

// Device Model (SMG-950U, iPhone10,6)
var device = DeviceInfo.Model;

// Manufacturer (Samsung)
var manufacturer = DeviceInfo.Manufacturer;

// Device Name (Motz's iPhone)
var deviceName = DeviceInfo.Name;

// Operating System Version Number (7.0)
var version = DeviceInfo.VersionString;

// Platform (Android)
var platform = DeviceInfo.Platform;

// Idiom (Phone)
var idiom = DeviceInfo.Idiom;

// Device Type (Physical)
var deviceType = DeviceInfo.DeviceType;
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Title: Xamarin Essentials Author: Mark Reynolds Length: 197 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2014-12-12 ISBN-10: 178355083X ISBN-13: 9781783550838 Learn how to efficiently develop Android and iOS apps for deployment using the Xamarin platform About This Book Explore the Xamarin platform and understand the architecture behind Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android Learn how to build and run iOS and Android apps using Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio This is a practical tutorial with a clear and concise approach that teaches you how to create, share, and reuse code across your iOS and Android apps Who This Book Is For If you are an experienced iOS and Android developer and have a desire to learn about the Xamarin platform, then you will find this tutorial to be the most efficient, interesting, and relevant path. You will find this guide to be especially useful if you wish to become proficient in creating apps using the Xamarin platform, as Xamarin Essentials teaches you the fundamentals of iOS and Android development. In Detail Xamarin is a Mono-based suite of products that allows developers to create iOS and Android apps using C# and .NET. This learning guide is your first port of call to quickly learn Xamarin. Starting with the foundations by understanding the architecture behind Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android, you will be guided through creating your first Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android applications. In addition, you will learn how to utilize frameworks such as MvvmCross and Xamarin.Forms to increase the amount of code reuse. To conclude your journey, you will be shown how to develop your own Xamarin apps for distribution. Xamarin Essentials is the guide to use in order to quickly gain practical working knowledge of developing robust commercial mobile apps using C# and sharing large portions of your code base across iOS and Android apps. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Xamarin and Mono – A Pathway to the Unnatural Chapter 2: Demystifying Xamarin.iOS Chapter 3: Demystifying Xamarin.Android Chapter 4: Developing Your First iOS App with Xamarin.iOS Chapter 5: Developing Your First Android App with Xamarin.Android Chapter 6: The Sharing Game Chapter 7: Sharing with MvvmCross Chapter 8: Sharing with Xamarin.Forms Chapter 9: Preparing Xamarin.iOS Apps for Distribution Chapter 10: Preparing Xamarin.Android Apps for Distribution
Learn the bare essentials needed to begin developing cross-platform, mobile apps using Xamarin.Forms. Apps can be easily deployed to Google Play or to the Apple App Store. You will gain insight on architecture and how to arrange your app's design, where to begin developing, what pitfalls exist, and how to avoid them. Also covered are expected new features in Xamarin.Forms 3.0, so you may be prepared ahead of time for what the next release brings. Xamarin.Forms Essentials provides a brief history of Xamarin as a company, including how their product has become one of the most-used, cross-platform technologies for enterprise applications and app development across the world. Examples in the book are built around a real-life example that is an actual app in Google Play and in the Apple App Store, and has thousands of downloads between iOS and Android. You will learn how an application is set up from scratch, and you will benefit from the author's hard-won experience and tips in addressing various development challenges. What You'll Learn Create cross-platform user interfaces from one code base for both iOS and Android See how a commercial application is built and then deployed for sale in the app stores Integrate your Xamarin.Forms applications with third-party, RESTful APIs Arrange application architecture to avoid pitfalls and optimize your design Get a heads-up on new features released as part of Xamarin.Forms 3.0 Choose appropriately between Xamarin.Forms and traditional Xamarin, depending upon your application needs and its goals Who This Book Is For Mobile app developers who are producing software for multiple platforms, including Google Android and Apple iOS. Readers should be familiar with Visual Studio either on Mac OS X or Windows, and have a working knowledge of C#. Table of Contents Part I: What Is Xamarin.Forms? Chapter 1: A Brief History of Xamarin Chapter 2: Introducing Xamarin.Forms Chapter 3: Xamarin.Forms Contents Chapter 4: Xamarin.Forms vs. Trad
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