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转载 $@ and $*

$@ expanded as “$1” “$2” “$3” … “$n”$* expanded as “$1y$2y$3y…$n”, where y is the value of $IFS variable i.e. “$*” is one long string and $IFS act as an separator or token delimiters...

2019-07-18 22:01:51 84

转载 SpringJPA 简单应用

在application.properties 里面声明spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=updatemodel 类里面跟数据库对应的加上注解:@Entity@Table(name = "polls...

2018-10-22 00:49:49 144

翻译 js设计模式----Behavioral Patterns之Mediator(5)

In this example we’ll greatly simplify the communication between the houses and say that all messages pass through the great lord. In this case we’ll use the house of Stark as our great lord. They...

2018-06-06 23:27:24 115

翻译 js设计模式----Behavioral Patterns之Iterator(4)

class KingSuccession { constructor(inLineForThrone){ this.inLineForThrone = inLineForThrone; this.pointer = 0; } next(){ return this.inLineForThrone[this.pointer++]...

2018-06-06 21:40:49 109

翻译 js设计模式----Behavioral Patterns之Interpreter(3)

This pattern is different from those we’ve seen to this point as there is no real class structure that is defined by the pattern. You can design your language interpreter however you wish. 用下面这种机构来...

2018-06-06 01:59:11 120

翻译 js设计模式----Behavioral Patterns之责任链(1)

The chain of responsibility pattern describes an approach in which a message tickles down from one class to another. A class can either act on the message or allow it to be passed on to the next membe...

2018-06-06 01:17:35 152

翻译 js设计模式之Structural Patterns------Bridge(2)

The bridge pattern takes the adapter pattern to a new level. Given an interface, we can build multiple adapters, each one of which acts as an intermediary to a different implementation.The first t...

2018-06-02 21:18:41 310

翻译 js设计模式之Structural Patterns------Adapter(1)

The interface of the implementation does not look the way we would like it to for use in our code. Normally the solution to this is to simply refactor the implementation so it looks the way we wou...

2018-06-02 16:58:50 76

翻译 Loops and closures

for (var i=1; i<=5; i++) { setTimeout( function delay(){ console.log( i ); }, i*100);}输出是?The i variable is being updated after the function is bound. This means that every bound fun...

2018-06-02 01:14:32 126

翻译 js设计模式----创建者模式(1)Prototype

The final creational pattern in this chapter is the Prototype pattern. Perhaps this name sounds familiar. It certainly should: it is the mechanism through which JavaScript inheritance is supported. ...

2018-06-01 00:10:36 114

翻译 js设计模式----创建者模式(1)Singleton

let Westros;(function (Westros) { var Wall = (function () { function Wall() { this.height = 0; if (Wall._instance) return Wall._instance; ...

2018-05-31 20:46:13 113

翻译 js设计模式----创建者模式(1)工厂模式

The Abstract Factory builds a family of related classes and the builder creates complicated objects using different strategies. The factory method pattern allows a class to request a new instance of a...

2018-05-31 18:45:38 117

翻译 js设计模式----创建者模式(1)Builder

In our fictional world we sometimes have some rather complicated classes, which need to be constructed. The classes contain different implementations of an interface depending on how they are constr...

2018-05-31 01:54:13 644

翻译 js设计模式----创建者模式(1)抽象工厂模式

1)抽象工厂模式 JavaScript 的动态性质 排除了描述类的需要接口。 Instead of interfaces, JavaScript trusts that the class you provide implements all the appropriate methods. At runtime the interpreter will attempt to call ...

2018-05-30 22:12:11 276

翻译 Scope变量冲突以及 IIEF

function foo() { function bar(a) { i =8; console.log(a+i); } for (var i =0 ;i<10; i++){ bar(i); }}foo();IIEF Immediately Invoked Function Expression (...

2018-05-30 01:12:32 132

翻译 js----modules2(用原文是翻译词不达意)

用 IIEF 来创建简单的继承结构:let Castle = (function () { function Castle(name) { this.name = name; } Castle.prototype.Build = function () { console.log("Castle built :"+ this.name...

2018-05-30 00:32:46 78

翻译 js -Modules

最简单的 仅仅把对象附加到global命名空间Westeros = {}典型的用法是先检验此对象是否存在,存在就使用已经存在的而不是在设值如下:Westeros = Westeros || {}对象存在的话,很简单设置我们的类到这个对象的属性上, 用 Castle 对象:let Westeros = Westeros || {}Westeros.Castle = function (name){t...

2018-05-29 23:30:56 296

翻译 js -------------let var hoisting

ECMAScript-2015  引入的 let,  用来替换 var 声明块区域的变量,for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++){console.log(i);};console.log(i); 替换 var  成 let  感受一下。最

2018-05-29 02:03:26 96

原创 今天处理了pdf 加个背景图片是用的iText

IDEA  真好用,自动导入,别人写的代码引用的是 MAVEN什么一下子就导入进来,不用自己找了回归正文, 处理已经生成的pdf 加入背景图片,  用英语搜了stackoverflow 上看到一个 算是入门,之后在iText 的官网上搜到了类似的答案https://developers.itextpdf.com/examples/stamping-content-existing-

2017-12-26 15:19:14 1247


tensorflow, Google发布的第二代深度学习系统。该框架已经很好的集成了深度学习的各种算法



jQuery 基础,包含javaScript 语法一览,有提示的Note 都是需要注意的,易出错的,



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