Linux常用命令 速查 & 速记

在刚学习Linux的过程中,掌握这些常用命令,可以极大的提高日常工作使用效率, 但在刚学习的过程中,一次性记住这些常用命令, 实在是非常人所能做到的,主要是通过在日常的使用过程中,多加使用,加以消化理解记忆.

1. File Commands

  • ls -list catalog
  • ls -al -a all file(include hidden file) -l format detailed information
  • cd dir -change directory to dir
  • pwd -show current dir
  • mkdir dir -create new dir
  • rm file -delete file
  • rm -r dir -delete directory
  • rm -rf dir -force to delete directory
  • cp file1 file2 -copy file1 to file2
  • cp -r dir1 dir2 -copy dir1 to dir2,if not exist,create it
  • mv file1 file2 move || rename file1 to file2,if exist,move file1 to file2
  • ln -s file link -create symbol link to file
  • touch file -create new file
  • cat > file -add standard input to file
  • more file -view content in file
  • head file -look at the first 10 lines of file
  • tail file -look at the last 10 lines of file

2. Process Management

  • ps --show current activity process
  • top --show all running processes
  • kill pid --kill process id pid
  • killall proc --kill all processess named “proc *”
  • bg --list the jobs that have stopped or backstage work
  • fg --bring the latest work to the front
  • fg n --bring work N to front

3. File Permission

  • chmod octal file -change file permission

    • eg:
      • 4 -read(\r)
      • 2 -write(w)
      • 1 -execute(x)
  • chmod 777 - add read, write, execute permission for all user

  • chmod 755 - add rwx permission for owner,add rx permission for group and other users.

3. SSH

  • ssh user@host -connect to host with user identify
  • ssh -p port user@host -connect to host with user at port
  • ssh-copy-id user@host -add secret key to host login without password

4. Search

  • grep pattern file --search for content of pattern in file
  • grep -r pattern dir --recursive search for content of pattern in dir
  • command | grep pattern – search for content of pattern in output pattern

5. System Information

  • date --show current date and time

  • cal --show current calendar

  • uptime --show when the system is running from start to run

  • w – show login user

  • whoami --show current user name

  • finger user --show user relevant information

  • uname -a --show kernel information

  • cat /proc/cpuinfo – show cpu information

  • cat /proc/meminfo --show memory informtion

  • man command --show command instruction manual

  • df --show disk occupancy

  • du --show directory space occupancy

  • free --show memory and swap area occupancy

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6. Compress

  • tar cf file.tar files – create tar file ’ file.tar’ including ‘files
  • tar xf file.tar --extracting files from file.tar
  • tar czf file.tar.gz files --create compress tar file by Gzip
  • tar xzf file.tar.gz --extracting tar file frome file.tar.gz
  • tar cjf file.tar.bz2 --create compress tar file by Bzip2
  • tar xjf file.tar.bz2 --extracting tar file
  • gzip file --compress file && named file.gz
  • gzip -d file --extracting file

7. Network

  • ping host --ping host && show result
  • whois domain – get domwain’s whois information
  • dig domain -get domain’s DNS infromation
  • dig -x host --reverse query host
  • wget file – download file
  • wget -c file – broken point and continue download

8. Install

  • deal with binary package
	1. ./configure
	2. make
	3. make install
  • installation package(Debian)
	1. dpkg -i pkg.deb
  • installation package(RPM)
	1. rpm -Uvh pag.rpm

9. Shortcut key

  • Ctrl + C --stop current command
  • Ctrl + Z --stop current command and use fg recover
  • Ctrl + D – log off current reply ,similar to exit
  • Ctrl + W --delete words in current line
  • Ctrl + U --delete the whole line
  • !! --repeat last command
  • exit --log off this reply
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