--基于单表的含in谓词的子查询 查询职工号与001进行过相同培训的职工号
select wid --查询谁和001进行了相同培训
from study
where wid <> '001' and study_id in
( --查询001职工进行了那些培训
select study_id
from study
where wid = '001'
--基于多表的含in谓词的子查询 查询职工号与001进行过相同培训的姓名
select wname --查询姓名
from worker
where wid in
(select wid --查询谁和001进行了相同培训
from study
where wid <> '001' and study_id in
( --查询001职工进行了那些培训
select study_id
from study
where wid = '001'
--单独使用比较运算符的子查询 查询2011年1月的实发工资低于平均实发工资的姓名和职工号
select wname,wid
from worker
where wid in
select wid
from salary
where YEAR(sdate) = 2011 and MONTH(sdate) = 1 and actualsalary <
select AVG(actualsalary)
from salary
where YEAR(sdate) = 2011 and MONTH(sdate) = 1
--与any或all同时使用的子查询 查询比职工号为1的职工年龄都小的职工姓名和出生年月
select wname,wbirthdate
from worker
where wbirthdate> all --all为比多个数据都小的
select wbirthdate
from worker
where depid = '1'
select wname,wbirthdate
from worker
where wbirthdate> any --any为比任意一个数据小的
select wbirthdate
from worker
where depid = '1'
--等价的多表连接查询 显示最高工资的职工所在的部门名
select dname as 部门名 --得到部门名
from depart
where did =
(select depid --得到部门号
from worker
where wid=
select wid --得到职工号
from salary
where totalsalary =
select MAX(totalsalary) --得到最高工资
from salary
select dname as 部门名 --得到部门名
from depart inner join worker on worker.depid = depart.did inner join salary on worker.wid = salary.wid
where totalsalary =
select MAX(totalsalary) --得到最高工资
from salary
--显示所有职工的职工号,姓名和平均工资 聚集函数
select worker.wid,wname,AVG(totalsalary) as 平均工资
from worker inner join salary on worker.wid = salary.wid
group by worker.wid,wname
--与上一个等价的SQL语句 利用子查询
select wid,wname,
(select AVG(totalsalary) from salary where worker.wid = salary.wid) as 平均工资
from worker
--存在测试 查询所有进行过岗前培训的职工号和职工姓名
select wid,wname
from worker
where exists
select *
from study
where worker.wid = study.wid and study_name = '岗前培训'
--不存在测试 查询所有未进行过岗前培训的职工号和职工姓名
select wid,wname
from worker
where not exists
select *
from study
where worker.wid = study.wid and study_name = '岗前培训'