

        1.1 肥胖的人喜欢吃高脂肪和高糖的食物

        Fat people like eating food(high in fat and sugar)

       1.2  我的房东是一个对钱很敏感的人

        My landlord is a person (sensitive to money)

        1.3 核心: be sensitive to  对….敏感

        1.4 Practice:


        I possess the skills(necessary to job market)





        2.1 自信非常重要

        Self-confidence is extremely important.

        2.2 核心:

       Extremely  =very     n 非常

        2.2 我几乎没时间去喝一杯咖啡

        I hardly 几乎不have time to have a cup of coffee

        2.3 核心:instant coffee/noodle (速溶 咖啡)/方便面

        2.4 幸运的是,我们都被梦想的大学录取了

        Luckily,/Fortunately,we are admitted to our dream university

        2.5 核心:fortune n.幸运;财富

        2,6 Practice:


         Sadly,I failed to  pass the exam(fail to do 未能做某事)

        2.7 我非常开心得知你对英语感兴趣

        I am exceedingly 非常)delighted(开心)to learn are interested in English

        2.8 没有我的而帮助,你会很难成功

        Without my help ,you can hardly achieve success.


        3.1 近年来,越来越多大学生选择出国留学。(时间状语)

        In recent years / Over the past few years,college students in mounting numbers choose to study abroad

        3.2 核心:

          In recent  years  近年来     over the past few years 近年来

          In mounting numbers   越来越多

        3.3 在德国,许多年轻人喜欢参观博物馆(地点状语)

        In Germany,large numbers of young adults like visiting museums

        3.4 我通过做兼职来赚取一些钱(方式状语)

        I can earn some  money by taking part-time job

        3.5 核心单词:

         By doing sth

        3.6 中国经济则正在已空前的速度发展

        China“s economy is developing at an unprceedentted pace

        3.7 核心:

        Unprecedentd  pace

        3.8 作为一名学生,你应该对失败保持积极态度。

        As a student,you should have a positive attitude towards failure。

        3.9 在你方法的帮助下,我顺利通过了考试(方式状语)

        With the help of your method, passed the exam successfully.

        3.10 Practice

       3.11 通过使用这款软件,我们能获得大量信息(方式状语)

       By using this softwarewe can obtain wealth of (大量)  large number of(只能接人)  information(信息不能加S)

       3.12 核心:

       Obtain  获得,   By  doing 通过  , wealth of  财富

       3.13 在外国投资的帮助下,这家公司渡过了难关(背景状语)

       With the help of foreign investmentthis company  weathered  bad times

        3.14 核心:

         Foreign investment  外国投资  weather bad times 渡过难过

        3.15 移动互联网正在空前发展

         Mobile internet is developing at an unprecedented pace.


        4.1 听到这个消息,我买了一台智能手机

        Hearing the news,I bought a smartphone

        4.2 在互相扶持下,这两位残障人士快速前进

        Supporting each other, the two disabled men are moving fast

        4.3 由于被这部电影感动,我想把它推荐给你

        Moved by this movie,I want to recommend it  to you

        4.4 核心:

        Move  感动, touch 摸起来,感动  ,I was so touched  我如此感动

        4.5 由于被你的故事所鼓舞,我决定取追求我的梦想

        Encouraged by your story , I decide to  pursue my dream

        4.6 核心:

        Encourage  vt  鼓舞  支持,   pursue   v  追求


         4.6 面对许多选择,我感到非常困惑(confused/choices)

        Facing many choices, I feel extremely confused

        4.7 由于受到我父母的影响,我决定取创业

        4.8 Influenced by my parents,I decide to start a business


        5.1 为了找到一份好工作,许多年轻人努力提升各种能力

        To find an ideal job,large numbers of young adults make an effort to improve various  skills.

        5.2 核心:

        To find an ideal job ,为了找到一份理想的工作

        Large numbers of    大量/许多

        Young adults         年轻人,   

        Improve   提升,    various   各种各样的

        5.3 为了丰富学生的课余活动,我们将于下周举办一次英语演讲比赛

        To enrich students‘ after-class activities,we will hold an English speech contest next week.

        5.4 核心:

           Enrich   vt  充实 丰富   after-class  课余的

           Hold   v 召开、按住

            English speech contest  英语演讲比赛


        6.1 概念: 一个名词来解释说明另一个名词

        6.2 常见位置:双逗号之间、双破折号之间


        6.3 特斯拉创始人埃隆·马斯克是一个天才

        Elon·Musk,the founder of Tesla, is a genius

        6.4 哈佛大学教授John Smith明天将会做一个有关虚拟现实的演讲

        John.Smith,a professor at Harvard, will give a  lecture on  virtual reality.

Practice one:

         6.5 Apple 公司的CEO库克喜欢招募重视实践技能的毕业生

       Cook,the CEO of Apple,like recruitng graduates(palcing a high value on practice skills)

        6.6 核心:

                6.6.1写句子,先写主语谓语宾语,例如:cook,like recruit graduates

                6.6.2 然后在补充定语,状语等等词语

                6.6.3 Recruit   招募    place a high value on  高度重视   Practice   练习  实践

Practice two


        6.7 The use of the Internet isn’t the only way to defeat poverty


       A of B = B 的A   the way to do sth ……方式


        The survey conducted by China daily startled the whole society


        6.7 核心:

  1. survey n 调查  conduct v 开展 做   daily  日报
  2. startle v 震惊   the whole  society 全社会

       6.8 His influential novels reveal the moral compromises made by nation‘s early leaders


        6.9 核心:

       Influential adj.有影响力的  novel n.小说

       Reveal    v  揭示             moral adj.道德的

       Compromises      n 妥协   nation n 国家

      6.10 The panel chaired by john intended to recruit more than thirty experts working in less advanced countries.


       6.11 核心:

       Intended  v 打算  recruit  招募  experts 专家  advance 发展  

       Panel 专家咨询组,面板

       chaired 主席 椅子  

        6.12 Feeling  threatened, the government put great  emphasis on education


        6.13 核心:

       Threat n.威胁    Put great emphasis on  非常重视

       Emphasize  v 重视  emphasis n 重视

        6.14 To encourage innovation and competition(目的状语),the report calls for increased invesnment in resarach


        6.15 核心:

        Innovation  n 创新   competition n 竞争

        Report n 报道;报告  call for v 呼吁;要求

        Investment n 投资  research n 研究

     6.16 The relationship between formal education and economic growth is widely misunderstood


        6.17 核心   

        Misunderstood    adj 被人误解的

        Formal           adj 正式的 正规的

        Education        n   教育

        Economic             n 经济

        Widely          adv 普遍的 广泛的

        6.18 Social scientist studied  people‘s behaviour in a reasoned,orderly manner



        Behaviour        n 行为

        Reasoned        adj 合理的

        Orderly          adj 有序的

        Manner          n 方式方法

        In a manner = in a …. way   以…..的方式

    6.19 Louis menand, a professor of English  at  harvard university, put forward  some  suggestions  to address this  thorny problem


        6.20 核心
       put forward   v 提出   address v 解决;演说 n

     6.21 According to the new school  of scientists, technology is an overlooked  force in expending  the  horizons of scientific knowledge






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