
原文链接:There’s more to mathematics than rigour and proofs

作者:Terry Tao


由于 LLM 的幻觉问题,数学形式化——这一消除幻觉确保论证严谨性的手段——受到了很多关注。按照陶哲轩的说法,形式化是在前严谨阶段到严谨阶段的过渡,能避免常见错误和消除误区。然而,数学真正具有创造力和生命力的地方在于后严谨阶段。在这一阶段,研究者在已经掌握严谨理论基础的情况下,开始建立和形成数学直觉。如果 LLM 能够在后严谨阶段发挥其作用,那么它很有可能会真正引起数学学术界的广泛重视。


第一部分 – 中英对照

There’s more to mathematics than rigour and proofs


The history of every major galactic civilization tends to pass through three distinct and recognizable phases, those of Survival, Inquiry and Sophistication, otherwise known as the How, Why, and Where phases. For instance, the first phase is characterized by the question ‘How can we eat?’, the second by the question ‘Why do we eat?’ and the third by the question, ‘Where shall we have lunch?’ (Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy“)


One can roughly divide mathematical education into three stages:


  1. The “pre-rigorous” stage, in which mathematics is taught in an informal, intuitive manner, based on examples, fuzzy notions, and hand-waving. (For instance, calculus is usually first introduced in terms of slopes, areas, rates of change, and so forth.) The emphasis is more on computation than on theory. This stage generally lasts until the early undergraduate years.


  2. The “rigorous” stage, in which one is now taught that in order to do maths “properly”, one needs to work and think in a much more precise and formal manner (e.g. re-doing calculus by using epsilons and deltas all over the place). The emphasis is now primarily on theory; and one is expected to be able to comfortably manipulate abstract mathematical objects without focusing too much on what such objects actually “mean”. This stage usually occupies the later undergraduate and early graduate years.

    “严谨”阶段,此时人们被教导为了“正确”地做数学,需要以更加准确且正式的方式工作与思考(例如,通过到处使用 ε 和 δ 重新做微积分)。这一阶段重点主要在理论;人们期望能够舒适地操作抽象的数学对象,而不必过于关注这些对象实际上“意味着”什么。这一阶段通常占据本科后期和研究生早期。

  3. The “post-rigorous” stage, in which one has grown comfortable with all the rigorous foundations of one’s chosen field, and is now ready to revisit and refine one’s pre-rigorous intuition on the subject, but this time with the intuition solidly buttressed by rigorous theory. (For instance, in this stage one would be able to quickly and accurately perform computations in vector calculus by using analogies with scalar calculus, or informal and semi-rigorous use of infinitesimals, big-O notation, and so forth, and be able to convert all such calculations into a rigorous argument whenever required.) The emphasis is now on applications, intuition, and the “big picture”. This stage usually occupies the late graduate years and beyond.

    “后严谨”阶段,此时人们对所选领域的所有严谨基础感到自然,准备重新审视和提炼自己在该主题上的前严谨直觉,但这次直觉得到了严谨理论的坚实支撑。(例如,在这个阶段,人们能够通过与标量微积分的类比,或非正式和半严谨地使用无穷小、大 O 符号等,快速准确地进行向量微积分的计算,并能够在需要时将所有这些计算转化为严谨的论证。)这一阶段的重点在于运用、直觉和“大局观”。这一阶段通常占据研究生后期及以后。

The transition from the first stage to the second is well known to be rather traumatic, with the dreaded “proof-type questions” being the bane of many a maths undergraduate. (See also “There’s more to maths than grades and exams and methods“.) But the transition from the second to the third is equally important, and should not be forgotten.


It is of course vitally important that you know how to think rigorously, as this gives you the discipline to avoid many common errors and purge many misconceptions. Unfortunately, this has the unintended consequence that “fuzzier” or “intuitive” thinking (such as heuristic reasoning, judicious extrapolation from examples, or analogies with other contexts such as physics) gets deprecated as “non-rigorous”. All too often, one ends up discarding one’s initial intuition and is only able to process mathematics at a formal level, thus getting stalled at the second stage of one’s mathematical education. (Among other things, this can impact one’s ability to read mathematical papers; an overly literal mindset can lead to “compilation errors” when one encounters even a single typo or ambiguity in such a paper.)


The point of rigour is not to destroy all intuition; instead, it should be used to destroy bad intuition while clarifying and elevating good intuition. It is only with a combination of both rigorous formalism and good intuition that one can tackle complex mathematical problems; one needs the former to correctly deal with the fine details, and the latter to correctly deal with the big picture. Without one or the other, you will spend a lot of time blundering around in the dark (which can be instructive, but is highly inefficient). So once you are fully comfortable with rigorous mathematical thinking, you should revisit your intuitions on the subject and use your new thinking skills to test and refine these intuitions rather than discard them. One way to do this is to ask yourself dumb questions; another is to relearn your field.

严谨的目的不是摧毁所有直觉;相反,它应该用来摧毁坏的直觉,同时澄清和提升好的直觉。只有结合严谨的形式主义和好的直觉,才能解决复杂的数学问题;前者用于正确处理细节,后者用于正确处理大局。 没有其中之一,你将花费大量时间在黑暗中摸索(这可能具有教育意义,但效率极低)。因此,一旦你你完全适应了严谨的数学思维,你应该重新审视你在该主题上的直觉,并利用你的新思维技能测试和提炼这些直觉,而不是抛弃它们。一种方法是问自己愚蠢的问题;另一种是重新学习你的领域。

The ideal state to reach is when every heuristic argument naturally suggests its rigorous counterpart, and vice versa. Then you will be able to tackle maths problems by using both halves of your brain at once – i.e., the same way you already tackle problems in “real life”.


See also:


Added later: It is perhaps worth noting that mathematicians at all three of the above stages of mathematical development can still make formal mistakes in their mathematical writing. However, the nature of these mistakes tends to be rather different, depending on what stage one is at:


  1. Mathematicians at the pre-rigorous stage of development often make formal errors because they are unable to understand how the rigorous mathematical formalism actually works, and are instead applying formal rules or heuristics blindly. It can often be quite difficult for such mathematicians to appreciate and correct these errors even when those errors are explicitly pointed out to them.


  2. Mathematicians at the rigorous stage of development can still make formal errors because they have not yet perfected their formal understanding, or are unable to perform enough “sanity checks” against intuition or other rules of thumb to catch, say, a sign error, or a failure to correctly verify a crucial hypothesis in a tool. However, such errors can usually be detected (and often repaired) once they are pointed out to them.


  3. Mathematicians at the post-rigorous stage of development are not infallible, and are still capable of making formal errors in their writing. But this is often because they no longer need the formalism in order to perform high-level mathematical reasoning, and are actually proceeding largely through intuition, which is then translated (possibly incorrectly) into formal mathematical language.


The distinction between the three types of errors can lead to the phenomenon (which can often be quite puzzling to readers at earlier stages of mathematical development) of a mathematical argument by a post-rigorous mathematician which locally contains a number of typos and other formal errors, but is globally quite sound, with the local errors propagating for a while before being cancelled out by other local errors. (In contrast, when unchecked by a solid intuition, once an error is introduced in an argument by a pre-rigorous or rigorous mathematician, it is possible for the error to propagate out of control until one is left with complete nonsense at the end of the argument.) See this post for some further discussion of such errors, and how to read papers to compensate for them.


I discuss this topic further in this video with Brady “Numberphile” Haran.

第二部分 – 个人理解




  1. “前严谨”阶段:通过直观和基于例子的方式接触数学,依赖直观理解和简单的推理,此阶段如同“见山是山,见水是水”。
  2. “严谨”阶段:开始深入学习数学的严格理论基础和抽象概念,需要改变思维方式,以更严谨的方式来思考问题,这像是“见山不是山,见水不是水”。
  3. “后严谨”阶段:在严谨理论基础上,再次回归直观和应用,将理论和直观结合在一起,“见山还是山,见水还是水”。


没经过严谨阶段的训练,容易犯低级的推理错误,比如 chatGPT 刚问世时,对鸡兔同笼问题的回答:







AI 从数学形式化,求解 IMO 竞赛题,开始过渡到对实际数学问题的把握理解。形式化可以作为后严谨阶段的语言,这个过程应该更加关注对问题的思考和直觉训练。

关于直觉的训练,DeepMind 在 2021 年的经典工作 Guided human intuition with AI 是一个很好的例子。我们在另一篇进行更深入的讨论。



而在创造性这点,AI 的能力还没有被充分挖掘,如果 AI 很擅长形式化,那他更像一台真理机器。如果他在此基础上,能产生直觉思考,并用严谨的形式表述,那就是一个后严谨阶段的数学家了。





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