NeRV: Neural Representations for Videos


We propose a novel neural representation for videos (NeRV) which encodes videos in neural networks. Unlike conventional representations that treat videos as frame sequences, we represent videos as neural networks taking frame index as input. Given a frame index, NeRV outputs the corresponding RGB image. Video encoding in NeRV is simply fitting a neural network to video frames and decoding process is a simple feedforward operation. As an image-wise implicit representation, NeRV output the whole image and shows great efficiency compared to pixelwise implicit representation, improving the encoding speed by 25× to 70×, the decoding speed by 38× to 132×, while achieving better video quality. With such a representation, we can treat videos as neural networks, simplifying several videorelated tasks. For example, conventional video compression methods are restricted by a long and complex pipeline, specifically designed for the task. In contrast, with NeRV, we can use any neural network compression method as a proxy for video compression, and achieve comparable performance to traditional frame-based video compression approaches (H.264, HEVC etc.). Besides compression, we demonstrate the generalization of NeRV for video denoising. The source code and pre-trained model can be found at “”.

1 Introduction

What is a video? Typically, a video captures a dynamic visual scene using a sequence of frames. A schematic interpretation of this is a curve in 2D space, where each point can be characterized with a (x, y) pair representing the spatial state. If we have a model for all (x, y) pairs, then, given any x, we can easily find the corresponding y state. Similarly, we can interpret a video as a recording of the visual world, where we can find a corresponding RGB state for every single timestamp. This leads to our main claim: can we represent a video as a function of time?

More formally, can we represent a video V as V = {vt}, where vt = fθ(t), a frame at timestamp t, is represented as a function f parameterized by θ. Given their remarkable representational capacity, we choose deep neural networks as the function in our work. Given these intuitions, we propose NeRV, a novel representation that represents videos as implicit functions and encodes them into neural networks. Specifically, with a fairly simple deep neural network design, NeRV can reconstruct the corresponding video frames with high quality, given the frame index. Once the video is encoded into a neural network, this network can be used as a proxy for video, where we can directly extract all video information from the representation. Therefore, unlike traditional video representations which treat videos as sequences of frames, shown in Figure 1(a), our proposed NeRV considers a video as a unified neural network with all information embedded within its architecture and parameters, shown in Figure 1(b).

As an image-wise implicit representation, NeRV shares lots of similarities with pixel-wise implicit visual representations which takes spatial-temporal coordinates as inputs. The main differences between our work and image-wise implicit representation are the output space and architecture designs. Pixel-wise representations output the RGB value for each pixel, while NeRV outputs a whole image, demonstrated in Figure 2. Given a video with size of T×H×W , pixel-wise representations need to sample the video T∗H∗W times while NeRV only need to sample T times. Considering the huge pixel number, especially for high resolution videos, NeRV shows great advantage for both encoding time and decoding speed. Different output space also leads to different architecture designs, NeRV utilizes a MLP + ConvNets architecture to output an image while pixel-wise representation uses a simple MLP to output the RGB value of the pixel. Sampling efficiency of NeRV also simplify the optimization problem, which leads to better reconstruction quality compared to pixel-wise representations.

We also demonstrate the flexibility of NeRV by exploring several applications it affords. Most notably, we examine the suitability of NeRV for video compression. Traditional video compression frameworks are quite involved, such as specifying key frames and inter frames, estimating the residual information, block-size the video frames, applying discrete cosine transform on the resulting image blocks and so on. Such a long pipeline makes the decoding process very complex as well. In contrast, given a neural network that encodes a video in NeRV, we can simply cast the video compression task as a model compression problem, and trivially leverage any well-established or cutting edge model compression algorithm to achieve good compression ratios. Specifically, we explore a three-step model compression pipeline: model pruning, model quantization, and weight encoding, and show the contributions of each step for the compression task. We conduct extensive experiments on popular video compression datasets, such as UVG, and show the applicability of model compression techniques on NeRV for video compression. We briefly compare different video representations in Table 1 and NeRV shows great advantage in decoding speed.

Besides video compression, we also explore other applications of the NeRV representation for the video denoising task. Since NeRV is a learnt implicit function, we can demonstrate its robustness to noise and perturbations. Given a noisy video as input, NeRV generates a high-quality denoised output, without any additional operation, and even outperforms conventional denoising methods.

The contribution of this paper can be summarized into four parts:

We propose NeRV, a novel image-wise implicit representation for videos, representating a video as a neural network, converting video encoding to model fitting and video decoding as a simple feedforward operation.

Compared to pixel-wise implicit representation, NeRV output the whole image and shows great efficiency, improving the encoding speed by 25× to 70×, the decoding speed by 38× to 132×, while achieving better video quality.

NeRV allows us to convert the video compression problem to a model compression problem, allowing us to leverage standard model compression tools and reach comparable performance with conventional video compression methods, e.g.

As a general representation for videos, NeRV also shows promising results in other tasks, e.g., video denoising. Without any special denoisng design, NeRV outperforms traditional hand-crafted denoising algorithms (medium filter etc.) and ConvNets-based denoisng methods.

2 Related Work

Implicit Neural Representation. Implicit neural representation is a novel way to parameterize a variety of signals. The key idea is to represent an object as a function approximated via a neural network, which maps the coordinate to its corresponding value (e.g., pixel coordinate for an image and RGB value of the pixel). It has been widely applied in many 3D vision tasks, such as 3D shapes, 3D scenes, and appearance of the 3D structure. Comparing to explicit 3D representations, such as voxel, point cloud, and mesh, the continuous implicit neural representation can compactly encode high-resolution signals in a memory-efficient way. Most recently, demonstrated the feasibility of using implicit neural representation for image compression tasks. Although it is not yet competitive with the state-of-the-art compression methods, it shows promising and attractive proprieties. In previous methods, MLPs are often used to approximate the implicit neural representations, which take the spatial or spatio-temporal coordinate as the input and output the signals at that single point (e.g., RGB value, volume density). In contrast, our NeRV representation, trains a purposefully designed neural network composed of MLPs and convolution layers, and takes the frame index as input and directly outputs all the RGB values of that frame.

Video Compression. As a fundamental task of computer vision and image processing, visual data compression has been studied for several decades. Before the resurgence of deep networks, handcrafted image compression techniques, like JPEG and JPEG2000 , were widely used. Building upon them, many traditional video compression algorithms, such as MPEG, H.264, and HEVC, have achieved great success. These methods are generally based on transform coding like Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) or wavelet transform, which are well-engineered and tuned to be fast and efficient. More recently, deep learning-based visual compression approaches have been gaining popularity. For video compression, the most common practice is to utilize neural networks for certain components while using the traditional video compression pipeline. For example, proposed an effective image compression approach and generalized it into video compression by adding interpolation loop modules. Similarly, converted the video compression problem into an image interpolation problem and proposed an interpolation network, resulting in competitive compression quality. Furthermore, generalized optical flow to scale-space flow to better model uncertainty in compression. Later, employed a temporal hierarchical structure, and trained neural networks for most components including key frame compression, motion estimation, motions compression, and residual compression. However, all of these works still follow the overall pipeline of traditional compression, arguably limiting their capabilities.

Model Compression. The goal of model compression is to simplify an original model by reducing the number of parameters while maintaining its accuracy. Current research on model compression research can be divided into four groups: parameter pruning and quantization; low-rank factorization; transferred and compact convolutional filters; and knowledge distillation. Our proposed NeRV enables us to reformulate the video compression problem into model compression, and utilize standard model compression techniques. Specifically, we use model pruning and quantization to reduce the model size without significantly deteriorating the performance.

3 Neural Representations for Videos

We first present the NeRV representation in Section 3.1, including the input embedding, the network architecture, and the loss objective. Then, we present model compression techniques on NeRV in Section 3.2 for video compression.

3.1 NeRV Architecture

In NeRV, each video V = { vt } is represented by a function fθ:R→R^(H×W ×3), where the input is a frame index t and the output is the corresponding RGB image vt ∈ R^(H×W×3). The encoding function is parameterized with a deep neural network θ, vt = fθ(t). Therefore, video encoding is done by fitting a neural network fθ to a given video, such that it can map each input timestamp to the corresponding RGB frame.
在NeRV中,每个视频V = {vt}用函数fθ:R→R^(H×W ×3)表示,其中输入为帧索引t,输出为对应的RGB图像vt∈R^(H×W×3)。利用深度神经网络θ, vt = fθ(t)对编码函数进行参数化。因此,视频编码是通过拟合神经网络fθ到给定的视频,这样它可以将每个输入时间戳映射到相应的RGB帧。

Input Embedding. Although deep neural networks can be used as universal function approximators, directly training the network fθ with input timestamp t results in poor results, which is also observed. By mapping the inputs to a high embedding space, the neural network can better fit data with high-frequency variations. Specifically, in NeRV, we use Positional Encoding as our embedding function.
输入嵌入。虽然深度神经网络可以作为通用函数逼近器,但直接用输入时间戳 t 训练网络 fθ 的结果很差,这也是可以观察到的。通过将输入映射到高嵌入空间,神经网络可以更好地拟合高频变化的数据。具体来说,在NeRV中,我们使用位置编码作为我们的嵌入函数。

where b and l are hyper-parameters of the networks. Given an input timestamp t, normalized between (0,1], the output of embedding function Γ(·) is then fed to the following neural network.

Network Architecture. NeRV architecture is illustrated in Figure 2(b). NeRV takes the time embedding as input and outputs the corresponding RGB Frame. Leveraging MLPs to directly output all pixel values of the frames can lead to huge parameters, especially when the images resolutions are large. Therefore, we stack multiple NeRV blocks following the MLP layers so that pixels at different locations can share convolutional kernels, leading to an efficient and effective network. Inspired by the super-resolution networks, we design the NeRV block, illustrated in Figure 2©, adopting PixelShuffle technique for upscaling method. Convolution and activation layers are also inserted to enhance the expressibilty. The detailed architecture can be found in the supplementary material.

Loss Objective. For NeRV, we adopt combination of L1 and SSIM loss as our loss function for network optimization, which calculates the loss over all pixel locations of the predicted image and the ground-truth image as following

where T is the frame number, fθ(t) ∈ R^(H×W×3) the NeRV prediction, vt ∈R^(H×W×3) the frame ground truth, α is hyper-parameter to balance the weight for each loss component.
其中T是帧数,fθ(T)∈ R^(H×W×3)是NeRV预测,vt∈ R^(H×W×3)是帧地面真值,α是超参数,以平衡每个损耗分量的权重。


3.2 Model Compression

In this section, we briefly revisit model compression techniques used for video compression with NeRV. Our model compression composes of four standard sequential steps: video overfit, model pruning, weight quantization, and weight encoding as shown in Figure 3.

Model Pruning. Given a neural network fit on a video, we use global unstructured pruning to reduce the model size first. Based on the magnitude of weight values, we set weights below a threshold as zero,

where θq is the q percentile value for all parameters in θ. As a normal practice, we fine-tune the model to regain the representation, after the pruning operation.

Model Quantization. After model pruning, we apply model quantization to all network parameters. Note that different from many recent works that utilize quantization during training, NeRV is only quantized post-hoc (after the training process). Given a parameter tensor µ

where ‘round’ is rounding value to the closest integer, ‘bit’ the bit length for quantized model, µmax and µmin the max and min value for the parameter tensor µ, ‘scale’ the scaling factor. Through Equation 4, each parameter can be mapped to a ‘bit’ length value. The overhead to store ‘scale’ and µmin can be ignored given the large parameter number of µ, e.g., they account for only 0.005% in a small 3 × 3 Conv with 64 input channels and 64 output channels (37k parameters in total).
其中,round为舍入到最接近的整数,bit为量化模型的比特长度,µmax和µmin为参数张量的最大和最小值,scale为缩放因子。通过公式4,每个参数可以映射到一个“位”长度值。存储“scale”和存储µmin的开销可以忽略,因为参数数量很大,例如在64个输入通道和64个输出通道的小的3 × 3 Conv(总共37k个参数)中,它们仅占0.005%。

Entropy Encoding. Finally, we use entropy encoding to further compress the model size. By taking advantage of character frequency, entropy encoding can represent the data with a more efficient codec. Specifically, ploy Huffman Coding after model quantization. Since Huffman Coding is lossless, it is guaranteed that a decent compression can be achieved without any impact on the reconstruction quality. Empirically, this further reduces the model size by around 10%.

4 Experiments

4.1 Datasets and Implementation Details

We perform experiments on “Big Buck Bunny” sequence from scikit-video to compare our NeRV with pixel-wise implicit representations, which has 132 frames of 720×1080 resolution. To compare with state-of-the-arts methods on video compression task, we do experiments on the widely used UVG, consisting of 7 videos and 3900 frames with 1920×1080 in total.

In our experiments, we train the network using Adam optimizer with learning rate of 5e-4. For ablation study on UVG, we use cosine annealing learning rate schedule, batchsize of 1, training epochs of 150, and warmup epochs of 30 unless otherwise denoted. When compare with state-of-the-arts, we run the model for 1500 epochs, with batchsize of 6. For experiments on “Big Buck Bunny”, we train NeRV for 1200 epochs unless otherwise denoted. For fine-tune process after pruning, we use 50 epochs for both UVG and “Big Buck Bunny”.
在我们的实验中,我们使用学习率为5e-4的Adam优化器来训练网络。对于UVG的消融研究,我们使用余弦退火学习速率计划,批大小为1,训练期为150,预热期为30,除非另有说明。当与先进技术相比较时,我们运行了1500个时代的模型,批量为6个。对于“大巴克兔”的实验,我们训练NeRV 1200个epoch,除非另有说明。对于修剪后的微调过程,我们对UVG和“Big Buck Bunny”都使用了50个epoch。

For NeRV architecture, there are 5 NeRV blocks, with up-scale factor 5, 3, 2, 2, 2 respectively for 1080p videos, and 5, 2, 2, 2, 2 respectively for 720p videos. By changing the hidden dimension of MLP and channel dimension of NeRV blocks, we can build NeRV model with different sizes. For input embedding in Equation 1, we use b = 1.25 and l = 80 as our default setting. For loss objective in Equation 2, α is set to 0.7. We evaluate the video quality with two metrics: PSNR and MS-SSIM. Bits-per-pixel (BPP) is adopted to indicate the compression ratio. We implement our model in PyTorch and train it in full precision (FP32). All experiments are run with NVIDIA RTX2080ti. Please refer to the supplementary material for more experimental details, results, and visualizations.
NeRV架构有5个NeRV块,1080p视频的上标因子分别为5、3、2、2、2,720p视频的上标因子分别为5、2、2、2、2。通过改变MLP的隐藏维数和NeRV块的通道维数,可以建立不同大小的NeRV模型。对于方程1中的输入嵌入,我们使用b = 1.25和l = 80作为默认设置。对于公式2中的损失目标,α设为0.7。我们用两个指标来评估视频质量:PSNR和MS-SSIM。采用bit -per-pixel (BPP)表示压缩比。我们在PyTorch中实现我们的模型,并对其进行全精度训练(FP32)。所有实验都使用NVIDIA RTX2080ti运行。请参阅补充材料,以获得更多的实验细节、结果和可视化。

4.2 Main Results

We compare NeRV with pixel-wise implicit representations on ’Big Buck Bunny’ video. We take SIREN [5] and NeRF as the baseline, where SIREN takes the original pixel coordinates as input and uses sine activations, while NeRF adds one positional embedding layer to encode the pixel coordinates and uses ReLU activations. Both SIREN and FFN use a 3-layer perceptron and we change the hidden dimension to build model of different sizes. For fair comparison, we train SIREN and FFN for 120 epochs to make encoding time comparable. And we change the filter width to build NeRV model of comparable sizes, named as NeRV-S, NeRV-M, and NeRV-L. In Table 2, NeRV outperforms them greatly in both encoding speed, decoding quality, and decoding speed. Note that NeRV can improve the training speed by 25× to 70×, and speedup the decoding FPS by 38× to 132×. We also conduct experiments with different training epochs in Table 3, which clearly shows that longer training time can lead to much better overfit results of the video and we notice that the final performances have not saturated as long as it trains for more epochs.
我们将NeRV与《大巴克兔》视频中的像素级隐式表示相比较。我们以SIREN[5]和NeRF为基线,其中SIREN以原始像素坐标为输入,使用正弦激活,而NeRF增加了一个位置嵌入层对像素坐标进行编码,使用ReLU激活。SIREN和FFN都使用了3层感知器,我们改变隐藏维度来构建不同大小的模型。为了进行公平比较,我们对SIREN和FFN进行了120个epoch的训练,以使编码时间具有可比性。我们改变滤波器的宽度,建立类似大小的NeRV模型,命名为NeRV-S, NeRV-M, and NeRV-L。在表2中,NeRV在编码速度、解码质量和解码速度方面都大大优于它们。需要注意的是,NeRV可以将训练速度提高25 ~ 70×,解码FPS速度提高38× ~ 132×。我们还在表3中对不同的训练时段进行了实验,实验清楚地表明,训练时间越长,视频的过拟合效果就越好,我们注意到,只要训练的时段越多,最终的表现就没有饱和。


4.3 Video Compression

Compression ablation. We first conduct ablation study on video “Big Buck Bunny”. Figure 4 shows the results of different pruning ratios, where model of 40% sparsity still reach comparable performance with the full model. As for model quantization step in Figure 5, a 8-bit model still remains the video quality compared to the original one (32-bit). Figure 6 shows the full compression pipeline with NeRV. The compression performance is quite robust to NeRV models of different sizes, and each step shows consistent contribution to our final results. Please note that we only explore these three common compression techniques here, and we believe that other well-established and cutting edge model compression algorithm can be applied to further improve the final performances of video compression task, which is left for future research.

Compare with state-of-the-arts methods. We then compare with state-of-the-arts methods on UVG dataset. First, we concatenate 7 videos into one single video along the time dimension and train NeRV on all the frames from different videos, which we found to be more beneficial than training a single model for each video. After training the network, we apply model pruning, quantization, and weight encoding as described in Section3.2. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the rate-distortion curves. We compare with H.264, HEVC, STA T-SSF-SP, HL VC, Scale-space, and Wu et al. H.264 and HEVC are performed with medium preset mode. As the first image-wise neural representation, NeRV generally achieves comparable performance with traditional video compression techniques and other learning-based video compression approaches. It is worth noting that when BPP is small, NeRV can match the performance of the state-of-the-art method, showing its great potential in high-rate video compression. When BPP becomes large, the performance gap is mostly because of the lack of full training due to GPU resources limitations. As shown in Table 3, the decoding video quality keeps increasing when the training epochs are longer. Figure 9 shows visualizations for decoding frames. At similar memory budget, NeRV shows image details with better quality.
与最先进的方法比较。然后,我们在UVG数据集上与最先进的方法进行比较。首先,我们沿着时间维度将7个视频拼接成一个单一的视频,并在不同视频的所有帧上训练NeRV,我们发现这比为每个视频训练一个单一的模型更有益。训练完网络后,我们应用模型剪接、量化和权重编码,如第3.2节所述。图7和图8显示了速率失真曲线。我们与H.264、HEVC、STA T-SSF-SP、HL VC、Scale-space和Wu等进行了比较。H.264和HEVC采用中等预设模式。作为第一个基于图像的神经表示,NeRV通常可以达到与传统视频压缩技术和其他基于学习的视频压缩方法相当的性能。值得注意的是,当BPP较小时,NeRV的性能可以与最先进的方法相媲美,显示出其在高速视频压缩方面的巨大潜力。当BPP变大时,性能差距主要是由于GPU资源的限制,没有充分的训练。从表3可以看出,随着训练周期的增加,解码视频质量不断提高。图9显示了解码帧的可视化。在相同的内存预算下,NeRV显示的图像细节质量更好。

Decoding time. We compare with other methods for decoding time under a similar memory budget. Note that HEVC is run on CPU, while all other learning-based methods are run on a single GPU, including our NeRV. We speedup NeRV by running it in half precision (FP16). Due to the simple decoding process (feedforward operation), NeRV shows great advantage, even for carefully-optimized H.264. And lots of speepup can be expected by running quantizaed model on special hardware. All the other video compression methods have two types of frames: key and interval frames. Key frame can be reconstructed by its encoded feature only while the interval frame reconstruction is also based on the reconstructed key frames. Since most video frames are interval frames, their decoding needs to be done in a sequential manner after the reconstruction of the respective key frames. On the contrary, our NeRV can output frames at any random time index independently, thus making parallel decoding much simpler. This can be viewed as a distinct advantage over other methods.
解码时间。在相似的内存预算下,我们与其他方法比较了解码时间。注意HEVC是在CPU上运行的,而所有其他基于学习的方法都运行在单个GPU上,包括我们的NeRV。我们通过半精度运行来加速NeRV (FP16)。由于解码过程简单(前馈操作),即使在经过精心优化的H.264中,NeRV也显示出了巨大的优势。通过在特殊硬件上运行量化模型,可以获得较高的速度。所有其他视频压缩方法都有两种类型的帧:关键帧和间隔帧。关键帧只能根据其编码特征进行重构,而间隔帧重构也是基于重构后的关键帧。由于大多数视频帧都是间隔帧,解码需要在重构出相应的关键帧后,按顺序进行。相反,我们的NeRV可以独立输出任意随机时间指数的帧,从而使并行解码更加简单。这可以被视为与其他方法相比的明显优势。

4.4 Video Denoising

We apply several common noise patterns on the original video and train the model on the perturbed ones. During training, no masks or noise locations are provided to the model, i.e., the target of the model is the noisy frames while the model has no extra signal of whether the input is noisy or not. Surprisingly, our model tries to avoid the influence of the noise and regularizes them implicitly with little harm to the compression task simultaneously, which can serve well for most partially distorted videos in practice.

The results are compared with some standard denoising methods including Gaussian, uniform, and median filtering. These can be viewed as denoising upper bound for any additional compression process. As listed in Table 5, the PSNR of NeRV output is usually much higher than the noisy frames although it’s trained on the noisy target in a fully supervised manner, and has reached an acceptable level for general denoising purpose. Specifically, median filtering has the best performance among the traditional denoising techniques, while NeRV outperforms it in most cases or is at least comparable without any extra denoising design in both architecture design and training strategy.

We also compare NeRV with another neural-network-based denoising method, Deep Image Prior (DIP). Although its main target is image denoising, NeRV outperforms it in both qualitative and quantitative metrics, demonstrated in Figure 10. The main difference between them is that denoising of DIP only comes form architecture prior, while the denoising ability of NeRV comes from both architecture prior and data prior. DIP emphasizes that its image prior is only captured by the network structure of Convolution operations because it only feeds on a single image. But the training data of NeRV contain many video frames, sharing lots of visual contents and consistences. As a result, image prior is captured by both the network structure and the training data statistics for NeRV. DIP relies significantly on a good early stopping strategy to prevent it from overfitting to the noise. Without the noise prior, it has to be used with fixed iterations settings, which is not easy to generalize to any random kind of noises as mentioned above. By contrast, NeRV is able to handle this naturally by keeping training because the full set of consecutive video frames provides a strong regularization on image content over noise.


4.5 Ablation Studies

Finally, we provide ablation studies on the UVG dataset. PSNR and MS-SSIM are adopted for evaluation of the reconstructed videos.

Input embedding. In Table 6, PE means positional encoding as in Equation 1, which greatly improves the baseline, None means taking the frame index as input directly. Similar findings can be found in [4], without any input embedding, the model can not learn high-frequency information, resulting in much lower performance.

Upscale layer . In Table 7, we show results of three different upscale methods. i.e., Bilinear Pooling, Transpose Convolution, and PixelShuffle [46]. With similar model sizes, PixelShuffle shows best results. Please note that although Transpose convolution [60] reach comparable results, it greatly slowdown the training speed compared to the PixelShuffle.

Normalization layer . In Table 8, we apply common normalization layers in NeRV block. The default setup, without normalization layer, reaches the best performance and runs slightly faster. We hypothesize that the normalization layer reduces the over-fitting capability of the neural network, which is contradictory to our training objective.

Activation layer . Table 9 shows results for common activation layers. The GELU [61] activation function achieve the highest performances, which is adopted as our default design.

Loss objective. We show loss objective ablation in Table 10. We shows performance results of different combinations of L2, L1, and SSIM loss. Although adopting SSIM alone can produce the highest MS-SSIM score, but the combination of L1 loss and SSIM loss can achieve the best trade-off between the PSNR performance and MS-SSIM score.


5 Discussion

Conclusion. In this work, we present a novel neural representation for videos, NeRV, which encodes videos into neural networks. Our key sight is that by directly training a neural network with video frame index and output corresponding RGB image, we can use the weights of the model to represent the videos, which is totally different from conventional representations that treat videos as consecutive frame sequences. With such a representation, we show that by simply applying general model compression techniques, NeRV can match the performances of traditional video compression approaches for the video compression task, without the need to design a long and complex pipeline. We also show that NeRV can outperform standard denoising methods. We hope that this paper can inspire further research works to design novel class of methods for video representations.

Limitations and Future Work. There are some limitations with the proposed NeRV. First, to achieve the comparable PSNR and MS-SSIM performances, the training time of our proposed approach is longer than the encoding time of traditional video compression methods. Second, the architecture design of NeRV is still not optimal yet, we believe more exploration on the neural architecture design can achieve higher performances. Finally, more advanced and cutting the edge model compression methods can be applied to NeRV and obtain higher compression ratios.

Acknowledgement. This project was partially funded by the DARPA SAIL-ON (W911NF2020009) program, an independent grant from Facebook AI, and Amazon Research Award to AS.
确认。该项目由美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)的SAIL-ON (W911NF2020009)项目提供部分资金,该项目是Facebook人工智能的一项独立拨款,亚马逊研究奖也颁发给了AS。

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