


public function refund()
$nId = I(‘get.id’, ‘’);
$cOrders = D(‘orders’);
$cWxLog = D(‘wxpayLog’);

    if ('' == $nId || NULL == $nId) {

    $arrOrderInfo = $cOrders->getOrder($nId);
    if (!$arrOrderInfo)
    if ( $arrOrderInfo['status'] != 201 )
    if ( empty($arrOrderInfo['sn']) )
    $sOrderTrade = $this->getOrderTradeNum( $arrOrderInfo['sn'] );
    $arrData = array(
        'appid'         => C("APP_ID"),
        'mch_id'        => C("WXPAY_CONFIG")['mch_id'],
        'nonce_str'     => C('WXPAY_CONFIG')['trade_key'],
        'out_trade_no'  => $arrOrderInfo['sn'],
        'total_fee'     => $arrOrderInfo['actual_should_pay']*100,
        'refund_fee'    => $arrOrderInfo['actual_should_pay']*100,
        'out_refund_no' => $sOrderTrade->transaction_id,

    $sSign          = $this->makeWXpaySign( $arrData );
    $arrData['sign']= $sSign;

    $xmlData    = $this->makeXML($arrData);
    $sUrl       = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/secapi/pay/refund';
    $ret        = curl_post_xml_with_wxCA($sUrl,$xmlData);
    $objData    = xml2obj($ret);
    $arrRet     = object_array($objData);

    $retInfo    = json_encode($arrRet);
    $nSid       = $arrOrderInfo['s_id'];

    if ( $arrRet['result_code'] == 'SUCCESS')
        $nRetStatus = $cOrders->saveStatus($nId,3);

* @author lifang
* @desc 获取订单交易号
public function getOrderTradeNum( KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if ( !sSn )
$arrData = array(
‘appid’ => C(“APP_ID”), //小程序id
‘mch_id’ => C(“WXPAY_CONFIG”)[‘mch_id’], //商户id
‘nonce_str’ => C(‘WXPAY_CONFIG’)[‘trade_key’], //支付key
//‘total_tee’ => 10, //支付金额
‘out_trade_no’ => $sSn, //订单唯一标示
//‘refund_fee’ => 0.1
100, //退款金额

    $sSign  = $this->makeWXpaySign( $arrData );             //获取签名
    $arrData['sign']    = $sSign;

    $xmlData= $this->makeXML( $arrData );                   //获取xml格式数据

    $sUrl   = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/orderquery";//微信统一退款请求接口

    $xmlRet = $this->CurlPostXmlStr($xmlData,$sUrl);        //获取微信xml返回数据

    $objData= xml2obj( $xmlRet );
    return $objData;

* @param $arrData
* @author lifang
* @desc 生成订单签名
* @return $sStringD string 签名
protected function makeWXpaySign( $arrData )
$sTradeKey = C(‘WXPAY_CONFIG’)[‘trade_key’];

    ksort($arrData );   //按照ASCII从小到大排列
    reset($arrData);    //指针重置

    foreach ( $arrData as $key => $value )
        if ( $key != 'sign' && $key != 'sign_type' )
            $arrInfo[]  = $key.'='.$value;
    $sStringA   = implode('&',$arrInfo);  //用&符分割数组的值,组成字符串
    $sStringB   = $sStringA.'&key='.$sTradeKey;//拼接支付key

    $sStringC   = MD5($sStringB);              //加密
    $sStringD   = strtoupper( $sStringC );     //所有字符转大写

    return $sStringD;

* @param $arrData
* @return string
* @author lifang
* @desc 返回微信所需要的xml格式数据
protected function makeXML( $arrData )
$sString = “”;

    foreach ( $arrData as $key => $value )
        $sString .= '<'.$key.'>'.$value.'</'.$key.'>';
    $sString .= "</XML>";

    return $sString;
 * @param $xmlData
 * @param $sUrl
 * @return bool|mixed 返回xml数据
 * @author lifang
 * @desc 请求微信统一接口,
protected function CurlPostXmlStr( $xmlData,$sUrl )
    if ( !is_string($xmlData) )

    $httph = curl_init($sUrl);
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1);
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_POST, true);//设置为POST方式
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xmlData);
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    curl_setopt($httph, CURLOPT_HEADER,0);//返回不包含header

    $rst = curl_exec($httph);
    $stat = curl_getinfo($httph);
    if ( 200 == $stat['http_code'] )
        return $rst;
        return false;

  • 微信企业付款到零钱 curl方法

  • @param {String} $url 微信企业付款到零钱 api

  • @param {String} s t r x m l 格 式 的 参 数 字 符 串 ∗ / f u n c t i o n c u r l p o s t x m l w i t h w x C A ( str xml格式的参数字符串 */ function curl_post_xml_with_wxCA( strxml/functioncurlpostxmlwithwxCA(url, KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … if(!is_string(str)){
    throw new Exception(“参数必须为string”);
    c e r t P a t h = ′ / w e b / w x a p p c e r t / a p i c l i e n t c e r t . p e m ′ ; / / v a r d u m p ( certPath = &#x27;/web/wxappcert/apiclient_cert.pem&#x27;; //var_dump( certPath=/web/wxappcert/apiclientcert.pem;//vardump(certPath);die;
    $keyPath = ‘/web/wxappcert/apiclient_key.pem’;

    c h = c u r l i n i t ( ) ; c u r l s e t o p t ( ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( ch=curlinit();curlsetopt(ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false);
    curl_setopt( c h , C U R L O P T S S L V E R I F Y H O S T , f a l s e ) ; c u r l s e t o p t ( ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,false); curl_setopt( ch,CURLOPTSSLVERIFYHOST,false);curlsetopt(ch, CURLOPT_URL, u r l ) ; c u r l s e t o p t ( url); curl_setopt( url);curlsetopt(ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE,‘PEM’);
    curl_setopt( c h , C U R L O P T S S L C E R T , ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, ch,CURLOPTSSLCERT,certPath);
    curl_setopt( c h , C U R L O P T S S L K E Y T Y P E , ′ P E M ′ ) ; c u r l s e t o p t ( ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE,&#x27;PEM&#x27;); curl_setopt( ch,CURLOPTSSLKEYTYPE,PEM);curlsetopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEY,$keyPath);

    curl_setopt( c h , C U R L O P T R E T U R N T R A N S F E R , 1 ) ; c u r l s e t o p t ( ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt( ch,CURLOPTRETURNTRANSFER,1);curlsetopt(ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘Content-Type: text/xml’));
    curl_setopt( c h , C U R L O P T P O S T , 1 ) ; c u r l s e t o p t ( ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt( ch,CURLOPTPOST,1);curlsetopt(ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, s t r ) ; / / 因 为 微 信 红 包 在 使 用 过 程 中 需 要 验 证 服 务 器 和 域 名 , 故 需 要 设 置 下 面 两 行 c u r l s e t o p t ( str); //因为微信红包在使用过程中需要验证服务器和域名,故需要设置下面两行 curl_setopt( str);//使curlsetopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); // 只信任CA颁布的证书
    curl_setopt( c h , C U R L O P T S S L V E R I F Y H O S T , 2 ) ; / / 检 查 证 书 中 是 否 设 置 域 名 , 并 且 是 否 与 提 供 的 主 机 名 匹 配 c u r l s e t o p t ( ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); // 检查证书中是否设置域名,并且是否与提供的主机名匹配 curl_setopt( ch,CURLOPTSSLVERIFYHOST,2);//curlsetopt(ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

    // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, ‘/web/wxhongbaocert/rootca.pem’); // CA根证书(用来验证的网站证书是否是CA颁布)

    r s t = c u r l e x e c ( rst = curl_exec( rst=curlexec(ch);
    s t a t = c u r l g e t i n f o ( stat = curl_getinfo( stat=curlgetinfo(ch);
    curl_close( c h ) ; / / d u m p ( ch); //dump( ch);//dump(stat);die;
    return $rst;
    return false;

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