Setting 主界面加载以及外部注入

Setting 主界面加载以及外部注入

DashboardSummary DashboardFeatureProviderImpl CategoryManager TileUtils onCreateView rebuildUI() updateCategory getTilesForCategory getTilesByCategory tryInitCategories getCategories getTilesForAction getTilesForIntent categories mCategoryByKeyMap DashboardSummary DashboardFeatureProviderImpl CategoryManager TileUtils


 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedState) {
	 if (savedState != null) {
// We are restarting from a previous saved state; used that to initialize, instead
280            // of starting fresh.
281            setTitleFromIntent(intent);
283            ArrayList<DashboardCategory> categories =
284                    savedState.getParcelableArrayList(SAVE_KEY_CATEGORIES);
285            if (categories != null) {
286                mCategories.clear();
287                mCategories.addAll(categories);
288                setTitleFromBackStack();
289            }
290        } else {
291            launchSettingFragment(initialFragmentName, isSubSettings, intent);
292        }


382    void launchSettingFragment(String initialFragmentName, boolean isSubSettings, Intent intent) {
383        if (!mIsShowingDashboard && initialFragmentName != null) {
384            setTitleFromIntent(intent);
386            Bundle initialArguments = intent.getBundleExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT_ARGUMENTS);
387            switchToFragment(initialFragmentName, initialArguments, true, false,
388                    mInitialTitleResId, mInitialTitle, false);
389        } else {
390            // Show search icon as up affordance if we are displaying the main Dashboard
391            mInitialTitleResId = R.string.dashboard_title;
393            switchToFragment(DashboardSummary.class.getName(), null /* args */, false, false,
394                    mInitialTitleResId, mInitialTitle, false);
395        }
396    }

switchTofragment会调用dashboardSummary这个类,我们直接看到DashboardSummary的 onCreateView方法。

196    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle bundle) {
197        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
198        final View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dashboard, container, false);
199        mDashboard = root.findViewById(;
200        mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getContext());
201        mLayoutManager.setOrientation(LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL);
202        if (bundle != null) {
203            int scrollPosition = bundle.getInt(STATE_SCROLL_POSITION);
204            mLayoutManager.scrollToPosition(scrollPosition);
205        }
206        mDashboard.setLayoutManager(mLayoutManager);
207        mDashboard.setHasFixedSize(true);
208        mDashboard.setListener(this);
209        mDashboard.setItemAnimator(new DashboardItemAnimator());
210        mAdapter = new DashboardAdapter(getContext(), bundle,
211                mConditionManager.getConditions(), mSuggestionControllerMixin, getLifecycle());
212        mDashboard.setAdapter(mAdapter);
213        mSummaryLoader.setSummaryConsumer(mAdapter);
214        ActionBarShadowController.attachToRecyclerView(
215                getActivity().findViewById(, getLifecycle(), mDashboard);
216        rebuildUI();
217        if (DEBUG_TIMING) {
218            Log.d(TAG, "onCreateView took "
219                    + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms");
220        }
221        return root;
222    }


225    void rebuildUI() {
226        ThreadUtils.postOnBackgroundThread(() -> updateCategory());
227    }
273    void updateCategory() {
274        final DashboardCategory category = mDashboardFeatureProvider.getTilesForCategory(
275                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_HOMEPAGE);
276        mSummaryLoader.updateSummaryToCache(category);
277        mStagingCategory = category;
278        if (mSuggestionControllerMixin == null) {
279            ThreadUtils.postOnMainThread(() -> mAdapter.setCategory(mStagingCategory));
280            return;
281        }
282        if (mSuggestionControllerMixin.isSuggestionLoaded()) {
283            Log.d(TAG, "Suggestion has loaded, setting suggestion/category");
284            ThreadUtils.postOnMainThread(() -> {
285                if (mStagingSuggestions != null) {
286                    mAdapter.setSuggestions(mStagingSuggestions);
287                }
288                mAdapter.setCategory(mStagingCategory);
289            });
290        } else {
291            Log.d(TAG, "Suggestion NOT loaded, delaying setCategory by " + MAX_WAIT_MILLIS + "ms");
292            mHandler.postDelayed(() -> mAdapter.setCategory(mStagingCategory), MAX_WAIT_MILLIS);
293        }
294    }


public static final String CATEGORY_HOMEPAGE = ""; 


120    private synchronized void tryInitCategories(Context context, boolean forceClearCache,
121            String settingPkg) {
122        if (mCategories == null) {
123            if (forceClearCache) {
124                mTileByComponentCache.clear();
125            }
126            mCategoryByKeyMap.clear();
127            mCategories = TileUtils.getCategories(context, mTileByComponentCache,
128                    false /* categoryDefinedInManifest */, mExtraAction, settingPkg);
129            for (DashboardCategory category : mCategories) {
130                mCategoryByKeyMap.put(category.key, category);
131            }
132            backwardCompatCleanupForCategory(mTileByComponentCache, mCategoryByKeyMap);
133            sortCategories(context, mCategoryByKeyMap);
134            filterDuplicateTiles(mCategoryByKeyMap);
135        }
136    }


215    public static List<DashboardCategory> getCategories(Context context,
216            Map<Pair<String, String>, Tile> cache, boolean categoryDefinedInManifest,
217            String extraAction, String settingPkg) {
218        final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
219        boolean setup = Global.getInt(context.getContentResolver(), Global.DEVICE_PROVISIONED, 0)
220                != 0;
221        ArrayList<Tile> tiles = new ArrayList<>();
222        UserManager userManager = (UserManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
223        for (UserHandle user : userManager.getUserProfiles()) {
224            // TODO: Needs much optimization, too many PM queries going on here.
225            if (user.getIdentifier() == ActivityManager.getCurrentUser()) {
226                // Only add Settings for this user.
227                getTilesForAction(context, user, SETTINGS_ACTION, cache, null, tiles, true,
228                        settingPkg);
229                getTilesForAction(context, user, OPERATOR_SETTINGS, cache,
230                        OPERATOR_DEFAULT_CATEGORY, tiles, false, true, settingPkg);
231                getTilesForAction(context, user, MANUFACTURER_SETTINGS, cache,
232                        MANUFACTURER_DEFAULT_CATEGORY, tiles, false, true, settingPkg);
233            }
234            if (setup) {
235                getTilesForAction(context, user, EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION, cache, null, tiles, false,
236                        settingPkg);
237                if (!categoryDefinedInManifest) {
238                    getTilesForAction(context, user, IA_SETTINGS_ACTION, cache, null, tiles, false,
239                            settingPkg);
240                    if (extraAction != null) {
241                        getTilesForAction(context, user, extraAction, cache, null, tiles, false,
242                                settingPkg);
243                    }
244                }
245            }
246        }
248        HashMap<String, DashboardCategory> categoryMap = new HashMap<>();
249        for (Tile tile : tiles) {
250            DashboardCategory category = categoryMap.get(tile.category);
251            if (category == null) {
252                category = createCategory(context, tile.category, categoryDefinedInManifest);
253                if (category == null) {
254                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't find category " + tile.category);
255                    continue;
256                }
257                categoryMap.put(category.key, category);
258            }
259            category.addTile(tile);
260        }
261        ArrayList<DashboardCategory> categories = new ArrayList<>(categoryMap.values());
262        for (DashboardCategory category : categories) {
263            category.sortTiles();
264        }
265        Collections.sort(categories, CATEGORY_COMPARATOR);
266        if (DEBUG_TIMING) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "getCategories took "
267                + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms");
268        return categories;
269    }


68    public static final String EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION =
69            "";
74    private static final String IA_SETTINGS_ACTION =
75            "";
81    private static final String SETTINGS_ACTION =
82            "";
84    private static final String OPERATOR_SETTINGS =
85            "";
90    private static final String MANUFACTURER_SETTINGS =
91            "";


    public static void getTilesForIntent(
334            Context context, UserHandle user, Intent intent,
335            Map<Pair<String, String>, Tile> addedCache, String defaultCategory, List<Tile> outTiles,
336            boolean usePriority, boolean checkCategory, boolean forceTintExternalIcon,
337            boolean shouldUpdateTiles) {
338        PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
339        List<ResolveInfo> results = pm.queryIntentActivitiesAsUser(intent,
340                PackageManager.GET_META_DATA, user.getIdentifier());
341        Map<String, IContentProvider> providerMap = new HashMap<>();
342        for (ResolveInfo resolved : results) {
343            if (!resolved.system) {
344                // Do not allow any app to add to settings, only system ones.
345                continue;
346            }
347            ActivityInfo activityInfo = resolved.activityInfo;
348            Bundle metaData = activityInfo.metaData;
349            String categoryKey = defaultCategory;
351            // Load category
352            if (checkCategory && ((metaData == null) || !metaData.containsKey(EXTRA_CATEGORY_KEY))
353                    && categoryKey == null) {
354                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Found " + + " for intent "
355                        + intent + " missing metadata "
356                        + (metaData == null ? "" : EXTRA_CATEGORY_KEY));
357                continue;
358            } else {
359                categoryKey = metaData.getString(EXTRA_CATEGORY_KEY);
360            }
362            Pair<String, String> key = new Pair<String, String>(activityInfo.packageName,
363          ;
364            Tile tile = addedCache.get(key);
365            if (tile == null) {
366                tile = new Tile();
367                tile.intent = new Intent().setClassName(
368                        activityInfo.packageName,;
369                tile.category = categoryKey;
370                tile.priority = usePriority ? resolved.priority : 0;
371                tile.metaData = activityInfo.metaData;
372                updateTileData(context, tile, activityInfo, activityInfo.applicationInfo,
373                        pm, providerMap, forceTintExternalIcon);
374                if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Adding tile " + tile.title);
375                addedCache.put(key, tile);
376            } else if (shouldUpdateTiles) {
377                updateSummaryAndTitle(context, providerMap, tile);
378            }
380            if (!tile.userHandle.contains(user)) {
381                tile.userHandle.add(user);
382            }
383            if (!outTiles.contains(tile)) {
384                outTiles.add(tile);
385            }
386        }
387    }


338        PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
339        List<ResolveInfo> results = pm.queryIntentActivitiesAsUser(intent,
340                PackageManager.GET_META_DATA, user.getIdentifier());


343            if (!resolved.system) {
344                // Do not allow any app to add to settings, only system ones.
345                continue;
346            }


352            if (checkCategory && ((metaData == null) || !metaData.containsKey(EXTRA_CATEGORY_KEY))
353                    && categoryKey == null) {
354                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Found " + + " for intent "
355                        + intent + " missing metadata "
356                        + (metaData == null ? "" : EXTRA_CATEGORY_KEY));
357                continue;
358            } else {
359                categoryKey = metaData.getString(EXTRA_CATEGORY_KEY);
360            }
105    private static final String EXTRA_CATEGORY_KEY = "";

当metadata中必须有 ""时,才会将该activity存进map中。后面是给tile设置一些基本属性,这里我们注意需要注意一下的是设置优先级的位置:

tile.priority = usePriority ? resolved.priority : 0;


225            if (user.getIdentifier() == ActivityManager.getCurrentUser()) {
226                // Only add Settings for this user.
227                getTilesForAction(context, user, SETTINGS_ACTION, cache, null, tiles, true,
228                        settingPkg);
229                getTilesForAction(context, user, OPERATOR_SETTINGS, cache,
230                        OPERATOR_DEFAULT_CATEGORY, tiles, false, true, settingPkg);
231                getTilesForAction(context, user, MANUFACTURER_SETTINGS, cache,
232                        MANUFACTURER_DEFAULT_CATEGORY, tiles, false, true, settingPkg);
233            }
234            if (setup) {
235                getTilesForAction(context, user, EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION, cache, null, tiles, false,
236                        settingPkg);
237                if (!categoryDefinedInManifest) {
238                    getTilesForAction(context, user, IA_SETTINGS_ACTION, cache, null, tiles, false,
239                            settingPkg);
240                    if (extraAction != null) {
241                        getTilesForAction(context, user, extraAction, cache, null, tiles, false,
242                                settingPkg);
243                    }
244                }
245            }
246        }


248        HashMap<String, DashboardCategory> categoryMap = new HashMap<>();
249        for (Tile tile : tiles) {
250            DashboardCategory category = categoryMap.get(tile.category);
251            if (category == null) {
252                category = createCategory(context, tile.category, categoryDefinedInManifest);
253                if (category == null) {
254                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't find category " + tile.category);
255                    continue;
256                }
257                categoryMap.put(category.key, category);
258            }
259            category.addTile(tile);
260        }
261        ArrayList<DashboardCategory> categories = new ArrayList<>(categoryMap.values());
262        for (DashboardCategory category : categories) {
263            category.sortTiles();
264        }
265        Collections.sort(categories, CATEGORY_COMPARATOR);



76    public synchronized DashboardCategory getTilesByCategory(Context context, String categoryKey,
77            String settingPkg) {
78        tryInitCategories(context, settingPkg);
80        return mCategoryByKeyMap.get(categoryKey);
81    }





333    void refreshDashboardTiles(final String TAG) {
334        final PreferenceScreen screen = getPreferenceScreen();
336        final DashboardCategory category =
337                mDashboardFeatureProvider.getTilesForCategory(getCategoryKey());
399		}
233    public String getCategoryKey() {
234        return DashboardFragmentRegistry.PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.get(getClass().getName());
235    }


65                NetworkDashboardFragment.class.getName(), CategoryKey.CATEGORY_NETWORK);
66        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(ConnectedDeviceDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
67                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_CONNECT);
68        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(AdvancedConnectedDeviceDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
69                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_DEVICE);
70        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(AppAndNotificationDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
71                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_APPS);
72        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(PowerUsageSummary.class.getName(),
73                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_BATTERY);
74        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(DefaultAppSettings.class.getName(),
75                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_APPS_DEFAULT);
76        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(DisplaySettings.class.getName(),
77                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_DISPLAY);
78        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(SoundSettings.class.getName(),
79                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_SOUND);
80        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(StorageDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
81                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_STORAGE);
82        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(SecuritySettings.class.getName(),
83                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_SECURITY);
84        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(AccountDetailDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
85                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_ACCOUNT_DETAIL);
86        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(AccountDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
87                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_ACCOUNT);
89                SystemDashboardFragment.class.getName(), CategoryKey.CATEGORY_SYSTEM);
90        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(LanguageAndInputSettings.class.getName(),
91                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE);
92        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
93                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_SYSTEM_DEVELOPMENT);
94        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(ConfigureNotificationSettings.class.getName(),
95                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_NOTIFICATIONS);
96        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(LockscreenDashboardFragment.class.getName(),
97                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_SECURITY_LOCKSCREEN);
98        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(ZenModeSettings.class.getName(),
99                CategoryKey.CATEGORY_DO_NOT_DISTURB);
100        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(GestureSettings.class.getName(),
101            CategoryKey.CATEGORY_GESTURES);
102        PARENT_TO_CATEGORY_KEY_MAP.put(NightDisplaySettings.class.getName(),
103            CategoryKey.CATEGORY_NIGHT_DISPLAY);


24    public static final String CATEGORY_HOMEPAGE = ""; 
26    // Top level category.
27    public static final String CATEGORY_NETWORK = "";
28    public static final String CATEGORY_CONNECT = "";
29    public static final String CATEGORY_DEVICE = "";
30    public static final String CATEGORY_APPS = "";
31    public static final String CATEGORY_APPS_DEFAULT =
32            "";
33    public static final String CATEGORY_BATTERY = "";
34    public static final String CATEGORY_DISPLAY = "";
35    public static final String CATEGORY_SOUND = "";
36    public static final String CATEGORY_STORAGE = "";
37    public static final String CATEGORY_SECURITY = "";
38    public static final String CATEGORY_SECURITY_LOCKSCREEN =
39            "";
40    public static final String CATEGORY_ACCOUNT = "";
41    public static final String CATEGORY_ACCOUNT_DETAIL =
42            "";
43    public static final String CATEGORY_SYSTEM = "";
44    public static final String CATEGORY_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE =
45            "";
46    public static final String CATEGORY_SYSTEM_DEVELOPMENT =
47            "";
48    public static final String CATEGORY_NOTIFICATIONS =
49            "";
50    public static final String CATEGORY_DO_NOT_DISTURB = "";
51    public static final String CATEGORY_GESTURES = "";
52    public static final String CATEGORY_NIGHT_DISPLAY =
53            "";




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


