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原创 Deeper and Wider Siamese Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking--CVPR‘19 阅读

作者分析了Siamese跟踪器为什么不能很好地利用较深的网络,并设计一种新的网络架构可以使得该类跟踪器可以利用更深以及更宽的网络来提升性能。Abstract.Siamese networks have drawn great attention in visual tracking because of their balanced accuracy and speed. However, the backbone networks used in Siamese trackers are re.

2020-07-24 15:35:15 257

原创 SiamRPN++: Evolution of Siamese Visual Tracking with Very Deep Networks—CVPR’19 阅读

使用ResNet-50作为特征提取的网络构架,提出depth-wise和layer-wise操作针对特征进行优化,提升SiamRPN网络的性能。Abstract.Siamese network based trackers formulate tracking as convolutional feature cross-correlation between a target template and a search region.基于Siamese网络的跟踪器将跟踪任务建模为目标模板和搜索

2020-07-23 21:10:39 231

原创 Distractor-aware Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking—ECCV’18 阅读

通过主动调节具有语义样本和简单样本的数据分布,增强网络的判别能力;同时,在网络架构方面进行了深入探索,将网络宽度进行提升,增大网络容量;动态调节网络搜索范围,以适应不同尺度目标的运动。Abstract.Recently, Siamese networks have drawn great attention in visual tracking community because of their balanced accuracy and speed.最近基于Siamese的跟踪器由于精度高速

2020-07-23 20:29:28 288 1

原创 DCFNet: Discriminant Correlation Filters Network for Visual Tracking 阅读

作者将DCF视为在Siamese网络中添加的相关滤波层,并通过将网络输出定义为跟踪目标位置的概率热图来推导反向传播。将特征提取网络和相关滤波网络一起进行端到端训练。Abstract.Discriminant Correlation Filters (DCF) based methods now become a kind of dominant approach to online object tracking.基于DCF的跟踪方法已经成为一种主流的跟踪方法。The features us

2020-07-23 19:54:23 383

原创 High Performance Visual Tracking with Siamese Region Proposal Network—CVPR2018 阅读

作者将流行的跟踪算法分为两类,一类是基于相关滤波类并进行在线更新的跟踪算法,另一类是使用深度特征抛弃在线更新的跟踪算法,前者严重限制了跟踪速度,后者没有使用域特定信息(即某个特定的跟踪视频的信息)。针对以上不足,作者提出一个SiamRPN网络,该网络分为模板分支和检测分支。训练过程中,在相关特征图上执行proposal extraction、没有预定义好的类别信息;在跟踪过程中使用one-shot检测框架和meta-learning。Abstract.Visual object tracking h

2020-07-16 21:57:04 262

原创 A Twofold Siamese Network for Real-Time Object Tracking—CVPR2018 阅读

本文在SiamFC的基础上增加了语义分支,进一步提升SiamFC的判别力。Abstract.Observing that Semantic features learned in an image classification task and Appearance features learned in a similarity matching task complement each other, we build a twofold Siamese network, named SA-Sia

2020-07-15 21:48:25 369

原创 SINT++: Robust Visual Tracking via Adversarial Positive Instance Generation—CVPR2018 阅读

总体来说就是作者认为训练样本中正样本缺乏多样性,作者采用一个正样本生成网络来生成具有多样性的正样本用于网络的训练,并采用Siamese跟踪框架验证了算法的有效性。Abstract.Existing visual trackers are easily disturbed by occlusion, blur and large deformation. We think the performance of existing visual trackers may be limited due to

2020-07-14 22:33:47 307

原创 Learning Dynamic Siamese Network for Visual Object Tracking—ICCV2017 阅读


2020-07-13 21:15:42 338

原创 End-to-end representation learning for Correlation Filter based tracking 阅读

作者尝试将correlation filter (CF) 添加到深度学习网络框架中,把CF作为CNN的一个特别的层,以期待得到快速且高精度的跟踪性能。把CF在线的有效学习能力与CNN离线阶段的特征判别能力结合在一起进行端到端的训练。Abstract:The Correlation Filter is an algorithm that trains a linear template to discriminate between images and their translations. It

2020-07-11 15:22:27 450

原创 Fully-Convolutional Siamese Networks for Object Tracking—ECCVW2016 阅读

提出一种基于全卷积Siamese network的基本追踪算法模型.Abstract.The problem of arbitrary object tracking has traditionally been tackled by learning a model of the object’s appearance exclusively online, using as sole training data the video itself.通常任意目标的跟踪问题是通过在线学习目标的.

2020-07-10 14:30:10 224

原创 Siamese Instance Search for Tracking 阅读

这是一篇CVPR2016的用DL思想解决Tracking的文章。文章思想简单易懂,但是效果却很好。使用siamese深度网络,no model updating, no occlusion detection, no combination of trackers, no geometric matching,达到state-of-the-art的水平。论文旨在学习匹配机制,从大量的外部视频学...

2018-09-27 10:26:03 933

转载 Accurate Scale Estimation for Robust Visual Tracking

原文:http://blog.csdn.NET/gxb0505/article/details/52601613?locationNum=8简介(Accurate Scale Estimation for Robust Visual Tracking)       DSST(Discriminative Scale Space Tracking)在2014年VOT上夺得了第一名,算

2017-04-10 22:51:33 1838 1

转载 Accurate Scale Estimation for Robust Visual Tracking code

Accurate Scale Estimation for Robust Visual Tracking我在前面一篇博客“相关滤波跟踪(MOSSE)”中讲了相关滤波跟踪的原理,但是因为那篇文章没有提供代码,所以就没法深入的研究他,而且纯理论看起来会很枯燥。后来Martin Danelljan 对MOSST做了改进,并增加了多尺度跟踪,改进效果很显著,在今年的VOT上,其测试效果是第一的。其

2017-04-10 22:48:47 324

转载 Fast Visual Tracking via Dense Spatio-Temporal Context Learning 论文笔记

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/hanhuili/p/4281077.html原文再续,书接一上回。话说上一次我们讲到了Correlation Filter类 tracker的老祖宗MOSSE,那么接下来就让我们看看如何对其进一步地优化改良。这次要谈的论文是我们国内Zhang Kaihua团队在ECCV 2014上发表的STC tracker:Fast Visual

2017-01-09 15:33:06 777

转载 An Experimental Survey on Correlation Filter-based Tracking

基于相关滤波器的追踪算法,典型的算法有KCF,DSST,STC,SAMF等。这些算法的大致框架都是差不多的。介绍在视频的第一帧给定目标的初始位置,追踪的目标就是预测目标之后的位置。追踪受到很多因素影响,比如光照变化(illumination variations),遮挡,形变,旋转等。在过去对于追踪的研究之中,主要分为2中方法:生成型模型(generative model)和判别式

2017-01-09 15:31:08 734

转载 Exploiting the Circulant Structure of Tracking-by-detection with Kernels代码思路


2017-01-09 15:27:04 487

转载 Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters 论文笔记

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/hanhuili/p/4266990.htmlVisual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters 一文发表于2010的CVPR上,是笔者所知的第一篇将correlation filter引入tracking领域内的文章,文中所提的Minimum Output Sum of S

2017-01-09 15:18:47 663

转载 Visual Tracking 领域最新paper与code

Visual Tracking 领域最新paper与code最近在研究 tracking,所以总结了一些较新的 tracking 相关的论文和源码。希望能够为刚进入这个领域的同学节省一些时间。如您有其他优秀的paper或者code,欢迎在回复中留言~谢谢!Learning Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network

2016-08-15 21:46:31 375

原创 Understanding and Diagnosing Visual Tracking Systems

Understanding andDiagnosing Visual Tracking SystemsA tracking system usually worksby initializing the observation model with the given bounding box of the targetin the first frame. In each of the

2016-08-15 21:41:12 306


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