
Spark Release 2.0.0



Apache Spark 2.0.0 is the first release on the 2.x line. The major updatesare API usability, SQL 2003 support, performance improvements, structuredstreaming, R UDF support, as well as operational improvements. In addition,this release includes over 2500 patches from over 300 contributors.

Spark2.02.x系列的第一个发布版。主要的更新有更易用的接口(API usability)、对SQL2003的支持(SQL 2003 support)、性能的提升(performance improvements)、结构化的的流处理(structured streaming)、R语言自定义语法的支持(R UDF support)和使用上的提升(operational improvements)。另外,此版本来自于300多位贡献者的2500+个补丁。


To downloadApache Spark 2.0.0, visit the downloads page. Youcan consult JIRA for the detailed changes. We havecurated a list of high level changes here, grouped by major modules.

需要下载Spark2.0的请点击。同时可以访问Spark Jira来详细了解更新。下面是我们按照模块整理的比较重要的更新。

API Stability

Apache Spark2.0.0 is the first release in the 2.X major line. Spark is guaranteeingstability of its non-experimental APIs for all 2.X releases. Although the APIshave stayed largely similar to 1.X, Spark 2.0.0 does have API breaking changes.They are documented in the Removals,Behavior Changes and Deprecations section.

Spark2.02.x主线上的第一个发布版。Spark2.0保证非实验性接口(non-experimental APIs)的稳定性。虽然看起来Spark2.0的大部分接口类似于1.X系列,却是有突破性的变化,Removals,Behavior Changes and Deprecations小节中有介绍。

Core and Spark SQL

Programming APIs

One of thelargest changes in Spark 2.0 is the new updated APIs:


  • Unifying DataFrame and Dataset: In Scala and Java, DataFrame and Dataset have been unified, i.e. DataFrame is just a type alias for Dataset of Row. In Python and R, given the lack of type safety, DataFrame is the main programming interface.
  • 统一DataFrame和Dataset接口:统一了Scala和Java的DataFrame、Dataset接口,换言之,DataFrame是行式的Dataset;在R和Python中,?由于缺乏安全类型,DataFrame是主要的程序接口。
  • SparkSession: new entry point that replaces the old SQLContext and HiveContext for DataFrame and Dataset APIs. SQLContext and HiveContext are kept for backward compatibility.
  • SparkSession:替代原来的SQLContext和HiveContext作为DataFrame和Dataset的入口函数。SQLContext和HiveContext保持向后兼容。
  • A new, streamlined configuration API for SparkSession
  • 为SparkSession提供全新的、工作流式配置。
  • Simpler, more performant accumulator API
  • 更易用、更高效的计算接口
  • A new, improved Aggregator API for typed aggregation in Datasets
  • Dataset中的聚合操作有全新的、改进的聚合接口


Spark 2.0substantially improved SQL functionalities with SQL2003 support. Spark SQL cannow run all 99 TPC-DS queries. More prominently, we have improved:

Spark2.0 极大的提高了对SQL2003的支持程度。SparkSQL现在可以通过TPC-DS99个测试语句。更重要的是,还有下列更新:

  • A native SQL parser that supports both ANSI-SQL as well as Hive QL
  • 原生SQL解析器同时支持ANSI-SQL和hiveSQL
  • Native DDL command implementations
  • 原生DDL(数据库模式定义语言)的集成
  • Subquery support, including
  • 支持子查询,包含:
    • Uncorrelated Scalar Subqueries
    • 不相关的标量子查询,应该是指非关联的子查询
    • Correlated Scalar Subqueries
    • 相关的标量子查询,关联子查询
    • NOT IN predicate Subqueries (in WHERE/HAVING clauses)
    • IN predicate subqueries (in WHERE/HAVING clauses)
    • (NOT) EXISTS predicate subqueries (in WHERE/HAVING clauses)
  • View canonicalization support
  • 视图标准化支持

In addition,when building without Hive support, Spark SQL should have almost all thefunctionality as when building with Hive support, with the exception of Hiveconnectivity, Hive UDFs, and script transforms.


New Features


Performance and Runtime

  • Substantial (2 - 10X) performance speedups for common operators in SQL and DataFrames via a new technique called whole stage code generation.
  • 在SQL和DataFrames操作中利用整个代码生成阶段的新技术实现了2-10倍的实质性加速。
  • Improved Parquet scan throughput through vectorization
  • 通过向量化提升了Parquet(一种列式存储)扫描的吞吐量
  • Improved ORC performance
  • 提高ORC性能
  • Many improvements in the Catalyst query optimizer for common workloads
  • Catalyst
  • Improved window function performance via native implementations for all window functions
  • 通过本地化实现提升窗口函数的性能
  • Automatic file coalescing for native data sources
  • 本地数据源文件的自动合并


TheDataFrame-based API is now the primary API. The RDD-based API is enteringmaintenance mode. See the MLlib guide fordetails


New features

  • ML persistence: The DataFrames-based API provides near-complete support for saving and loading ML models and Pipelines in Scala, Java, Python, and R. See this blog post and the following JIRAs for details: SPARK-6725, SPARK-11939, SPARK-14311.
  • ML持久化:DataFrame为基础的接口基本完全支持Scala、java、Python、R语言进行ML model和pipelines的保存和加载。
  • MLlib in R: SparkR now offers MLlib APIs for generalized linear models, naive Bayes, k-means clustering, and survival regression. See this talk to learn more.
  • SparkR:SparkR目前提供generalized linear models, naive Bayes, k-means clustering, and survival regression的接口支持。
  • Python: PySpark now offers many more MLlib algorithms, including LDA, Gaussian Mixture Model, Generalized Linear Regression, and more.
  • PySpark:PySpark支持多数据mllib算法,包括:LDA、GM、GLR等等。
  • Algorithms added to DataFrames-based API: Bisecting K-Means clustering, Gaussian Mixture Model, MaxAbsScaler feature transformer.
  • 算法增加DataFrame接口:Bisecting K-Means clustering, Gaussian Mixture Model, MaxAbsScaler feature transformer。

This talk lists manyof these new features.


Vectors andMatrices stored in DataFrames now use much more efficient serialization,reducing overhead in calling MLlib algorithms. (SPARK-14850)


The largestimprovement to SparkR in Spark 2.0 is user-defined functions. There are threeuser-defined functions: dapply, gapply, and lapply. The first two can be usedto do partition-based UDFs using dapply and gapply, e.g. partitioned modellearning. The latter can be used to do hyper-parameter tuning.

SparkR最大的更新是Spark2.0支持UDF.目前有三种UDFdapply, gapply,and lapply。前两者支持分区为基础的模型训练。后者支持多参数模型的优化。

In addition,there are a number of new features:

  • Improved algorithm coverage for machine learning in R, including naive Bayes, k-means clustering, and survival regression.
  • 增大R上覆盖的机器学习算法范围,有:NB、Kmeans、SR。
  • Generalized linear models support more families and link functions.
  • GLM支持更多的类型和计算函数。
  • Save and load for all ML models.
  • 所有模型可以保存和加载。
  • More DataFrame functionality: Window functions API, reader, writer support for JDBC, CSV, SparkSession
  • 更多DataFrame方法:window接口


Spark 2.0 shipsthe initial experimental release for Structured Streaming, a high levelstreaming API built on top of Spark SQL and the Catalyst optimizer. StructuredStreaming enables users to program against streaming sources and sinks usingthe same DataFrame/Dataset API as in static data sources, leveraging theCatalyst optimizer to automatically incrementalize the query plans.

Spark2.0基于SparkSqlCatalyst编译器构建了high level的结构化Streaming。结构化Streaming使用户能够使用DataFrameDataSet操作静态数据一样操作流数据,并利用Catalyst编译器自动优化查询。

For the DStreamAPI, the most prominent update is the new experimental support for Kafka 0.10.

Dependency, Packaging, and Operations

There are avariety of changes to Spark’s operations and packaging process:


  • Spark 2.0 no longer requires a fat assembly jar for production deployment.
  • Spark不再使用assembly包。
  • Akka dependency has been removed, and as a result, user applications can program against any versions of Akka.
  • 删除Akka依赖,用户可以使用任意版本的Akka。
  • Support launching multiple Mesos executors in coarse grained Mesos mode.
  • Mesos粗粒度模式下可以启动多个executor。
  • Kryo version is bumped to 3.0.
  • Kryo升级到3.0版本。
  • The default build is now using Scala 2.11 rather than Scala 2.10.
  • 默认使用Scala2.11代替2.10编译。

Removals, Behavior Changes and Deprecations


The followingfeatures have been removed in Spark 2.0:


  • Bagel
  • Support for Hadoop 2.1 and earlier
  • 支持Hadoop2.1之前的版本。
  • The ability to configure closure serializer
  • 可以关闭序列化。
  • HTTPBroadcast
  • HTTP广播
  • TTL-based metadata cleaning
  • TTL元数据清洗
  • Semi-private class org.apache.spark.Logging. We suggest you use slf4j directly.
  • org.apache.spark.Logging。建议使用slf4j
  • SparkContext.metricsSystem
  • SC为基础
  • Block-oriented integration with Tachyon (subsumed by file system integration)
  • Block-orented的集成。
  • Methods deprecated in Spark 1.x
  • 与spark1.x方法脱离
  • Methods on Python DataFrame that returned RDDs (map, flatMap, mapPartitions, etc). They are still available in dataframe.rdd field, e.g.
  • Python DataFrame方法返回RDD。
  • Less frequently used streaming connectors, including Twitter, Akka, MQTT, ZeroMQ
  • 流连接大量使用Twitter, Akka, MQTT, ZeroMQ
  • Hash-based shuffle manager
  • Hash shuffle机制
  • History serving functionality from standalone Master
  • Standalone模式的历史服务
  • For Java and Scala, DataFrame no longer exists as a class. As a result, data sources would need to be updated.
  • Scala和Java中,DataFrame不在作为一个类
  • Spark EC2 script has been fully moved to an external repository hosted by the UC Berkeley AMPLab
  • SparkEC2完全的转译到外部源

Behavior Changes

The followingchanges might require updating existing applications that depend on the oldbehavior or API.


  • The default build is now using Scala 2.11 rather than Scala 2.10.
  • 使用Scala2.11而不是2.10
  • In SQL, floating literals are now parsed as decimal data type rather than double data type.
  • 在SQL中,浮点类型解析为decimal而不是double
  • Kryo version is bumped to 3.0.
  • Kryo版本为3.0
  • Java RDD’s flatMap and mapPartitions functions used to require functions returning Java Iterable. They have been updated to require functions returning Java iterator so the functions do not need to materialize all the data.
  • ?Java RDD’s flatMap和mapPartitions 方法返回iterator而不是Iterable,从而不需要遍历所有数据
  • Java RDD’s countByKey and countAprroxDistinctByKey now returns a map from K to java.lang.Long, rather than to java.lang.Object.
  • Java RDD’s countByKey 和countAprroxDistinctByKey返回<k,Long>而不是<k,Object>
  • When writing Parquet files, the summary files are not written by default. To re-enable it, users must set“parquet.enable.summary-metadata” to true.
  • Parquet形式存储文件时不再写入sunmmary信息,可以使用parquet.enable.summary-metadata来打开
  • The DataFrame-based API ( now depends upon local linear algebra in, rather than in spark.mllib.linalg. This removes the last dependencies of* on spark.mllib.*. (SPARK-13944) See the MLlib migration guide for a full list of API changes.
  • 以DataFrame为基础的接口使用ml.linalg的数学类型,而不是mllib.linalg

For a morecomplete list, please see SPARK-11806 fordeprecations and removals.


The followingfeatures have been deprecated in Spark 2.0, and might be removed in futureversions of Spark 2.x:


  • Fine-grained mode in Apache Mesos
  • Mesos的细粒度模式
  • Support for Java 7
  • 支持Java7
  • Support for Python 2.6
  • 支持Python2.6

Known Issues

  • Lead and Lag’s behaviors have been changed to ignoring nulls from respecting nulls (1.6’s behaviors). In 2.0.1, the behavioral changes will be fixed in 2.0.1 (SPARK-16721).
  • Lead and Lag functions using constant input values does not return the default value when the offset row does not exist (SPARK-16633).






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