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原创 用C语言简单地实现序列卷积与反卷积运算
时间过的真快WiFi 6 从2018年诞生,到现在四年了。嘿嘿嘿,作为射频菜鸟,有幸接触WiFi 6E(E代表Extended)。但不管这么着,调制信号或多多少都会用到正交解调,包括IQ解调。而里面呀,肯定要包含卷积运算的。万丈高楼起于垒土,先从简单的序列卷积来慢慢看这座高楼是怎么建设的。卷积是常见信号处理手段,沙雕地讲它可以理解为信号的扩散,即从一个信号弥散到另一个信号中。但是严格地说是因为正交基的运用,使时域可以转换成频域,而时域相乘正好便是频域的卷积。卷积和反卷积的...
2022-02-27 12:03:16 1303 1
Waves in Plasmas (射频加热的波的理论)
1 Fundamentals
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Stationary and homogeneous plasmas
1.3 Wave in inhomogeneous plasmas
1.4 Energy transfers
2 Fluid theory of plasma waves
2.1 Fluid equations
2.2 Cold plasma
2.3 Cold plasma waves
2.4 Thermal corrections
2.5 Collisional damping
2.6 Waves and beams
3 Kinetic theory of plasma waves
3.1 Elements of kinetic theory
3.2 Electrostatic waves in an unmagnetized plasma
3.3 Waves in a magnetized plasma
3.4 Quasilinear theory
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