#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int cmp(int *a,int *b){//define a function used for the function qsort.
return (*a)-(*b);
int main(){
int a[100];
printf("Please input the length of the array :");
int n; //define the array length
printf("Please input the number that in your array.\n");
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){//Initialization the array.
qsort(a,n,sizeof(int),cmp);//sort the array and let it in ascending order.
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf("\nPlease input the number that you want to find :");
int number;//define the number that you want to find.
int low=0,high=n-1,middle,location;
//low:pointed to the lowest subscript of the array.
//high:pointed to the largest subscript of the array.
//middle:pointed to the middle subscript of the array.
//location:represent the real location of the number that you want find.
if(number>a[high]||number<a[low]){//In this way ,the number is overflow from the array.
printf("The number is overflow from the array.\n");
int flag=0;
while((!flag)&&low<=high){//If we not find the number and "low" is lower than "high",do this loop.
if(number==a[middle]){//OK,we find the target number.
location=middle;//noted the subscript
break;//break the loop
}else if(number<a[middle]){//update the high value
}else if(number>a[middle]){//update the low value
if(flag){//We find the target number ,print the result
printf("We can find the number %d ,it's location is %d.\n",number,location);
}else{//We don't find the target number,print the number.
printf("We can not find the number %d,it doesn't in the array.\n",number);
return 0;