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原创 Python常用数据处理笔记
数据读取df=pd.read_excel()df=pd.read_csv('target_file.csv',encoding='utf8')column选取df['column1']df[['column1','column2']]df[0:n] #取第0到n-1行df[['column1','column2']].iloc[0:2]df[['column1','column2']][df['column']>1000].head(100) #按照条件查询,相当于if....
2020-07-21 17:25:49 208
原创 R-data visualisation
1:bar chartbarplot(y, names.arg = x,xlab = "x", ylab = "y")# orlibrary(ggplot2)ggplot(data.frame) + geom_bar(aes(x = x, y = y), stat = "identity")y variable is a column in the dataset stat=“iden...
2020-01-09 03:43:13 210
原创 SQL学习——经典50道习题练习
SQL经典练习题50题1:查询" 01 “课程比” 02 "课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数mysql> select a.* ,b.Score as score_01,c.Score as socre_02 from Student a -> join SC b on b.Sid=a.Sid and b.CId='01' ...
2020-01-07 00:50:08 818
原创 K-NN笔记1.0
k-NN(the k-nearest neighbors algorithm): ia a nonparametric statistics (instance-based)used for classification and regression(robust and versatile )FeatureOutputClassificationClassRegre...
2019-11-18 06:52:44 217 1
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