model.evaluate 和 model.predict 的区别

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	# 评估模型,不输出预测结果
	loss,accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test,Y_test)
	print('\ntest loss',loss)

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    y_pred = model.predict(X_test,batch_size = 1)

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This current book provides new research on artificial neural networks (ANNs). Topics discussed include the application of ANNs in chemistry and chemical engineering fields; the application of ANNs in the prediction of biodiesel fuel properties from fatty acid constituents; the use of ANNs for solar radiation estimation; the use of in silico methods to design and evaluate skin UV filters; a practical model based on the multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP) approach to predict the milling tool flank wear in a regular cut, as well as entry cut and exit cut, of a milling tool; parameter extraction of small-signal and noise models of microwave transistors based on ANNs; and the application of ANNs to deep-learning and predictive analysis in semantic TCM telemedicine systems. Chapter 1 - Today, the main effort is focused on the optimization of different processes in order to reduce and provide the optimal consumption of available and limited resources. Conventional methods such as one-variable-at-a-time approach optimize one factor at a time instead of all simultaneously. Unlike this method, artificial neural networks provide analysis of the impact of all process parameters simultaneously on the chosen responses. The architecture of each network consists of at least three layers depending on the nature of process which to be analyzed. The optimal conditions obtained after application of artificial neural networks are significantly improved compared with those obtained using conventional methods. Therefore artificial neural networks are quite common method in modeling and optimization of various processes without the full knowledge about them. For example, one study tried to optimize consumption of electricity in electric arc furnace that is known as one of the most energy-intensive processes in industry. Chemical content of scrap to be loaded and melted in the furnace was selected as the input variable while the specific electricity consumption was the output variable. Other studies modeled the extraction and adsorption processes. Many process parameters, such as extraction time, nature of solvent, solid to liquid ratio, extraction temperature, degree of disintegration of plant materials, etc. have impact on the extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials. These parameters are commonly used as input variables, while the yields of bioactive compounds are used as output during construction of artificial neural network. During the adsorption, the amount of adsorbent and adsorbate, adsorption time, pH of medium are commonly used as the input variables, while the amount of adsorbate after treatment is selected as output variable. Based on the literature review, it can be concluded that the application of artificial neural networks will surely have an important role in the modeling and optimization of chemical processes in the future.
【资源说明】 人工智能作业基于C++实现的拼音输入法源码+拼音输入法实验报告+项目部署说明.zip 1、该资源内项目代码都是经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 2、本项目适合计算机相关专业(如计科、人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载使用,也适合小白学习进阶,当然也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等。 3、如果基础还行,也可在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能。 这个文件夹包含了我实现的拼音输入法作业,其中包含五个目录。 + bin/ 目录下包含了项目用到的可执行文件,主要为 `pinyin` 和 `evaluate`,分别为项目的主程序和评估程序; + data/ 目录下包含了项目中用到的输入输出文件; + model/ 目录下包含了项目预先训练好的模型文件; + src/ 目录包含了项目的源代码,其中 `main.cpp` 为主程序文件,`model.cpp` 为模型建立文件,`predict.cpp` 为预测文件; + test/ 目录下是一些开发过程中用到的测试文件。 由于项目中使用到的模型文件太大,无法将其上传到 github 的项目仓库中。我将其保存在了我的云盘中,您可以通过以下命令将其下载到 `model/` 文件夹下: ``` wget -O model/posterior3zip2.txt ``` 为了运行本项目,您需要使用 Linux 系统,并且在项目的主文件夹下( 所在的文件夹),运行以下命令 ``` bin/pinyin data/test_input.txt data/test_output.txt ``` 该命令会默认使用<strong>三元模型</strong>作为拼音输入法的模型,对于一千条测试语句,该命令大约需要执行两分钟。同时,本项目也支持使用二元模型,您可以通过显式指定 ``` bin/pinyin -n2 data/test_input.txt data/test_output.txt ``` 来完成这一点。显然,也可以使用 `-n3` 来显式指定使用三元模型。 运行完成后,转化的结果被存储在了 `data/test_output.txt` 文件中。本项目还提供了 `evaluate` 命令,来评估转化结果的好坏 ``` bin/evaluate data/test_output.txt data/test_ans.output ``` 该命令会打印转化的字准确率与行准确率。
Book Description Machine learning is the buzzword bringing computer science and statistics together to build smart and efficient models. Using powerful algorithms and techniques offered by machine learning you can automate any analytical model. This book examines a variety of machine learning models including popular machine learning algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, naive Bayes, k-means, decision trees, and artificial neural networks. It discusses data preprocessing, hyperparameter optimization, and ensemble methods. You will build systems that classify documents, recognize images, detect ads, and more. You will learn to use scikit-learn’s API to extract features from categorical variables, text and images; evaluate model performance, and develop an intuition for how to improve your model’s performance. By the end of this book, you will master all required concepts of scikit-learn to build efficient models at work to carry out advanced tasks with the practical approach. What you will learn Review fundamental concepts such as bias and variance Extract features from categorical variables, text, and images Predict the values of continuous variables using linear regression and K Nearest Neighbors Classify documents and images using logistic regression and support vector machines Create ensembles of estimators using bagging and boosting techniques Discover hidden structures in data using K-Means clustering Evaluate the performance of machine learning systems in common tasks About the Author Gavin Hackeling is a data scientist and author. He was worked on a variety of machine learning problems, including automatic speech recognition, document classification, object recognition, and semantic segmentation. An alumnus of the University of North Carolina and New York University, he lives in Brooklyn with his wife and cat. Contents Chapter 1. The Fundamentals of Machine Learning Chapter 2. Simple linear regression Chapter 3. Classification and Regression with K Nearest Neighbors Chapter 4. Feature Extraction and Preprocessing Chapter 5. From Simple Regression to Multiple Regression Chapter 6. From Linear Regression to Logistic Regression Chapter 7. Naive Bayes Chapter 8. Nonlinear Classification and Regression with Decision Trees Chapter 9. From Decision Trees to Random Forests, and other Ensemble Methods Chapter 10. The Perceptron Chapter 11. From the Perceptron to Support Vector Machines Chapter 12. From the Perceptron to Artificial Neural Networks Chapter 13. Clustering with K-Means Chapter 14. Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis
### 回答1: model.evaluatemodel.predict是深度学习中常用的函数。 model.evaluate函数用于评估模型在验证集或测试集上的性能表现。它会返回一个包含损失值和评估指标值的列表。 model.predict函数用于对新数据进行预测,并返回预测结果。它通常使用在模型训练完成后,用于预测新的数据。预测结果可以是概率值、类别标签或者回归值。 ### 回答2: model.evaluate() 和 model.predict() 是 Keras 中常用的两个方法,都是用于对训练好的模型进行测试和预测。 首先来看 model.evaluate() 方法。这个方法主要用于在测试集上对模型进行评估,它的参数包括测试集的样本和标签。当使用这个方法时,模型将对测试集中的样本进行预测,然后根据预测结果和真实标签计算指定的评估指标,比如准确率、损失函数值等等。例如,以下代码用于计算模型在测试集上的准确率: ```python loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y) print('Test loss:', loss) print('Test accuracy:', accuracy) ``` 其中,test_x 和 test_y 分别表示测试集的样本和标签,训练好的模型 model 将对 test_x 进行预测,然后根据预测结果和标签计算损失和准确率。这个方法的返回值包括损失值和指定的评估指标,可以通过 print() 方法输出到控制台来查看。 接下来来看 model.predict() 方法。这个方法主要用于对新数据进行预测,它的参数包括新数据的样本。当使用这个方法时,模型将对新数据中的样本进行预测,得到预测结果。例如,以下代码用于对新数据进行预测: ```python predictions = model.predict(new_x) print('Predictions:', predictions) ``` 其中,new_x 表示新数据的样本,训练好的模型 model 将对 new_x 进行预测,得到预测结果。这个方法的返回值是一个由预测结果组成的 NumPy 数组,可以通过 print() 方法输出到控制台来查看。 总的来说,model.evaluate() 方法和 model.predict() 方法都非常常用,在模型训练后对模型进行测试和预测时都会用到。其中,model.evaluate() 主要用于对测试集进行评估,model.predict() 主要用于对新数据进行预测。在使用这两个方法时,我们需要注意数据的格式和大小是否与模型的输入和输出相匹配。 ### 回答3: model.evaluatemodel.predict都是深度学习模型评估方法。不同之处在于,model.evaluate方法返回的是每个评估指标的值,而model.predict方法返回的是模型预测的结果。 model.evaluate方法一般用于测试集或验证集上,评估模型的性能。该方法接受一个测试集作为输入,返回指定评估指标的值(如准确率、损失函数、精度等)。此外,该方法还可以使用 batch_size 和 steps 参数,以批处理方式评估模型。 model.predict方法则是用于得到模型对新数据的预测结果。它接受一个数据集作为输入,返回模型对该数据集的预测。在分类问题中,该方法返回每个类别的预测概率,在回归问题中,该方法返回一个或多个数值作为预测结果。 总的来说,model.evaluatemodel.predict都是深度学习模型评估的重要方法,可以帮助我们了解模型的性能和预测结果。在实际应用中,我们可以根据需要选择不同的方法来评估模型并进行预测。


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