CodeLab:Android fundamentals04.1:Clickable images

Android fundamentals 04.1:Clickable images

Tutorial source : Google CodeLab
Date : 2021/04/06

Complete course : 教程目录 (java).

Note : The link in this article requires Google access


This practical codelab is part of Unit 2: User experience in the Android Developer Fundamentals (Version 2) course. You will get the most value out of this course if you work through the codelabs in sequence:

Note: This course uses the terms “codelab” and “practical” interchangeably.


The user interface (UI) that appears on a screen of an Android-powered device consists of a hierarchy of objects called views. Every element of the screen is a View.

The View class represents the basic building block for all UI components. View is the base class for classes that provide interactive UI components, such as Button elements. A Button is a UI element the user can tap or click to perform an action.

You can turn any View, such as an ImageView, into a UI element that can be tapped or clicked. You must store the image for the ImageView in the drawables folder of your project.

In this practical, you learn how to use images as elements that the user can tap or click.

What you should already know

You should be able to:

  • Create an Android Studio project from a template and generate the main layout.
  • Run apps on the emulator or a connected device.
  • Create and edit UI elements using the layout editor and XML code.
  • Access UI elements from your code using findViewById().
  • Handle a Button click.
  • Display a Toast message.
  • Add images to a project’s drawable folder.

What you’ll learn

  • How to use an image as an interactive element to perform an action.
  • How to set attributes for ImageView elements in the layout editor.
  • How to add an onClick() method to display a Toast message.

What you’ll do

  • Create a new Android Studio project for a mock dessert-ordering app that uses images as interactive elements.
  • Set onClick() handlers for the images to display different Toast messages.
  • Change the floating action button supplied by the template so that it shows a different icon and launches another Activity.

2、App overview

In this practical, you create and build a new app starting with the Basic Activity template that imitates a dessert-ordering app. The user can tap an image to perform an action—in this case display a Toast message—as shown in the figure below. The user can also tap a shopping-cart button to proceed to the next Activity.


3、Task 1: Add images to the layout

You can make a view clickable, as a button, by adding the android:onClick attribute in the XML layout. For example, you can make an image act like a button by adding android:onClick to the ImageView.

In this task you create a prototype of an app for ordering desserts from a café. After starting a new project based on the Basic Activity template, you modify the “Hello World” TextView with appropriate text, and add images that the user can tap.

1.1 Start the new project

  1. Start a new Android Studio project with the app name Droid Cafe.
  2. Choose the Basic Activity template, and accept the default Activity name (MainActivity). Make sure the Generate Layout file and Backwards Compatibility (AppCompat) options are selected.
  3. Click Finish.

The project opens with two layouts in the res > layout folder: activity_main.xml for the app bar and floating action button (which you don’t change in this task), and content_main.xml for everything else in the layout. 4. Open content_main.xml and click the Design tab (if it is not already selected) to show the layout editor. 5. Select the “Hello World” TextView in the layout and open the Attributes pane. 6. Change the textintro attributes as follows:

Attribute fieldEnter the following:
textChange Hello World to Droid Desserts
textStyleB (bold)

This adds the android:id attribute to the TextView with the id set to textintro, changes the text, makes the text bold, and sets a larger text size of 24sp.

  1. Delete the constraint that stretches from the bottom of the textintro TextView to the bottom of the layout, so that the TextView snaps to the top of the layout, and choose 8 (8dp) for the top margin as shown below.


  1. In a previous lesson you learned how to extract a string resource from a literal text string. Click the Text tab to switch to XML code, and extract the "Droid Desserts" string in the TextView and enter intro_text as the string resource name.

1.2 Add the images

Three images (donut_circle.png, froyo_circle.png, and icecream_circle.png) are provided for this example, which you can download. As an alternative, you can substitute your own images as PNG files, but they must be sized at about 113 x 113 pixels to use in this example.

This step also introduces a new technique in the layout editor: using the Fix button in warning messages to extract string resources.

  1. To copy the images to your project, first close the project.

  2. Copy the image files into your project’s drawable folder. Find the drawable folder in a project by using this path: project_name > app > src > main > res > drawable.

  3. Reopen your project.

  4. Open content_main.xml file, and click the Design tab (if it is not already selected).

  5. Drag an ImageView to the layout, choose the donut_circle image for it, and constrain it to the top TextView and to the left side of the layout with a margin of 24 (24dp) for both constraints, as shown in the animated figure below.

  6. In the Attributes pane, enter the following values for the attributes:

Attribute fieldEnter the following:
contentDescriptionDonuts are glazed and sprinkled with candy. (You can copy/paste the text into the field.)
  1. Drag a second ImageView to the layout, choose the icecream_circle image for it, and constrain it to the bottom of the first ImageView and to the left side of the layout with a margin of 24 (24dp) for both constraints.


  1. In the Attributes pane, enter the following values for the attributes:
Attribute fieldEnter the following:
contentDescriptionIce cream sandwiches have chocolate wafers and vanilla filling. (You can copy/paste the text into the field.)
  1. Drag a third ImageView to the layout, choose the froyo_circle image for it, and constrain it to the bottom of the second ImageView and to the left side of the layout with a margin of 24 (24dp) for both constraints.
  2. In the Attributes pane, enter the following values for the attributes:
Attribute fieldEnter the following:
contentDescriptionFroYo is premium self-serve frozen yogurt. (You can copy/paste the text into the field.)
  1. Click the warning icon in the upper left corner of the layout editor to open the warning pane, which should display warnings about hardcoded text:


  1. Expand each Hardcoded text warning, scroll to the bottom of the warning message, and click the Fix button as shown below:

The fix for each hardcoded text warning extracts the string resource for the string. The Extract Resource dialog appears, and you can enter the name for the string resource. Enter the following names for the string resources:

StringEnter the following name:
Donuts are glazed and sprinkled with candy.donuts
Ice cream sandwiches have chocolate wafers and vanilla filling.ice_cream_sandwiches
FroYo is premium self-serve frozen yogurt.froyo

The layout should now look like the figure below.


1.3 Add the text descriptions

In this step you add a text description (TextView) for each dessert. Because you have already extracted string resources for the contentDescription fields for the ImageView elements, you can use the same string resources for each description TextView.

  1. Drag a TextView element to the layout.
  2. Constrain the element’s left side to the right side of the donut ImageView and its top to the top of the donut ImageView, both with a margin of 24 (24dp).
  3. Constrain the element’s right side to the right side of the layout, and use the same margin of 24 (24dp). Enter donut_description for the ID field in the Attributes pane. The new TextView should appear next to the donut image as shown in the figure below.


  1. In the Attributes pane change the width in the inspector pane to Match Constraints:


  1. In the Attributes pane, begin entering the string resource for the text field by prefacing it with the @ symbol: @d. Click the string resource name (@string/donuts) which appears as a suggestion:


  1. Repeat the steps above to add a second TextView that is constrained to the right side and top of the ice_cream ImageView, and its right side to the right side of the layout. Enter the following in the Attributes pane:
Attribute fieldEnter the following:
Left, right, and top margins24
  1. Repeat the steps above to add a third TextView that is constrained to the right side and top of the froyo ImageView, and its right side to the right side of the layout. Enter the following in the Attributes pane:
Attribute fieldEnter the following:
Left, right, and top margins24

The layout should now look like the following:

Task 1 solution code

The XML layout for the content.xml file is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

        app:srcCompat="@drawable/donut_circle" />

        app:srcCompat="@drawable/icecream_circle" />

        app:srcCompat="@drawable/froyo_circle" />

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@+id/donut" />

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@+id/ice_cream" />

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@+id/froyo" />


4、Task 2: Add onClick methods for images

To make a View clickable so that users can tap (or click) it, add the android:onClick attribute in the XML layout and specify the click handler. For example, you can make an ImageView act like a simple Button by adding android:onClick to the ImageView. In this task you make the images in your layout clickable.

2.1 Create a Toast method

In this task you add each method for the android:onClick attribute to call when each image is clicked. In this task, these methods simply display a Toast message showing which image was tapped. (In another chapter you modify these methods to launch another Activity.)

  1. To use string resources in Java code, you should first add them to the strings.xml file. Expand res > values in the Project > Android pane, and open strings.xml. Add the following string resources for the strings to be shown in the Toast message:
<string name="donut_order_message">You ordered a donut.</string>
<string name="ice_cream_order_message">You ordered an ice cream sandwich.</string>
<string name="froyo_order_message">You ordered a FroYo.</string>
  1. Open MainActivity, and add the following displayToast() method to the end of MainActivity (before the closing bracket):
public void displayToast(String message) {
   Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), message,

Although you could have added this method in any position within MainActivity, it is best practice to put your own methods below the methods already provided in MainActivity by the template.

2.2 Create click handlers

Each clickable image needs a click handler—a method for the android:onClick attribute to call. The click handler, if called from the android:onClick attribute, must be public, return void, and define a View as its only parameter. Follow these steps to add the click handlers:

  1. Add the following showDonutOrder() method to MainActivity. For this task, use the previously created displayToast() method to display a Toast message:
* Shows a message that the donut image was clicked.
public void showDonutOrder(View view) {

The first three lines are a comment in the Javadoc format, which makes the code easier to understand and also helps generate documentation for your code. It is a best practice to add such a comment to every new method you create. For more information about how to write comments, see How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool.

  1. Add more methods to the end of MainActivity for each dessert:
* Shows a message that the ice cream sandwich image was clicked.
public void showIceCreamOrder(View view) {

* Shows a message that the froyo image was clicked.
public void showFroyoOrder(View view) {
  1. (Optional) Choose Code > Reformat Code to reformat the code you added in MainActivity to conform to standards and make it easier to read.

2.3 Add the onClick attribute

In this step you add android:onClick to each of the ImageView elements in the content_main.xml layout. The android:onClick attribute calls the click handler for each element.

  1. Open the content_main.xml file, and click the Text tab in the layout editor to show the XML code.
  2. Add the android:onClick attribute to donut ImageView. As you enter it, suggestions appear showing the click handlers. Select the showDonutOrder click handler. The code should now look as follows:

The last line (android:onClick="showDonutOrder") assigns the click handler (showDonutOrder) to the ImageView.

  1. (Optional) Choose Code > Reformat Code to reformat the XML code you added in content_main.xml to conform to standards and make it easier to read. Android Studio automatically moves the android:onClick attribute up a few lines to combine them with the other attributes that have android: as the preface.
  2. Follow the same procedure to add the android:onClick attribute to the ice_cream and froyo ImageView elements. Select the showDonutOrder and showFroyoOrder click handlers. You can optionally choose Code > Reformat Code to reformat the XML code. The code should now look as follows:
        app:srcCompat="@drawable/icecream_circle" />

        app:srcCompat="@drawable/froyo_circle" />

Note that the attribute android:layout_marginStart in each ImageView is underlined in red. This attribute determines the “start” margin for the ImageView, which is on the left side for most languages but on the right side for languages that read right-to-left (RTL).

  1. Click the android: preface part of the android:layout_marginStart attribute, and a red bulb warning appears next to it, as shown in the figure below.


  1. To make your app compatible with previous versions of Android, click the red bulb for each instance of this attribute, and choose Set layout_marginLeft… to set the layout_marginLeft to "@dimen/margin_wide".
  2. Run the app.

Clicking the donut, ice cream sandwich, or froyo image displays a Toast message about the order, as shown in the figure below.


Task 2 solution code

The solution code for this task is included in the code and layout for MainActivity in the Android Studio project DroidCafe.

5、Task 3: Change the floating action button

When you click the floating action button with the email icon that appears at the bottom of the screen, the code in MainActivity displays a brief message in a drawer that opens from the bottom of the screen on a smartphone, or from the lower left corner on larger devices, and then closes after a few seconds. This is called a snackbar. It is used to provide feedback about an operation. For more information, see Snackbar.

Look at how other apps implement the floating action button. For example, the Gmail app provides a floating action button to create a new email message, and the Contacts app provides one to create a new contact. For more information about floating action buttons, see FloatingActionButton.

For this task you change the icon for the FloatingActionButton to a shopping cart , and change the action for the FloatingActionButton to launch a new Activity.

3.1 Add a new icon

As you learned in another lesson, you can choose an icon from the set of icons in Android Studio. Follow these steps:

  1. Expand res in the Project > Android pane, and right-click (or Control-click) the drawable folder.

  2. Choose New > Image Asset. The Configure Image Asset dialog appears.

  3. Choose Action Bar and Tab Icons in the drop-down menu at the top of the dialog. (Note that the action bar is the same thing as the app bar.)

  4. Change ic_action_name in the Name field to ic_shopping_cart.

  5. Click the clip art image (the Android logo next to Clipart:) to select a clip art image as the icon. A page of icons appears. Click the icon you want to use for the floating action button, such as the shopping cart icon.

  6. Choose HOLO_DARK from the Theme drop-down menu. This sets the icon to be white against a dark-colored (or black) background. Click Next.

  7. Click Finish in the Confirm Icon Path dialog.

Tip: For a complete description for adding an icon, see Create app icons with Image Asset Studio.

3.2 Add an Activity

As you learned in a previous lesson, an Activity represents a single screen in your app in which your user can perform a single, focused task. You already have one activity, Now you add another activity called

  1. Right-click (or Control-click) the folder in the left column and choose New > Activity > Empty Activity.
  2. Edit the Activity Name to be OrderActivity, and the Layout Name to be activity_order. Leave the other options alone, and click Finish.

The OrderActivity class should now be listed along with MainActivity in the java folder, and activity_order.xml should now be listed in the layout folder. The Empty Activity template added these files.

3.3 Change the action

In this step you change the action for the FloatingActionButton to launch the new Activity.

  1. Open MainActivity.
  2. Change the onClick(View view) method to make an explicit intent to start OrderActivity:
public void onClick(View view) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, OrderActivity.class);
  1. Run the app. Tap the floating action button that now uses the shopping cart icon. A blank Activity should appear (OrderActivity). Tap the Back button to go back to MainActivity.


Task 3 solution code

The solution code for this task is included in the code and layout for Android Studio project DroidCafe.

6、Coding challenge

Note: All coding challenges are optional and are not prerequisites for later lessons.

Challenge: The DroidCafe app’s MainActivity launches a second Activity called OrderActivity. You learned in another lesson how to send data from an Activity to another Activity. Change the app to send the order message for the selected dessert in MainActivity to a new TextView at the top of the OrderActivity layout.

  1. Add a TextView at the top of the OrderActivity layout with the id order_textview.
  2. Create a member variable (mOrderMessage) in MainActivity for the order message that appears in the Toast.
  3. Change the showDonutOrder(), showIceCreamOrder(), and showFroyoOrder() click handlers to assign the message string mOrderMessage before displaying the Toast. For example, the following assigns the donut_order_message string to mOrderMessage and displays the Toast:
mOrderMessage = getString(R.string.donut_order_message);
  1. Add a public static final String called EXTRA_MESSAGE to the top of MainActivity to define the key for an intent.putExtra:
public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE = 
  1. Change the onClick() method to include the intent.putExtra statement before launching OrderActivity:
public void onClick(View view) {
    Intent intent = 
            new Intent(MainActivity.this, OrderActivity.class);
    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, mOrderMessage);
  1. In OrderActivity, add the following code to the onCreate() method to get the Intent that launched the Activity, extract the string message, and replace the text in the TextView with the message:
Intent intent = getIntent();
String message = "Order: " + 
TextView textView = findViewById(;
  1. Run the app. After choosing a dessert image, tap the floating action button to launch OrderActivity, which should include the order message as shown in the figure below.


Challenge solution code

Android Studio project: DroidCafeChallenge


  • To use an image in a project, copy the image into the project’s drawable folder ( project_name > app > src > main > res > drawable).
  • Define an ImageView to use it by dragging an ImageView to the layout and choosing the image for it.
  • Add the android:onClick attribute to make an ImageView clickable like a button. Specify the name of the click handler.
  • Create a click handler in the Activity to perform the action.
  • Choose an icon: Expand res in the Project > Android pane, right-click (or Control-click) the drawable folder, and choose New > Image Asset. Choose Action Bar and Tab Icons in the drop-down menu, and click the clip art image (the Android logo next to Clipart:) to select a clip art image as the icon.
  • Add another Activity: In the Project > Android pane, right-click (or Control-click) the package name folder within the java folder and choose New > Activity and a template for the Activity (such as Empty Activity).
  • Display a Toast message:
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), message, 

8、Related concept

The related concept documentation is in 4.1: Buttons and clickable images.

9、Learn more

Android Studio documentation:

Android developer documentation:



This section lists possible homework assignments for students who are working through this codelab as part of a course led by an instructor. It’s up to the instructor to do the following:

  • Assign homework if required.
  • Communicate to students how to submit homework assignments.
  • Grade the homework assignments.

Instructors can use these suggestions as little or as much as they want, and should feel free to assign any other homework they feel is appropriate.

If you’re working through this codelab on your own, feel free to use these homework assignments to test your knowledge.

Change an app

The DroidCafe app looks fine when the device or emulator is oriented vertically. However, if you switch the device or emulator to horizontal orientation, the second and third images don’t appear.

  1. Open (or download) the DroidCafe app project.
  2. Create a layout variant for horizontal orientation: content_main.xml (land).
  3. Remove constraints from the three images and three text descriptions.
  4. Select all three images in the layout variant, and choose Expand Horizontally in the Pack button to evenly distribute the images across the screen as shown in the figure below.
  5. Constrain the text descriptions to the sides and bottoms of the images as shown in the figure below.


Answer these questions

Question 1

How do you add images to an Android Studio project? Choose one:

  • Drag each image to the layout editor.
  • Copy the image files into your project’s drawable folder.
  • Drag an ImageButton to the layout editor.
  • Choose New > Image Asset and then choose the image file.

Question 2

How do you make an ImageView clickable like a simple Button? Choose one:

  • Add the android:contentDescription attribute to the ImageView in the layout and use it to call the click handler in the Activity.
  • Add the android:src attribute to the ImageView in the layout and use it to call the click handler in the Activity.
  • Add the android:onClick attribute to the ImageView in the layout and use it to call the click handler in the Activity.
  • Add the android:id attribute to the ImageView in the layout and use it to call the click handler in the Activity.

Question 3

Which rule applies to a click handler called from the attribute in the layout? Choose one:

  • The click handler method must include the event listener View.OnClickListener, which is an interface in the View class .
  • The click handler method must be public, return void, and define a View as its only parameter.
  • The click handler must customize the View.OnClickListener class and override its click handler to perform some action.
  • The click handler method must be private and return a View.

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

  1. Run the app.
  2. Switch to horizontal orientation to see the new layout variant. It should look like the figure below.


11、Next codelab

To find the next practical codelab in the Android Developer Fundamentals (V2) course, see Codelabs for Android Developer Fundamentals (V2).

For an overview of the course, including links to the concept chapters, apps, and slides, see Android Developer Fundamentals (Version 2).

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