
package com.testjdbc.util;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

 * 信息脱敏工具类
public class DataMaskingUtils {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s1 = DataMaskingUtils.chineseName("欧阳娜娜"); //欧***
        String s2 = DataMaskingUtils.chineseName("欧阳", "娜娜");//欧阳**
        String s3 = DataMaskingUtils.strMasking("信息脱敏工具类测试字符脱敏", 4, 2);
        String s4 = DataMaskingUtils.strMasking("字符脱敏", 5, 2);
        String s5 = DataMaskingUtils.strMasking("字符脱敏", 2, 3);
        String s6 = DataMaskingUtils.strMasking("字符脱敏", 3, 3);
        System.out.println("字符脱敏前4位, 后2位:"+s3);
        System.out.println("字符脱敏前5位, 后2位:"+s4);
        System.out.println("字符脱敏前2位, 后3位:"+s5);
        System.out.println("字符脱敏前3位, 后3位:"+s6);
        //[身份证号] 脱敏 后四位其他隐藏
        String s7 = DataMaskingUtils.idCardNum("430903199909093412");
        System.out.println("[身份证号] 脱敏 后四位其他隐藏:"+s7);
        //[身份证号]脱敏 前六位,后四位,其他用隐藏
        String s8 = DataMaskingUtils.idCard("430903199909093412");
        System.out.println("[身份证号]脱敏 前六位,后四位,其他用隐藏:"+s8);
        //[固定电话] 后四位,其他隐藏
        String s9 = DataMaskingUtils.fixedPhone("13077098909");
        System.out.println("[固定电话] 后四位,其他隐藏:"+s9);
        //[手机号码] 前三位,后四位,其他隐藏<例子:138******1234>
        String s10 = DataMaskingUtils.mobilePhone("13879081234");
        System.out.println("[手机号码] 前三位,后四位,其他隐藏:"+s10);
        //[地址] 只显示到地区,不显示详细地址
        String s11 = DataMaskingUtils.address("北京市丰台区莲花池东路118号", 10);
        System.out.println("[地址] 只显示到地区,不显示详细地址:"+s11);
        //[电子邮箱] 邮箱前缀仅显示第一个字母
        String s12 ="");
        System.out.println("[电子邮箱] 邮箱前缀仅显示第一个字母:"+s12);
        //[银行卡号] 前六位,后四位,其他用星号隐藏每位1个星号
        String s13 = DataMaskingUtils.bankCard("622260011111111111234");
        System.out.println("[银行卡号] 前六位,后四位,其他用星号隐藏每位1个星号:"+s13);
        //[公司开户银行联号] 公司开户银行联行号,显示前两位,其他用星号隐藏,每位1个星号
        String s14 = DataMaskingUtils.cnapsCode("6222600111111111234");
        System.out.println("[公司开户银行联号] 公司开户银行联行号,显示前两位,其他用星号隐藏,每位1个星号:"+s14);

     * 字符脱敏.
     * @param str the str
     * @param pre the pre 前几位
     * @param suf the suf 后几位
     * @return the string
    public static String strMasking(String str, int pre, int suf) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(str)) {
            return str;
        if (pre <= 0 && suf <= 0) {
            return str;
        int len = str.length();
        if (len > (pre + suf)) {
            return subPre(str, pre) +
                    fill("", '*', len - pre - suf, false) +
                    subSufByLength(str, suf);
        } else if (len > pre && pre > 0) {
            return subPre(str, pre) +
                    fill("", '*', len - pre, false);
        } else if (len > suf && suf > 0) {
            return fill("", '*', len - suf, false) +
                    subSufByLength(str, suf);
        } else {
            return fill("", '*', len, false);
    public static String subSufByLength(CharSequence string, int length) {
        if (isEmpty(string)) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return length <= 0 ? "" : sub(string, -length, string.length());
    public static String fill(String str, char filledChar, int len, boolean isPre) {
        int strLen = str.length();
        if (strLen > len) {
            return str;
        } else {
            String filledStr = repeat(filledChar, len - strLen);
            return isPre ? filledStr.concat(str) : str.concat(filledStr);
    public static String repeat(char c, int count) {
        if (count <= 0) {
            return "";
        } else {
            char[] result = new char[count];

            for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                result[i] = c;

            return new String(result);
    public static String repeat(CharSequence str, int count) {
        if (null == str) {
            return null;
        } else if (count > 0 && str.length() != 0) {
            if (count == 1) {
                return str.toString();
            } else {
                int len = str.length();
                long longSize = (long) len * (long) count;
                int size = (int) longSize;
                if ((long) size != longSize) {
                    throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Required String length is too large: " + longSize);
                } else {
                    char[] array = new char[size];
                    str.toString().getChars(0, len, array, 0);

                    int n;
                    for (n = len; n < size - n; n <<= 1) {
                        System.arraycopy(array, 0, array, n, n);

                    System.arraycopy(array, 0, array, n, size - n);
                    return new String(array);
        } else {
            return "";
    public static String hide(CharSequence str, int startInclude, int endExclude) {
        return replace(str, startInclude, endExclude, '*');
    public static String replace(CharSequence str, int startInclude, int endExclude, char replacedChar) {
        if (isEmpty(str)) {
            return str(str);
        } else {
            String originalStr = str(str);
            int[] strCodePoints = originalStr.codePoints().toArray();
            int strLength = strCodePoints.length;
            if (startInclude > strLength) {
                return originalStr;
            } else {
                if (endExclude > strLength) {
                    endExclude = strLength;

                if (startInclude > endExclude) {
                    return originalStr;
                } else {
                    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    for(int i = 0; i < strLength; ++i) {
                        if (i >= startInclude && i < endExclude) {
                        } else {
                            stringBuilder.append(new String(strCodePoints, i, 1));

                    return stringBuilder.toString();
    public static String replace(CharSequence str, int startInclude, int endExclude, CharSequence replacedStr) {
        if (isEmpty(str)) {
            return str(str);
        } else {
            String originalStr = str(str);
            int[] strCodePoints = originalStr.codePoints().toArray();
            int strLength = strCodePoints.length;
            if (startInclude > strLength) {
                return originalStr;
            } else {
                if (endExclude > strLength) {
                    endExclude = strLength;

                if (startInclude > endExclude) {
                    return originalStr;
                } else {
                    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    int i;
                    for(i = 0; i < startInclude; ++i) {
                        stringBuilder.append(new String(strCodePoints, i, 1));


                    for(i = endExclude; i < strLength; ++i) {
                        stringBuilder.append(new String(strCodePoints, i, 1));

                    return stringBuilder.toString();
    public static String subPre(CharSequence string, int toIndexExclude) {
        return sub(string, 0, toIndexExclude);
    public static String sub(CharSequence str, int fromIndexInclude, int toIndexExclude) {
        if (isEmpty(str)) {
            return str(str);
        } else {
            int len = str.length();
            if (fromIndexInclude < 0) {
                fromIndexInclude += len;
                if (fromIndexInclude < 0) {
                    fromIndexInclude = 0;
            } else if (fromIndexInclude > len) {
                fromIndexInclude = len;

            if (toIndexExclude < 0) {
                toIndexExclude += len;
                if (toIndexExclude < 0) {
                    toIndexExclude = len;
            } else if (toIndexExclude > len) {
                toIndexExclude = len;

            if (toIndexExclude < fromIndexInclude) {
                int tmp = fromIndexInclude;
                fromIndexInclude = toIndexExclude;
                toIndexExclude = tmp;

            return fromIndexInclude == toIndexExclude ? "" : str.toString().substring(fromIndexInclude, toIndexExclude);

    public static boolean isEmpty(CharSequence str) {
        return str == null || str.length() == 0;

    public static String str(CharSequence cs) {
        return null == cs ? null : cs.toString();

     * [中文姓名] 只显示第一个汉字,其他隐藏为星号<例子:李**>
     * @param fullName 姓名
     * @return
    public static String chineseName(String fullName) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(fullName)) {
            return "";
        String name = StringUtils.left(fullName, 1);
        return StringUtils.rightPad(name, StringUtils.length(fullName), "*");
     * [中文姓名] 只显示姓氏,其他隐藏为星号<例子:欧阳娜娜  : 欧阳**>
     * @param familyName 姓氏
     * @param givenName  名字
     * @return
    public static String chineseName(String familyName, String givenName) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(familyName) || StringUtils.isBlank(givenName)) {
            return "";
        if (familyName.length() > 1) {
            String name = StringUtils.left(familyName, familyName.length());
            return StringUtils.rightPad(name, StringUtils.length(familyName + givenName), "*");
        return chineseName(familyName + givenName);
     * [身份证号] 显示最后四位,其他隐藏。共计18位或者15位。<例子:*************5762>
     * @param id
     * @return
    public static String idCardNum(String id) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) {
            return "";
        String num = StringUtils.right(id, 4);
        return StringUtils.leftPad(num, StringUtils.length(id), "*");
     * [身份证号] 前六位,后四位,其他用星号隐藏每位1个星号<例子:451002********1647>
     * @param carId
     * @return
    public static String idCard(String carId) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(carId)) {
            return "";
        return StringUtils.left(carId, 6).concat(StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.leftPad(StringUtils.right(carId, 4), StringUtils.length(carId), "*"), "******"));
     * [固定电话] 后四位,其他隐藏<例子:****1234>
     * @param num
     * @return
    public static String fixedPhone(String num) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(num)) {
            return "";
        return StringUtils.leftPad(StringUtils.right(num, 4), StringUtils.length(num), "*");
     * [手机号码] 前三位,后四位,其他隐藏<例子:138******1234>
     * @param num
     * @return
    public static String mobilePhone(String num) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(num)) {
            return "";
        return StringUtils.left(num, 3).concat(StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.leftPad(StringUtils.right(num, 4), StringUtils.length(num), "*"), "***"));
     * [地址] 只显示到地区,不显示详细地址;我们要对个人信息增强保护<例子:北京市海淀区****>
     * @param address
     * @param sensitiveSize 敏感信息长度
     * @return
    public static String address(String address, int sensitiveSize) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(address)) {
            return "";
        int length = StringUtils.length(address);
        return StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.left(address, length - sensitiveSize), length, "*");
     * [电子邮箱] 邮箱前缀仅显示第一个字母,前缀其他隐藏,用星号代替,@及后面的地址显示<例子:g**>
     * @param email
     * @return
    public static String email(String email) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) {
            return "";
        int index = StringUtils.indexOf(email, "@");
        if (index <= 1) {
            return email;
        return StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.left(email, 1), index, "*").concat(StringUtils.mid(email, index, StringUtils.length(email)));
     * [银行卡号] 前六位,后四位,其他用星号隐藏每位1个星号<例子:6222600**********1234>
     * @param cardNum
     * @return
    public static String bankCard(String cardNum) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(cardNum)) {
            return "";
        return StringUtils.left(cardNum, 6).concat(StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.leftPad(StringUtils.right(cardNum, 4), StringUtils.length(cardNum), "*"), "******"));
     * [公司开户银行联号] 公司开户银行联行号,显示前两位,其他用星号隐藏,每位1个星号<例子:12********>
     * @param code
     * @return
    public static String cnapsCode(String code) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(code)) {
            return "";
        return StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.left(code, 2), StringUtils.length(code), "*");


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