
1. 编写脚本,实现自动添加三个用户,并计算这三个用户的uid之和。


2. 编写脚本,计算/etc/passwd文件中第10个用户和第20个用户id号之和。

3. 将当前主机名保存至hostName变量中,主机名如果为空,或者为localhost。localdomain,则将主机名设置为CSDN。

4. 编写脚本,通过命令行参数传入一个用户名,判断id号是偶数还是基数。

5. 写一个脚本实现列出以下菜单给用户:一、disk:show disk info信息;二、mem:show memory info信息;三、cpu:show cpu info信息;四、quit。

6. 用bash实现统记访问日志文件中状态码大于等于400的IP数量并排序。

Shell脚本高级编程教程,希望对你有所帮助。 Example 10-23. Using continue N in an actual task: 1 # Albert Reiner gives an example of how to use "continue N": 2 # --------------------------------------------------------- 3 4 # Suppose I have a large number of jobs that need to be run, with 5 #+ any data that is to be treated in files of a given name pattern in a 6 #+ directory. There are several machines that access this directory, and 7 #+ I want to distribute the work over these different boxen. Then I 8 #+ usually nohup something like the following on every box: 9 10 while true 11 do 12 for n in .iso.* 13 do 14 [ "$n" = ".iso.opts" ] && continue 15 beta=${n#.iso.} 16 [ -r .Iso.$beta ] && continue 17 [ -r .lock.$beta ] && sleep 10 && continue 18 lockfile -r0 .lock.$beta || continue 19 echo -n "$beta: " `date` 20 run-isotherm $beta 21 date 22 ls -alF .Iso.$beta 23 [ -r .Iso.$beta ] && rm -f .lock.$beta 24 continue 2 25 done 26 break 27 done 28 29 # The details, in particular the sleep N, are particular to my 30 #+ application, but the general pattern is: 31 32 while true 33 do 34 for job in {pattern} 35 do 36 {job already done or running} && continue 37 {mark job as running, do job, mark job as done} 38 continue 2 39 done 40 break # Or something like `sleep 600' to avoid termination. 41 done 42 43 # This way the script will stop only when there are no more jobs to do 44 #+ (including jobs that were added during runtime). Through the use 45 #+ of appropriate lockfiles it can be run on several machines 46 #+ concurrently without duplication of calculations [which run a couple 47 #+ of hours in my case, so I really want to avoid this]. Also, as search 48 #+ always starts again from the beginning, one can encode priorities in 49 #+ the file names. Of course, one could also do this without `continue 2', 50 #+ but then one would have to actually check whether or not some job 51 #+ was done (so that we should immediately look for the next job) or not 52 #+ (in which case we terminate or sleep for a long time before checking 53 #+ for a new job).




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