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原创 postman 密码rsa加密登录-2加密密码

rsa加密 postman 登录接口 账号加密

2023-10-11 17:13:57 653

原创 postman 密码rsa加密登录-1获取公钥


2023-10-11 16:44:52 401

原创 postman 正则提取html里的值


2023-10-11 16:19:20 591

原创 postman 获取HTML 里name=token 的值

postman HTML解析

2023-10-10 09:56:55 261

原创 postman忘记密码提交没响应


2023-10-09 16:43:19 3729 3

原创 公钥私钥基本原理


2022-05-17 14:59:47 233

原创 自动化测试设计模之PO(PageObject)


2022-05-12 18:15:59 968

原创 python xpath 爬虫小试牛刀

案例: 使用request + lxml 爬取糗事百科每页的标题数据代码如下图:import requestsfrom lxml import etreefor i in range(0, 3): # 设置user-agent ua = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Sa

2021-09-01 16:03:49 153

原创 chrome浏览器重复跳转登陆问题


2021-08-20 13:55:46 3944

转载 Jmeter返回org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond解决办法


2020-12-18 09:19:09 1936

原创 flash player提示未安装,每次允许解决方案

flash player提示未安装或启用1、下载flashplayer,地址:https://www.flash.cn/ 安装后,如chrome浏览器安装后在url左侧不安全点击允许,即可正常使用2、 如何解决每次都要允许使用flash player参考小哥哥的帖子,亲试有效,奥利给 !!!https://club.sanguosha.com/thread-489029-1-1.html...

2020-07-21 19:40:02 841

转载 oracle 导出数据


2020-06-19 15:10:08 150

原创 jmeter调用oracle存过-含out参数

jmeter调用oracle存过-含out参数加粗样式因为存储过程里含有out类型参数,需要先声明一个变量来存储,具体调用如下。(Query Type 记得选Callable Statement)遗留的问题是,out的参数在jmeter里如何获取,望有大神帮解决。declarev_out VARCHAR2(100);begina造对账单和资金流水(v_subcompany=>'${aaa}',v_applyno_1=>'${bbb}',v_applyno_2=>'null',v

2020-05-27 15:17:04 759 1

原创 ant -v unsupported major.minor version 52.0 java home配置问题

百度总是说jdk版本不符,但是,Java -version 的确是1.8的,和ant版本匹配,因为安装了idea,在idea上buil的可以成功,找了下idea上的jdk配置,发现Javahome的配置不同,改成idea上的路径,搞定了,还是得按实际情况,差点就重新装jdk了。...

2020-04-10 15:30:05 135

原创 VMware Workstation Pro 15 共享虚拟机的时候 Workstation Server 不可用

打开VMware Workstation Server服务参考:https://www.zhangfangzhou.cn/shared-vms-the-workstation-server-is-not-available.html

2020-04-10 11:16:55 1756

原创 ant 下载地址


2020-04-10 10:41:15 1467

转载 怎样激活DOS的快速编辑模式


2020-04-10 10:32:19 296

原创 前端测试--默认ie11浏览器版本


2020-04-10 10:26:56 212

转载 windows update 80072ee2

win7x86 用了第二个方法,解决80072ee2通常是在进行自动更新时遇到的连接性错误。通常由于三防杀毒软件或者浏览器,代理服务器设置不正确而导致的。可以尝试一下以下步骤:方法一: 重置Internet Explorer打开IE,点击工具,选择Internet 选项。转到高级选项卡中。在重置Internet Explorer设置下, 点击 “重置”。当重置完成后,...

2020-04-09 16:42:43 558

原创 在电脑上同时拥有32/64位系统--虚拟机

因为浏览器兼容,需要验证32位系统和64位系统。在同事的介绍下,使用vmware workstations pro 在电脑上安装多一个32位系统,主要有两步安装vmware workstations pro下载对下系统镜像进行安装。...

2020-04-09 14:50:34 350

原创 vmware workstation 删除虚拟机后镜像文件删除报在vmware已打开


2020-04-09 10:38:48 2778

转载 selenium+python自动化测试--解决无法启动IE浏览器及报错问题


2020-03-27 16:47:12 477

转载 pip超时问题


2020-03-27 10:29:31 111

转载 IntelliJ IDEA log.info 报红 lombok插件安装


2020-03-25 16:34:43 603

原创 jmeter 源码导入idea


2020-03-25 15:20:02 176

原创 jmeter 源码下载地址


2020-03-25 10:55:58 789

原创 jmeter 3版本到5版本踩坑之路

jmeter 改用高版本踩坑路新版本下载安装踩坑之路新版本下载安装下载新版本软件 ,链接: https://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgi;配置环境变量,环境变量还是要改的,具体修改方法网上自己搜吧;运行jmeter.bat;踩坑之路各种插件未添加,上个版本里添加了dubbo和MQ sample的插件,在新版本把插件放到lib-ext目...

2020-03-24 11:12:01 4384

原创 hackerrank String 7 Designer Door Mat

Mr. Vincent works in a door mat manufacturing company. One day, he designed a new door mat with the following specifications:Mat size must beX. (is an odd natural number, andistimes.) The de...

2020-02-07 13:30:46 104

原创 List 截取倒序

python list截取倒序,[]里第一个 : 左右为数组截取第索引位置(左边为大的索引位置,右边为小的索引位置,反过来),左边如果为空,默认为最后一个索引位置,右边为空,默认为索引0;后面 :-1 固定a = [1, 3, 4, 2, 'a', 'd']print a[3:1:-1]print a[::-1]print a[3::-1]print a[:4:-1]print ...

2020-02-07 12:09:45 409

原创 hackerrank String 6 Text Wrap

CheckTutorialtab to know how to to solve.You are given a stringand width.Your task is to wrap the string into a paragraph of width.Input FormatThe first line contains a string,.The seco...

2020-02-06 16:41:59 132

原创 hackerrank String 5 Text Alignment

TaskYou are given a partial code that is used for generating theHackerRank Logoof variablethickness.Your task is to replace the blank (______) withrjust, ljustorcenter.Input FormatA singl...

2020-02-06 15:45:38 246

原创 hackerrank String 4 String Validators

TaskYou are given a string.Your task is to find out if the stringcontains:alphanumeric characters, alphabetical characters, digits, lowercase and uppercase characters.Input FormatA singl...

2020-02-05 18:28:31 142

原创 hackerrank String 3 Find a string

In this challenge, the user enters a string and a substring. You have to print the number of times that the substring occurs in the given string. String traversal will take place from left to right, n...

2020-02-05 16:52:47 185

原创 hackerrank String 2 Split and Join

In Python, a string can be split on a delimiter.Example:>>> a = "this is a string">>> a = a.split(" ") # a is converted to a list of strings. >>> print a['this', 'is...

2020-02-05 15:14:49 145

原创 hackerrank String 1 swap cases

You are given a string and your task is toswap cases. In other words, convert all lowercase letters to uppercase letters and vice versa.For Example:Www.HackerRank.com → wWW.hACKERrANK.COMPython...

2020-02-05 14:46:56 160

转载 Python hash() 函数 -- 笔记

hash()用于获取取一个对象(字符串或者数值等)的哈希值。释义:通过一定的哈希算法(典型的有MD5,SHA-1等),将一段较长的数据映射为较短小的数据,这段小数据就是大数据的哈希值。他有这样一个特点,他是唯一的,一旦大数据发生了变化,哪怕是一个微小的变化,他的哈希值也会发生变化。hash() 函数的用途hash() 函数的对象字符不管有多长,返回的 hash 值都是固定长度的,也用...

2020-02-05 11:14:45 241

原创 hackerrank -python --List 2

You have a record ofstudents. Each record contains the student's name, and their percent marks in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. The marks can be floating values. The user enters some integerfollow...

2020-02-04 11:35:02 222

原创 hackerrank -python --List 3

Given the names and grades for each student in a Physics class ofstudents, store them in a nested list and print the name(s) of any student(s) having the second lowest grade.Note:If there are mul...

2020-02-03 17:27:13 234

原创 hackerrank -python --List 1

Consider a list (list = []). You can perform the following commands:insert i e: Insert integerat position. print: Print the list. remove e: Delete the first occurrence of integer. append e: I...

2020-02-03 14:47:38 252

原创 hackerrank -python --List 4

Given the participants' score sheet for your University Sports Day, you are required to find the runner-up score. You are givenscores. Store them in a list and find the score of the runner-up.Inpu...

2020-02-02 17:48:47 237



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