
# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
#             BOF
#             UNCALCED
#             INDEX
#             Calculation Settings Block
#             PRINTHEADERS
#             PRINTGRIDLINES
#             GRIDSET
#             GUTS
#             WSBOOL
#             Page Settings Block
#             Worksheet Protection Block
#             DEFCOLWIDTH
#             COLINFO
#             SORT
#             DIMENSIONS
#             Row Blocks
#             WINDOW2
#             SCL
#             PANE
#             SELECTION
#             STANDARDWIDTH
#             MERGEDCELLS
#             LABELRANGES
#             PHONETIC
#             Conditional Formatting Table
#             Hyperlink Table
#             Data Validity Table
#             SHEETLAYOUT (BIFF8X only)
#             SHEETPROTECTION (BIFF8X only)
#             RANGEPROTECTION (BIFF8X only)
#             EOF

from . import BIFFRecords
from . import Bitmap
from . import Style
from .Row import Row
from .Column import Column
from .compat import unicode, itervalues
import tempfile

class Worksheet(object):
    This is a class
    representing the contents of a sheet in a workbook.

    .. warning::

      You don't normally create instances of this class yourself.
      They are returned from calls to :meth:`~xlwt.Workbook.Workbook.add_sheet`.
    # a safe default value, 3 is always valid!
    active_pane = 3
    ## Constructor
    def __init__(self, sheetname, parent_book, cell_overwrite_ok=False):
        self.Row = Row
        self.Column = Column

        self.__name = sheetname
        self.__parent = parent_book
        self._cell_overwrite_ok = cell_overwrite_ok

        self.__rows = {}
        self.__cols = {}
        self.__merged_ranges = []
        self.__bmp_rec = b''

        self.__show_formulas = 0
        self.__show_grid = 1
        self.__show_headers = 1
        self.__panes_frozen = 0
        self.show_zero_values = 1
        self.__auto_colour_grid = 1
        self.__cols_right_to_left = 0
        self.__show_outline = 1
        self.__remove_splits = 0
        # Multiple sheets can be selected, but only one can be active
        # (hold down Ctrl and click multiple tabs in the file in OOo)
        self.__selected = 0
        # "sheet_visible" should really be called "sheet_active"
        # and is 1 when this sheet is the sheet displayed when the file
        # is open. More than likely only one sheet should ever be set as
        # visible.
        # The same sheet should be specified in Workbook.active_sheet
        # (that way, both the WINDOW1 record in the book and the WINDOW2
        # records in each sheet will be in agreement)
        # The visibility of the sheet is found in the "visibility"
        # attribute obtained from the BOUNDSHEET record.
        self.__sheet_visible = 0
        self.__page_preview = 0

        self.__first_visible_row = 0
        self.__first_visible_col = 0
        self.__grid_colour = 0x40
        self.__preview_magn = 0 # use default (60%)
        self.__normal_magn = 0 # use default (100%)
        self.__scl_magn = None
        self.explicit_magn_setting = False

        self.visibility = 0 # from/to BOUNDSHEET record.

        self.__vert_split_pos = None
        self.__horz_split_pos = None
        self.__vert_split_first_visible = None
        self.__horz_split_first_visible = None

        # This is a caller-settable flag:

        self.split_position_units_are_twips = False

        # Default is False for backward compatibility with pyExcelerator
        # and previous versions of xlwt.
        #   if panes_frozen:
        #       vert/horz_split_pos are taken as number of rows/cols
        #   else: # split
        #       if split_position_units_are_twips:
        #           vert/horz_split_pos are taken as number of twips
        #       else:
        #           vert/horz_split_pos are taken as
        #           number of rows(cols) * default row(col) height (width) (i.e. 12.75 (8.43) somethings)
        #           and converted to twips by approximate formulas
        # Callers who are copying an existing file should use
        #     xlwt_worksheet.split_position_units_are_twips = True
        # because that's what's actually in the file.

		# There are 20 twips to a point. There are 72 points to an inch.

        self.__row_gut_width = 0
        self.__col_gut_height = 0

        self.__show_auto_page_breaks = 1
        self.__dialogue_sheet = 0
        self.__auto_style_outline = 0
        self.__outline_below = 0
        self.__outline_right = 0
        self.__fit_num_pages = 0
        self.__show_row_outline = 1
        self.__show_col_outline = 1
        self.__alt_expr_eval = 0
        self.__alt_formula_entries = 0

        self.__row_default_height = 0x00FF
        self.row_default_height_mismatch = 0
        self.row_default_hidden = 0
        self.row_default_space_above = 0
        self.row_default_space_below = 0

        self.__col_default_width = 0x0008

        self.__calc_mode = 1
        self.__calc_count = 0x0064
        self.__RC_ref_mode = 1
        self.__iterations_on = 0
        self.__delta = 0.001
        self.__save_recalc = 0

        self.__print_headers = 0
        self.__print_grid = 0
        self.__grid_set = 1
        self.__vert_page_breaks = []
        self.__horz_page_breaks = []
        self.__header_str = '&P'
        self.__footer_str = '&F'
        self.__print_centered_vert = 0
        self.__print_centered_horz = 1
        self.__left_margin = 0.3 #0.5
        self.__right_margin = 0.3 #0.5
        self.__top_margin = 0.61 #1.0
        self.__bottom_margin = 0.37 #1.0
        self.__paper_size_code = 9 # A4
        self.__print_scaling = 100
        self.__start_page_number = 1
        self.__fit_width_to_pages = 1
        self.__fit_height_to_pages = 1
        self.__print_in_rows = 1
        self.__portrait = 1
        self.__print_not_colour = 0
        self.__print_draft = 0
        self.__print_notes = 0
        self.__print_notes_at_end = 0
        self.__print_omit_errors = 0
        self.__print_hres = 0x012C # 300 dpi
        self.__print_vres = 0x012C # 300 dpi
        self.__header_margin = 0.1
        self.__footer_margin = 0.1
        self.__copies_num = 1

        self.__wnd_protect = 0
        self.__obj_protect = 0
        self.__protect = 0
        self.__scen_protect = 0
        self.__password = ''

        self.last_used_row = 0
        self.first_used_row = 65535
        self.last_used_col = 0
        self.first_used_col = 255
        self.row_tempfile = None
        self.__flushed_rows = {}
        self.__row_visible_levels = 0

    ## Properties, "getters", "setters"

    def set_name(self, value):
        self.__name = value

    def get_name(self):
        return self.__name

    name = property(get_name, set_name)


    def get_parent(self):
        return self.__parent

    parent = property(get_parent)


    def get_rows(self):
        return self.__rows

    rows = property(get_rows)


    def get_cols(self):
        return self.__cols

    cols = property(get_cols)


    def get_merged_ranges(self):
        return self.__merged_ranges

    merged_ranges = property(get_merged_ranges)


    def get_bmp_rec(self):
        return self.__bmp_rec

    bmp_rec = property(get_bmp_rec)


    def set_show_formulas(self, value):
        self.__show_formulas = int(value)

    def get_show_formulas(self):
        return bool(self.__show_formulas)

    show_formulas = property(get_show_formulas, set_show_formulas)


    def set_show_grid(self, value):
        self.__show_grid = int(value)

    def get_show_grid(self):
        return bool(self.__show_grid)

    show_grid = property(get_show_grid, set_show_grid)


    def set_show_headers(self, value):
        self.__show_headers = int(value)

    def get_show_headers(self):
        return bool(self.__show_headers)

    show_headers = property(get_show_headers, set_show_headers)


    def set_panes_frozen(self, value):
        self.__panes_frozen = int(value)

    def get_panes_frozen(self):
        return bool(self.__panes_frozen)

    panes_frozen = property(get_panes_frozen, set_panes_frozen)


    ### def set_show_empty_as_zero(self, value):
    ###     self.__show_empty_as_zero = int(value)

    ### def get_show_empty_as_zero(self):
    ###     return bool(self.__show_empty_as_zero)

    ### show_empty_as_zero = property(get_show_empty_as_zero, set_show_empty_as_zero)


    def set_auto_colour_grid(self, value):
        self.__auto_colour_grid = int(value)

    def get_auto_colour_grid(self):
        return bool(self.__auto_colour_grid)

    auto_colour_grid = property(get_auto_colour_grid, set_auto_colour_grid)


    def set_cols_right_to_left(self, value):
        self.__cols_right_to_left = int(value)

    def get_cols_right_to_left(self):
        return bool(self.__cols_right_to_left)

    cols_right_to_left = property(get_cols_right_to_left, set_cols_right_to_left)


    def set_show_outline(self, value):
        self.__show_outline = int(value)

    def get_show_outline(self):
        return bool(self.__show_outline)

    show_outline = property(get_show_outline, set_show_outline)


    def set_remove_splits(self, value):
        self.__remove_splits = int(value)

    def get_remove_splits(self):
        return bool(self.__remove_splits)

    remove_splits = property(get_remove_splits, set_remove_splits)


    def set_selected(self, value):
        self.__selected = int(value)

    def get_selected(self):
        return bool(self.__selected)

    selected = property(get_selected, set_selected)


    def set_sheet_visible(self, value):
        self.__sheet_visible = int(value)

    def get_sheet_visible(self):
        return bool(self.__sheet_visible)

    sheet_visible = property(get_sheet_visible, set_sheet_visible)


    def set_page_preview(self, value):
        self.__page_preview = int(value)

    def get_page_preview(self):
        return bool(self.__page_preview)

    page_preview = property(get_page_preview, set_page_preview)


    def set_first_visible_row(self, value):
        self.__first_visible_row = value

    def get_first_visible_row(self):
        return self.__first_visible_row

    first_visible_row = property(get_first_visible_row, set_first_visible_row)


    def set_first_visible_col(self, value):
        self.__first_visible_col = value

    def get_first_visible_col(self):
        return self.__first_visible_col

    first_visible_col = property(get_first_visible_col, set_first_visible_col)


    def set_grid_colour(self, value):
        self.__grid_colour = value

    def get_grid_colour(self):
        return self.__grid_colour

    grid_colour = property(get_grid_colour, set_grid_colour)


    def set_preview_magn(self, value):
        self.__preview_magn = value

    def get_preview_magn(self):
        return self.__preview_magn

    preview_magn = property(get_preview_magn, set_preview_magn)


    def set_normal_magn(self, value):
        self.__normal_magn = value

    def get_normal_magn(self):
        return self.__normal_magn

    normal_magn = property(get_normal_magn, set_normal_magn)


    def set_scl_magn(self, value):
        self.__scl_magn = value

    def get_scl_magn(self):
        return self.__scl_magn

    scl_magn = property(get_scl_magn, set_scl_magn)


    def set_vert_split_pos(self, value):
        self.__vert_split_pos = abs(value)

    def get_vert_split_pos(self):
        return self.__vert_split_pos

    vert_split_pos = property(get_vert_split_pos, set_vert_split_pos)


    def set_horz_split_pos(self, value):
        self.__horz_split_pos = abs(value)

    def get_horz_split_pos(self):
        return self.__horz_split_pos

    horz_split_pos = property(get_horz_split_pos, set_horz_split_pos)


    def set_vert_split_first_visible(self, value):
        self.__vert_split_first_visible = abs(value)

    def get_vert_split_first_visible(self):
        return self.__vert_split_first_visible

    vert_split_first_visible = property(get_vert_split_first_visible, set_vert_split_first_visible)


    def set_horz_split_first_visible(self, value):
        self.__horz_split_first_visible = abs(value)

    def get_horz_split_first_visible(self):
        return self.__horz_split_first_visible

    horz_split_first_visible = property(get_horz_split_first_visible, set_horz_split_first_visible)


    #def set_row_gut_width(self, value):
    #    self.__row_gut_width = value
    #def get_row_gut_width(self):
    #    return self.__row_gut_width
    #row_gut_width = property(get_row_gut_width, set_row_gut_width)
    #def set_col_gut_height(self, value):
    #    self.__col_gut_height = value
    #def get_col_gut_height(self):
    #    return self.__col_gut_height
    #col_gut_height = property(get_col_gut_height, set_col_gut_height)

    def set_show_auto_page_breaks(self, value):
        self.__show_auto_page_breaks = int(value)

    def get_show_auto_page_breaks(self):
        return bool(self.__show_auto_page_breaks)

    show_auto_page_breaks = property(get_show_auto_page_breaks, set_show_auto_page_breaks)


    def set_dialogue_sheet(self, value):
        self.__dialogue_sheet = int(value)

    def get_dialogue_sheet(self):
        return bool(self.__dialogue_sheet)

    dialogue_sheet = property(get_dialogue_sheet, set_dialogue_sheet)


    def set_auto_style_outline(self, value):
        self.__auto_style_outline = int(value)

    def get_auto_style_outline(self):
        return bool(self.__auto_style_outline)

    auto_style_outline = property(get_auto_style_outline, set_auto_style_outline)


    def set_outline_below(self, value):
        self.__outline_below = int(value)

    def get_outline_below(self):
        return bool(self.__outline_below)

    outline_below = property(get_outline_below, set_outline_below)


    def set_outline_right(self, value):
        self.__outline_right = int(value)

    def get_outline_right(self):
        return bool(self.__outline_right)

    outline_right = property(get_outline_right, set_outline_right)


    def set_fit_num_pages(self, value):
        self.__fit_num_pages = value

    def get_fit_num_pages(self):
        return self.__fit_num_pages

    fit_num_pages = property(get_fit_num_pages, set_fit_num_pages)


    def set_show_row_outline(self, value):
        self.__show_row_outline = int(value)

    def get_show_row_outline(self):
        return bool(self.__show_row_outline)

    show_row_outline = property(get_show_row_outline, set_show_row_outline)


    def set_show_col_outline(self, value):
        self.__show_col_outline = int(value)

    def get_show_col_outline(self):
        return bool(self.__show_col_outline)

    show_col_outline = property(get_show_col_outline, set_show_col_outline)


    def set_alt_expr_eval(self, value):
        self.__alt_expr_eval = int(value)

    def get_alt_expr_eval(self):
        return bool(self.__alt_expr_eval)

    alt_expr_eval = property(get_alt_expr_eval, set_alt_expr_eval)


    def set_alt_formula_entries(self, value):
        self.__alt_formula_entries = int(value)

    def get_alt_formula_entries(self):
        return bool(self.__alt_formula_entries)

    alt_formula_entries = property(get_alt_formula_entries, set_alt_formula_entries)


    def set_row_default_height(self, value):
        self.__row_default_height = value

    def get_row_default_height(self):
        return self.__row_default_height

    row_default_height = property(get_row_default_height, set_row_default_height)


    def set_col_default_width(self, value):
        self.__col_default_width = value

    def get_col_default_width(self):
        return self.__col_default_width

    col_default_width = property(get_col_default_width, set_col_default_width)


    def set_calc_mode(self, value):
        self.__calc_mode = value & 0x03

    def get_calc_mode(self):
        return self.__calc_mode

    calc_mode = property(get_calc_mode, set_calc_mode)


    def set_calc_count(self, value):
        self.__calc_count = value

    def get_calc_count(self):
        return self.__calc_count

    calc_count = property(get_calc_count, set_calc_count)


    def set_RC_ref_mode(self, value):
        self.__RC_ref_mode = int(value)

    def get_RC_ref_mode(self):
        return bool(self.__RC_ref_mode)

    RC_ref_mode = property(get_RC_ref_mode, set_RC_ref_mode)


    def set_iterations_on(self, value):
        self.__iterations_on = int(value)

    def get_iterations_on(self):
        return bool(self.__iterations_on)

    iterations_on = property(get_iterations_on, set_iterations_on)


    def set_delta(self, value):
        self.__delta = value

    def get_delta(self):
        return self.__delta

    delta = property(get_delta, set_delta)


    def set_save_recalc(self, value):
        self.__save_recalc = int(value)

    def get_save_recalc(self):
        return bool(self.__save_recalc)

    save_recalc = property(get_save_recalc, set_save_recalc)


    def set_print_headers(self, value):
        self.__print_headers = int(value)

    def get_print_headers(self):
        return bool(self.__print_headers)

    print_headers = property(get_print_headers, set_print_headers)


    def set_print_grid(self, value):
        self.__print_grid = int(value)

    def get_print_grid(self):
        return bool(self.__print_grid)

    print_grid = property(get_print_grid, set_print_grid)

    #def set_grid_set(self, value):
    #    self.__grid_set = int(value)
    #def get_grid_set(self):
    #    return bool(self.__grid_set)
    #grid_set = property(get_grid_set, set_grid_set)

    def set_vert_page_breaks(self, value):
        self.__vert_page_breaks = value

    def get_vert_page_breaks(self):
        return self.__vert_page_breaks

    vert_page_breaks = property(get_vert_page_breaks, set_vert_page_breaks)


    def set_horz_page_breaks(self, value):
        self.__horz_page_breaks = value

    def get_horz_page_breaks(self):
        return self.__horz_page_breaks

    horz_page_breaks = property(get_horz_page_breaks, set_horz_page_breaks)


    def set_header_str(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, str):
            value = unicode(value, self.__parent.encoding)
        self.__header_str = value

    def get_header_str(self):
        return self.__header_str

    header_str = property(get_header_str, set_header_str)


    def set_footer_str(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, str):
            value = unicode(value, self.__parent.encoding)
        self.__footer_str = value

    def get_footer_str(self):
        return self.__footer_str

    footer_str = property(get_footer_str, set_footer_str)


    def set_print_centered_vert(self, value):
        self.__print_centered_vert = int(value)

    def get_print_centered_vert(self):
        return bool(self.__print_centered_vert)

    print_centered_vert = property(get_print_centered_vert, set_print_centered_vert)


    def set_print_centered_horz(self, value):
        self.__print_centered_horz = int(value)

    def get_print_centered_horz(self):
        return bool(self.__print_centered_horz)

    print_centered_horz = property(get_print_centered_horz, set_print_centered_horz)


    def set_left_margin(self, value):
        self.__left_margin = value

    def get_left_margin(self):
        return self.__left_margin

    left_margin = property(get_left_margin, set_left_margin)


    def set_right_margin(self, value):
        self.__right_margin = value

    def get_right_margin(self):
        return self.__right_margin

    right_margin = property(get_right_margin, set_right_margin)


    def set_top_margin(self, value):
        self.__top_margin = value

    def get_top_margin(self):
        return self.__top_margin

    top_margin = property(get_top_margin, set_top_margin)


    def set_bottom_margin(self, value):
        self.__bottom_margin = value

    def get_bottom_margin(self):
        return self.__bottom_margin

    bottom_margin = property(get_bottom_margin, set_bottom_margin)


    def set_paper_size_code(self, value):
        self.__paper_size_code = value

    def get_paper_size_code(self):
        return self.__paper_size_code

    paper_size_code = property(get_paper_size_code, set_paper_size_code)


    def set_print_scaling(self, value):
        self.__print_scaling = value

    def get_print_scaling(self):
        return self.__print_scaling

    print_scaling = property(get_print_scaling, set_print_scaling)


    def set_start_page_number(self, value):
        self.__start_page_number = value

    def get_start_page_number(self):
        return self.__start_page_number

    start_page_number = property(get_start_page_number, set_start_page_number)


    def set_fit_width_to_pages(self, value):
        self.__fit_width_to_pages = value

    def get_fit_width_to_pages(self):
        return self.__fit_width_to_pages

    fit_width_to_pages = property(get_fit_width_to_pages, set_fit_width_to_pages)


    def set_fit_height_to_pages(self, value):
        self.__fit_height_to_pages = value

    def get_fit_height_to_pages(self):
        return self.__fit_height_to_pages

    fit_height_to_pages = property(get_fit_height_to_pages, set_fit_height_to_pages)


    def set_print_in_rows(self, value):
        self.__print_in_rows = int(value)

    def get_print_in_rows(self):
        return bool(self.__print_in_rows)

    print_in_rows = property(get_print_in_rows, set_print_in_rows)


    def set_portrait(self, value):
        self.__portrait = int(value)

    def get_portrait(self):
        return bool(self.__portrait)

    portrait = property(get_portrait, set_portrait)


    def set_print_colour(self, value):
        self.__print_not_colour = int(not value)

    def get_print_colour(self):
        return not bool(self.__print_not_colour)

    print_colour = property(get_print_colour, set_print_colour)


    def set_print_draft(self, value):
        self.__print_draft = int(value)

    def get_print_draft(self):
        return bool(self.__print_draft)

    print_draft = property(get_print_draft, set_print_draft)


    def set_print_notes(self, value):
        self.__print_notes = int(value)

    def get_print_notes(self):
        return bool(self.__print_notes)

    print_notes = property(get_print_notes, set_print_notes)


    def set_print_notes_at_end(self, value):
        self.__print_notes_at_end = int(value)

    def get_print_notes_at_end(self):
        return bool(self.__print_notes_at_end)

    print_notes_at_end = property(get_print_notes_at_end, set_print_notes_at_end)


    def set_print_omit_errors(self, value):
        self.__print_omit_errors = int(value)

    def get_print_omit_errors(self):
        return bool(self.__print_omit_errors)

    print_omit_errors = property(get_print_omit_errors, set_print_omit_errors)


    def set_print_hres(self, value):
        self.__print_hres = value

    def get_print_hres(self):
        return self.__print_hres

    print_hres = property(get_print_hres, set_print_hres)


    def set_print_vres(self, value):
        self.__print_vres = value

    def get_print_vres(self):
        return self.__print_vres

    print_vres = property(get_print_vres, set_print_vres)


    def set_header_margin(self, value):
        self.__header_margin = value

    def get_header_margin(self):
        return self.__header_margin

    header_margin = property(get_header_margin, set_header_margin)


    def set_footer_margin(self, value):
        self.__footer_margin = value

    def get_footer_margin(self):
        return self.__footer_margin

    footer_margin = property(get_footer_margin, set_footer_margin)


    def set_copies_num(self, value):
        self.__copies_num = value

    def get_copies_num(self):
        return self.__copies_num

    copies_num = property(get_copies_num, set_copies_num)


    def set_wnd_protect(self, value):
        self.__wnd_protect = int(value)

    def get_wnd_protect(self):
        return bool(self.__wnd_protect)

    wnd_protect = property(get_wnd_protect, set_wnd_protect)


    def set_obj_protect(self, value):
        self.__obj_protect = int(value)

    def get_obj_protect(self):
        return bool(self.__obj_protect)

    obj_protect = property(get_obj_protect, set_obj_protect)


    def set_protect(self, value):
        self.__protect = int(value)

    def get_protect(self):
        return bool(self.__protect)

    protect = property(get_protect, set_protect)


    def set_scen_protect(self, value):
        self.__scen_protect = int(value)

    def get_scen_protect(self):
        return bool(self.__scen_protect)

    scen_protect = property(get_scen_protect, set_scen_protect)


    def set_password(self, value):
        self.__password = value

    def get_password(self):
        return self.__password

    password = property(get_password, set_password)

    ## Methods

    def get_parent(self):
        return self.__parent

    def write(self, r, c, label="", style=Style.default_style):
        This method is used to write a cell to a :class:`Worksheet`.

        :param r:

           The zero-relative number of the row in the worksheet to which
           the cell should be written.

        :param c:

           The zero-relative number of the column in the worksheet to which
           the cell should be written.

        :param label:

           The data value to be written.

           An :class:`int`, :class:`long`, or
           :class:`~decimal.Decimal` instance is converted to :class:`float`.

           A :class:`unicode` instance is written as is. A :class:`bytes`
           instance is converted to :class:`unicode` using the
           encoding, which defaults to ``ascii``, specified when the
           :class:`Workbook` instance was created.

           A :class:`~datetime.datetime`, :class:`~datetime.date` or
           :class:`~datetime.time` instance is converted into Excel date format
           (a float representing the number of days since (typically)
           ``1899-12-31T00:00:00``, under the pretence that
           1900 was a leap year).

           A :class:`bool` instance will show up as ``TRUE`` or ``FALSE`` in

           ``None`` causes the cell to be blank: no data, only formatting.

           An :class:`xlwt.Formula` instance causes an Excel formula to be

        :param style:

           A style, also known as an XF (extended format), is an
           :class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` object, which encapsulates the
           formatting applied to the cell and its contents.

           :class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` objects are best set up using the
           :func:`~xlwt.Style.easyxf` function. They may also be set up by
           setting attributes in :class:`Alignment`, :class:`Borders`,
           :class:`Pattern`, :class:`Font` and :class:`Protection` objects then
           setting those objects and a format string as attributes of an
           :class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` object.
        self.row(r).write(c, label, style)

    def write_rich_text(self, r, c, rich_text_list, style=Style.default_style):
        self.row(r).set_cell_rich_text(c, rich_text_list, style)

    def merge(self, r1, r2, c1, c2, style=Style.default_style):
        # Stand-alone merge of previously written cells.
        # Problems: (1) style to be used should be existing style of
        # the top-left cell, not an arg.
        # (2) should ensure that any previous data value in
        # non-top-left cells is nobbled.
        # Note: if a cell is set by a data record then later
        # is referenced by a [MUL]BLANK record, Excel will blank
        # out the cell on the screen, but OOo & Gnu will not
        # blank it out. Need to do something better than writing
        # multiple records. In the meantime, avoid this method and use
        # write_merge() instead.
        if c2 > c1:
            self.row(r1).write_blanks(c1 + 1, c2,  style)
        for r in range(r1+1, r2+1):
            self.row(r).write_blanks(c1, c2,  style)
        self.__merged_ranges.append((r1, r2, c1, c2))

    def write_merge(self, r1, r2, c1, c2, label="", style=Style.default_style):
        assert 0 <= c1 <= c2 <= 255
        assert 0 <= r1 <= r2 <= 65535
        self.write(r1, c1, label, style)
        if c2 > c1:
            self.row(r1).write_blanks(c1 + 1, c2,  style) # skip (r1, c1)
        for r in range(r1+1, r2+1):
            self.row(r).write_blanks(c1, c2,  style)
        self.__merged_ranges.append((r1, r2, c1, c2))

    def insert_bitmap(self, filename, row, col, x = 0, y = 0, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1):
        bmp = Bitmap.ImDataBmpRecord(filename)
        obj = Bitmap.ObjBmpRecord(row, col, self, bmp, x, y, scale_x, scale_y)

        self.__bmp_rec += obj.get() + bmp.get()

    def insert_bitmap_data(self, data, row, col, x = 0, y = 0, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1):
        bmp = Bitmap.ImRawDataBmpRecord(data)
        obj = Bitmap.ObjBmpRecord(row, col, self, bmp, x, y, scale_x, scale_y)

        self.__bmp_rec += obj.get() + bmp.get()

    def col(self, indx):
        if indx not in self.__cols:
            self.__cols[indx] = self.Column(indx, self)
        return self.__cols[indx]

    def row(self, indx):
        if indx not in self.__rows:
            if indx in self.__flushed_rows:
                raise Exception("Attempt to reuse row index %d of sheet %r after flushing" % (indx, self.__name))
            self.__rows[indx] = self.Row(indx, self)
            if indx > self.last_used_row:
                self.last_used_row = indx
            if indx < self.first_used_row:
                self.first_used_row = indx
        return self.__rows[indx]

    def row_height(self, row): # in pixels
        if row in self.__rows:
            return self.__rows[row].get_height_in_pixels()
            return 17

    def col_width(self, col): # in pixels
        if col in self.__cols:
            return self.__cols[col].width_in_pixels()
            return 64

    ## BIFF records generation

    def __bof_rec(self):
        return BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord(BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord.WORKSHEET).get()

    def __update_row_visible_levels(self):
        if self.__rows:
            temp = max(self.__rows[r].level for r in self.__rows) + 1
            self.__row_visible_levels = max(temp, self.__row_visible_levels)

    def __guts_rec(self):
        col_visible_levels = 0
        if len(self.__cols) != 0:
            col_visible_levels = max(self.__cols[c].level for c in self.__cols) + 1
        return BIFFRecords.GutsRecord(
            self.__row_gut_width, self.__col_gut_height, self.__row_visible_levels, col_visible_levels).get()

    def __defaultrowheight_rec(self):
        options = 0x0000
        options |= (self.row_default_height_mismatch & 1) << 0
        options |= (self.row_default_hidden & 1) << 1
        options |= (self.row_default_space_above & 1) << 2
        options |= (self.row_default_space_below & 1) << 3
        defht = self.__row_default_height
        return BIFFRecords.DefaultRowHeightRecord(options, defht).get()

    def __wsbool_rec(self):
        options = 0x00
        options |= (self.__show_auto_page_breaks & 0x01) << 0
        options |= (self.__dialogue_sheet & 0x01) << 4
        options |= (self.__auto_style_outline & 0x01) << 5
        options |= (self.__outline_below & 0x01) << 6
        options |= (self.__outline_right & 0x01) << 7
        options |= (self.__fit_num_pages & 0x01) << 8
        options |= (self.__show_row_outline & 0x01) << 10
        options |= (self.__show_col_outline & 0x01) << 11
        options |= (self.__alt_expr_eval & 0x01) << 14
        options |= (self.__alt_formula_entries & 0x01) << 15

        return BIFFRecords.WSBoolRecord(options).get()

    def __eof_rec(self):
        return BIFFRecords.EOFRecord().get()

    def __colinfo_rec(self):
        result = b''
        for col in self.__cols:
            result += self.__cols[col].get_biff_record()
        return result

    def __dimensions_rec(self):
        return BIFFRecords.DimensionsRecord(
            self.first_used_row, self.last_used_row,
            self.first_used_col, self.last_used_col

    def __window2_rec(self):
        # Appends SCL record.
        options = 0
        options |= (self.__show_formulas        & 0x01) << 0
        options |= (self.__show_grid            & 0x01) << 1
        options |= (self.__show_headers         & 0x01) << 2
        options |= (self.__panes_frozen         & 0x01) << 3
        options |= (self.show_zero_values       & 0x01) << 4
        options |= (self.__auto_colour_grid     & 0x01) << 5
        options |= (self.__cols_right_to_left   & 0x01) << 6
        options |= (self.__show_outline         & 0x01) << 7
        options |= (self.__remove_splits        & 0x01) << 8
        options |= (self.__selected             & 0x01) << 9
        options |= (self.__sheet_visible        & 0x01) << 10
        options |= (self.__page_preview         & 0x01) << 11
        if self.explicit_magn_setting:
            # Experimentation: caller can set the scl magn.
            # None -> no SCL record written
            # Otherwise 10 <= scl_magn <= 400 or scl_magn == 0
            # Note: value 0 means use 100 for normal view, 60 for page break preview
            # BREAKING NEWS: Excel interprets scl_magn = 0 very literally, your
            # sheet appears like a tiny dot on the screen
            scl_magn = self.__scl_magn
            if self.__page_preview:
                scl_magn = self.__preview_magn
                magn_default = 60
                scl_magn = self.__normal_magn
                magn_default = 100
            if scl_magn == magn_default or scl_magn == 0:
                # Emulate what we think MS does
                scl_magn = None # don't write an SCL record
        return BIFFRecords.Window2Record(
            options, self.__first_visible_row, self.__first_visible_col,
            self.__preview_magn, self.__normal_magn, scl_magn).get()

    def __panes_rec(self):
        if self.__vert_split_pos is None and self.__horz_split_pos is None:
            return b""

        if self.__vert_split_pos is None:
            self.__vert_split_pos = 0
        if self.__horz_split_pos is None:
            self.__horz_split_pos = 0

        if self.__panes_frozen:
            if self.__vert_split_first_visible is None:
                self.__vert_split_first_visible = self.__vert_split_pos
            if self.__horz_split_first_visible is None:
                self.__horz_split_first_visible = self.__horz_split_pos

            # when frozen, the active pane has to be specifically set:
            if self.__vert_split_pos > 0 and self.__horz_split_pos > 0:
                active_pane = 0
            elif self.__vert_split_pos > 0 and self.__horz_split_pos == 0:
                active_pane = 1
            elif self.__vert_split_pos == 0 and self.__horz_split_pos > 0:
                active_pane = 2
                active_pane = 3
            if self.__vert_split_first_visible is None:
                self.__vert_split_first_visible = 0
            if self.__horz_split_first_visible is None:
                self.__horz_split_first_visible = 0
            if not self.split_position_units_are_twips:
                # inspired by pyXLWriter
                if self.__horz_split_pos > 0:
                    self.__horz_split_pos = 20 * self.__horz_split_pos + 255
                if self.__vert_split_pos > 0:
                    self.__vert_split_pos = 113.879 * self.__vert_split_pos + 390

            # when split, the active pain can be set as required:
            active_pane = self.active_pane

        result = BIFFRecords.PanesRecord(*map(int, (

        return result

    def __row_blocks_rec(self):
        result = []
        for row in itervalues(self.__rows):
        return b''.join(result)

    def __merged_rec(self):
        return BIFFRecords.MergedCellsRecord(self.__merged_ranges).get()

    def __bitmaps_rec(self):
        return self.__bmp_rec

    def __calc_settings_rec(self):
        result = b''
        result += BIFFRecords.CalcModeRecord(self.__calc_mode & 0x01).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.CalcCountRecord(self.__calc_count & 0xFFFF).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.RefModeRecord(self.__RC_ref_mode & 0x01).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.IterationRecord(self.__iterations_on & 0x01).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.DeltaRecord(self.__delta).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.SaveRecalcRecord(self.__save_recalc & 0x01).get()
        return result

    def __print_settings_rec(self):
        result = b''
        result += BIFFRecords.PrintHeadersRecord(self.__print_headers).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.PrintGridLinesRecord(self.__print_grid).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.GridSetRecord(self.__grid_set).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.HorizontalPageBreaksRecord(self.__horz_page_breaks).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.VerticalPageBreaksRecord(self.__vert_page_breaks).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.HeaderRecord(self.__header_str).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.FooterRecord(self.__footer_str).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.HCenterRecord(self.__print_centered_horz).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.VCenterRecord(self.__print_centered_vert).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.LeftMarginRecord(self.__left_margin).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.RightMarginRecord(self.__right_margin).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.TopMarginRecord(self.__top_margin).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.BottomMarginRecord(self.__bottom_margin).get()

        setup_page_options =  (self.__print_in_rows & 0x01) << 0
        setup_page_options |=  (self.__portrait & 0x01) << 1
        setup_page_options |=  (0x00 & 0x01) << 2
        setup_page_options |=  (self.__print_not_colour & 0x01) << 3
        setup_page_options |=  (self.__print_draft & 0x01) << 4
        setup_page_options |=  (self.__print_notes & 0x01) << 5
        setup_page_options |=  (0x00 & 0x01) << 6
        setup_page_options |=  (0x01 & 0x01) << 7
        setup_page_options |=  (self.__print_notes_at_end & 0x01) << 9
        setup_page_options |=  (self.__print_omit_errors & 0x03) << 10

        result += BIFFRecords.SetupPageRecord(self.__paper_size_code,
        return result

    def __protection_rec(self):
        result = b''
        result += BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord(self.__protect).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.ScenProtectRecord(self.__scen_protect).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord(self.__wnd_protect).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord(self.__obj_protect).get()
        result += BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord(self.__password).get()
        return result

    def get_biff_data(self):
        result = [
        if self.row_tempfile:
            self.row_tempfile.seek(0, 2) # to EOF
            # Above seek() is necessary to avoid a spurious IOError
            # with Errno 0 if the caller continues on writing rows
            # and flushing row data after the save().
            # See https://bugs.python.org/issue3207
        return b''.join(result)

    def flush_row_data(self):
        if self.row_tempfile is None:
            self.row_tempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
        for rowx in self.__rows:
            self.__flushed_rows[rowx] = 1
        self.__rows = {}

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