards to enhance affective commitment; by contrast, economic rewards are more effective than social rewards in developing continuance commitment (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Melancon et al., 2011). Affective commitment involves a sense of belonging and an emotional tie to an organization (Allen & Meyer, 1996); thus, it is closely associated with an intrinsic motivation to remain loyal to an organization when individuals care about internal relationship quality (Melancon et al., 2011). Social rewards prompt an intrinsic motivation/reason for sustaining strong emotional bonds, enjoyment, and satisfaction with an organization (Berry, 1995; Melancon et al., 2011); hence, they trigger affective commitment more strongly than economic rewards. Continuance commitment, which is rooted in tangible rewards, is indicative of an investment-based tie to an organization, as reflected by the need to retain current rewards or the concern of forfeiting investment (e.g., time or money) (Meyer & Allen, 1991). Customers maintain continuance commitment to an organization due to the anxiety of losing their time or money investment; thus, they are extrinsically motivated to stay with the organization for the purpose of retaining rewards (Melancon et al., 2011). Accordingly, economic rewards are more strongly linked to continuance commitment than social rewards.


An apology or financial compensation is frequently used to recover service failure. Evidently, these recovery tactics work best in service recovery when they are used in combination (McDougall & Levesque, 1999; Wirtz & Mattila, 2004). Customers, whether loyalty program members or not, expect to receive the corresponding financial compensation for the scale of service failure that they experienced (Smith et al., 1999). Thus, monetary compensation (e.g., refund and discount) is regarded as an effective recovery strategy to develop the continuance commitment of reward program members and non-members. However, previous studies have not examined nor reported whether psychological compensation (e.g., an apology) works better for members or nonmembers.


An apology, which acts as a nonmonetary or psychological compensation in nature, is a message through which an offender admits responsibility for causing failure or damages to a sufferer (Hareli & Eisikovits, 2006). An apology is used to recover service failure by expressing regret and empathy for a customer’s damage and suffering (Liao, 2007) and to restore justice between the customer and the service firm during the service recovery process (Laer & de Ruyter, 2010). Apology is viewed as a psychological recovery tactic that provides the sufferer with intrinsic, emotional compensation rather than extrinsic, monetary benefits (e.g., discounts, vouchers) (Basso & Pizzutti, 2016). An apology enhances satisfaction with service recovery because it sends a signal that the transgressor intends to restore justice (Liao, 2007) and sustain its relationship with the victim instead of terminating it (Cremer, 2010). An apology is also found to recover trust significantly (De Ruyter & Wetzels, 2000), suggesting that it strengthens customer perception of a service firm’s integrity (Laer & de Ruyter, 2010; ).


High-tiered loyalty program members hold a strong sense of belonging and commitment to a hotel through social identification. When exposed to a negative occasion from the hotel, they suffer from cognitive dissonance more than nonmembers (Ahluwalia, 2000) due to their high level of trust in the hotel. To attenuate cognitive dissonance, members are more likely than nonmembers to reconfirm the integrity of a hotel favorably by relying more on pro-attitudinal experience than on counter-attitudinal experience in the past (Kunda, 1990), instead of immediately ending their relationship with the hotel. That is, if a hotel commits service failure, then members who maintain strong emotional attachment to the hotel would like the hotel to recover from its failure to the extent that they can reconfirm the integrity of the hotel and regain trust and justice from the hotel to minimize their cognitive dissonance from service failure. Members feel a stronger emotional tie or affective commitment to a hotel than nonmembers, and thus, they are more likely than nonmembers to be receptive to an apology that is instrumental in restoring trust and justice. Accordingly, the current study posits that an apology is more effective in attenuating the desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal of high-tiered loyalty program members than those of nonmembers.
An apology is more effective in attenuating the desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal of members than those of nonmembers.


The overall framework and empirical studies are illustrated in Fig. 1. Given that the hypotheses are primarily about causal relationship, an experimental method was adopted to provide empirical evidence for causality among various variables (Viglia & Dolnicar, 2020). Exposure to multiple conditions of the same participants can generate comparison bias; thus, we largely used the between-subjects design (Kardes & Herr, 2019). In addition, conducting field experiments, including actual service failure, is extremely difficult; hence, a scenario-based method, which is widely used in tourism and hospitality research (Kim et al., 2019, 2020), was adopted. From the studies of Grégoire et al. (2009) and Basso and Pizzutti (2016), the booking problem was selected as the primary scenario for service failure because it is one of the most popular hotel service failure cases during travel.
同一参与者暴露在多种条件下会产生比较偏差comparison bias;因此,我们在主要采用被试间设计between-subjects design(也称组间设计between-groups design)。此外,进行实地试验(field experiments田野实验?),包括实际服务失败,是极其困难的;因此,采用了一种基于情景的方法,该方法广泛应用于旅游和酒店研究。根据Grégoire et al.(2009)和Basso and Pizzutti(2016)的研究,预订问题被选为服务失败的主要场景,因为它是旅行中最常见的酒店服务失败案例之一。




Study 1: participants, design, and procedures

Study 1 provided the initial empirical evidence for testing H1a and b by using service failure scenarios. A total of 203 adults from the US (43.8% female, average age = 39.26 years, standard deviation [SD] = 12.72) from an online panel (i.e., Amazon Mechanical Turk) participated in the study in exchange for a small monetary payment. The participants were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions in a 2 (loyalty program membership: non-member vs. member) × 2 (number of service failures: single deviation vs. double deviation) between-subject design.
研究1提供了使用服务失败场景测试H1a和b的初步经验证据。来自在线小组(Amazon Mechanical Turk)的美国203名成年人(43.8%为女性,平均年龄=39.26岁,标准差[SD]=12.72)参加了这项研究。参与者被随机分配到两个实验场景中的一个,2(非成员vs.成员)×2(服务失败次数:单一偏差vs.双重偏差)被试间设计。

between-subject design 被试间设计,也称组间设计

To operationalize the current study, the participants were informed that this research aims to assess customers’ responses from their hotel service experience. The scenarios were developed to assess negative coping intention against a hotel after single and double deviations by using service failure scenarios modified from the research of Grégoire et al. (2009) and Basso and Pizzutti (2016). The participants in the loyalty membership group were asked to imagine that they hold a high-tiered loyalty program membership in a franchised hotel for 10 years and had enjoyed its benefits. They always booked the same hotel for their business trips. By contrast, the participants in the non-loyalty membership group were asked to imagine that they had never stayed in the hotel before and that they booked the hotel for a business trip. Then, single and double deviations occurred. The participants in the single deviation group were informed that they could not check in before 5 pm because their room was not yet ready, even though the regular check-in time was 2 pm and they arrived at the hotel at 3 pm The participants in the double deviation group were further informed that the hotel’s front desk clerk was impolite and that their request to see the hotel manager was rejected (refer to the Appendix for the complete scenarios).
为了实施本研究,参与者被告知这项研究旨在评估客户的反应从他们的酒店服务体验。通过使用Grégoire et al.(2009)和Basso and Pizzutti(2016)调整后的服务失败情景,制定情景来评估在酒店单次和双次偏离后的消极应对意向。忠诚度会员组的参与者被要求想象他们在特许经营酒店拥有10年的高级会员资格,并享受了它的各类服务。他们出差总是订这家旅馆。相比之下,非忠诚会员组的参与者被要求想象他们以前从未住过这家酒店,并因商务旅行预订了这家酒店。然后,出现了单偏差和双偏差。单偏差组的参与者被告知他们不能在下午5点之前办理入住手续,因为他们的房间还没有准备好,尽管常规的入住时间是下午2点,他们在下午3点到达酒店。双偏差组的参与者还被告知酒店的前台办事员非常不礼貌并且拒绝了他们要求见酒店经理的请求(完整的情况见附录)。


Subsequently, all the participants were asked to rate their desire for retaliation in response to six items (e.g., “You want to do something bad to this hotel”) adopted from Grégoire and Fisher (2006) by using a seven-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree; Cronbach’s α = 0.954). The participants were also asked to rate their perceived betrayal in response to three items (e.g., “I feel cheated”) adopted from Grégoire and Fisher (2008) by using a seven-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree; Cronbach’s α = 0.891). Then, manipulation checks were measured to check the manipulation of loyalty program membership. In particular, the participants were asked to assess their perceived relationship quality in response to four items (e.g., “I feel that this hotel is very dependable”) adopted from Grégoire et al. (2009) by using a seven-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree; Cronbach’s α = 0.900). In addition, to check the manipulation of single and double deviations, participants were also asked to evaluate the severity of service failure in response to three items (e.g., “The service failure caused me …”) adopted from Smith et al. (1999) by using a seven-point scale (1 = minor problem/small inconvenience/minor aggravation, 7 = major problem/big inconvenience/major aggravation; Cronbach’s α = 0.912). All the scales are provided in the Appendix.
随后,所有参与者被要求使用7分量表(1=强烈不同意,7=强烈同意;Cronbach’s α=0.954)来评估他们对六个项目(例如,“你想对这家酒店做坏事”)的报复欲望。参与者还被要求使用7分量表(1=强烈不同意,7=强烈同意;Cronbach’s α=0.891)来评估他们对三个项目(例如,“我觉得被欺骗”)的感知背叛。随后,做了操纵检验manipulation checks检查了忠诚度会员的操纵情况。特别是,参与者被要求使用七分量表(1=强烈不同意,7=强烈同意;Cronbach’s α=0.900)评估他们对四个项目(例如,“我觉得这家酒店非常可靠”)的感知关系质量。此外,为了检查单偏差和双偏差的操纵情况,参与者还被要求使用七分量表(1=小问题/小不便/小恶化,7=大问题/大不便/大恶化;Cronbach’s α = 0.912)评估服务失败的严重程度,以回应三个项目(例如,“服务失败导致我…”)。所有量表见附录。


Study 1: results

Manipulation checks were successfully conducted. The participants’ perceived relationship quality in each scenario were analyzed using 2 (loyalty membership: non-member vs. member) × 2 (number of service failures: single deviation vs. double deviation) ANOVA. Only the main effect of loyalty program members was significant. In particular, the perceived relationship quality was higher for the participants in the member group (M = 3.16, SD = 1.21) than for those in the non-member group (M = 2.61, SD = 1.47; F [1, 199] = 8.01, p = 0.005, η2 = 0.039), indicating the successful manipulation of loyalty program membership. In addition, the participants’ perceived severity of the service failure was checked using the same 2 × 2 ANOVA. Only the main effect of the number of service failures was significant. In particular, the perceived severity of service failure was higher for the participants in the double deviation group (M = 5.33, SD = 1.40) than for those in the single deviation group (M = 4.40, SD = 1.52; F [1, 199] = 20.84, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.095), supporting the evidence for service failure manipulation.


A 2 × 2 ANOVA was conducted for desire for retaliation. The main effect of the number of service failures was significant, i.e., the desire for retaliation was higher for the participants in the double deviation group (M = 3.82, SD = 1.74) than for those in the non-member group (M = 3.09, SD = 1.73; F [1, 199] = 9.01, p = 0.003, η2 = 0.043). Moreover, the interaction effect of the two experimental factors was significant (F [1, 199] = 6.59, p = 0.011, η2 = 0.032). The planned contrast analysis confirmed H1a and b, as shown in Fig. 2. In particular, for the participants in the non-membership group, the desire for retaliation was higher in the double deviation group (M = 4.17, SD = 1.80) than in the single deviation group (M = 2.83, SD = 1.71; F [1, 199] = 15.59, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.073). By contrast, for the participants in the member group, the desire for retaliation was similar in the double deviation (M = 3.44, SD = 1.62) and single deviation (M = 3.34, SD = 1.74; F [1, 199] = 0.09, p = 0.760, η2 = 0.001) groups.


Study 2: participants, design, and procedures

Study 2 provided additional empirical evidence for our major argument by sampling current members of hotel reward programs. Study 2 recruited 280 hotel loyalty program members from three countries, namely, the US (100), Hong Kong (90), and Singapore (90), in collaboration with Toluna (a business analytic company), which holds more than 9 million panels across 49 countries. The major findings of Study 2 were not different across countries, and thus, a country-specific effect is not an issue in this study. The gender ratio of the sample is 45.7% (female) to 54.3% (male), with the following age categories: 21–30 years (24.6%), 31–40 years (26.8%), 41–50 years (27.1%), 51–60 years (16.1%), and 61 years and above (5.4%). Table 1 provides the loyalty program profile of the survey respondents, many of whom are members of Hilton Honors (39.6%) and Marriott Rewards (47.1%).
研究2通过对酒店奖励计划的现有成员进行抽样,为我们的主要论点提供了额外的实证证据。研究2与Toluna(一家商业分析公司)合作,招募了来自三个国家的280名酒店忠诚计划成员,分别是美国(100名)、香港(90名)和新加坡(90名)。Toluna在49个国家拥有超过900万名会员。研究2的主要发现在不同国家之间没有差异,因此,特定国家的影响在本研究中不是问题。样本的性别比例为45.7%(女性)~ 54.3%(男性),年龄分为21-30岁(24.6%)、31-40岁(26.8%)、41-50岁(27.1%)、51-60岁(16.1%)、61岁及以上(5.4%)。表1提供了调查对象的忠诚度计划概况,其中许多是希尔顿荣誉(39.6%)和万豪奖励(47.1%)的成员。


The survey participants were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions in a 2 (loyalty membership: non-member vs. member) × 2 (number of service failures: single vs. double deviation) between-subject design. The general procedure and measurement used in this study were similar to those used in Study 1 except for a few modifications. All the participants are current members of a hotel loyalty program. Although they hold membership, membership association or attachment can vary among individuals. To consider a different level of membership attachment among the study participants, their membership commitment was measured by asking them to rate their previous frequency of staying in a membership-offering hotel by using a four-point scale (1 = not once in the past 12 months, 4 = more than 5 times in the past 12 months). Then, the participants were asked to assess their desire for retaliation (Cronbach’s α = 0.948), perceived relationship quality (Cronbach’s α = 0.870), and the severity of the service failure (Cronbach’s α = 0.900). In addition, the scenario’s realism (Basso & Pizzutti, 2016) was measured in response to two items in a seven-point scale (1 = very unrealistic, 7 = very realistic; Cronbach’s α = 0.815).
调查参与者被随机分配到2(忠诚会员:非会员vs.会员)×2(服务失败次数:单偏差vs.双偏差)组间被试两种实验条件中的一种。除少数修改外,本研究的一般程序和测量方法与研究1类似。所有参与者都是酒店忠诚计划的现任成员。虽然他们拥有会员资格,但会员关联或会员依恋因人而异。为了考虑研究参与者之间不同程度的会员依恋,他们的成员承诺被衡量通过让他们对之前在提供会员制的酒店住宿的频率进行评分,采用四分制(1 =过去12个月内没有发生过一次,4 =过去12个月内发生过5次以上)。然后,参与者被要求评估他们的报复欲望(Cronbach’s α=0.948)、感知关系质量(Cronbach’s α=0.870)和服务失败的严重程度(Cronbach’s α=0.900)。此外,该方案的真实性测度是对两个item做七分制评价得来的(1=非常不现实,7=非常现实;Cronbach’s α=0.815)。


Study 2: results

The realism of the scenario (M = 4.83, SD = 1.30) was higher than the neutral point (i.e., “4”, t (279) = 9.50, p < 0.001). It was similar under different experimental conditions (all p > 0.442). In addition, the participants’ perceived relationship quality in each scenario were analyzed using a 2 (loyalty membership: nonmembers vs. members) × 2 (number of service failures: single vs. double deviation) ANOVA. Only the main effect of loyalty program members was significant. That is, the perceived relationship quality was higher for participants in the member group (M = 5.39, SD = 0.85) than for those in the non-member group (M = 4.82, SD = 1.07; F [1, 276] = 24.92, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.083), suggesting the successful manipulation of loyalty program membership. In addition, the participants’ perceived severity of the service failure was analyzed in the same manner. Only the main effect of the number of service failures was significant. That is, the perceived severity of the service failure was higher for the participants in the double deviation group (M = 5.61, SD = 1.10) than for those in the single deviation group (M = 5.09, SD = 1.44; F [1, 276] = 11.56, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.045), supporting the successful manipulation of service failures. Therefore, overall manipulation was successfully checked.
情景的真实性(M = 4.83, SD = 1.30)高于中性点(即“4”,t (279) = 9.50, p < 0.001)。在不同的实验条件下,其结果相似(所有的p >0.442)。此外,在每个场景中,参与者的感知关系质量采用2(忠诚度:非会员vs.会员)×2(服务失败次数:单偏差vs.双偏差)方差分析。只有忠诚计划成员的主效应是显著的。即成员组的感知关系质量(M = 5.39, SD = 0.85)高于非成员组(M = 4.82, SD = 1.07;F [1,276] = 24.92, p < 0.001,η2 = 0.083),表明忠诚计划会员的成功操纵。此外,对参与者感知到的服务故障严重程度进行了同样的分析。只有服务故障数量的主效应是显著的。即双偏差组(M = 5.61, SD = 1.10)对服务失败的感知严重程度高于单偏差组(M = 5.09, SD = 1.44;F [1,276] = 11.56, p < 0.001,η2 = 0.045),支持对服务故障的成功操纵。因此,成功地检查了全部操纵。


2 × 2 ANOVA was conducted for desire for retaliation. In contrast with the results of Study 1, the interaction effect was insignificant (F [1, 276] = 0.10, p = 0.757, η2 = 0.000). However, when membership commitment was included as an additional moderator, a marginally significant three-way interaction effect was identified. The results of Hayes’s (2018) analysis for Model #3 with 5000 bootstrapping, i.e., IV = number of service failures (single vs. double), Moderator #1 = loyalty membership (non-member vs. member), and Moderator #2 = membership commitment as a continuous variable (relatively low versus high in measurement), exhibited a significant three-way interaction effect (effect = −0.92, t = −1.92, 90% confidence interval: [−0.1.725, −0.131]). That is, for the participants with relatively high membership commitment (i.e., +1 SD in the measurement), the results of Study 1 was replicated; the difference between single and double deviations was only significant for the participants in the non-member group (p = 0.039), but not in the member group (p = 0.816). However, for participants with relatively low membership strength (i.e., −1 SD in the measurement), the difference between single and double deviations was found to be only significant for the participants in the member group (p = 0.001), but not in the non-member group (p = 0.237). The detailed pattern is illustrated in Fig. 3.
对报复欲望进行2×2的方差分析。与研究1相比,交互效应不显著(F [1,276] = 0.10, p = 0.757,η2 = 0.000)。然而,当成员承诺作为一个额外的调节因素时,发现了一个轻微显著的三方交互效应。Hayes(2018)对具有5000个bootstrapping的模型# 3的分析结果,即IV=服务失败次数(单次vs双次),调节变量#1=忠诚会员(非会员vs会员),调节变量#2=会员承诺作为一个连续变量(相对较低的测量值vs较高的测量值),表现出显著的三方交互效应(效应=−0.92,t=−1.92,90%置信区间:[0.1.725,−0.131])。也就是说,对于成员承诺相对较高的参与者(即测量中+1 SD),结果与研究1的结果一致(重复研究1的结果);单偏差和双偏差之间的差异仅对非成员组的参与者显著(p=0.039),而对成员组不显著(p=0.816)。然而,对于成员强度相对较低的参与者(即测量中的-1 SD),发现单偏差和双偏差之间的差异仅对成员组的参与者显著(p=0.001),而非成员组的参与者不显著(p=0.237)。详细的模式如图3所示。


In summary, H1a and b were supported for the relatively high membership commitment group with the “love-is-forgiving” effect when a sample of reward program members was used. However, the opposite pattern (i.e., “love becomes hate”) was true for the relatively low membership commitment group. Considering that new members may have low membership commitment, reward program managers should understand that in contrast with high-tiered members, new members may exhibit the same negative coping intention displayed by non-members.


Study 3: participants, design, and procedures

Study 3 investigated the impact of different compensations on desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal by comparing three different recovery tactics, namely, no recovery vs. financial compensation vs. apology (emotional compensation). A total of 370 adults from the US (50.3% female, average age = 36.53 years, SD = 12.64) from an online panel (i.e., Amazon Mechanical Turk) participated in the study in exchange for a small monetary payment. The participants were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions in a 2 (loyalty membership: non-member vs. member) × 3 (recovery tactics: no recovery vs. financial compensation vs. emotional compensation [apology]) × 1 (number of service failures: double deviation) between-subject design.


Study 3 followed the same procedure and measurement used in Studies 1 and 2 with minimal contextual adjustment, i.e., only double deviation was considered for all the experimental conditions. Although the implementation of Study 3 was basically the same as those of Studies 1 and 2, three recovery tactics were additionally executed by providing further information from a hotel manager the subsequent day. All the participants received the following common message from the hotel manager: Good morning, Sir/Madam. We understand that you are unable to check in at our hotel at 2 p.m. yesterday due to a service failure on our part, followed by three different recovery tactics. For example, the participants in the no recovery group received the following message: We hope that you enjoy your stay at our hotel. The primary purpose of this experimental condition was to compare no recovery condition (as the control condition) with other experimental conditions. Meanwhile, the participants in the financial compensation group received the following message: For this reason, we would like to inform you that you are entitled to a 50% discount off our daily rate for your next stay at our hotel. Lastly, the participants in the apology group received the following message: We take full responsibility for the failure, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you. The participants were then asked to rate their desire for retaliation (Cronbach’s α = 0.960), perceived betrayal (Cronbach’s α = 0.872), and perceived relationship quality (Cronbach’s α = 0.929).
研究3采用了与研究1和2相同的程序和测量方法,并进行最小程度的背景调整,即在所有实验条件下只考虑了双偏差。尽管研究3的实施与研究1和研究2基本相同,但通过第二天从酒店经理处提供进一步的信息。三种恢复/补偿策略被额外实施。所有的参与者都收到了酒店经理的以下共同信息:早上好,先生/女士。据我们了解,由于我们的服务失误,您无法在昨天下午2点到我们酒店办理入住手续,随后采取了三种不同的恢复策略。例如,无恢复组的参与者收到以下信息:我们希望您在我们酒店过得愉快。本实验情境的主要目的是将无补偿情境(作为对照条件)与其他实验情境进行比较。与此同时,经济补偿组的参与者收到了以下信息:为此,我们想通知您,您下次入住我们酒店,有权享受我们每日价格的50%折扣。最后,道歉组的参与者收到了以下信息:我们对失败承担全部责任,并对给您带来的不便表示诚挚的歉意。然后要求参与者对他们的报复欲望(Cronbach’s α = 0.960)、背叛感(Cronbach’s α =0.872)和关系质量(Cronbach’s α =0.929)进行评分。


Study 3: results

Manipulation checks were successfully completed given that the participants’ perceived relationship quality was higher for the participants in the member group (M = 3.25, SD = 1.45) than for those in the non-member group (M = 2.28, SD = 1.35; F [1, 368] = 43.87, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.107), suggesting the successful manipulation of loyalty program membership. A 2 × 3 ANOVA was conducted to assess desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal. The interaction effect (p = 0.307) and the main effect (p > 0.376) of desire for retaliation were insignificant, whereas the main effect of recovery tactics was significant (F [2, 364] = 10.51, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.055) for perceived betrayal. Perceived betrayal was higher for the no recovery group (M = 5.10, SD = 1.19) than for the financial compensation group (M = 4.32, SD = 1.57) and the apology group (M = 4.58, SD = 1.29). Moreover, the interaction effect was significant (F [2, 364] = 3.07, p = 0.048, η2 = 0.017). The planned contrast analysis partially confirmed H2, as shown in Fig. 4. In particular, for participants in the non-membership group (F [2, 364] = 4.19, p = 0.016, η2 = 0.022), perceived betrayal was lower in the financial compensation group (M = 4.35, SD = 1.42) than in the no recovery group (M = 5.01, SD = 1.24; p = 0.008) and in the apology group (M = 4.92, SD = 1.03; p = 0.022). The perceived betrayal of the two latter groups (i.e., the no recovery and apology groups) was similar (p = 0.715).
考虑到成员组参与者的感知关系质量(M=3.25,SD=1.45)高于非成员组参与者(M=2.28,SD=1.35;F[1,368]=43.87,p<0.001,η2=0.107),表明忠诚计划会员的成功操纵。采用2×3方差分析评估报复欲望和背叛感知。报复欲望的交互作用(p=0.307)和主效应(p>0.376)均不显著,而补救策略对背叛感知的主效应显著(F[2364]=10.51,p<0.001,η2=0.055)。无补偿组(M = 5.10, SD = 1.19)的背叛感知高于经济补偿组(M = 4.32, SD = 1.57)和道歉组(M = 4.58, SD = 1.29)。此外,交互作用显著(F[2364]=3.07,p=0.048,η2=0.017)。计划的对比分析部分证实了H2,如图4所示。特别地,对于非成员组(F[2364]=4.19,p=0.016,η2=0.022)的参与者,经济补偿组(M=4.35,SD=1.42)的背叛感低于无补偿组(M=5.01,SD=1.24;p=0.008)和道歉组(M=4.92,SD=1.03;p=0.022)。后两组(即未补偿组和道歉组)对背叛的感知相似(p=0.715)。


However, different patterns were found for the participants in the membership group (F [2, 364] = 9.59, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.050). Perceived betrayal was lower in the financial compensation group (M = 4.28, SD = 1.71) than in the no recovery group (M = 5.18, SD = 1.15; p < 0.001). In addition, perceived betrayal was lower in the emotional compensation group (M = 4.27, SD = 1.44) than in the no recovery group (M = 5.18, SD = 1.15; p < 0.001), but no significant difference existed between the financial compensation and apology groups (p = 0.946). In summary, the recovery strategy of financial compensation was found to be effective for those in the membership and non-membership groups. Meanwhile, the recovery tactic of emotional compensation was only effective for those in the membership group.
然而,在成员组的参与者中发现了不同的模式(F [2,364] = 9.59, p < 0.001,η2 = 0.050)。经济补偿组(M = 4.28, SD = 1.71)的背叛感知低于无补偿组(M = 5.18, SD = 1.15;p < 0.001)。此外,情感补偿组的背叛感知(M = 4.27, SD = 1.44)低于无补偿组(M = 5.18, SD = 1.15;p < 0.001),但经济补偿组和道歉组之间无显著性差异(p=0.946)。总之,经济补偿的恢复策略对成员和非成员群体是有效的。同时,情绪补偿的恢复策略只对成员组有效。


Discussion of the results

In accordance with Studies 1 and 2, this study found that nonmembers developed stronger perceived betrayal and retaliation desire after a double deviation than after a single deviation. Meanwhile, the perceived betrayal and retaliation desire of members remain the same between single and double deviations. Moreover, the high membership commitment group did not exhibit a different level of retaliation desire between single and double deviations. By contrast, the low membership commitment group displayed a higher level of retaliation desire after a double deviation than after a single deviation. The findings are supportive of the “love-is-forgiving” effect, which is presumed to be caused by biased assimilation through the relative weighting of attributes (Ahluwalia, 2000; Kunda, 1990), social identification (Bhattacharya et al., 1995), and switching costs (Jones et al., 2007). In particular, high-tiered members maintain a strong commitment to membership-offering hotels. When they have a bad experience with such hotels, they can hold down their negative emotions against the hotel by having attitude-consistent information (e.g., previous good episodes) outweigh attitude-inconsistent information (e.g., service failure) through a biased memory search for a favorable experience. Moreover, high-tiered members develop a sense of belonging to their hotels, establishing social identification with these hotels through which their social identity is enhanced. Their strong social identification may enable them to weaken their desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal against a hotel that has incurred service failure. In addition, high-tiered members perceive high switching costs (i.e., lost economic and social benefits) when they terminate their relationship with a hotel. High perceived switching costs discourage members from strengthening their desire for retaliation against a hotel after service failure. Otherwise, their desire for retaliation will lead them to cease bonding with the hotel and relinquish switching costs.


In addition, this study found that financial compensation and apology similarly moderate perceived betrayal for high-tiered members, but only financial compensation attenuates perceived betrayal for nonmembers, suggesting that an apology is a more effective recovery strategy for members than for nonmembers. Members have been enjoying economic and social rewards from a hotel’s reward program for a long time, and thus, they can develop continuance and affective commitments that allow financial compensation and apology to alleviate their betrayed feeling against a hotel after a double deviation. However, nonmembers do not have continuance and affective commitments. Hence, they are only sensitive to monetary rather than emotional compensation after service failure, explaining why only financial compensation relieves their perceived betrayal.


Finally, inconsistent results were observed from desire to retaliate and perceived betrayal for the interaction effect between loyalty membership and recovery tactics. The different result can be attributed to the stronger motivational aspects of desire for retaliation compared with those of perceived betrayal. Future research should provide a theoretical explanation for these inconsistent results.


Conclusions and implications

Reward programs proliferate the hotel industry, resulting in the increasing number of individuals who hold multiple hotel loyalty program memberships, and thus, causing skepticism with regard to the genuine impact of loyalty programs. Therefore, the current study investigated whether hotel loyalty program membership attenuates desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal when high-tiered reward program members experience a double deviation. The findings of this study suggest that high-tiered members are more likely than nonmembers to suppress their desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal during the transition from a single deviation to a double deviation, and thus, advocate the “love-is-forgiving” effect with the following theoretical and managerial implications.


This study contributes to the literature on loyalty programs and customer coping responses with novel findings on how members and nonmembers respond differently to service failure, failed service recovery, and recovery tactics. The current loyalty program literature mostly deals with the effect of such program on customer loyalty and commitment (Hu et al., 2010; Noble et al., 2014; Tanford, 2013; Wirtz et al., 2007), switching costs (Tanford, 2013; Tanford et al., 2011), relationship quality (Lo et al., 2017), and relationship value (Lee et al., 2015; Melancon et al., 2011). This research stream is well expected given that a reward program is designed to develop and sustain long-lasting customer relationship with firms. The aforementioned research stream has examined and reported the favorable impact of loyalty program membership on customer relationship under no service failure condition. Thus, the extant literature has not determined whether loyalty program membership exerts a positive effect on customer coping responses after service failure.



Moreover, the existing service failure literature (Grégoire et al., 2009; Grégoire & Fisher, 2006, 2008; Yang & Mattila, 2012) has identified the impact of relationship quality/strength on desire for retaliation and behavior after service failure in the context of nonmembership. The marketing literature (Grégoire et al., 2009; Grégoire & Fisher, 2006) shared the finding about the “love-becomes-hate” effect (i.e., high-relationship-quality customers feel greater perceived betrayal and develop more desire for retaliation than low-relationship-quality customers after service failure). Meanwhile, the hospitality literature (Yang & Mattila, 2012) observed the “love-is-forgiving” effect (i.e., high-tie-strength customers lowers their desire to spread negative word of mouth after service failure). Although reward program membership reflects relationship quality/strength, these are not identical concepts. Relationship quality is primarily operationalized as trust, satisfaction, and commitment; meanwhile, the relationship nature of members is associated with switching costs, social identification, and biased assimilation through the relative weighting of attributes, apart from the three components of relationship quality. Moreover, the aforementioned research tested the effect of relationship strength on customer coping behavior after a single deviation rather than a double deviation. A double deviation study context creates an extreme service failure situation, enabling researchers to observe and compare a double deviation-based coping response with a single deviation-based coping response, generating rich findings that capture the transition of desire for retaliation against a service firm from single to double deviation.


In addition, the previous literature (McDougall & Levesque, 1999; Wirtz & Mattila, 2004) has indicated that a combination of monetary compensation and apology is the best service recovery tactic; however, how financial compensation and apology work differently between reward program members and nonmembers has not been reported. The current study found that members and nonmembers react differently to financial compensation and apology. Financial compensation alone relieves the retaliation desire of nonmembers. Meanwhile, financial and emotional compensations are found to be effective recovery strategies for members. Such novel finding will assist researchers interested in gaining an insight into members’ response to recovery tactics, relative to that of nonmembers, contributing to the enrichment of the current service recovery literature.


The hospitality and tourism literature advocates that hotel loyalty programs maintain and enhance customer loyalty, but does not report whether reward programs are also effective in managing program members’ coping behavior after service failure. The findings of the present study suggest that membership is helpful in alleviating the desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal of members who experienced service failure due to biased assimilation, social identification, and switching costs. This implication provides loyalty program managers with an insight into how to design reward programs in a manner that reinforces biased assimilation, social identification, and emotional switching costs. The insight can be the development of emotional attachment to a loyalty program through the emotional benefits of the program. Individuals join a reward program to enjoy economic rewards, such as point redemption for room and F&B discounts, room upgrade, point usage at partner retail shops, and others. However, if a loyalty program is highly characterized as providing economic benefits only, then the program likely faces the risk of losing members in the end. Economic benefits are easily copied and offered by other competing reward programs, and thus, members are likely switch to other loyalty programs with greater economic benefits because of a lack of emotional attachment to their loyalty program. This study contends that apart from economic rewards, a loyalty program should provide emotional value proposition (i.e., emotional rewards) for its members to develop emotional bonding with the program. For example, a reward program can offer member-exclusive special events that are not available in other programs. A hotel may invite members to a special “Mother’s Day” lunch/dinner for a discounted price, allowing members to celebrate special moments with their parents and children and cultivate their bond with the program. When a reward program is equipped with unique emotional rewards, in addition to economic rewards, not offered by other programs, then the program is likely to develop members’ attachment to it. The emotional value proposition of a loyalty program will facilitate biased assimilation, social identification, and emotional switching costs that will weaken the desire for retaliation and perceived betrayal of members after service failure.

Limitations and suggestions for future research

This study makes a significant contribution to the related literature, but future research should address its limitations. For example, although this study focuses on the consequences of maintaining loyalty program membership for a long time, it is also important to understand the dynamic change from new customers to loyal customers and its impact on service failure. In addition, future research should cover various service failures to extend the external validity of the current study’s findings. To achieve this objective, a longitudinal study may be helpful in understanding the significant role of membership in service failure. The current research relies on scenario-based investigation, and thus, the external validity can be relatively weak, although this method has been widely adopted in the tourism and hospitality literature. Future research may investigate the issue using actual data, such as consumers’ complaints or feedback. In addition, biased assimilation, social identification, and switching costs are considered to induce a cushioning effect on negative coping behavior. Future research may be interested in identifying which components of a hotel’s reward program are effective in solidifying members’ biased assimilation, switching costs, and social identification with a hotel. Moreover, social identification can be tested as a moderator for future research on service recovery and failure. Finally, although this research provided empirical evidence for the moderation effect, the empirical evidence for mediation was weak. Future studies should include empirical evidence for mediation by measuring mediators.


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