CIT 594 Module 3 Programming Assignment


CIT 594 Module 3 Programming Assignment

Stacks & Queues

In this assignment, you will use Stacks and Queues to check documents for correct nesting. After briefly explaining how this can be used as part of the syntax validation in multiple settings including arithmetic expressions and computer programming languages, you will build a function that applies this knowledge to check strings of nestable characters for valid delimiter nesting.

Learning Objectives

In completing this assignment, you will:

  • Become familiar with the methods in the java.util.Stack class and java.util.Queue interface
  • Work with an abstract data type (specifically, Queues) by using only the interface of an implementation
  • Apply what you have learned about how Stacks and Queues work


Consider the following valid Python expression:

1    [0 ,   (1 ,   2 ,   {3 ,   (4 ,   5 ,   6),   (7 ,   8)},   9),   10 ,   11 ,   12   ]

The expression contains 3 types of open and close elements:

Open    Close

(           )

[            ]

{        }

There are two rules:

  1. A closing element must close the current context
  2. At the end of input, all contexts must be closed

An open element starts a context and the complementary close element ends that context. Note from the above example that contexts can be nested inside each other, but we can’t close an outer context until the current context is closed, so this expression would be invalid – notice ‘})’ instead of ‘)}’:

1    [0 ,   (1 ,   2 ,   {3 ,   (4 ,   5 ,   6),   (7 ,   8}),   9),   10 ,   11 ,   12   ]

Now suppose we want to create a syntax checking algorithm that reads a source code file and determines if the above two rules are respected (keep in mind we are just checking if the nesting is correct, and not attempting to perform a full syntax validation). First, we would need a parser that understands the language whose syntax is being checked. It would look at each character in the file, classify its effect on the nesting context as either opening, closing, or neutral, and return a Queue of only the opening and closing elements. Neutral elements have no effect on the nesting context, so they are ignored. In the first (valid) example above, the following characters would be enqueued: [({()()})]. We must also define a bi-directional “matching” of elements, such that ‘(’ matches ‘)’, ‘[’ matches ‘]’, etc.

Given this Queue, we repeatedly dequeue elements. If the dequeued element’s nesting effect is neutral, we just ignore it. If the dequeued element’s nesting effect is opening, we push it to a Stack. If the dequeued element’s nesting effect is closing, we pop the Stack only if the top of the Stack matches the dequeued element; if the top of the Stack doesn’t match, we know there must be a syntax error. Finally, we know the entire file is valid if, upon emptying our Queue, we find that our Stack is empty.

Try this algorithm on pencil and paper using some simple examples:

1    #   valid ;   stack   should   be   empty

2    [0 ,   (1 ,   2 ,   {3 ,   (4 ,   5 ,   6),   (7 ,   8)},   9),   10 ,   11 ,   12   ]


4    #   invalid   close   on   };   stack   should   be   '[({('

5    [0 ,   (1 ,   2 ,   {3 ,   (4 ,   5 ,   6),   (7 ,   8}),   9),   10 ,   11 ,   12   ]


7    #   not   terminated ;   stack   should   be   '['

8    [0 ,   (1 ,   2 ,   {3 ,   (4 ,   5 ,   6),   (7 ,   8)},   9),   10 ,   11 ,   12


10    #   valid ;   we   are   only   considering   nesting   and   not   other   aspects   of   syntax

11 (+ 1 1)

Once you understand how the above algorithm works, you will be ready to tackle this assignment.

Interfaces, abstract classes, and implementations

One of the key ideas of this assignment is that an interface can have multiple conformant implemen- tations. Queues are a concept that can be implemented using linked lists, circular dynamic arrays, and other concrete data structures; likewise, Stacks can be implemented using linked lists, array lists, etc.

To reinforce this point, we have provided an interface called Nestable. (Though, due to limitations in the Java language, it’s actually an abstract class in the given code, but we’ll often say “interface” since this is the role it plays.) To make a class “Nestable” – i.e., MyClass extends  Nestable –  asserts that every instance of that class obeys certain properties, principally that it has some sort of nesting effect (opening, closing, neutral) and that it defines the notion of “matching” elements.

You will write a method that must work for all Nestable objects, and in particular, we have pro- vided two kinds of Nestables: characters (NestableCharacter ) and something a little more abstract (VanNest ). The NestableCharacter class would be used for strings like the Python snippets given  in the previous section. In this case, each individual character in the string is Nestable. Objects of the VanNest class will also follow the same nesting behavior as other subclasses of Nestable, but otherwise exist primarily for artistic purposes.

For more details about interface, abstract classes, and java inheritance in general see the Interfaces and Inheritance chapter in Java™ Tutorials. The “Abstract Classes” section has a comparison and guidance for how to decide between using an abstract class or interface.

Getting Started

Download the zip file, which contains the following:

  •, which contains the unimplemented method checkNesting that you will write in this assignment. It also contains helper methods to parse a string into a Queue of

NestableCharacter s, a text file into a Queue of NestableCharacter s. Don’t modify the helper methods as they are used in the test cases.

  •, which is an abstract class representing the concept of a “nestable” entity. You may find enum NestEffect, getEffect(), and matches(Nestable other) useful in your implementation.
  •, whose class NestableCharacter extends Nestable to represent sin- gle characters as nestable entities. The matches method, required by Nestable, is defined such that ‘(’ matches ‘)’, ‘[’ matches ‘]’, and ‘{’ matches ‘}’, all bi-directionally.
  •, whose class VanNest extends Nestable.
  •, whose class NestingReport is the compound datatype that you will need to return from your implementation of NestingChecker.checkNesting.

You do not need to understand the implementation details of NestableCharacter or VanNest. You can treat them as black boxes, where the only thing you know about is their Nestable interface.


In, implement the checkNesting method. checkNesting takes as input a Queue of Nestables and returns a NestingReport that describes the nesting structure, according to the specification described below.

  • If the input represents a valid nesting, then return a NestingReport with status set to VALID, badItem set to null, and stackState set to the current contents of the Stack.
  • If the input queue is null, return a NestingReport with status set to NULL_INPUT, badItem

set to null, and stackState set to the empty Stack.

  • When an element b in the Queue is null, return a NestingReport with status set to NULL_ITEM,

badItem set to b (null), and stackState set to the current contents of the Stack.

  • When an element b in the Queue is an invalid closing element, return a NestingReport with status set to INVALID_CLOSE, badItem set to b, and stackState set to the current contents of the Stack (which should not include b).
  • When the Queue represents an invalid nesting because it’s empty but there are still elements remaining in the Stack that were never closed, return a NestingReport with status set to

NOT_TERMINATED, badItem set to null, and stackState set to the current contents of the Stack.

Java doesn’t allow multi-value returns, so to get around this, we return a single object of type NestingReport that contains the fields referenced above. An example of returning one from the assigned function is given in the starter code. Every component of your NestingReport will be tested for correctness.

Other requirements

Please do not change the signature of the checkNesting method (its parameter list, name, and return value type). Also, do not create any additional .java files for your solution, and do not modify any java ftle other than If you need additional classes, you can define them in

Last, be sure that your NestingChecker class is in the default package, i.e. there is no “package” declaration at the top of the source code.


  • This is a short and simple assignment. A correct implementation should only need 10-20 lines of code.
  • You don’t need to read or understand all of the starter code. Focus only on what you need. Along with NestingReport, you should only need the methods from the Nestable, Stack, and Queue interfaces.

Before You Submit

Please be sure that:

  • your NestingChecker class is in the default package, i.e. there is no “package” declaration at the top of the source code
  • your NestingChecker class compiles and you have not changed the signature of the checkNesting method
  • you have not created any additional .java files and have not made any changes to other java files

  • you have filled out the required academic integrity signature in the comment block at the top of your submission file

How to Submit

After you have finished implementing the NestingChecker class, go to the “Module 3 Programming Assignment Submission” item and click the “Open Tool” button to go to the Codio platform.

Once you are logged into Codio, read the submission instructions in the README file. Be sure you upload your code to the “submit” folder.

To test your code before submitting, click the “Run Test Cases” button in the Codio toolbar.

Unlike the Module 1 Programming Assignment, this will run some but not all of the tests that are used to grade this assignment. That is, there are “hidden tests” on this assignment!

The test cases we provide here are “sanity check” tests to make sure that you have the basic functionality working correctly, but it is up to you to ensure that your code satisftes all of the requirements described in this document. Just because your code passes all the tests when you click “Run Test Cases” doesn’t mean you’d get 100% if you submit the code for grading!

You are responsible for writing and running any additional test cases required to ensure your im- plementation satisfies the requirements of this assignment.

When you click “Run Test Cases,” you’ll see quite a bit of output, even if all tests pass, but at the bottom of the output you will see the number of successful test cases and the number of failed test cases.

You can see the name and error messages of any failing test cases by scrolling up a little to the “Failures” section.


This assignment is scored out of a total of 20 points, based on the correctness of the return value for different inputs representing correct and incorrect nestings of nestable entities.

There is a hidden implementation of Nestable that you are not given but will nevertheless be tested on.

As noted above, the tests that are executed when you click “Run Test Cases” are not all of the tests that are used for grading. There are hidden tests for each of the three methods described here.

After submitting your code for grading, you can go back to this assignment in Codio and view the “results.txt” file, which should be listed in the Filetree on the left. This file will describe any failing test cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I learn more about Java’s Stack and Queue?

Documentation about the methods in the Stack class and Queue interface in Java are available at:

Refer to this documentation if you need help understanding the methods that are available to you.

Why is Queue an interface, while Stack is a class?

Just historical reasons. In modern software design we would want abstract concepts like Queues and Stacks to be interfaces, but Java already had a legacy Stack class, so we’re stuck with it.

Will my code be tested with other Nestable subclasses?


I don’t understand the signature of checkNesting.

Here is the signature:

1    public   static   Nesting Report   check Nesting ( Queue <?   extends   Nestable >   elements )

Let’s walk through each component of this signature:

  • public, as you should know, means that this method is accessible to the outside world (i.e. classes outside the current package).
  • static, as you should know, means that this is a class method, not an instance method. So you access this method by calling NestingChecker.checkNesting, not by instantiating a new NestingChecker.
  • <? extends Nestable> means that the type of element in the Queue is a Nestable or a subclass of Nestable. The ‘ ?’ is just a wildcard, meaning we aren’t ever going to reference the name of that class, so we don’t need a type variable.

(If we had instead written <E extends Nestable>, this would mean the same thing but it would allow us to use the type variable E to mean the name of the subclass. It’s like writing

E Nestable in set notation.)

I don’t understand the Nestable class.

Nestable represents the abstract notion of an entity that has the effect of modifying the nesting context. This entity could be a single character (as in the opening/closing characters we showed in the Python code in the Background section above), or an HTML tag, or something that isn’t even textual in nature. All of these have the common property that they can affect the nesting context by either opening a new one, closing the current one, or having no effect at all. We represent these three possible effects using the enum NestEffect.

A variable of type NestEffect can only take on the values of OPEN, NEUTRAL, or CLOSE. For example, we would encode the opening parenthesis character ‘(’ as having the OPEN effect and the closing parenthesis character ‘)’ as having the CLOSE effect. And as explained elsewhere, self-closing HTML tags have a NEUTRAL effect on the nesting context.

We recommend looking at the implementation of NestEffect ’s match() method to see how you can use a switch statement on an enum. This syntax might be useful to you.

Should my checkNesting method have special code for handling VanNest s versus

NestableCharacter s?

Nope. We suggest writing your implementation as if you’re expecting a Queue of NestableCharacter s, because it’s simpler to think about and you should have done a warmup exercise on pencil and paper in the Background section. However, if your implementation of the algorithm is correct, it should

work just as well for other Nestable classes and objects. That’s the beauty of coding against an interface.

I don’t understand the VanNest class.

Does anyone? Some things exist to be appreciated without complete understanding.

How should I process the Queue?

These are what we would consider good practices (choose one):

  • remove/poll (i.e. dequeuing, not iterating) because Queues are meant to be drained
  • isEmpty preferred over size() because you really only care if there are more or not, not how many more

These are what we would consider bad practices:

  • peek when you know you’re going to remove the element, as then you’re just doing repeated work
  • anything that involves converting the Queue to a different data structure; use the Queue interface’s methods instead
  • for loops, for each loops, iterators, or anything else that iterates through the Queue without actually consuming it; Queues are meant to be treated as a data structure to which you only have access to the front at any given time

We encourage arguments on Ed Discussion about why each of these are good or bad.

Can I use the textbook’s solution?

There is a similar program described in Section 6.1.5 of your course textbook. You may refer to this solution and even reuse parts of it as you see fit, but keep in mind that the solution in the book is not a complete solution to this particular problem.

How can I test my implementation easily?

Check out jshell, which should be built-in with your installation of Java.

To load all of your classes into jshell, you can run this command on the command line:


It has to be in that order because when loading classes into jshell in this manner, they have to be loaded in dependency order. However there are other ways to do it that may be easier – see the jshell documentation.

Then you’ll be able to call NestingChecker.interact() to see how your implementation handles various lines of input. That method is just a convenience, you can also work directly with the other methods to interactively see how they respond to various cases. This is not entirely a replacement for unit testing, but it can be useful for figuring out some of the unit tests to write.

Optional Challenge

Implement an RPN Calculator

Postfix notation entirely avoids nesting by using a stack to manage operands and results. Operands are added to the stack in the order given, and operators pop however many values they require for input, compute the result, and push the result back onto the stack. For example:

1 1 1 + => 2

2    2   1   3   + *  =>  8

3    2   1   +   3 *  =>  9

If you want to take the exercise further, try pre-fix notation, where the operator is written before the operand (famously the basis for the entire syntax of the Lisp programming language).

1 (+ 1 1) => 2

2 (* 2 (+ 1 3)) => 8

3   (*  (+  2  1) 3)       => 9

4 (+ 1 1 1 1) => 4

Notice the last example, unlike infix and postfix, prefix makes it trivial to support arbitrary numbers of operands. A simple “add” becomes a full “sum” function.

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