


Matirx 是什么?

Matrices as Linear transformations

下面我们讨论下:Linear transformations

Linear transformation 在two dimensions中是什么样子,以及Linear transformations如何与matirx-vector multiplication(矩阵向量乘法)。展示一种更不用死记硬背的matrix-vector multiplication方法

What dose this mean——trainformation?
To start,let’s just parse(理解)this term- linear transformation

Transformation is essentially a fancy word for function。输入一个向量输出一个变换的向量。那为啥不用function来表示matrix-transformation呢?因为transformation 可以用a certain way to visualize this input-output relation。

The word “transformation” suggests that you think using movement。

可以将each vector not as an arrow, but as a single point。
linear algebra limits itself to a special type of transformation,

What dose this mean——Linear?

Visually speaking,a transformation is linear if it has two properties:1 all lines must remain lines,without getting curved,2 the origin must remain fixed in place。

In general, you should think of linear transformations as “keeping grid lines parallel and evenly spaced”.(保持网格线平行并等距分布)

How would you describe one of these numerically?

it turns out that you only need to record where the two basis vectors i-hat and j-hat each land,(只需要记录两个基向量变换后的位置)and everything else will follow from that。

vector_v = -1vector_i + 2vector_j
Transformed vector_v = -1(Tansformed vector_i)+ 2(Tranformed vecotr_j)

In other words, it started off as a certain linear combination of i-hat and j-hat,and it ends up is that same linear combination oo where those two vectors landed.

This mean you can deduce where v must go based only on where i-hat and j-hat each land.

but the cool part here is that this gives us a technique to deduce where any vectors land,so long as we have a record of where i-hat and j-hat each land,

vector_i = [ 1, -2]T vector_j = [3,0]T

write the vecotr with mor general coordinates(x,y), and it will land on x times the vector where i-hat lands (1,-2), plus y times the vector where j-hat land(3,0),carrying out that sum you see that it lands it (1x+3y,-2x+0y) , i gvie you any vector and you can tell me where that vector lands using this formula.

a two dimensional linear transformation is completely described by just four numbers:the two coordinates for where i-hat lands and the two coordinates for where j-hat lands.
[[3,-2]T [2,1]T ]

if you are given a 2-by-2 matrix describing a linear transformation and some specific vector,and you want to keow where taht linear transformation take that vector,you can take the coordinates of the vecor,multiply them by the corresponding columns of the matrix, then add together waht you get,

This corresponds with the idea of adding the scaled versions of our new basis vectors.

图像理解就是,保持原理的坐标图,看变换后的ihat and jhat 变换后的坐标值,在用新的向量乘以这个变换后 ij hat ,就是新向量变化后的坐标值。transformations_vector_i and transformations_vector_j在这里插入图片描述

Almost all of the topics coming up,from matrix multiplication to determinant,changeof basis,eigenvalues,all of these will become easier to understand ,onece you start thinking about matrices as transformations of space.





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