T168_111\appl\Parser\Dpl 文件:中间4个独立文件

DplFuncExtSysLv.c  /

 *                                                                            *
 *                         M O D U L E   D E F I N E                          *
 *                                                                            *


 *                                                                            *
 *        C O M P I L E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S         *
 *                                                                            *

#include <string.h>

 *                                                                            *
 *            U S E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S             *
 *                                                                            *

#include "Common.h"
#include "XCore.h"
#include "XRTC.h"
#include "XFunction.h"
#include "..\ParserUtil.h"
#include "DplCtrlCode.h"
#include "DplConfig.h"
#include "DplModule.h"
#include "DplUtil.h"
#include "DplFunc.h"

 *                                                                            *
 *                         L O C A L   D E F I N E S                          *
 *                                                                            *

#if defined(DPL)

 *                                                                            *
 *                        L O C A L   T Y P E D E F S                         *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *             L O C A L   F U N C T I O N   P R O T O T Y P E S              *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   I N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

// Configuration Set Command Functions ( DplFuncCfgSet.c )

STATIC CONST _CmdEntry DplCfgSetEntry[] =
    {"AL",            Cfg_AL},        // (AL) Alignment Length
    {"AS",            Cfg_AS},        // (AS) Single Byte Symbol Set
    {"BA",            Cfg_BA},        // (BA) Backup After Print
    {"BD",            Cfg_BD},        // (BD) Backup Delay
    {"BL",            Cfg_BL},        // (BL) Backup Label
    {"BP",            Cfg_BP},        // (BP) British Pound
    {"BS",            Cfg_BS},        // (BS or bS) Backup Speed
    {"bS",            Cfg_BS},        // (BS or bS) Backup Speed
    {"BZ",            Cfg_BZ},        // (BZ) Buzzer Enable
    {"CA",            Cfg_CA},        // (CA) Column Adjust
    {"CB",            Cfg_CB},        // (CB) Cut Behind
    {"CC",            Cfg_CC},        // (CC) Control Codes
    {"CE",            Cfg_CE},        // (CE) Cutter Equipped
    {"CF",            Cfg_CF},        // (CF) Column Adjust Fine Tune
    {"CH",            Cfg_CH},        // (CH) Communicated Heat Commands
    {"CL",            Cfg_CL},        // (CL) Continuous Label Length
    {"CO",            Cfg_CO},        // (CO) Column Offset
    {"CS",            Cfg_CS},        // (CS) Communicated Speed Commands
    {"CT",            Cfg_CT},        // (CT) Communicated TOF Commands
    {"DE",            Cfg_DE},        // (DE) DPI Emulation
    {"DK",            Cfg_DK},        // (DK) Darkness
    {"DM",            Cfg_DM},        // (DM) Default Module
    {"DR",            Cfg_DR},        // (DR) Delay Rate
    {"DS",            Cfg_DS},        // (DS) Double Byte Symbol Set
    {"EM",            Cfg_EM},        // (EM) Input Mode
    {"EN",            Cfg_EN},        // (EN) End Character
    {"EP",            Cfg_EP},        // (EP) End of Print
    {"EQ",            Cfg_EQ},        // (EQ) Start of Print
    {"ES",            Cfg_ES},        // (ES) ESC Sequences
    {"ET",            Cfg_ET},        // (ET) Exact Time
    {"EV",            Cfg_EV},        // (EV) Empty Sensor Level
    {"FA",            Cfg_FA},        // (FA) Format Attribute
    {"FE",            Cfg_FE},        // (FE) Font Emulation
    {"FH",            Cfg_FH},        // (FH) Fault Handling
    {"FM",            Cfg_FM},        // (FM) Feedback Mode
    {"FS",            Cfg_FS},        // (FS) Slew Speed
    {"GE",            Cfg_GE},        // (GE) GPIO Equipped
    {"GM",            Cfg_GM},        // (GM) Gap / Mark Value
    {"GR",            Cfg_GR},        // (GR) Gain Reflective Value
    {"GS",            Cfg_GS},        // (GS) GPIO Slew
    {"HB",            Cfg_HB},        // (HB) Head Bias
    {"HC",            Cfg_HC},        // (HC) Head Cleaning
    {"HE",            Cfg_HE},        // (HE) Heat
    {"HT",            Cfg_HT},        // (HT) Host Timeout
    {"IC",            Cfg_IC},        // (IC) Ignore Control Codes
    {"IE",            Cfg_IE},        // (IE) Ignore Distances
    {"IL",            Cfg_IL},        // (IL) Imaging Mode
    {"IM",            Cfg_IM},        // (IM) Internal Module
    {"LA",            Cfg_LA},        // (LA) Label Alignment
    {"LE",            Cfg_LE},        // (LE) Legacy Emulation
    {"LR",            Cfg_LR},        // (LR) Label Rotation
    {"LS",            Cfg_LS},        // (LS) Language Select
    {"LM",            Cfg_LM},        // (LM) Label Store
    {"LW",            Cfg_LW},        // (LW) Label Width
    {"MC",            Cfg_MC},        // (MCC) Module Command
    {"ML",            Cfg_ML},        // (ML) Maximum (Label) Length
    {"MM",            Cfg_MM},        // (MM) Menu Mode
    {"MT",            Cfg_MT},        // (MT) Media Type
    {"MV",            Cfg_MV},        // (MV) Mark Value
    {"NT",            Cfg_NT},        // (NT) Network Setup
    {"NR",            Cfg_NR},        // (NR) No Reprint
    {"NS",            Cfg_NS},        // (NS) Disable Symbol Set Selection
    {"OF",            Cfg_OF},        // (OF) Option Feedback Mode
    {"PA",            Cfg_PA},        // (PA) Present Adjust
    {"PC",            Cfg_PC},        // (PC) Print Contrast
    {"PD",            Cfg_PD},        // (PD) Present Distance
    {"PE",            Cfg_PE},        // (PE) Peel Mode
    {"PJ",            Cfg_PJ},        // (PJ) Present Adjust Fine Tune
    {"PL",            Cfg_PL},        // (PL) Printer Level
    {"PM",            Cfg_PM},        // (PM) Pause Mode
    {"PO",            Cfg_PO},        // (PO) Paper Empty
    {"PP",            Cfg_PP},        // (PP) Parallel Direction
    {"PS",            Cfg_PS},        // (PS) Present Sensor Equipped
    {"pS",            Cfg_pS},        // (pS) Print Speed
    {"PT",            Cfg_PT},        // (PT) Tear Position
    {"PV",            Cfg_PV},        // (PV) Paper Value
    {"PW",            Cfg_PW},        // (PW) Password
    {"QQ",            Cfg_QQ},        // (QQ) Configuration Query
    {"RA",            Cfg_RA},        // (RA) Row Adjust
    {"RB",            Cfg_RB},        // (RA) Row Adjust
    {"RD",            Cfg_RD},        // (RD) Reflective TOF Delta
    {"RE",            Cfg_RE},        // (RE) Ribbon Saver Equipped
    {"RF",            Cfg_RF},        // (RF) Row Adjust Fine Tune
    {"RG",            Cfg_RG},        // (RG) Reflective TOF Gain
    {"RI",            Cfg_RI},        // (RI) RFID Configuration
    {"RL",            Cfg_RL},        // (RL) Ribbon Low Diameter
    {"RM",            Cfg_RM},        // (RM) Rewinder Equipped
    {"RN",            Cfg_RN},        // (RN) Reflective No Paper Minimum
    {"RO",            Cfg_RO},        // (RO) Row Offset
    {"RP",            Cfg_RP},        // (RP) Ribbon Low Pause
    {"RR",            Cfg_RR},        // (RR) Rewinder Adjust
    {"RS",            Cfg_RS},        // (RS) Ribbon Low Signal
    {"RV",            Cfg_RV},        // (RV) Reflective Paper Value
    {"RW",            Cfg_RW},        // (RW) Retract Delay
    {"SA",            Cfg_SA},        // (SA) SOP Adjust
    {"SC",            Cfg_SC},        // (SC) Scalable Cache
    {"SE",            Cfg_SE},        // (SE) SOP Emulation
    {"SF",            Cfg_SF},        // (SF) Save As Filename
    {"SG",            Cfg_SG},        // (SG) Sensor Gain Value
    {"SH",            Cfg_SH},        // (SH) Scalable Heap
    {"Sl",            Cfg_Sl},        // (Sl) Security Lock
    {"SL",            Cfg_SL},        // (SL) Stop Location
    {"SM",            Cfg_SM},        // (SM) Maximum (Label) Length Ignore
    {"SN",            Cfg_SN},        // (SN) Scanner Configuration
    {"SP",            Cfg_SP},        // (SP) Serial Port
    {"SS",            Cfg_SS},        // (SS or sS) Feed Speed
    {"sS",            Cfg_SS},        // (SS or sS) Feed Speed
    {"ST",            Cfg_ST},        // (ST) Sensor Type
    {"SV",            Cfg_SV},        // (SV) Switch Settings
    {"TB",            Cfg_TB},        // (TB) TOF Bias
    {"TD",            Cfg_TD},        // (TD) TOF Delta
    {"TG",            Cfg_TG},        // (TG) TOF Gain
    {"TN",            Cfg_TN},        // (TN) No Paper Min
    {"TP",            Cfg_TP},        // (TP) TOF Precedence
    {"UM",            Cfg_UM},        // (UM) Units of Measure
    {"UT",            Cfg_UT},        // (UT) User Terminator
    {"VE",            Cfg_VE},        // (VE) Verifier Equipped
    {"VT",            Cfg_VT},        // (VT) Verifier Type
    {"WE",            Cfg_WE},        // (WE) Wifi Setup
    {"WS",            Cfg_WS},        // (WS) Wifi Security
    {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   U N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Calibration (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 * Syntax:
 * Where:
    STATIC CONST _CmdEntry ExtEntry[] =
         {"E",            Ext_CalE},    // Empty Sensor Calibration (Non-Display Models only)
        {"M",            Ext_CalM},    // Manual Media Calibration (Non-Display Models only)
        {"Q",            Ext_CalQ},    // Quick Media Calibration (Non-Display Models only)
        {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR data;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (CmdEntry = CheckSingleCommand(data, ExtEntry))
        return CmdEntry->func();
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Empty Sensor Calibration (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer to determine and save the calibration
 *        value for an empty media sensor condition. This calibration function
 *        should be performed when no material is installed in the media sensor.
 *        Depending upon the printer model, different front panel LED flash
 *        sequences and printer responses (below) will indicate calibration 
 *        progress and outcome; see the corresponding printer operator manual for
 *        LED flash sequences details.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>K}E<CR>
 * Where:
    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Manual Media Calibration (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer to save the sampled calibration values
 *        as an operator places different portions of label stock within the media
 *        sensor. Depending upon the printer model, different front panel LED flash
 *        sequences and printer responses (below) will indicate calibration progress
 *        and outcome; see the corresponding printer operator manual for LED flash
 *        sequences details. Sending <ESC> to the printer instead of <CR> will
 *        terminate the process and leave the TOF Sensor values unchanged.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>K}M<CR>
 * Where:
    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Quick Media Calibration (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer to move media, sample, and then save
 *        sensor samples as calibration values. This calibration function should
 *        be performed with media installed in the printer. Depending upon the
 *        printer model, different front panel LED flash sequences and printer
 *        responses (below) will indicate calibration progress and outcome; see
 *        the corresponding printer operator manual for LED flash sequences details.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>K}Q<CR>
 * Where:
    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Direct Mode - Generic Read/Write Interface
 * Description:
 * Syntax:
 * Where:
    STATIC CONST _CmdEntry ExtEntry[] =
         {"R",            Ext_aR},    // Read Data from RFID Tag
        {"W",            Ext_aW},    // Write Data to RFID Tag
        {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR data;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (CmdEntry = CheckSingleCommand(data, ExtEntry))
        return CmdEntry->func();
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Read Data from RFID Tag (Direct Mode - Generic Read/Write Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to read data from the tag and
 *        then place that data into a replaceable field. It is expected that the
 *        tag transponder will be within the read / write distance of the RFID
 *        programming device; otherwise, "Void" will be printed in the text or
 *        bar code label field.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KaRAaaabbbcdee<CR>
 * Where:
 *        A   - Optional - for data in the ASCII format.
 *        aaa - The number of bytes to read.
 *        bbb - HF  - Starting block number (000 .. maximum block number).*
 *              UHF - Should be 000.
 *        c   - Command 1. Reserved. Should be 0.
 *        d   - Command 2. Reserved. Should be 0.
 *        ee  - Field number in which to place the data (must be 01, 02, 03, etc.)
 *              matching the order of Label Formatting command U.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Write Data to RFID Tag (Direct Mode - Generic Read/Write Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to write data to the tag. It is
 *        expected that the tag transponder will be within the read / write distance
 *        of the RFID programming device; otherwise, a warning will occur and a
 *        warning message (Read / Write Fail) will be displayed.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KaWAaaabbbcdee..Ke<CR>
 * Where:
 *        Aaaa  - Optional - for data in the ASCII format, followed by the byte
 *                           count (000-999).
 *        bbb   - HF  - Starting block number (000 .. maximum block number).*
 *                UHF - Should be 000.
 *        c     - Command 1. Reserved for Future (should be 0)
 *        d     - Command 2. Reserved for Future (should be 0)
 *        ee..e - Data to be encoded on RFID tag (HF  the last used block will be
 *                null-padded, if necessary).
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Backfeed Time Delay (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        The backfeed time delay command controls the time a printed label is
 *        allowed to remain "presented" before being retracted to the start of
 *        print position.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kbnnn<CR>
 * Where:
 *        nnn - Seconds/10
    LONG Num;

    // nnn - Seconds/10
    if (DmxGetNumber(&Num, 3) != 3)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        pDmxCfg->BackupDelay = (SHORT)(Num* 100);    // Convert 1/10 second to ms

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Get Configuration
 * Description:
 *        This command returns the configuration of the printer. The form of the
 *        returned data is similar to that of a printed Configuration Label. This
 *        command should be parsed by KEYWORDS, not by Character POSITIONS. Each
 *        line is terminated by a CR (0x0d) & LF (0x0a). Datamax will make every
 *        effort to keep Keyword consistent.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KC<CR>
 * Where:
    // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Configuration Set
 * Description:
 *        This command specifies the Power-up Configuration parameter values for
 *        the printer and is equivalent to using other system commands followed by
 *        the <SOH>U.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kcaa1val1[;aa2val2][;aanvaln]<CR>
 * Where:
 *        aa1,  aa2,  aan  - Are two letter parameter names.
 *        val1, val2, valn - Are parameter values, with ranges appropriate for
 *                           the associated parameter.
    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR ParamName[3];
    CHAR data;

    UpdateDatabase = FALSE;

    CfgSetCmdMod = TRUE;
    while (CfgSetCmdMod)
        // Are two letter parameter names.
        if (!DmxGetAlpha(ParamName, 2))
        ParamName[2] = '\0';

        if ((data = DmxNextByte()) == ';')

        if (CmdEntry = CheckStringCommand(ParamName, DplCfgSetEntry))

        if ((data = DmxNextByte()) == ';')

    if (DatamaxModel.Display == DISPLAY_EQUIPPED || UpdateDatabase)

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Database Configuration (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command, stored in Flash memory for future power-ups, controls the
 *        printer's environment and operates as a pseudo DIP switch. The <STX>Kc
 *        command is recommended for use over <STX>KD.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KDwxyz<CR>
 * Where:
 *        w, x, y, and z are binary values with respective bit settings as defined
 *        in the following table. (Bit 0 is least significant.)
    CHAR w, x, y, z;
    INT wBaudRate, wLengthParity;
    INT xPrintMethod, xPresent, xCtrlCode, xCutter, xIgnoreDis, xAltCtrlCode;
    INT yPaperType, yLinerless;

    w = DmxNextByte();    // Parameter w
    wBaudRate     = ((w >> 0) & 0x07);    // Bit 0-2 BaudRate
    wLengthParity = ((w >> 3) & 0x01);    // Bit  3  Word Length and Parity
                                        // Bit 4-5 Unused Set to 0
                                        // Bit  6  Always1
                                        // Bit  7  Always0
    x = DmxNextByte();    // Parameter x
    xPrintMethod  = ((x >> 0) & 0x01);    // Bit  0  Print Method
    xPresent      = ((x >> 1) & 0x01);    // Bit  1  Present Sensor
    xCtrlCode     = ((x >> 2) & 0x01);    // Bit  2  Control Character
    xCutter       = ((x >> 3) & 0x01);    // Bit  3  Cutter
    xIgnoreDis    = ((x >> 4) & 0x01);    // Bit  4  Ignore Host Distance
    xAltCtrlCode  = ((x >> 5) & 0x01);    // Bit  5  Alt-2 Control Codes
                                        // Bit  6  Always1
                                        // Bit  7  Always0
    y = DmxNextByte();    // Parameter y
    yPaperType    = ((y >> 0) & 0x03);    // Bit 0-1 Paper Type (Media Sensor)
    yLinerless    = ((y >> 2) & 0x01);    // Bit  2  Linerless
                                        // Bit 3-5 Unused Set to 0
                                        // Bit  6  Always1
                                        // Bit  7  Always0
    z = DmxNextByte();    // Parameter z
                                        // Bit 0-2 Reserved Set to 0
                                        // Bit 3-5 Unused Set to 0
                                        // Bit  6  Always1
                                        // Bit  7  Always0
    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        LONG  BaudRate = 9600;
        CHAR  Parity   = 'N';
        SHORT Data     = 8;
        SHORT Stop     = 1;

        // Parameter w
        if (wBaudRate == 0)    // 0 = 9600
            BaudRate = 9600;
        if (wBaudRate == 1)    // 1 = 600
            BaudRate = 600;
        if (wBaudRate == 2)    // 2 = 2400
            BaudRate = 2400;
        if (wBaudRate == 3)    // 3 = 19200
            BaudRate = 19200;
        if (wBaudRate == 4)    // 4 = 4800
            BaudRate = 4800;
        if (wBaudRate == 5)    // 5 = 38400
            BaudRate = 38400;
        if (wBaudRate == 6)    // 6 = 1200
            BaudRate = 1200;
        if (wBaudRate == 7)    // 7 = 9600 Test Mode
            BaudRate = 9600;

        if (wLengthParity == 0)    // 0 = 8 bits, no parity
            Data = 8;
            Parity = 'N';
        if (wLengthParity == 1)    // 1 = 7 bits, even parity
            Data = 7;
            Parity = 'E';

        SetSerialPort(BaudRate, Data, Parity, Stop);

        // Parameter x
        if (xPrintMethod == 0)    // 0 = direct thermal;
            pDmxCfg->MediaType = 'D';
        if (xPrintMethod == 1)    // 1 = thermal transfer
            pDmxCfg->MediaType = 'T';

        if (xPresent == 0)    // 0 = not equipped
            pDmxCfg->PresentSensorEquipped = EQUIPPED_DISABLE;
        if (xPresent == 1)    // 1 = equipped
            pDmxCfg->PresentSensorEquipped = EQUIPPED_ENABLE;

        if (xCutter == 0)        // 0 = disabled
            pDmxCfg->CutterEquipped = EQUIPPED_DISABLE;
        if (xCutter == 1)        // 1 = enabled
            pDmxCfg->CutterEquipped = EQUIPPED_ENABLE;

        if (xIgnoreDis == 0)    // 0 = disabled
            pDmxCfg->IgnoreDistances = 'N';
        if (xIgnoreDis == 1)    // 1 = enabled
            pDmxCfg->IgnoreDistances = 'Y';

        if (xCtrlCode == 0)        // 0 = standard
            pDmxCfg->ControlCodes = CONTROL_CODE_STANDARD;
        if (xCtrlCode == 1)        // 1 = alternate characters
            if (xAltCtrlCode == 0)    // 0 = disabled
                pDmxCfg->ControlCodes = CONTROL_CODE_ALTERNATE_1;
            if (xAltCtrlCode == 1)    // 1 = alternate-2 characters
                pDmxCfg->ControlCodes = CONTROL_CODE_ALTERNATE_2;

        // Parameter y
        if (yPaperType == 0)        // 0 = gap (edge)
            pDmxCfg->SensorType = EDGE_SENSOR_TYPE;
        if (yPaperType == 1)        // 1 = reflective
            pDmxCfg->SensorType = REFLECTIVE_SENSOR_TYPE;
        if (yPaperType == 2)        // 2 = continuous
            pDmxCfg->SensorType = CONTINUOUS_SENSOR_TYPE;

        if (yLinerless == 0)        // 0 = not equipped
            // ... not finish
        if (yLinerless == 1)        // 1 = equipped
            // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set File as Factory Default (Display-Equipped Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command selects the specified file name as the "factory default"
 *        for the printer's configuration. After execution, subsequent "Select
 *        Factory Default" commands will configure the printer to the file's
 *        configuration. Currently there are three ways to "Select Factory Defaults"
 *        : 1) by the <STX>KF command; 2) power-up the printer while pressing the
 *        PAUSE and CANCEL Keys; or, 3) via the printer's menu system entry System
 *        Settings / Set Factory Defaults.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KdName<CR>
 * Where:
 *        Name - The name, up to 16 characters, of the configuration file.
 *        <CR> - 0x0d terminates the name.
    CHAR Name[17];

    if (DmxGetString(Name, sizeof(Name)) > 16)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == DISPLAY_EQUIPPED)
        // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Character Encoding
 * Description:
 *        This command is provided primarily as a means for users of 7-bit
 *        communication and to embed control characters and extended ASCII
 *        characters in their data streams. Any character in the DPL data stream
 *        may be substituted with a delimited two-character ASCII hexadecimal
 *        numeric equivalent. The command allows the delimiting character to be
 *        selected, and the encoding to be enabled or disabled. When character
 *        encoding is enabled, the printer will decode any ASCII hexadecimal numeric
 *        pairs following the delimiter as single-byte values. Character encoding
 *        is used where control characters cannot be transmitted or where control
 *        characters within data may prematurely terminate a label format record.
 *        Although the delimiter may be changed at any time (except within a label
 *        format definition), there cannot be more than one defined delimiter, and
 *        character encoding must be disabled with <STX>KEN prior to re-enabling,
 *        regardless of any change in the delimiter.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KEex<CR>
 * Where:
 *        e - Y - character encoding enabled
 *            N - character encoding disabled
 *        x - Delimiter: one ASCII character (Do not include when e = N)
    CHAR Encoding;
    CHAR Delimiter;

    Encoding = DmxNextByte();
    if (Encoding == 'Y')
        EncodeDelimiter = DmxNextByte();
    if (Encoding == 'N')
        EncodeDelimiter = '\0';

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Select Factory Defaults (Display-Equipped and EX2 Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command restores the configuration of the printer to the factory
 *        default settings. These settings may be Datamax default values or the
 *        values previously specified by a configuration file (see <STX>Kd).
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KFn<CR>
 * Where:
 *        n - 2 = Level One Reset, returning the factory default settings
 *                (and, if saved, restoring the Factory Setting File).
 *          - 3 = Level Two Reset, returning the factory default settings,
 *                and clearing all calibration and custom adjustment parameters.
    CHAR Level;

    Level = DmxNextByte();

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Present Distance
 * Description:
 *        This command specifies an additional amount to advance the label after
 *        printing. This command has the same effect as the <STX>f command, but
 *        specifies a distance to advance relative to the start of print (<STX>O
 *        command) of the next label.
 *        Non-Display Models: The printer Option Control must be set (via the menu)
 *                            to 'Host' for this command to have effect.
 *        Display-Equipped Models: SOP Emulation selection has no effect on this command.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kfnnnn<CR>
 * Where:
 *        nnnn - A four-digit present distance in inches/100 or mm/10.
    LONG Num;

    // nnnn - A four-digit present distance in inches/100 or mm/10.
    if (DmxGetNumber(&Num, 3) != 3)
        return _ERROR;

    pDmxCfg->PresentDistance = TransformDot(Num, pDmxCfg->UnitMeasure);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Assign Communication Port (MCL Command)
 * Description:
 *        This command assigns a communication port for specific use. When
 *        activating MCL, all ports are assigned to MCL; this command allows
 *        changes to that assignment.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KJpf<CR>
 * Where:
 *        p - Port ID: P = Parallel
 *                     S = Serial (A)
 *                     U = USB
 *                     N = Ethernet
 *                     L = Wireless
 *                     A = Serial (B)
 *        f - Flag: 1 = DPL
 *                  0 = MCL
    CHAR PortID;
    CHAR Flag;

    PortID = DmxNextByte();
    Flag = DmxNextByte();

    // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        GPIO Input
 * Description:
 *        This command configures the GPIO input channels of the Applicator
 *        Interface Card; see Appendix J for details.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KIffnspwww<CR>
 * Where:
 *        ff  - 2 character function name abbreviation (e.g., PS [Print Start],
 *              I1 [User Input 1], etc).
 *        n   - Pin number, where 1  8 is the valid range.
 *        s   - Signal type, where: L = Level; P = Positive Pulse;
 *              and N = Negative Pulse
 *        p   - Polarity, where: 0 = Active Low; and 1 = Active High
 *        www - 3 character filter pulse width, in milliseconds.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Memory Configuration, Internal Module (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        Represents the start of a sequence (up to five characters) that assigns
 *        memory to the Internal Module. If this field does not appear, then the
 *        Internal Module is not affected. If no Internal Module exists, it will be
 *        created and formatted. Existing Internal Modules will be erased, resized
 *        and formatted. The number that follows the M is a decimal number (up to
 *        four digits) that specifies the size in 4KB blocks of memory to assign to
 *        the Internal Module. A value of "0000" will delete the Internal Module
 *        (see Appendix J for additional information).
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kix[:jy][:kz]<CR>
 * Where:
 *        i, j, k are M, S, or W; x, y, z are four-digit maximum numbers of 4K
 *        byte blocks or inches/100 or (mm/10) as described below.
    STATIC CONST _CmdEntry ExtEntry[] =
         {"M",            Ext_M},    // Memory Configuration, Internal Module
        {"S",            Ext_S},    // Memory Configuration, Scalable Font Cache
        {"W",            Ext_W},    // Memory Configuration, Printable Label Width
        {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR data;
    LONG Size;

    if (DmxGetNumber(&Size, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        pDmxCfg->InternalModule = (SHORT)(Size * 4);    // Convert 4KB to KB

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data == ':')
        data = DmxNextByte();
        if (CmdEntry = CheckSingleCommand(data, ExtEntry))
            return CmdEntry->func();

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        NIC Reset
 * Description:
 *        This command resets the NIC to factory defaults.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Knx
 * Where:
 *        x - Specifies the action to take, where:
 *             F = Returns the NIC to the factory default settings; and,
 *             H = Reports settings to host (wireless, only).
    CHAR Action;

    Action = DmxNextByte();

    // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        GPIO Output
 * Description:
 *        This command configures the GPIO output channels of the Applicator
 *        Interface Card; see Appendix J for details.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KOffnsptd0pw0td1pw1<cr>
 * Where:
 *        ff  - 2 character function name abbreviation (e.g., LC [Label
 *              Complete], LM [Label Movement], etc).
 *        n   - Pin number, where 1 - 8 is the valid range.
 *        s   - Signal type, where: L = Level; P = Positive Pulse;
 *              and N = Negative Pulse
 *        p   - Polarity, where: 0 = Active Low; and 1 = Active High
 *        td0 - 3 character delay time from function condition "true" to
 *              output signal.
 *        pw0 - 3 character pulse width corresponding to the function
 *              condition becoming "true". (Ignored for level-type signals.)
 *        td0 - 3 character delay time from function condition "false" to
 *              output signal.
 *        pw0 - 3 character pulse width corresponding to the function
 *              condition becoming "false". (Ignored for level-type signals.)
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Module Protection (Display-Equipped Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command controls memory module protection. When "protected", a module
 *        will ignore format, downloads and delete commands. This command can be
 *        useful to add data to Datamax reserved modules, Z (ILPC) and Y (EFIGS).
 *        See Appendix K for a listing of the memory modules.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kpmf
 * Where:
 *        m - Module ID - Range A to Z (See Appendix K).
 *        f - Flag specifying Enable or Disable protection.
 *             0 = disable protection
 *             1 = enable protection
    CHAR ModuleID;
    CHAR Flag;

    ModuleID = DmxNextByte();
    Flag = DmxNextByte();

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == DISPLAY_EQUIPPED)
        // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Query Memory Configuration
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer to transmit, in a model-dependent format,
 *        its DRAM memory configuration (i.e., total amount installed, amount
 *        available for configuration, and amount currently assigned to specific
 *        functions or entities) to the host device.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KQ<CR>
 * Where:
    // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Query Memory Configuration (new format, Display-Equipped Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer to transmit its internal DRAM memory
 *        configuration to the host device. The transmitted data provides information
 *        regarding the total amount of internal DRAM installed, the amount available
 *        for configuration, and the amount currently assigned to specific functions
 *        or entities.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kq<CR>
 * Where:
    // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Reset Memory Configuration (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command resets the printer's DRAM configuration to the default
 *        settings; see <STX>KM.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KR<CR>
 * Where:
    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Resettable Counter Reset
 * Description:
 *        This command resets the internal counters. Follow this command with an
 *        <SOH>U command to retain the reset or the counters will revert to the
 *        previous values after cycling power.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kr<CR>
 * Where:
    // ... not finish
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Memory Configuration, Scalable Font Cache (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        Represents the start of a sequence (up to five characters) that assigns the
 *        amount of internal memory allocated to the smooth scalable font processor.
 *        This field is optional; if it does not appear, the current amount of memory
 *        assigned to the smooth scalable font processor will remain unchanged. The
 *        allocation must be at least 15 (60KB) to print scalable fonts, and at least
 *        30 for double-byte fonts. The number that follows the S is a decimal number
 *        (up to four digits) that specifies the size in 4 KB blocks to assign to the
 *        smooth scalable font processor. Any value less than the minimum requirement
 *        results in the amount assigned to be zero (0), thereby disabling the printing
 *        of smooth scalable fonts. The recommended value is 0025 (100KB).
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kix[:jy][:kz]<CR>
 * Where:
 *        i, j, k are M, S, or W; x, y, z are four-digit maximum numbers of 4K
 *        byte blocks or inches/100 or (mm/10) as described below.
    STATIC CONST _CmdEntry ExtEntry[] =
         {"M",            Ext_M},    // Memory Configuration, Internal Module
        {"S",            Ext_S},    // Memory Configuration, Scalable Font Cache
        {"W",            Ext_W},    // Memory Configuration, Printable Label Width
        {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR data;
    LONG Cache;

    if (DmxGetNumber(&Cache, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        pDmxCfg->ScalableCache = (SHORT)(Cache * 4);    // Convert 4KB to KB

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data == ':')
        data = DmxNextByte();
        if (CmdEntry = CheckSingleCommand(data, ExtEntry))
            return CmdEntry->func();

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface
 * Description:
 * Syntax:
 * Where:
    STATIC CONST _CmdEntry ExtEntry[] =
         {"A",            Ext_tA},    // Write Application Family Identifier (AFI) to Tag
        {"D",            Ext_tD},    // Write Data Storage Format Identifier (DSFID) to Tag
        {"E",            Ext_tE},    // Write Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Bit
        {"H",            Ext_tH},    // Read and Feedback Tag Information to Host
        {"R",            Ext_tR},    // Read Data from RFID Tag
        {"U",            Ext_tU},    // Read Unique Serial Number from RFID Tag
        {"W",            Ext_tW},    // Write Data to RFID Tag
        {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR data;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (CmdEntry = CheckSingleCommand(data, ExtEntry))
        return CmdEntry->func();
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Write Application Family Identifier (AFI) to Tag
 *        (Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command writes the AFI data to the tag.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KtAabcc
 * Where:
 *        a  - The number of retry attempts, 0-9.
 *        b  - Lock the Application Family Identifier (AFI) after writing:
 *              0 = No Protection
 *              1 = Write Protect
 *        cc - Two character AFI value representing one byte.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Write Data Storage Format Identifier (DSFID) to Tag
 *        (Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command writes the DSFID data to the tag.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KtDabcc
 * Where:
 *        a  - The number of retry attempts, 0-9.
 *        b  - Lock the Data Storage Format Identifier (DSFID) after writing:
 *              0 = No Protection
 *              1 = Write Protect
 *        cc - Two character DFSID value representing one byte.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Write Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Bit
 *        (Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command writes the EAS bit for Philips ISO tags.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KtEabcc
 * Where:
 *        a  - The number of retry attempts, 0-9.
 *        b  - Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) option:
 *              0 = Set EAS
 *              1 = Reset EAS
 *              2 = Test EAS
 *        cc - Two character Manufacturer's Code, representing one byte.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Read and Feedback Tag Information to Host
 *        (Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command returns the tag info to host.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KtH
 * Where:
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Read Data from RFID Tag
 *        (Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to read data from the tag and
 *        then put that data into a replaceable field. It is expected that the
 *        tag transponder will be within the read / write distance of the RFID
 *        programming device; otherwise, "Void" will be printed in the text or
 *        bar code label field(s).
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KtRUn1..n16Haaabbbcdee<CR>
 * Where:
 *        Un1..n16 - (Optional) Where n1n16 is the Unique Identifier (UID) in
 *                   hexadecimal format. Must be sixteen characters long.
 *        H        - (Optional) Hexadecimal data  An "H" may be added directly
 *                   after "R" to return a two character hex value of the data. Since
 *                   there are two digits per hex value, replaceable fields should be
 *                   twice as long than if using ASCII data (e.g., the character "A"
 *                   would be returned as "41").
 *        aaa      - Starting block number (000 .. maximum block number).*
 *        bbb      - The number of blocks to read (001 .. maximum block number).*
 *        c        - The number of retry attempts, 0-9.
 *        d        - Reserved. Should be 0.
 *        ee       - Field number in which to place the data (must be 01, 02, 03,
 *                   etc.) matching the order of Label Formatting command, U.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Read Unique Serial Number from RFID Tag
 *        (Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to read the unique serial number
 *        data from the tag and then place that data into a replaceable field. It
 *        is expected that the tag transponder will be within the read / write
 *        distance of the RFID programming device; otherwise, "Void" will be printed
 *        in the text or bar code label field(s).
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KtUabcc<CR>
 * Where:
 *        a  - The number of retry attempts, 0-9.
 *        b  - Reserved. Should be 0.
 *        cc - Field number in which to place the data (must be 01, 02, 03, etc.)
 *             matching the order of Label Formatting command, U.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Write Data to RFID Tag
 *        (Direct Mode - HF [13.56 MHz] ISO15693 Tag Interface)
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to write data to the tag. It is
 *        expected that the tag transponder will be within the read / write
 *        distance of the RFID programming device; otherwise, a warning will occur
 *        and a warning message (Read / Write Fail) will be displayed.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KtWUn1..n16Bncncncaaabcdee..e<CR>
 * Where:
 *        Un1..n16 - (Optional) Where n1..n16 is the Unique Identifier (UID) in
 *                   hexadecimal format. Must be sixteen characters long.
 *        Bncncnc  - (Optional) Where ncncnc is the data byte count, to allow
 *                   nonprintable characters (i.e., characters with hex values
 *                   less than 0x20) to be encoded.
 *        aaa      - Starting block number (000 .. maximum block number).*
 *        b        - The number of retry attempts, 0-9.
 *        c        - Lock block after writing:
 *                    0 = No Protection
 *                    1 = Write Protect
 *        d        - Reserved. Should be 0.
 *        ee..e    - Data to be encoded on RFID tag.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Direct Mode - UHF Interface
 * Description:
 * Syntax:
 * Where:
    STATIC CONST _CmdEntry ExtEntry[] =
         {"F",            Ext_uF},    // Send RFID Device Firmware Version
         {"R",            Ext_uR},    // Read Data from RFID Tag
         {"W",            Ext_uW},    // Write Data to RFID Tag
        {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR data;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (CmdEntry = CheckSingleCommand(data, ExtEntry))
        return CmdEntry->func();
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Send RFID Device Firmware Version
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to return the firmware version.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KuF<CR>
 * Where:
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Read Data from RFID Tag
 *        (Direct Mode - UHF Interface  Hexadecimal Data Only)
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to read data from the tag and
 *        then place that data into a replaceable field. It is expected that the
 *        tag transponder is within the read / write distance of the RFID 
 *        programming device; otherwise, "Void" will be printed in the text or bar
 *        code label field(s).
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KuRaa<CR>
 * Where:
 *        aa - Field number in which to place the data (must be 01, 02, 03, etc.)
 *             matching the order of Label Formatting command, U.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Write Data to RFID Tag
 *        (Direct Mode - UHF Interface  Hexadecimal Data Only)
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the RFID device to write data to the tag. It is
 *        expected that the tag transponder will be within the read / write
 *        distance of the RFID programming device; otherwise, a warning will occur
 *        and a warning message (Read / Write Fail) will be displayed.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KuWabcc..c<CR>
 * Where:
 *        a     - The number of attempts to locate, erase, and program the tag, 1-9.
 *        b     - Reserved. Should be 0.
 *        cc..c - Data to be encoded in the ASCII format. Must be sixteen
 *                characters in length. The valid characters are 0-9, A-F.
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Verifier Enable/Disable (Display-Equipped Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command allows the verifier (option, if installed), to be enabled
 *        and disabled.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KVa<CR>
 * Where:
 *        a - Y = verifier enable
 *            N = verifier disable
    CHAR Verifier;

    Verifier = DmxNextByte();
    if (Verifier == 'Y')
        Verifier = EQUIPPED_AUTO;
    pDmxCfg->VerifierEquipped = Verifier;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Memory Configuration, Printable Label Width (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        Represents the start of a sequence (up to five characters) that sets the
 *        printable label width. Setting a width smaller than the natural (maximum)
 *        width of the printer effectively extends printable label length. This
 *        field is optional; if it does not appear, the current printable label
 *        width is left unchanged. The number that follows the W is a decimal number
 *        (up to four digits) that specifies the printable label width in either
 *        100ths of an inch or in millimeters, depending on the current units setting
 *        of the printer (imperial or metric). If the value specified exceeds the
 *        printable width of the printer, the printable label width is set to the
 *        maximum. If the value specified is less than the minimum value allowed
 *        (200) then the printable label width is set to the minimum allowed value.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>Kix[:jy][:kz]<CR>
 * Where:
 *        i, j, k are M, S, or W; x, y, z are four-digit maximum numbers of 4K
 *        byte blocks or inches/100 or (mm/10) as described below.
    STATIC CONST _CmdEntry ExtEntry[] =
         {"M",            Ext_M},    // Memory Configuration, Internal Module
        {"S",            Ext_S},    // Memory Configuration, Scalable Font Cache
        {"W",            Ext_W},    // Memory Configuration, Printable Label Width
        {(CHAR *)_NULL,    _NULL}

    _CmdEntry *CmdEntry;
    CHAR data;
    LONG Width;

    if (DmxGetNumber(&Width, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        pDmxCfg->LabelWidth = TransformDot(Width, pDmxCfg->UnitMeasure);

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data == ':')
        data = DmxNextByte();
        if (CmdEntry = CheckSingleCommand(data, ExtEntry))
            return CmdEntry->func();

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Delete Configuration File (Display-Equipped Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command deletes the specified configuration file.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KxmName<CR>
 * Where:
 *        m    - Valid Module ID - Range A to Z.
 *        Name - The name, up to 16 characters, of the configuration file.
 *        <CR> - 0x0d terminates the name.
    CHAR ModuleID;
    CHAR Name[17];

    ModuleID = DmxNextByte();

    if (DmxGetString(Name, sizeof(Name)) > 16)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == DISPLAY_EQUIPPED)
        DeleteModuleFile(ModuleID, Name, 'C');

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Immediately Set Parameter
 * Description:
 *        This command immediately sets the specified parameter.
 * Syntax:
 *        <STX>KZax<CR>
 * Where:
 *        a  - Valid parameter identifier, as follows:
 *             F = Feed Speed
 *             H = Heat Setting
 *             P = Print Speed
 *             S = Slew Speed
 *        x  - Speed Parameter Range - A to e (see Appendix L).
 *          or
 *        xx - Heat Parameter Range - A two-digit value (00-30); see the
 *             'H' Label Formatting Command.
    CHAR ParamID;
    CHAR Speed;
    LONG Heat;

    ParamID = DmxNextByte();

    if (ParamID == 'F')    // Feed Speed
        Speed = DmxNextByte();

        // Valid ranges
        if (Speed  >= DatamaxModel.FeedSpeed.Minimum &&
            Speed  <= DatamaxModel.FeedSpeed.Maximum)
            if (pDmxCfg->CommSpeedCommands == 'Y')
                pDmxCfg->FeedSpeed = Speed;
    if (ParamID == 'H')    // Heat Setting
        if (DmxGetNumber(&Heat, 2) != 2)
            return _ERROR;

        // Valid ranges
        if (Heat>= 0 && Heat <= 30)
            if (pDmxCfg->CommHeatCommands == 'Y')
                pDmxCfg->Heat = (SHORT)Heat;
    if (ParamID == 'P')    // Print Speed
        Speed = DmxNextByte();

        // Valid ranges
        if (Speed  >= DatamaxModel.PrintSpeed.Minimum &&
            Speed  <= DatamaxModel.PrintSpeed.Maximum)
            if (pDmxCfg->CommSpeedCommands == 'Y')
                pDmxCfg->PrintSpeed = Speed;
    if (ParamID == 'S')    // Slew Speed
        Speed = DmxNextByte();

        // Valid ranges
        if (Speed  >= DatamaxModel.SlewSpeed.Minimum &&
            Speed  <= DatamaxModel.SlewSpeed.Maximum)
            if (pDmxCfg->CommSpeedCommands == 'Y')
                pDmxCfg->SlewSpeed = Speed;
    return _SUCCESS;



 *                                                                            *
 *                         M O D U L E   D E F I N E                          *
 *                                                                            *


 *                                                                            *
 *        C O M P I L E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S         *
 *                                                                            *

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

 *                                                                            *
 *            U S E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S             *
 *                                                                            *

#include "Common.h"
#include "XCore.h"
#include "XFileSys.h"
#include "..\ParserUtil.h"
#include "DplConfig.h"
#include "DplUtil.h"
#include "DplFunc.h"

 *                                                                            *
 *                         L O C A L   D E F I N E S                          *
 *                                                                            *

#if defined(DPL)

 *                                                                            *
 *                        L O C A L   T Y P E D E F S                         *
 *                                                                            *

 * Format 0 Font Header (for PCL Bitmapped Fonts)
typedef struct
    WORD FontDescriptorSize;    // (64)
    BYTE HeaderFormat;            // (0)
    BYTE FontType;
    BYTE StyleMSB;
    BYTE Reserved;
    WORD BaselinePosition;
    WORD CellWidth;
    WORD CellHeight;
    BYTE Orientation;
    BYTE Spacing;
    WORD SymbolSet;

    WORD Pitch;                    // (Default HMI)
    WORD Height;
    WORD xHeight;
    CHAR WidthType;
    BYTE StyleLSB;
    CHAR StrokeWeight;
    BYTE TypefaceLSB;
    BYTE TypefaceMSB;
    BYTE SerifStyle;
    BYTE Quality;
    CHAR Placement;
    CHAR UnderlinePosition;     // (Distance)
    BYTE UnderlineThickness;    // (Height)

    WORD TextHeight;
    WORD TextWidth;
    WORD FirstCode;
    WORD LastCode;
    BYTE PitchExtended;
    BYTE HeightExtended;
    WORD CapHeight;
    UINT FontNum;

    BYTE FontName[16];

 * PCL Bitmap Character Descriptor
typedef struct
    BYTE  Format;                // (4)
    BYTE  Continuation;            // (0)
    BYTE  DescriptorSize;        // (14)
    BYTE  Class;                // (1)
    BYTE  Orientation;
    BYTE  Reserved;                // (0)
    SHORT LeftOffset;
    SHORT TopOffset;
    SHORT CharacterWidth;
    WORD  CharacterHeight;
    SHORT DeltaX;

typedef struct
/* PCL Font */
    INT          FontID;
    FONTDESC     Header;
    WORD         CharCode;
/* File system */
    _FileHandle *Handle;
    INT          State;
/* VF3 Font */
    BYTE         Table[6 * 256];
    INT          Index;
    INT          Offset;

 *                                                                            *
 *             L O C A L   F U N C T I O N   P R O T O T Y P E S              *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   I N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   U N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

 * Describes the font header and character definition formats for PCL Bitmap fonts

    _eFileDevice device = TransformFileDevice(pDmxCfg->DefaultModule);
    FONTDESC *header = &(pcl->Header);
    CHAR fontname[16];
    BYTE fonthead[32] =    // VF3 Font type
        'B',  0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 

    if (pcl->Index < 256)
        WORD space = header->Pitch / 4;    // The number of quarter dots
        WORD bytes = (space + 7) / 8 * header->CellHeight;

        // Write Space Width to file
        pcl->State = Fputc((INT)(space & 0xff), pcl->Handle);
        pcl->State = Fputc((INT)(space >> 8), pcl->Handle);

        // Write Space Data to file
        while (bytes--)
            if (pcl->State != END_OF_FILE)
                pcl->State = Fputc(0, pcl->Handle);

        // Save VF3 Table
        pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6]     = 0x20;
        pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 1] = 0x00;
        pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 2] = (BYTE)(pcl->Offset & 0xff);
        pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 3] = (BYTE)((pcl->Offset >> 8) & 0xff);;
        pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 4] = (BYTE)((pcl->Offset >> 16) & 0xff);
        pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 5] = (BYTE)((pcl->Offset >> 24) & 0xff);
        pcl->Index += 1;

    // 5-6 : Font Height
    fonthead[5] = (BYTE)(header->CellHeight & 0xff);
    fonthead[6] = (BYTE)(header->CellHeight >> 8);
    // 7-8 : Font Width
    fonthead[7] = (BYTE)(header->CellWidth & 0xff);
    fonthead[8] = (BYTE)(header->CellWidth >> 8);
    // 15-16 : Font Character Total
    fonthead[15] = (BYTE)(pcl->Index & 0xff);
    fonthead[16] = (BYTE)(pcl->Index >> 8);

    Fseek(pcl->Handle, 0, SEEK_SET);

    // Write font head to file
    if (pcl->State != END_OF_FILE)
        if (Fwrite(fonthead, sizeof(CHAR), sizeof(fonthead), pcl->Handle) != sizeof(fonthead))
            pcl->State = END_OF_FILE;
    // Write address table to file
    if (pcl->State != END_OF_FILE)
        if (Fwrite(pcl->Table, sizeof(CHAR), sizeof(pcl->Table), pcl->Handle) != sizeof(pcl->Table))
            pcl->State = END_OF_FILE;

    if (pcl->State == END_OF_FILE)
        sprintf(fontname, "%03d", pcl->FontID);
        strcat(fontname, "DMX.BMF");
        Remove(device, fontname);
    pcl->Handle = _NULL;
    pcl->State = _NULL;

    _eFileDevice device = TransformFileDevice(pDmxCfg->DefaultModule);
    CHAR fontname[16];
    BYTE fonthead[32];

    sprintf(fontname, "%03d", pcl->FontID);
    strcat(fontname, "DMX.BMF");

    Remove(device, fontname);
    pcl->Handle = Fopen(device, fontname, "w");
    pcl->State = _NULL;

    // Set font head to 0xff
    memset(fonthead, 0xff, sizeof(fonthead));
    // Set address table is 0xff
    memset(pcl->Table, 0xff, sizeof(pcl->Table));

    // Write dummy head to file
    if (pcl->State != END_OF_FILE)
        if (Fwrite(fonthead, sizeof(CHAR), sizeof(fonthead), pcl->Handle) != sizeof(fonthead))
            pcl->State = END_OF_FILE;
    // Write dummy address table to file
    if (pcl->State != END_OF_FILE)
        if (Fwrite(pcl->Table, sizeof(CHAR), sizeof(pcl->Table), pcl->Handle) != sizeof(pcl->Table))
            pcl->State = END_OF_FILE;

    pcl->CharCode = 0;
    pcl->Index = 0;
    pcl->Offset = sizeof(fonthead) + sizeof(pcl->Table);

 * DPL Commands:
 *        *c###D - Assign Font ID Number
 *        *c###E - Character Code
 * Description:
 *        *c###D - This command is the first command required for downloading a
 *                 font to either RAM or Flash Memory modules. ESC represents the
 *                 ASCII control character 27.
 *        *c###E - This code is the ASCII decimal value corresponding to the next
 *                 downloaded character.
 * Syntax:
 *        <ESC>*c###D
 *        <ESC>*c###E
 * Where:
 *        ###D - Is the font ID numbers 100-999 (000 - 099 are reserved for resident fonts).
 *        ###E - Is the ASCII value of the character, three digits maximum, 0 to 999.
    PCLFONT *pcl = &PCL;
    LONG number;
    CHAR data;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data != 'c')
        return _ERROR;

    if (DmxGetNumber(&number, 3) == 0)
        return _ERROR;

    data = DmxNextByte();

    // *c###D - Assign Font ID Numbe
    if (data == 'D')
        if (pcl->Handle != _NULL)
        pcl->FontID = number;
        return _SUCCESS;
    // *c###E - Character Code
    if (data == 'E')
        pcl->CharCode = number;
        return _SUCCESS;
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        )s###W - Font Descriptor
 * Description:
 *        This command (typically first data in a font file) contains all of the
 *        information about the font contained in the file. Different font generation
 *        software will create different length header information, but the initial
 *        64 bytes will remain consistent with the PCL-4 (HP LaserJet II) format.
 * Syntax:
 *        <ESC>)s###Wddd..d
 * Where:
 *        ###   - Is the number of bytes of font descriptor data from 1 to 3
 *                ASCII decimal digits.
 *        dd..d - Is the descriptor.
INT Fnt_Descriptor(VOID)
    PCLFONT *pcl = &PCL;
    FONTDESC *header = &(pcl->Header);
    LONG bytes;
    CHAR data;
    CHAR *p;
    INT n;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data != 's')
        return _ERROR;

    // ### - Is the number of bytes of font descriptor data from 1 to 3 ASCII decimal digits.
    if (DmxGetNumber(&bytes, 3) == 0)
        return _ERROR;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data != 'W')
        return _ERROR;

    p = (CHAR *)header;

    // dd..d - Is the descriptor.
    for (n = 0; n < bytes; n++)
        data = DmxNextByte();
        if (n < sizeof(FONTDESC))
            *p++ = data;
    header->FontDescriptorSize = be16_to_cpu(header->FontDescriptorSize);
    header->BaselinePosition   = be16_to_cpu(header->BaselinePosition);
    header->CellWidth          = be16_to_cpu(header->CellWidth);
    header->CellHeight         = be16_to_cpu(header->CellHeight);
    header->SymbolSet          = be16_to_cpu(header->SymbolSet);
    header->Pitch              = be16_to_cpu(header->Pitch);
    header->Height             = be16_to_cpu(header->Height);
    header->xHeight            = be16_to_cpu(header->xHeight);
    header->TextHeight         = be16_to_cpu(header->TextHeight);
    header->TextWidth          = be16_to_cpu(header->TextWidth);
    header->FirstCode          = be16_to_cpu(header->FirstCode);
    header->LastCode           = be16_to_cpu(header->LastCode);
    header->CapHeight          = be16_to_cpu(header->CapHeight);
    header->FontNum            = be32_to_cpu(header->FontNum);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        (s###W - Character Download Data
 * Description:
 *        This command contains all of the information for one downloaded character.
 * Syntax:
 *        <ESC>(s###Wnn..n
 * Where:
 *        ###   - Is the number of bytes of bit-mapped data, three digits maximum,
 *                from 1 to 999.
 *        nn..n - Is the bit-mapped data.
INT Fnt_Data(VOID)
    PCLFONT *pcl = &PCL;
    FONTDESC *header = &(pcl->Header);
    CHARDESC charHeader;
    _ImgBuf dstimg, srcimg;
    LONG bytes;
    CHAR data;
    CHAR *image;
    CHAR *buffer;
    CHAR *p;
    INT imgsize;
    INT total;
    INT x, y, n;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data != 's')
        return _ERROR;

    // ### - Is the number of bytes of bit-mapped data, three digits maximum, from 1 to 999.
    if (DmxGetNumber(&bytes, 3) == 0)
        return _ERROR;

    data = DmxNextByte();
    if (data != 'W')
        return _ERROR;

    p = (CHAR *) & charHeader;

    // Get Character Header 16 Bytes
    for (n = 0; n < sizeof(CHARDESC); n++)
        *p++ = DmxNextByte();

    charHeader.LeftOffset      = be16_to_cpu(charHeader.LeftOffset);
    charHeader.TopOffset       = be16_to_cpu(charHeader.TopOffset);
    charHeader.CharacterWidth  = be16_to_cpu(charHeader.CharacterWidth);
    charHeader.CharacterHeight = be16_to_cpu(charHeader.CharacterHeight);
    charHeader.DeltaX          = be16_to_cpu(charHeader.DeltaX);

    if (charHeader.Orientation == 1 || charHeader.Orientation == 3)
        x = charHeader.TopOffset - charHeader.CharacterHeight;
        y = header->BaselinePosition + charHeader.LeftOffset;
        x = charHeader.LeftOffset;
        y = header->BaselinePosition - charHeader.TopOffset;

    srcimg.iHeight = charHeader.CharacterHeight;
    srcimg.iWidth  = charHeader.CharacterWidth;
    srcimg.iByteWidth = (srcimg.iWidth + 7) / 8;

    imgsize = srcimg.iByteWidth * srcimg.iHeight;

    if (image = malloc(imgsize))
        memset(image, 0, imgsize);

        p = image;

        // Get Character Data
        for (n = sizeof(CHARDESC); n < bytes; n++)
            data = DmxNextByte();
            if (p < image + imgsize)
                *p++ = data;

        dstimg.iHeight = header->CellHeight;
        dstimg.iWidth  = charHeader.DeltaX / 4;    // The number of quarter dots
        dstimg.iByteWidth = (dstimg.iWidth + 7) / 8;

        total = dstimg.iByteWidth * dstimg.iHeight + sizeof(WORD);

        if (buffer = malloc(total))
            memset(buffer, 0, total);

            p = buffer;

            // VF3 Character Width
            *p++ = (BYTE)(dstimg.iWidth & 0xff);
            *p++ = (BYTE)(dstimg.iWidth >> 8);

            // Put Image Data
            srcimg.pBuffer = (BYTE *)image;
            dstimg.pBuffer = (BYTE *)p;
            PutImage(&dstimg, &srcimg, x, y, charHeader.Orientation * 90, PUT_OR);

            // Write Character Data to file
            if (pcl->State != END_OF_FILE)
                if (Fwrite(buffer, sizeof(BYTE), total, pcl->Handle) != total)
                    pcl->State = END_OF_FILE;

            // Save VF3 Table
            pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6]     = (BYTE)(pcl->CharCode & 0xff);
            pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 1] = (BYTE)(pcl->CharCode >> 8);
            pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 2] = (BYTE)(pcl->Offset & 0xff);
            pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 3] = (BYTE)((pcl->Offset >> 8) & 0xff);;
            pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 4] = (BYTE)((pcl->Offset >> 16) & 0xff);
            pcl->Table[pcl->Index * 6 + 5] = (BYTE)((pcl->Offset >> 24) & 0xff);
            pcl->Index += 1;
            pcl->Offset += total;



    data = DmxNextByte();

    if (data != ESC_CHAR)

    return _SUCCESS;


DplFuncImmed.c  //

 *                                                                            *
 *                         M O D U L E   D E F I N E                          *
 *                                                                            *


 *                                                                            *
 *        C O M P I L E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S         *
 *                                                                            *

#include <string.h>

 *                                                                            *
 *            U S E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S             *
 *                                                                            *

#include "Common.h"
#include "XCore.h"
#include "XFunction.h"
#include "..\ParserUtil.h"
#include "DplConfig.h"
#include "DplFunc.h"

 *                                                                            *
 *                         L O C A L   D E F I N E S                          *
 *                                                                            *

#if defined(DPL)

 *                                                                            *
 *                        L O C A L   T Y P E D E F S                         *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *             L O C A L   F U N C T I O N   P R O T O T Y P E S              *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   I N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   U N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

#if defined(__HITACHI__)
#pragma section ISR

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Reset
 * Description:
 *        This command resets the printer. Resetting the printer returns all
 *        settings to default and clears both the communications and printing
 *        buffers. The command also clears DRAM memory.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>#
 * Where:
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Reset (Display-Equipped Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This command forces a soft reset of the microprocessor, which resets the
 *        printer. Resetting the printer returns all settings to default and clears
 *        the communications and print buffers.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>*
 * Where:
INT Imm_RstDsp(VOID)
    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == DISPLAY_EQUIPPED)

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Send ASCII Status String
 * Description:
 *        This command allows the host computer to check the current printer status.
 *        The printer returns a string of eight characters, followed by a carriage
 *        return. Each character (see below) indicates an associated condition,
 *        either true (Y) or false (N). Byte 1 is transmitted first. See <SOH>F.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>A
 * Where:
    _eMotorStatus MotorStatus = GetMotorStatus();
    WORD JobError = GetJobErrorState();
    BOOL JobLock = CheckJobLock();
    CHAR Response[] = { 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', CR_CHAR };

    // Byte | Value | Interpretation
    //  1   |  Y/N  |  Interpreter busy (imaging)
    //  2   |  Y/N  |  Paper out or fault
    //  3   |  Y/N  |  Ribbon out or fault
    //  4   |  Y/N  |  Printing batch
    //  5   |  Y/N  |  Busy printing
    //  6   |  Y/N  |  Printer paused
    //  7   |  Y/N  |  Label presented
    //  8   |   N   |  Always No

    if (JobError & ERROR_PAPER_JAM || JobError & ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY)
        Response[2 - 1] = 'Y';    // Paper out or Fault
    if (JobError & ERROR_RIBBON_JAM || JobError & ERROR_RIBBON_EMPTY)
        Response[3 - 1] = 'Y';    // Ribbon out or Fault
    if (MotorStatus == STATUS_MOTOR_FORWARD || MotorStatus == STATUS_MOTOR_BACKWARD)
        Response[5 - 1] = 'Y';    // Busy printing
    if (JobLock)
        Response[6 - 1] = 'Y';    // Printer paused

    SendImmedPort(Response, sizeof(Response));
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Send ASCII Extended Status String
 * Description:
 *        This command allows the host computer to check an extended current printer
 *        status. The printer returns a string of seventeen characters, followed by
 *        a carriage return. Most characters (see below) indicate an associated
 *        condition, either true (Y) or false (N). Byte 1 is transmitted first.
 *        See <SOH>F.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>a
 * Where:
    _eMotorStatus MotorStatus = GetMotorStatus();
    WORD JobError = GetJobErrorState();
    BOOL JobLock = CheckJobLock();
    CHAR Response[] = { 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', ':',
                        'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', CR_CHAR };

    // Byte | Value | Interpretation
    //  1   |  Y/N  |  Interpreter busy (imaging)
    //  2   |  Y/N  |  Paper out or fault
    //  3   |  Y/N  |  Ribbon out or fault
    //  4   |  Y/N  |  Printing batch
    //  5   |  Y/N  |  Busy printing
    //  6   |  Y/N  |  Printer paused
    //  7   |  Y/N  |  Label presented
    //  8   |   N   |  Always No
    //  9   |   :   |  Always :
    //  10  |  Y/N  |  Cutter Fault
    //  11  |  Y/N  |  Paper Out
    //  12  |  Y/N  |  Ribbon Saver Fault
    //  13  |  Y/N  |  Print Head Up
    //  14  |  Y/N  |  Top of Form Fault
    //  15  |  Y/N  |  Ribbon Low
    //  16  |  Y/N  |  N (reserved for future)
    //  17  |  Y/N  |  N (reserved for future)

    if (JobError & ERROR_PAPER_JAM || JobError & ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY)
        Response[2  - 1] = 'Y';    // Paper out or Fault
    if (JobError & ERROR_RIBBON_JAM || JobError & ERROR_RIBBON_EMPTY)
        Response[3  - 1] = 'Y';    // Ribbon out or Fault
    if (MotorStatus == STATUS_MOTOR_FORWARD || MotorStatus == STATUS_MOTOR_BACKWARD)
        Response[5  - 1] = 'Y';    // Busy printing
    if (JobLock)
        Response[6  - 1] = 'Y';    // Printer paused
    if (JobError & ERROR_CUTTER)
        Response[10 - 1] = 'Y';    // Cutter Fault
    if (JobError & ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY)
        Response[11 - 1] = 'Y';    // Paper Out

    if (IsCarriageOpen() && pPrintCfg->CarriageOpen)
        Response[13 - 1] = 'Y';    // Print Head Up

    SendImmedPort(Response, sizeof(Response));
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Toggle Pause
 * Description:
 *        This command toggles the printerˇs paused state between on and off.
 *        (This is the same function achieved by pressing the PAUSE Key on the printer.)
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>B
 * Where:
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Stop/Cancel
 * Description:
 *        This command performs the same function as pressing the STOP/CANCEL Key
 *        on the printer. This function clears the current label format from the
 *        print buffer, pauses the printer, and illuminates the Paused/Stop Indicator.
 *        (The pause condition is terminated as described under <SOH>B.)
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>C
 * Where:
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        SOH Shutdown (Non-Display Models only)
 * Description:
 *        This commands the printer to ignore Immediate Commands (^A). The SOH
 *        shutdown command is required before loading images or fonts because some
 *        may contain data sequences that could be interpreted as Immediate Commands.
 *        After the SOH shutdown command is sent, Immediate Commands can be turned
 *        back on by sending a valid SOH command three times, separated by a one
 *        second delay between each command, or by manually resetting the printer.
 *        It is good practice to check batch quantities (<SOH>E) to verify that the
 *        SOH commands are working.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>D
 * Where:
    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        ShutdownSOH = TRUE;

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Send Batch Remaining Quantity
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer to return a four-digit number indicating
 *        the quantity of labels that remain to be printed in the current batch,
 *        followed by a carriage return. Communications latency may cause this value
 *        to be higher than actual on some printers.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>E
 * Where:
    STATIC CONST CHAR *Response = "0000\r";

    SendImmedPort(Response, strlen(Response));
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Send Batch Printed Quantity
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer to return a four-digit number indicating
 *        the quantity of labels that have been printed in the current batch,
 *        followed by a carriage return. Communications latency may cause this value
 *        to be lower than actual on some printers.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>e
 * Where:
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Send Status Byte
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the printer to send a single status byte where
 *        each bit (1 or 0) represents one of the printer's status flags, followed
 *        by a carriage return (see below). If an option is unavailable for the
 *        printer, the single bit will always be zero. See <SOH>A.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>F
 * Where:
    _eMotorStatus MotorStatus = GetMotorStatus();
    WORD JobError = GetJobErrorState();
    BOOL JobLock = CheckJobLock();
    BYTE Response[] = { 0x00, CR_CHAR };

    // Bit | Value | Condition
    //    8  |   0   |  Always zero
    //    7  |  0-1  |  Label presented
    //    6  |  0-1  |  Printer paused
    //    5  |  0-1  |  Busy printing
    //    4  |  0-1  |  Printing batch
    //    3  |  0-1  |  Ribbon out or Fault
    //    2  |  0-1  |  Paper out or Fault
    //    1  |  0-1  |  Command interpreter busy (imaging)

    if (JobLock)
        Response[0] |= 0x20;    // Printer paused
    if (MotorStatus == STATUS_MOTOR_FORWARD || MotorStatus == STATUS_MOTOR_BACKWARD)
        Response[0] |= 0x10;    // Busy printing
    if (JobError & ERROR_RIBBON_JAM || JobError & ERROR_RIBBON_EMPTY)
        Response[0] |= 0x04;    // Ribbon out or Fault
    if (JobError & ERROR_PAPER_JAM || JobError & ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY)
        Response[0] |= 0x02;    // Paper out or Fault

    SendImmedPort(Response, sizeof(Response));
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Update System Database with Current Database
 * Description:
 *        This command saves the current printer configuration to Flash memory.
 *        Only those parameters stored in Flash memory are affected. These are all
 *        the parameters that can be modified via the Setup Menu. The values of any
 *        <STX> System Commands issued prior to <SOH>U and affecting printer
 *        configuration items will also be saved. See the <SOH># command, above,
 *        for details on what events occur during a reset.
 * Syntax:
 *        <SOH>U
 * Where:
    return _SUCCESS;


DplFuncLabFmt.c  ///

 *                                                                            *
 *                         M O D U L E   D E F I N E                          *
 *                                                                            *


 *                                                                            *
 *        C O M P I L E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S         *
 *                                                                            *

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>

 *                                                                            *
 *            U S E R   D E F I N E D   I N C L U D E   F I L E S             *
 *                                                                            *

#include "Common.h"
#include "XCore.h"
#include "XRTC.h"
#include "..\ParserUtil.h"
#include "DplCtrlCode.h"
#include "DplConfig.h"
#include "DplUtil.h"
#include "DplModule.h"
#include "DplLabel.h"
#include "DplFunc.h"

 *                                                                            *
 *                         L O C A L   D E F I N E S                          *
 *                                                                            *

#if defined(DPL)

 *                                                                            *
 *                        L O C A L   T Y P E D E F S                         *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *             L O C A L   F U N C T I O N   P R O T O T Y P E S              *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   I N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

 *                                                                            *
 *    L O C A L   U N I T I A L I Z E D   D A T A   D E F I N I T I O N S     *
 *                                                                            *

_LabRecHeader CurRecHeader;            // Label format record
_LabRecData   CurRecData;

STATIC VOID SpecLabFmtCmdFunc(_LabRecData *pData)
    STATIC CONST CHAR *WeekName[] = { "SUN","MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI","SAT" };

    CHAR *Src, *Dst, *Onset;
    CHAR Format[35];
    INT Num;

    // <STX>S - Recall Global Data and Place in Field
    if (pData->Content[0] == CtrlCode.STX && pData->Content[1] == 'S')
        if (pData->Content[2] >= 'A' && pData->Content[2] <= 'P')
            Num = pData->Content[2] - 'A';
            if (Num < GlbRegNum)
                memcpy(pData->Content, GlobalRegister[Num].Content, GlobalRegister[Num].Length);
                pData->Length = GlobalRegister[Num].Length;
                pData->Content[pData->Length] = '\0';

    // <STX>T - Print Time and Date
    Dst = Onset = (CHAR *)pData->Content;
    if ((Src = memchr(pData->Content, CtrlCode.STX, pData->Length)) && *(Src + 1) == 'T')
        time_t t = time(_NULL);
        struct tm gmt = *gmtime(&t);

        sprintf(Format, "%01u%-3s%02u%-9s%02u%04u%02u%02u%02u%-2s%03u%02u",
            gmt.tm_wday ? gmt.tm_wday : 7,    // A     - Day of the week (Mon = 1, Sun = 7)
            WeekName[gmt.tm_wday],            // BCD   - Day of the week name
            gmt.tm_mon + 1,                   // EF    - Month number
            MonthName[gmt.tm_mon],            // GH..O - Month name
            gmt.tm_mday,                      // PQ    - Day
            gmt.tm_year + 1900,               // RSTU  - Year
            gmt.tm_hour,                      // VW    - Hour in 24 hour format
            (gmt.tm_hour % 12) ? (gmt.tm_hour % 12) : 12, // XY    - Hour in 12 hour format
            gmt.tm_min,                       // Za    - Minutes
            (gmt.tm_hour < 12) ? "AM" : "PM", // bc    - AM or PM
            gmt.tm_yday,                      // def   - Julian date
            gmt.tm_sec                        // gh    - Seconds

            memmove(Dst, Onset, (INT)(Src - Onset));
            Dst += (INT)(Src - Onset);

            Src += 2;
            while (Src < (CHAR *)pData->Content + pData->Length)
                CHAR c = *Src++;
                if (c == CtrlCode.STX)
                else if (isupper(c))
                    *Dst++ = Format[c - 'A'];
                else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'h')
                    *Dst++ = Format[c - 'a' + 26];
                    *Dst++ = c;
            Onset = Src;
            Num = (INT)pData->Content + pData->Length - (INT)Onset;
        while ((Src = memchr(Onset, CtrlCode.STX, Num)) && *(Src + 1) == 'T');
        memmove(Dst, Onset, Num);
        pData->Length = Dst - pData->Content + Num;
        pData->Content[pData->Length] = '\0';

STATIC SHORT LimitWidth(SHORT Column, SHORT Width)
    Column = Column - LabelParam.ColumnOffset - pPrintCfg->ShiftDisX - ShiftXBase;
    if (Width > pDmxCfg->LabelWidth - Column)
        Width = pDmxCfg->LabelWidth - Column;
    return Width;

STATIC INT Lab_InternalFont(VOID)
    _LabFontField *pFont = &CurRecHeader.Field.Font;
    CHAR Data;
    LONG Num;
    INT i;

    // c : Width Multiplier
    pFont->WidthMul = LabGetMul();

    // d : Height Multiplier
    pFont->HeightMul = LabGetMul();

    // eee : 000
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Data = LabNextByte();
    //    if (Data != '0')
    //        return _ERROR;

    // ffff : Get Row Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pFont->Row = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.RowOffset;

    // gggg : Get Column Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pFont->Column = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.ColumnOffset + pPrintCfg->ShiftDisX + ShiftXBase;

    // jj..j : Data String
    CurRecData.Length =
        LabGetStrTerm(CurRecData.Content, sizeof(CurRecData.Content));

    return _SUCCESS;

    _LabFontField *pFont = &CurRecHeader.Field.Font;
    CHAR Data;
    LONG Num;
    INT i;
    BOOL ScalableFont;

    // c : Width Multiplier
    pFont->WidthMul = LabGetMul();

    // d : Height Multiplier
    pFont->HeightMul = LabGetMul();

    // eee : 000
    Data = LabNextByte();
    if (Data == 'S' || toupper(Data) == 'U')
        ScalableFont = TRUE;
    else if ((Data >= '0' && Data <= '9') || Data == 'A')
        ScalableFont = FALSE;
        return _ERROR;

    pFont->ID[0] = Data;
    pFont->ID[1] = LabNextByte();
    pFont->ID[2] = LabNextByte();

    // ffff : Get Row Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pFont->Row = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.RowOffset;

    // gggg : Get Column Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pFont->Column = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.ColumnOffset + pPrintCfg->ShiftDisX + ShiftXBase;

    if (ScalableFont)
        // hhhh : Font Height
        Data = LabNextByte();
        if (toupper(Data) == 'P')
            if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
                return _ERROR;
            Num = (FLOAT)Num * TPH_DPI / (FLOAT)72;
            if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
                return _ERROR;
        pFont->FontHeight = Num;

        // iiii : Font Width 
        Data = LabNextByte();
        if (toupper(Data) == 'P')
            if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
                return _ERROR;
            Num = (FLOAT)Num * TPH_DPI / (FLOAT)72;
            if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
                return _ERROR;
        pFont->FontWidth = Num;

    // jj..j : Data String
    CurRecData.Length =
        LabGetStrTerm(CurRecData.Content, sizeof(CurRecData.Content));

    return _SUCCESS;

    _LabBarcodeField *pBarcode = &CurRecHeader.Field.Barcode;
    LONG Num;

    // Expnad Barcode
    if (CurRecHeader.Type == 'W')
        pBarcode->Expnad = LabNextByte();
        if (pBarcode->Expnad == '1')
            pBarcode->Expnad = LabNextByte();

    // c : Wide Bar
    pBarcode->Wide = LabGetMul();

    // d : Narrow Bar
    pBarcode->Narrow = LabGetMul();

    // eee : Bar code Height
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
        return _ERROR;
    pBarcode->Height = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);

    // ffff : Get Row Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pBarcode->Row = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.RowOffset;

    // gggg : Get Column Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pBarcode->Column = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.ColumnOffset + pPrintCfg->ShiftDisX + ShiftXBase;

    if ((CurRecHeader.Type == 'W' && pBarcode->Expnad == 'C') ||    // DataMatrix
        (CurRecHeader.Type == 'W' && pBarcode->Expnad == 'F') ||    // Aztec
        (CurRecHeader.Type == 'W' && pBarcode->Expnad == 'Z') ||    // MicroPDF417
        CurRecHeader.Type == 'U' || CurRecHeader.Type == 'Z')        // MaxiCode and PDF-417
        // get Data Length
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        if (Num >= RECORD_DATA_CONTENT)
            return _ERROR;
        LabGetStrLen(CurRecData.Content, Num);
        CurRecData.Length = Num;
        // jj..j : Data String
        CurRecData.Length =
            LabGetStrTerm(CurRecData.Content, sizeof(CurRecData.Content));

    return _SUCCESS;

    _LabGraphicField *pGraphic = &CurRecHeader.Field.Graphic;
    CHAR Data;
    LONG Num;

    // c : Get Width Multiplier
    Data = LabNextByte();
    if (Data != '1')
        return _ERROR;

    // d : Get Height Multiplier
    Data = LabNextByte();
    if (Data != '1')
        return _ERROR;

    // eee : Get ID
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
        return _ERROR;
    pGraphic->FillPatern = Num;

    // ffff : Get Row Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pGraphic->Row = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.RowOffset;

    // gggg : Get Column Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pGraphic->Column = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.ColumnOffset + pPrintCfg->ShiftDisX + ShiftXBase;

    pGraphic->Type = LabNextByte();

    if (pGraphic->Type == 'L')
        // hhh : horizontal width of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Width = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
        pGraphic->Width = LimitWidth(pGraphic->Column, pGraphic->Width);

        // vvv : vertical height of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Height = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
    else if (pGraphic->Type == 'l')
        // hhhh : horizontal width of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Width = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
        pGraphic->Width = LimitWidth(pGraphic->Column, pGraphic->Width);

        // vvvv : vertical height of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Height = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
    else if (pGraphic->Type == 'B')
        // hhh : horizontal width of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Width = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
        pGraphic->Width = LimitWidth(pGraphic->Column, pGraphic->Width);

        // vvv : vertical height of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Height = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);

        // bbb : thickness of bottom and top
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->TopThick = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);

        // sss : thickness of sides
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->SideThick = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
    else if (pGraphic->Type == 'b')
        // hhhh : horizontal width of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Width = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
        pGraphic->Width = LimitWidth(pGraphic->Column, pGraphic->Width);

        // vvvv : vertical height of line
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Height = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);

        // bbbb : thickness of bottom and top
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->TopThick = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);

        // ssss : thickness of sides
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->SideThick = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
    else if (pGraphic->Type == 'P')
        // Fixed value :001
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;

        // Fixed value :0001
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;

        pGraphic->Width  = 1;
        pGraphic->Height = 1;

        while (1)
            // rrrr Row of point
            if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
                return _ERROR;
            Num = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.RowOffset;
            if (pGraphic->Height < Num - pGraphic->Row + 1)
                pGraphic->Height = Num - pGraphic->Row + 1;

            // cccc Column of point
            if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
                return _ERROR;
            Num = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.ColumnOffset + ShiftXBase;
            if (pGraphic->Width < Num - pGraphic->Column + 1)
                pGraphic->Width = Num - pGraphic->Column + 1;

            Data = LabNextByte();
            if (!isdigit(Data))
    else if (pGraphic->Type == 'C')
        // Fixed value :001
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 3) != 3)
            return _ERROR;

        // Fixed value :0001
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;

        // rrrr : Radius of the circle
        if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
            return _ERROR;
        pGraphic->Radius = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
        return _ERROR;

    return _SUCCESS;

    _LabImageField *pImage = &CurRecHeader.Field.Image;
    CHAR Data;
    LONG Num;
    INT i;

    // c : Width Multiplier
    pImage->WidthMul = LabGetMul();

    // d : Height Multiplier
    pImage->HeightMul = LabGetMul();
    // eee : 000
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Data = LabNextByte();
        //if (Data != '0')
        //    return _ERROR;

    // ffff : Get Row Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pImage->Row = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.RowOffset;

    // gggg : Get Column Position
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;
    pImage->Column = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure) + LabelParam.ColumnOffset + pPrintCfg->ShiftDisX + ShiftXBase;

    // jj..j : ASCII string, up to 16 characters followed by a termination character.
    if (LabGetStrTerm(pImage->Name, sizeof(pImage->Name)) > 16)
        return _ERROR;

    return _SUCCESS;

INT Lab_Rec(CHAR Rotation)
    INT Status;

    // Initial Record Data
    CurRecHeader.FormatAttrib  = LabelParam.FormatAttrib;
    CurRecHeader.BarcodeMag    = LabelParam.BarcodeMag;
    CurRecHeader.DotWidthMul   = LabelParam.DotWidthMul;
    CurRecHeader.DotHeightMul  = LabelParam.DotHeightMul;
    CurRecHeader.MirrorMode    = LabelParam.MirrorMode;
    CurRecHeader.Justification = LabelParam.Justification;
    CurRecHeader.ZeroConvert   = LabelParam.ZeroConvert;
    memcpy(CurRecHeader.SingleByteSymbolSet, LabelParam.SingleByteSymbolSet, 2);
    memcpy(CurRecHeader.DoubleByteSymbolSet, LabelParam.DoubleByteSymbolSet, 2);

    // Get Rotation
    CurRecHeader.Rotation = Rotation;

    // Get Fonts, Bar Codes, Graphics and Images    
    CurRecHeader.Type = LabNextByte();

    // Internal Font Record
    if (CurRecHeader.Type >= '0' && CurRecHeader.Type <= '8')
        Status = Lab_InternalFont();

    // Scalable Fonts, Smooth Font, and Downloaded Bit-Mapped Fonts Record
    if (CurRecHeader.Type == '9')
        Status = Lab_ExpandFont();

    // Barcode Record
    if ((CurRecHeader.Type >= 'A' && CurRecHeader.Type <= 'U') ||
        (CurRecHeader.Type >= 'a' && CurRecHeader.Type <= 'z') ||
        (CurRecHeader.Type == 'W') || (CurRecHeader.Type == 'Z'))
        Status = Lab_Barcode();

    // Graphics Record
    if (CurRecHeader.Type == 'X')
        Status = Lab_Graphics();

    // Imgae Record
    if (CurRecHeader.Type == 'Y')
        Status = Lab_Image();

    if (Status == _SUCCESS)
        DrawRecord(&CurRecHeader, &CurRecData);
        return _SUCCESS;
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Cut By Amount
 * Description:
 *        This command allows a predetermined number of labels to be printed before
 *        a cut is initiated. This feature is useful when it is necessary to print
 *        an uncut strip of labels. Between 1 and 9999 labels may be printed before
 *        a cut is made. The amount must be smaller than the quantity of labels printed.
 * Syntax:
 *        :nnnn
 * Where:
 *        nnnn - Is a four digit decimal number indicating the number of labels to
 *               be printed before a cut is performed.
    LONG Num;

    // nnnn - Is a four digit decimal number indicating the number of labels to
    //        be printed before a cut is performed.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;

    LabelParam.CutByAmount = Num;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Format Attribute
 * Description:
 *        This command specifies the type of format operation and remains in effect
 *        until another format command is specified or another label format has
 *        begun (<STX>L). Each label format defaults to Attribute 2 (Transparent Mode).
 * Syntax:
 *        An
 * Where:
 *         n - Is attribute mode 1, 2, 3, or 5; see table below.
 *            The default is 1, (XOR Mode).
    LONG Num;

    // n - Is attribute mode 1, 2, 3, or 5; see table below. The default is 1, (XOR Mode).
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 1) != 1)
        return _ERROR;

    if ((Num != 1) && (Num != 2) && (Num != 3) && (Num != 5))
        return _ERROR;

    LabelParam.FormatAttrib = Num;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Bar Code Magnification
 * Description:
 *        This command provides a mechanism to specify bar codes greater than 36
 *        dots (0-9,A-Z in the field record). The value is reset to 1 at the start
 *        of every label and stays active for the entire label or set to a new value.
 * Syntax:
 *        Bnn
 * Where:
 *         nn - Is a two digit decimal number indicating the magnification value.
    LONG Num;

    // nn - Is a two digit decimal number indicating the magnification value.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 2) != 2)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == DISPLAY_EQUIPPED)
        LabelParam.BarcodeMag = Num;

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Column Offset Amount
 * Description:
 *        This command allows horizontal adjustment of the point where printing
 *        begins. The printer is instructed to print label formats nnnn units to
 *        the right of the position that the format specifies. This feature is
 *        useful when a single format is to be printed on labels containing
 *        preprinted information.
 * Syntax:
 *        Cnnnn
 * Where:
 *         nnnn - Is a four-digit number for the column offset, inches/100 or mm/10.
 *               The printer default is 0 for offset.
    LONG Num;

    // nnnn - Is a four-digit number for the column offset, inches/100 or mm/10.
    //        The printer default is 0 for offset.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;

    LabelParam.ColumnOffset = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Cut By Amount
 * Description:
 *        This command is the same as the ':' command except only a two-digit
 *        value can be entered. This command allows a predetermined number of
 *        labels to be printed before a cut is made. 1 to 99 labels may be printed
 *        before a cut is made.
 * Syntax:
 *        cnn
 * Where:
 *         nn - Is a two-digit number indicating the number of labels to be printed
 *             before a cut is made. The default is one.
    LONG Num;

    // nn - Is a two-digit number indicating the number of labels to be printed
    //       before a cut is made. The default is one.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 2) != 2)
        return _ERROR;

    if (Num == 0)
        Num = 1;

    LabelParam.CutByAmount = Num;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Dot Size Width and Height
 * Description:
 *        This command is used to change the size of a printed dot, hence the
 *        print resolution  dots per inch (DPI) of the print head. By changing
 *        the height of a dot, the maximum length of a label can be increased or
 *        decreased. For the element sizes see Appendix K.
 * Syntax:
 *        Dwh
 * Where:
 *         w - Is Dot Width multiplier 1 or 2.
 *        h - Is Dot Height multiplier 1, 2, or 3.
    SHORT WidthMul, HeightMul;
    LONG Num;

    // w - Is Dot Width multiplier 1 or 2.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 1) != 1)
        return _ERROR;
    if (Num < 1) Num = 1;
    if (Num > 2) Num = 2;
    WidthMul = Num;

    // h - Is Dot Height multiplier 1, 2, or 3.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 1) != 1)
        return _ERROR;
    if (Num < 1) Num = 1;
    if (Num > 3) Num = 2;
    HeightMul = Num;

    LabelParam.DotWidthMul = WidthMul;
    LabelParam.DotHeightMul = HeightMul;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Terminate Label Formatting Mode and Print Label
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer, when the processing Label Formatting
 *        commands, to terminate the Label Formatting Mode then generate, print,
 *        and feed a label. The label generated will be based on whatever data has
 *        been received to that point, even if no printable data has been received.
 *        Other termination commands are 'X' and 's'. Commands sent to the printer
 *        after the Terminate Label command must be of the Immediate, System-Level,
 *        or Font Download type.
 * Syntax:
 *        E
 * Where:
    LabFmtCmdMod = FALSE;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Recall Printer Configuration
 * Description:
 *        This command recalls a previously stored printer configuration. It is
 *        highly recommended that only one Recall Printer Configuration command
 *        be used per label, and that it be used at the beginning of the label;
 *        otherwise, unpredictable results will occur. (Printer configurations
 *        may be stored using the    Extended System-Level Commands or the printer's
 *        menu system.)
 * Syntax:
 *        eName<CR>
 * Where:
 *         Name - The name, up to 16 characters, of the configuration file.
 *        <CR> - 0x0d terminates the name.
    CHAR Name[17];

    // Name - The name, up to 16 characters, of the configuration file.
    // <CR> - 0x0d terminates the name.
    if (LabGetStrTerm(Name, sizeof(Name)) > 16)
        return _ERROR;

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == DISPLAY_EQUIPPED)
        // ... not finish

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands :
 *        Advanced Format Attributes
 * Description:
 *        These commends extend the text presentation capabilities for Scalable
 *        Fonts. The format attribute allows a set of label format records to
 *        select Bolding, Italicizing and Underlining. Additional commands allow
 *        the specification of line rotation and font changes within a label field.
 *        Reference Section 8.0, Generating Label Formats / Advanced Format
 *        Attributes for details.
 * Syntax:
 * Where: 
    // ... not finish
    return _ERROR;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Present Speed
 * Description:
 *        This command controls the rate at which the present distance is positioned,
 *        allowing the media movement to be slowed during 'presentation' (the distance
 *        traveled after printing is completed to the label stop position). This
 *        command is used only within the context of a label format. The speed
 *        assigned is retained until another label format is received or until power
 *        is removed; if a subsequent format does not contain a present speed command
 *        then the present speed reverts to the feed speed.
 * Syntax:
 *        fa
 * Where:
 *        a - Is a single alpha character representing a speed, limited by the
 *            feed speed range; see Appendix L. The default is the feed speed.
    CHAR Data;

    // a - Is a single alpha character representing a speed, limited by the
    //     feed speed range; see Appendix L. The default is the feed speed.
    Data =  LabNextByte();

    // Supported series
    if (DatamaxModel.Display == NON_DISPLAY)
        if (pDmxCfg->CommSpeedCommands == 'Y')
            LabelParam.PresentSpeed = Data;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Place Data in Global Register
 * Description:
 *        The G command saves the print data of a print format record in a global
 *        register (temporary storage). This data may be retrieved and copied to
 *        another record in the same label format using the special Label Formatting
 *        Command: <STX>S. Global registers are named in the order received, beginning
 *        with register A, ending at register P, and incrementing with each instance
 *        of the G command use.
 * Syntax:
 *        G
 * Where:
    INT Length;

    // Place Data in Global Register
    Length = (CurRecData.Length < GLOBAL_REGISTER_CONTENT) ? CurRecData.Length : GLOBAL_REGISTER_CONTENT;
    memcpy(GlobalRegister[GlbRegNum].Content, CurRecData.Content, Length);
    GlobalRegister[GlbRegNum].Length = Length;

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Enter Heat Setting
 * Description:
 *        This command changes the "on time" of elements of the print head. The
 *        default setting is 10 (except in the case of printers with a menu, where
 *        the default setting can be changed through the keypad). An increase or
 *        decrease in this value results in a change of heat applied by the print
 *        head to the media, lightening or darkening the print contrast accordingly.
 *        This is helpful when using different media types, each requiring a different
 *        amount of heat to properly image the media. The host device can send this
 *        command value to correct the heat setting per the application.
 * Syntax:
 *        Hnn
 * Where:
 *        nn - Is a two-digit heat value (00-30)
    LONG Num;

    // nn - Is a two-digit heat value (00-30)
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 2) != 2)
        return _ERROR;

    if (Num >= 0 && Num <= 30)
        if (pDmxCfg->CommHeatCommands == 'Y')
            LabelParam.HeatSetting = Num;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Justification
 * Description:
 *        This command changes the printing justification.
 * Syntax:
 *        Ja
 * Where:
 *        a - Is a single-digit alpha character:
 *            L = left justified (default)
 *            R = right justified
 *            C = center justified
    CHAR Data;

    Data =  LabNextByte();
    if (Data == 'L' || Data == 'R' || Data == 'C')
        LabelParam.Justification = Data;

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Select Mirror Mode
 * Description:
 *        This command instructs the printer to "mirror" all subsequent print field
 *        records. This command toggles the mirroring mode. Mirrored fields are
 *        transposed visually, as if the object is viewed in a mirror.
 * Syntax:
 *        M
 * Where:
    if (LabelParam.MirrorMode == 'Y')
        LabelParam.MirrorMode = 'N';
        return _SUCCESS;

    LabelParam.MirrorMode = 'Y';
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Metric Mode
 * Description:
 *        This command sets the printer to measure in metric. When this command
 *        is sent, all measurements will be interpreted as metric values, (e.g.,
 *        a column offset of 0010 will be interpreted as 1.0 mm). All printers
 *        default to Imperial (inch) mode.
 * Syntax:
 *        m
 * Where:
    LabelParam.UnitMeasure = METRIC_MODE;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Inch (Imperial) Mode
 * Description:
 *        This command sets the printer to measure in inches. When this command
 *        is sent, all measurements will change to inches. All printers default
 *        to Imperial units. Menu selectable.
 * Syntax:
 *        m
 * Where:
    LabelParam.UnitMeasure = INCH_MODE;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Print Speed
 * Description:
 *        This command sets a print speed for a label or batch of labels.
 * Syntax:
 *        Pa
 * Where:
 *        a - Is a single character representing a speed; see Appendix L for
 *            valid ranges.
    CHAR Data;

    // a - Is a single character representing a speed; see Appendix L for valid ranges.
    Data =  LabNextByte();

    // Valid ranges
    if (Data >= DatamaxModel.PrintSpeed.Minimum &&
        Data <= DatamaxModel.PrintSpeed.Maximum)
        if (pDmxCfg->CommSpeedCommands == 'Y')
            LabelParam.PrintSpeed = Data;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Backfeed Speed
 * Description:
 *        This command, typically used in conjunction with the Cut or Peel and
 *        Present operations, controls the rate at which the labels will reverse
 *        to align to the next start of print position. The setting remains in
 *        effect until another backfeed speed command is received or until the
 *        printer is reset.
 * Syntax:
 *        pa
 * Where:
 *        a - Is a single alpha character representing a speed; see Appendix L
 *            for valid ranges.
    CHAR Data;

    // a - Is a single alpha character representing a speed; see Appendix L
    //     for valid ranges.
    Data =  LabNextByte();

    // Valid ranges
    if (Data >= DatamaxModel.ReverseSpeed.Minimum &&
        Data <= DatamaxModel.ReverseSpeed.Maximum)
        if (pDmxCfg->CommSpeedCommands == 'Y')
            LabelParam.BackfeedSpeed = Data;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Quantity of Labels to Print
 * Description:
 *        This command sets the number of the label copies to be printed. A one
 *        to five digit value is allowed, if the command is delimited by a carriage
 *        return <CR>. This permits host applications to generate label quantity
 *        commands without the need to pad leading zeros. (A four-digit command
 *        value does not need to be <CR> terminated.)
 * Syntax:
 *        Qnnnnn
 * Where:
 *        nnnnn - Is a one to five-digit delimited value setting for the number of
 *                labels to be printed. The default value is one.
    LONG Num;
    CHAR Data;
    INT i;

    // nnnnn - Is a one to five-digit delimited value setting for the number of
    //         labels to be printed. The default value is one.
    Num = 0;
    i = 0;
    while (1)
        Data = LabNextByte();

        if (isdigit(Data))
            Num = Num * 10 + (Data - '0');
        else if (LabIsTerminate(Data))
        else if (i == 4)

        if (i == 5)
            return _ERROR;
    if (Num == 0)
        Num = 1;

    LabelParam.Quantity = Num;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Row Offset Amount
 * Description:
 *        This command allows vertical adjustment of the point where printing
 *        begins. The printer is instructed to print label formats nnnn units above
 *        the position that the format specifies. This feature is useful when a
 *        single format is to be printed on labels containing preprinted information.
 * Syntax:
 *        Rnnnn
 * Where:
 *        nnnn - Is a four-digit number (0000-9999) for the row offset, in
 *               inches/100 or millimeters/10. The printer default is 0.
    LONG Num;

    // nnnn - Is a four-digit number (0000-9999) for the row offset,
    //        in inches/100 or millimeters/10. The printer default is 0.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 4) != 4)
        return _ERROR;

    LabelParam.RowOffset = TransformDot(Num, LabelParam.UnitMeasure);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Recall Stored Label Format
 * Description:
 *        This command is used to retrieve label formats stored on a memory module.
 * Syntax:
 *        rnn..n
 * Where:
 *        nn..n - Is a label name, up to 16 characters in length.
    CHAR Name[17];

    // nnn - Is a label name, up to 16 characters in length.
    if (LabGetStrTerm(Name, sizeof(Name)) > 16)
        return _ERROR;

    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Feed Speed
 * Description:
 *        This command controls the rate at which the label is moved through
 *        non-printed areas. The setting remains unchanged unless another feed
 *        speed command is received or until the printer is reset.
 * Syntax:
 *        Sa
 * Where:
 *        a - Is a single alpha character representing a speed; see Appendix L
 *            for valid ranges.
    CHAR Data;

    // a - Is a single alpha character representing a speed; see Appendix L
    //     for valid ranges.
    Data =  LabNextByte();

    // Valid ranges
    if (Data >= DatamaxModel.FeedSpeed.Minimum &&
        Data <= DatamaxModel.FeedSpeed.Maximum)
        if (pDmxCfg->CommSpeedCommands == 'Y')
            LabelParam.FeedSpeed = Data;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Store Label Format in Module
 * Description:
 *        This command stores a label format to a specified module as a .dlb file.
 *        Supplying the module name will store the label to that module; otherwise,
 *        using C will cause the label format to be stored in the selected default
 *        module (see <STX>X). In addition, this command terminates the Label
 *        Formatting Command.
 * Syntax:
 *        sann..n
 * Where:
 *        a     - Is the module designator representing a single character module
 *                name; see Appendix K.
 *        nn..n - Represents the name of the label (maximum 16 characters).
    CHAR ModuleName;
    CHAR Name[17];

    // a - Is the module designator representing a single character module name;
    //     see Appendix K.
    ModuleName = LabNextByte();

    // nn..n - Is a label name, up to 16 characters in length.
    if (LabGetStrTerm(Name, sizeof(Name)) > 16)
        return _ERROR;

    StoreLabelFormat(ModuleName, Name);
    LabFmtCmdMod = FALSE;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Field Data Line Terminator
 * Description:
 *        This command, intended for use with record types that accept binary data
 *        (e.g., PDF417), allows special binary control codes (e.g., a carriage
 *        return) to be embedded in the printed data by setting an alternate data
 *        line terminator. It remains valid only for the next format record, then
 *        the terminator defaults back to the carriage return.
 * Syntax:
 *        Tnn
 * Where:
 *        nn - Is an ASCII two-character representation of a HEX code to be used
 *             for the end of data terminator.
    CHAR Data;

    if (!LabGetHex(&Data))
        return _ERROR;

    LabelParam.Terminate = Data;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Mark Previous Field as a String Replacement Field
 * Description:
 *        This command controls the way replacement data is formatted. Specifying
 *        a field as a string replacement for dynamic fields, and not for static
 *        fields, will optimize label throughput. See the <STX>U command.
 * Syntax:
 *        U
 * Where:
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Terminate Label Formatting Mode
 * Description:
 *        This command causes the printer, when in label formatting mode, to
 *        immediately switch to the system command mode and generate a label format
 *        based on the data received at that point. However, unlike the 'E' command,
 *        it will not print a label. (Other termination commands are the 'E' and 's'.)
 * Syntax:
 *        X
 * Where:
    LabFmtCmdMod = FALSE;
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Select Font Symbol Set
 * Description:
 *        This command, like the <STX>y, selects the scalable font symbol set. The
 *        selected symbol set remains active until another symbol set is selected;
 *        see the <STX>y command for details.
 * Syntax:
 *        ySxx
 * Where:
 *        S  - Byte-size designation; see Appendix H:
 *             S = Single byte symbol sets.
 *             U = Double byte symbol sets.
 *        xx - Symbol set selection.
    CHAR ByteSize;
    CHAR SymbolSet[3];

    // S  - Byte-size designation
    ByteSize = LabNextByte();

    // xx - Symbol set selection
    if (LabGetStrTerm(SymbolSet, sizeof(SymbolSet)) != 2)
        return _ERROR;

    if (pDmxCfg->DisableSymbolSet == 'N')
        if (ByteSize == 'S' && DescribeSymbolSet(ByteSize, SymbolSet))
            memcpy(LabelParam.SingleByteSymbolSet, SymbolSet, 2);
        if (ByteSize == 'U' && DescribeSymbolSet(ByteSize, SymbolSet))
            memcpy(LabelParam.DoubleByteSymbolSet, SymbolSet, 2);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Zero (O) Conversion to "0"
 * Description:
 *        This command removes the slash zero in fonts 0 to 8, and in the human
 *        readable field (if any) of the bar codes A to Z. The command applies
 *        only to format records containing those fonts and bar codes, and is
 *        effective only for the label format in which it appears.
 * Syntax:
 *        z
 * Where:
    LabelParam.ZeroConvert = 'Y';
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Make Last Field Entered Increment Numeric(Alphanumeric)(Hexadecimal)
 * Description:
 *        This command, useful in printing sequenced labels, causes the printer to
 *        automatically increment a field on the labels in a batch. The numeric
 *        data in the field will increment by the value assigned after the plus
 *        sign (+) each time a label is produced (or the greater than symbol [>]
 *        can be substituted to make the field increment alphabetically, or the
 *        left parenthesis [(] can be substituted to make the field increment
 *        hexadecimal data*). This command is effective only on the label format
 *        record that it follows, and is intended to be used with the Q, <STX>E,
 *        or <STX>G commands.
 * Syntax:
 *        *pii
 * Where:
 *        *  - Is + for numeric increment, > for alphanumeric increment, or
 *             ( for hexadecimal increment.
 *        p  - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
 *        ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
INT Lab_IncNum(VOID)
    CHAR FillChar;
    LONG Amount = 1;

    // p - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
    FillChar = LabNextByte();
    // ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
    if (!LabGetNumTerm(&Amount, 10))
        return _ERROR;

    SaveLabelCounter('+', FillChar, Amount, &CurRecData);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Make Last Field Entered Increment Numeric(Alphanumeric)(Hexadecimal)
 * Description:
 *        This command, useful in printing sequenced labels, causes the printer to
 *        automatically increment a field on the labels in a batch. The numeric
 *        data in the field will increment by the value assigned after the plus
 *        sign (+) each time a label is produced (or the greater than symbol [>]
 *        can be substituted to make the field increment alphabetically, or the
 *        left parenthesis [(] can be substituted to make the field increment
 *        hexadecimal data*). This command is effective only on the label format
 *        record that it follows, and is intended to be used with the Q, <STX>E,
 *        or <STX>G commands.
 * Syntax:
 *        *pii
 * Where:
 *        *  - Is + for numeric increment, > for alphanumeric increment, or
 *             ( for hexadecimal increment.
 *        p  - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
 *        ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
INT Lab_IncAlpha(VOID)
    CHAR FillChar;
    LONG Amount = 1;

    // p - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
    FillChar = LabNextByte();
    // ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
    if (!LabGetNumTerm(&Amount, 10))
        return _ERROR;

    SaveLabelCounter('>', FillChar, Amount, &CurRecData);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Make Last Field Entered Increment Numeric(Alphanumeric)(Hexadecimal)
 * Description:
 *        This command, useful in printing sequenced labels, causes the printer to
 *        automatically increment a field on the labels in a batch. The numeric
 *        data in the field will increment by the value assigned after the plus
 *        sign (+) each time a label is produced (or the greater than symbol [>]
 *        can be substituted to make the field increment alphabetically, or the
 *        left parenthesis [(] can be substituted to make the field increment
 *        hexadecimal data*). This command is effective only on the label format
 *        record that it follows, and is intended to be used with the Q, <STX>E,
 *        or <STX>G commands.
 * Syntax:
 *        *pii
 * Where:
 *        *  - Is + for numeric increment, > for alphanumeric increment, or
 *             ( for hexadecimal increment.
 *        p  - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
 *        ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
INT Lab_IncHex(VOID)
    CHAR FillChar;
    LONG Amount = 1;

    // p - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
    FillChar = LabNextByte();
    // ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
    if (!LabGetNumTerm(&Amount, 10))
        return _ERROR;

    SaveLabelCounter('(', FillChar, Amount, &CurRecData);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Make Last Field Entered Decrement Numeric (Alphanumeric)(Hexadecimal)
 * Description:
 *        This command, useful in printing sequenced labels, causes the printer to
 *        automatically decrement a field on the labels in a batch. The numeric
 *        data in the field will decrement by the value assigned after the minus
 *        (-) sign each time a label is produced (or the less than character [<]
 *        can be substituted to make the field decrement alphabetically, or the
 *        right parenthesis [ )] can be substituted to make the field decrement
 *        hexadecimal data*). This command is effective only on the label format
 *        record that it follows, and is intended to be used with the Q, <STX>E
 *        or <STX>G commands.
 * Syntax:
 *        *pii
 * Where:
 *        *  - Is  for numeric decrement, < for alphanumeric decrement, or
 *             ) for hexadecimal decrement.
 *        p  - Is the fill character for the leftmost character of the field.
 *        ii - Is the amount by which to decrement the field.
INT Lab_DecNum(VOID)
    CHAR FillChar;
    LONG Amount = 1;

    // p - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
    FillChar = LabNextByte();
    // ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
    if (!LabGetNumTerm(&Amount, 10))
        return _ERROR;

    SaveLabelCounter('-', FillChar, Amount, &CurRecData);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Make Last Field Entered Decrement Numeric (Alphanumeric)(Hexadecimal)
 * Description:
 *        This command, useful in printing sequenced labels, causes the printer to
 *        automatically decrement a field on the labels in a batch. The numeric
 *        data in the field will decrement by the value assigned after the minus
 *        (-) sign each time a label is produced (or the less than character [<]
 *        can be substituted to make the field decrement alphabetically, or the
 *        right parenthesis [ )] can be substituted to make the field decrement
 *        hexadecimal data*). This command is effective only on the label format
 *        record that it follows, and is intended to be used with the Q, <STX>E
 *        or <STX>G commands.
 * Syntax:
 *        *pii
 * Where:
 *        *  - Is  for numeric decrement, < for alphanumeric decrement, or
 *             ) for hexadecimal decrement.
 *        p  - Is the fill character for the leftmost character of the field.
 *        ii - Is the amount by which to decrement the field.
INT Lab_DecAlpha(VOID)
    CHAR FillChar;
    LONG Amount = 1;

    // p - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
    FillChar = LabNextByte();
    // ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
    if (!LabGetNumTerm(&Amount, 10))
        return _ERROR;

    SaveLabelCounter('<', FillChar, Amount, &CurRecData);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Make Last Field Entered Decrement Numeric (Alphanumeric)(Hexadecimal)
 * Description:
 *        This command, useful in printing sequenced labels, causes the printer to
 *        automatically decrement a field on the labels in a batch. The numeric
 *        data in the field will decrement by the value assigned after the minus
 *        (-) sign each time a label is produced (or the less than character [<]
 *        can be substituted to make the field decrement alphabetically, or the
 *        right parenthesis [ )] can be substituted to make the field decrement
 *        hexadecimal data*). This command is effective only on the label format
 *        record that it follows, and is intended to be used with the Q, <STX>E
 *        or <STX>G commands.
 * Syntax:
 *        *pii
 * Where:
 *        *  - Is  for numeric decrement, < for alphanumeric decrement, or
 *             ) for hexadecimal decrement.
 *        p  - Is the fill character for the leftmost character of the field.
 *        ii - Is the amount by which to decrement the field.
INT Lab_DecHex(VOID)
    CHAR FillChar;
    LONG Amount = 1;

    // p - Is the fill character for the left-hand character of the field.
    FillChar = LabNextByte();
    // ii - Is the amount by which to increment the field.
    if (!LabGetNumTerm(&Amount, 10))
        return _ERROR;

    SaveLabelCounter(')', FillChar, Amount, &CurRecData);
    return _SUCCESS;

 * DPL Commands:
 *        Set Count By Amount
 * Description:
 *        This command allows applications using the increment / decrement field
 *        command to print more than one label with the same field value before
 *        the field data is updated. All printers default to 1.
 * Syntax:
 *        ^nn
 * Where:
 *        ^  - May be 0x55 or 0x40; see Control Codes.
 *        nn - Is a two-digit value that specifies the number of labels to be
 *             generated before incrementing (or decrementing) the field value.
    LONG Num;

    // nn - Is a two-digit value that specifies the number of labels to be
    //      generated before incrementing (or decrementing) the field value.
    if (LabGetNumLen(&Num, 2) != 2)
        return _ERROR;
    if (Num == 0)
        Num = 1;

    LabelParam.CounterByAmount = Num;
    return _SUCCESS;


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