Hacking Vigenère Cipher

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Contact by Yagnes126@gmail.com


What’s vigenere cipher?

The Vigenère cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of interwoven Caesar ciphers, based on the letters of a keyword. It is a form of polyalphabetic substitution.


What we have? – A string of nonsense ciphertext
What’s our aim? – Cracking the cipher to get sensible plaintext
What should we do? – Guess key length and then key


How to guess key length?

There are several ways that can achieve our goals.

Kasiski examination
The Kasiski examination takes advantage of the fact that repeated words are, by chance, sometimes encrypted using the same key letters, leading to repeated groups in the ciphertext.

If we follow the Kasiski test to guess the key length, here are the steps we should do:

  • find all repeated sequences, record their positions
  • calculate the intervals and factors of each sequence.
  • guess that some common factors may be the true length of the key.

Friedman test
The Friedman test used the index of coincidence, which measures the unevenness of the cipher letter frequencies to break the cipher.
By knowing the probability (kp) that any two randomly chosen source language letters are the same (around 0.067 for monocase English), and the probability (kr) of a coincidence for a uniform random selection from the alphabet (0.0385 for randomly selected alphabet from English)
The key length can be estimated as the following: (kp-kr)/(ko-kr)
from the observed coincidence rate
ko = sum(i=0 to c) { ni * (ni-1) } / (N * (N-1))
in which c is the size of the alphabet (26 for English), N is the length of the text and n1 to nc are the observed ciphertext letter frequencies, as integers.

Index of Coincidence
A better approach for repeating-key ciphers is to copy the ciphertext into rows of a matrix with as many columns as an assumed key length and then to compute the average index of coincidence with each column considered separately. When that is done for each possible key length, the highest average I.C. then corresponds to the most-likely key length.

How to guess key after having key length?

this is simple.
First, notice that if we split the ciphertext into a matrix by key length, so that every col is encrypted by a same key, a letter in Vigenere case.
Second, it is important to understand the fact that shifting in text is the same as shifting in freqencies of each letter. Therefore, using the following fomula to calculate Mg for every shift, and the one that is most near 0.065 is the desirable shift, then we get the key for that group.
Formula: sum(i=0 to 25)pi*fi;
pi is the origin frequency of each letter calculated by former people; fi is the frequency of each alphabet in that group.


What approach did I use?
  • I roughly follow the Friedman test, but used a little trick to simplify the algorithm. What I counted is how many coincidences are there when each time I shift the ciphertext itself. There may be some blank on the start place and some redundant at the tail, just ignore them, what we need is just the middle part to compare with.
  • I used the method I described above to figure out the key, which is introduced int the book Cryptography theory and practice.
  • After getting the key, we follow the method of encrypting substitution cipher to get the plaintext.
    • Dk(ci) = mi - ki (mod 26)

Following is the code


# !/usr/bin/python
# python 3.7.0
# environment: windows 10
# encode -- UTF-8 --
# authorized by Joyce_BY, all rights reserved.
# contact by email: Yagnes0126@gmail.com

# decryption function:
  • 0
  • 0
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### 回答1: car hacking dataset是指用于研究和分析汽车网络安全的数据集。随着汽车技术的发展,车辆越来越多地依赖于计算机系统和网络连接来提供各种功能和服务。然而,与之相应的风险也不可忽视,例如黑客攻击可能导致汽车系统的不安全和操纵。为了更好地了解这些风险,研究人员和安全专家需要大量的汽车网络安全数据来分析和评估现有系统的弱点和潜在攻击方法。 car hacking dataset通常包括了大量的实验数据和实验结果,这些数据是通过在车辆中安装传感器、采集网络通信数据以及执行安全测试等方法获得的。这些数据可以包含车辆的各种传感器数据,例如加速度计、GPS位置信息、车辆速度等,还可以包含车辆的网络通信数据、CAN总线数据等。同时,数据集还可能包含了一系列的安全测试结果,如针对车辆系统进行的攻击测试以及对系统漏洞和弱点的评估。 研究人员可以利用car hacking dataset来开展各种安全研究和分析工作。通过分析这些数据,可以发现汽车系统的潜在风险和安全漏洞,评估系统的安全性能,并提出相应的安全措施和解决方案。此外,car hacking dataset还可以用于开发和测试车辆网络安全的防御机制和安全工具。 总之,car hacking dataset是用于研究和分析汽车网络安全的重要资源,它提供了丰富的数据和实验结果,可以帮助研究人员深入了解汽车系统的安全性能和潜在风险,进而提供更好的安全保护措施。 ### 回答2: car hacking dataset是指用于研究和分析汽车网络安全的数据集。这些数据集是从真实的汽车系统收集而来,包含了各种汽车网络攻击的数据和信息。这些数据集的目的是为了提供给研究人员和安全专家一个可以进行分析和测试的平台,以便更好地理解和预防汽车网络安全漏洞。 car hacking dataset通常包含了来自汽车网络的各种数据,例如CAN总线、ECU通信、传感器数据等。这些数据通常经过匿名化处理,以保护隐私和安全。数据集中可能包含不同类型的攻击情景,如远程控制攻击、信息窃取攻击、篡改消息攻击等,以及与汽车网络安全相关的其他信息。 对于研究人员和安全专家来说,car hacking dataset是一种宝贵的资源。它们可以利用这些数据集进行攻击和防御技术的研究和实验。通过分析这些数据,研究人员可以深入了解汽车网络中存在的安全漏洞和威胁,并开发出更有效的防护措施。 此外,car hacking dataset还可以为汽车制造商和安全公司提供一个测试和验证汽车网络安全解决方案的平台。利用这些数据集,他们可以评估自己的系统和算法的安全性,并进行必要的改进。 总之,car hacking dataset是为研究人员、安全专家和汽车行业提供的一个重要资源,它们通过提供真实的汽车网络数据来支持对汽车网络安全的研究和改进。 ### 回答3: Car hacking dataset是指一个包含了与汽车网络安全相关数据的数据集。汽车的网络安全问题正在成为一个日益严重的问题,因此研究人员和汽车制造商需要收集相关数据来进行研究和分析,以提高汽车的网络安全性。 这个数据集可能包含了许多与汽车网络安全相关的数据,包括汽车中的电子控制单元(ECU)的通信记录、CAN总线数据、车载电话系统和导航系统的数据等等。这些数据可以包括传感器数据、通信数据、控制指令等。 通过分析这些数据,研究人员可以了解车辆系统中存在的潜在漏洞和安全隐患。例如,他们可以分析攻击者如何通过操纵汽车的控制指令来控制汽车的行驶方向、刹车和加速等功能。通过研究这些攻击技术,研究人员可以为汽车制造商提供改进汽车网络安全性的建议。 此外,这个数据集对于开发安全解决方案和测试工具也非常有用。研究人员可以利用这些数据来开发新的安全防护工具,以帮助汽车制造商预防潜在的网络攻击。同时,汽车制造商也可以使用这个数据集来测试他们的汽车网络安全性,以确保汽车系统不容易受到黑客攻击。 总的来说,Car hacking dataset是一个包含了与汽车网络安全相关数据的数据集,它对于研究汽车网络安全问题、开发安全解决方案和测试工具都非常有帮助。通过分析这些数据,我们可以提高汽车系统的网络安全性,确保乘客的安全和隐私。


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