





vmware 11 最新的unlock2.0 Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware V2.0 ================================= 1. Introduction --------------- Unlocker 2 is designed for Workstation 11, Player 7 and Fusion 7. If you are using an earlier product please continue using Unlocker 1 Version 2 has been tested against: * Workstation 11 on Windows and Linux * Player 7 on Windows and Linux * Fusion 7 on Mavericks and Yosemite * (Currently is does not work on ESXi 6.0) The patch code carries out the following modifications dependent on the product being patched: * Fix vmware-vmx and derivatives to allow Mac OS X to boot * Fix vmwarebase .dll or .so to allow Apple to be selected during VM creation * A copy of the latest VMware Tools for OS X is included Note that not all products recognise the darwin.iso via install tools menu item. You will have to manually mount the darwin.iso for example on Workstation and Player. The vmwarebase code does not need to be patched on OS X so you will see a message on those systems telling you that it will not be patched. In all cases make sure VMware is not running, and any background guests have been shutdown. The code is now Python as it makes the Unlocker easier to run and maintain on ESXi. There are some challenges to write the code as ESXi has a subset of Python 2.7 which constrains some modules that can be used. 2. Prerequisites ---------------- The code requires Python 2.7 to work. Most Linux distros and OS X ship with a compatible Python interpreter and should work without requiring any additional software. Windows will need a version of Python installed and the code has been tested against: CPython - https://www.python.org/downloads/ ActiveState Python - http://www.activestate.com/activepython/downloads IronPython - https://ironpython.codeplex.com/releases/view/169382 The python.exe file must be on the executable PATH. If it is not on PATH please edit win-install.cmd to point to the installation path. 3. Limitations -------------- The Unlocker currently does not work on ESXi 6. The Unlocker does not remove the check for server versions for OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard (10.5 and 10.6). +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | IMPORTANT: | | ========== | | | | If you create a new VM using version 11 hardware VMware will stop and | | create a core dump.There are two options to work around this issue: | | | | 1. Change the VM to be HW 10 - this does not affect performance. | | 2. Edit the VMX file and add: | | smc.version = 0 | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Work continues to find solutions to the limitations. 4. Windows ---------- On Windows you will need to either run cmd.exe as Administrator or using Explorer right click on the command file and select "Run as administrator". win-install.cmd - patches VMware win-uninstall.cmd - restores VMware 5. Linux --------- On Linux you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. You may need to ensure the Linux scripts have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 2 files. lnx-install.sh - patches VMware lnx-uninstall.sh - restores VMware 6. Mac OS X ----------- On Mac OS X you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. This is really only needed if you want to use client versions of Mac OS X. You may need to ensure the OS X scripts have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 2 files. osx-install.sh - patches VMware osx-uninstall.sh - restores VMware Thanks to Zenith432 for originally building the C++ unlocker and Mac Son of Knife for all the testing and support. History ------- 12/12/14 1.0.0 - First release (c) 2011-2014 Dave Parsons
### 回答1: 以下是vmware workstation虚拟机安装教程: 1. 首先,下载并安装vmware workstation软件。 2. 打开vmware workstation软件,点击“创建新的虚拟机”。 3. 选择“典型(推荐)”选项,点击“下一步”。 4. 选择操作系统类型和版本,点击“下一步”。 5. 输入虚拟机名称和虚拟机存储位置,点击“下一步”。 6. 设置虚拟机的处理器和内存大小,点击“下一步”。 7. 选择虚拟机的网络连接方式,点击“下一步”。 8. 选择虚拟机的磁盘大小和类型,点击“下一步”。 9. 点击“完成”按钮,完成虚拟机的创建。 10. 在vmware workstation软件中,选择创建好的虚拟机,点击“启动此虚拟机”。 11. 安装操作系统,按照操作系统安装向导进行操作即可。 以上就是vmware workstation虚拟机安装教程的详细步骤。 ### 回答2: VMware Workstation是一款虚拟机软件,可以在同一台计算机上运行多个操作系统。在使用VMware Workstation之前需要安装。下面是VMware Workstation虚拟机安装教程。 1. 确认系统要求 在安装VMware Workstation之前,需要确认计算机是否满足VMware Workstation的系统要求,这包括CPU、内存和硬盘空间等。通常来说,建议计算机具有2个以上的CPU核心,4GB或更多的内存和30GB或更多的硬盘空间。 2. 下载VMware Workstation VMware Workstation的安装包可以从官方网站或其他可靠的下载网站上下载。在下载之前需要确认计算机的操作系统是32位或64位的,并选择相应的版本进行下载。 3. 安装VMware Workstation 下载完成后,双击安装程序并按照指导完成安装。在安装过程中,可以选择安装的组件和安装路径。如果需要更多的自定义设置,可以在高级选项中进行设置。 4. 创建虚拟机 安装VMware Workstation后,可以使用它来创建虚拟机。打开VMware Workstation软件后,选择“创建虚拟机”选项,然后按照指导完成虚拟机的创建。选择虚拟机的操作系统、分配的内存和硬盘空间等,完成后可以开始虚拟机操作系统的安装。 5. 安装操作系统 在VMware Workstation中创建虚拟机后,需要将操作系统安装到虚拟机中。这个过程与在实际计算机上安装操作系统是相似的。选择安装介质、启动虚拟机和按照指导完成操作系统的安装。 6. 安装VMware Tools 安装操作系统后,需要安装VMware Tools来提高虚拟机性能并加强虚拟机与实际计算机的交互。在VMware Workstation中,选择虚拟机菜单中的“VM”选项,然后选择“安装VMware Tools”。 以上就是VMware Workstation虚拟机安装教程的基本步骤。需要注意的是,在使用VMware Workstation进行虚拟化时,可能会因为各种因素导致虚拟机运行缓慢或无法启动。此时,需要进行相关设置和针对性的优化来提高虚拟机的性能和稳定性。 ### 回答3: vmware workstation 是一款常用的虚拟机软件,可以在电脑上安装多个操作系统,测试软件、运行应用程序、教学或者研究等等。虚拟机可以像一个真实计算机一样运作,但它是在主机操作系统下的一个软件,可以随时启动、关闭或者删除。 下面是 vmware workstation安装教程: 1. 首先,从官网下载 vmware workstation 安装包。网址为:https://www.vmware.com/cn/products/workstation-pro/workstation-pro-evaluation.html 2. 运行安装包,按照提示安装软件。可以选择默认安装路径或者自定义路径。 3. 安装完成后,打开 vmware workstation,点击“新建虚拟机”,创建一个新的虚拟机。可以选择安装已有的操作系统或者使用自己准备好的操作系统镜像文件。 4. 在虚拟机创建过程中,可以为其分配内存、磁盘空间、CPU等资源。也可以为虚拟机设置虚拟网络,在虚拟机和主机之间建立通讯。 5. 虚拟机创建完成后,可以启动虚拟机,并进行操作系统的安装。这个过程与实体机器安装操作系统类似,只是要注意选择安装到虚拟磁盘中。同时,需要安装 vmware tools,这是一个在虚拟机中运行的工具软件,可以优化虚拟机的性能。 6. 安装好操作系统后,可以安装其他应用程序或者进行其他操作。 虚拟机的使用可以方便地对软件进行测试、隔离、备份和迁移。同时,虚拟机也可以当作一个独立的计算机使用,支持网络访问、文件共享等功能。通过使用 vmware workstation,可以在一台主机上运行多个操作系统,节省硬件成本,提高工作效率。




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