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原创 Gitee在大数据中心的使用


2022-10-28 16:23:34 659 1

原创 解决github下载慢及--recursive慢的问题(亲测好用)

在git clone的地址,例如https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch,改为https://gitclone.com/github.com/pytorch/pytorch,也即加上前缀gitclone.com,然后就可以愉快的下载了(亲测有效)。对于子模块,可以先不要在git clone的时候加上–recursive,等主体部分下载完之后,该文件夹中有个隐藏文件称为:.gitmodules,把子项目中的url地址同样加上gitclone.com前缀,然后利用git s..

2022-03-08 21:31:19 836 8

原创 Graph neural networks: A review of methods and applications

2022-01-14 23:43:24 351

转载 The Weisfeiler-Lehman Isomorphism Test(Weisfeiler-Lehman 同构检验)

Weisfeiler-Lehman 同构检验

2022-01-14 16:13:05 684

转载 Laplace smoothing in Naïve Bayes algorithm(拉普拉斯平滑)


2022-01-14 11:44:04 419

转载 Variational autoencoders(变分自编码器)


2022-01-14 11:24:06 484

转载 Over-smoothing issue in graph neural network(GNN中的过平滑问题)


2022-01-11 16:14:29 801

原创 Linear Factor Models

CONTENTSMany of the research frontiers in deep learning involve building a probabilistic model of the input, pmodel (x)p_{\text {model }}(\boldsymbol{x})pmodel ​(x). Such a model can, in principle, use probabilistic inference to predict any of

2021-09-02 12:47:43 752

原创 Applications(4)

CONTENTSOther ApplicationsIn this section we cover a few other types of applications of deep learning that are different from the standard object recognition, speech recognition and natural language processing tasks discussed above. Part III of this boo

2021-08-31 07:45:01 346

原创 Applications(3)

CONTENTSNatural Language ProcessingNatural language processing (NLP) is the use of human languages, such as English or French, by a computer. Computer programs typically read and emit specialized languages designed to allow efficient and unambiguous pa

2021-08-29 21:43:19 279

原创 Applications(2)

CONTENTSComputer VisionComputer vision has traditionally been one of the most active research areas for deep learning applications, because vision is a task that is effortless for humans and many animals but challenging for computers ( Ballard et al. ,

2021-08-26 19:42:43 324

原创 Applications(1)

CONTENTSLarge-Scale Deep LearningDeep learning is based on the philosophy of connectionism: while an individual biological neuron or an individual feature in a machine learning model is not intelligent, a large population of these neurons or features ac

2021-08-21 19:01:33 415 2

原创 Practical Methodology(3)

CONTENTSDebugging StrategiesWhen a machine learning system performs poorly, it is usually difficult to tell whether the poor performance is intrinsic to the algorithm itself or whether there is a bug in the implementation of the algorithm. Machine lear

2021-08-20 12:34:01 457

原创 Practical Methodology(2)

CONTENTSSelecting HyperparametersMost deep learning algorithms come with many hyperparameters that control many aspects of the algorithm’s behavior. Some of these hyperparameters affect the time and memory cost of running the algorithm. Some of these h

2021-08-18 22:10:15 382

原创 Practical Methodology(1)

CONTENTSSuccessfully applying deep learning techniques requires more than just a good knowledge of what algorithms exist and the principles that explain how they work. A good machine learning practitioner also needs to know how to choose an algorithm for

2021-08-17 18:44:53 562

原创 Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets(3)

CONTENTSLeaky Units and Other Strategies for Multiple Time ScalesOne way to deal with long-term dependencies is to design a model that operates at multiple time scales, so that some parts of the model operate at fine-grained time scales and can handle s

2021-08-15 21:08:43 554

原创 Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets(2)

CONTENTSEncoder-Decoder Sequence-to-Sequence ArchitecturesWe have seen in figure 10.510.510.5 how an RNN can map an input sequence to a fixed-size vector. We have seen in figure 10.910.910.9 how an RNN can map a fixed-size vector to a sequence. We have

2021-08-13 22:05:54 411

原创 Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets(1)

CONTENTSRecurrent neural networks or RNNs (Rumelhart et al., 1986a) are a family of neural networks for processing sequential data. Much as a convolutional network is a neural network that is specialized for processing a grid of values XXX such as an im

2021-08-12 16:25:19 480

原创 Convolutional Networks(3)

CONTENTSRandom or Unsupervised FeaturesTypically, the most expensive part of convolutional network training is learning the features. The output layer is usually relatively inexpensive due to the small number of features provided as input to this layer

2021-08-09 16:18:25 440

原创 Convolutional Networks(2)

CONTENTSVariants of the Basic Convolution FunctionWhen discussing convolution in the context of neural networks, we usually do not refer exactly to the standard discrete convolution operation as it is usually understood in the mathematical literature.

2021-08-08 21:41:18 443

原创 Convolutional Networks(1)

CONTENTSConvolutional networks ( LeCun , 1989 ), also known as convolutional neural networks or CNNs, are a specialized kind of neural network for processing data that has a known, grid-like topology. Examples include time-series data, which can be thoug

2021-08-07 22:13:53 634 2

原创 Optimization for Training Deep Models(3)

CONTENTSApproximate Second-Order MethodsFor simplicity of exposition, the only objective function we examine is the empirical risk:J(θ)=Ex,y∼p^data (x,y)[L(f(x;θ),y)]=1m∑i=1mL(f(x(i);θ),y(i))J(\boldsymbol{\theta})=\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{x}, \mathrm{

2021-08-06 20:42:35 593

原创 Optimization for Training Deep Models(2)

CONTENTSBasic AlgorithmsWe have previously introduced the gradient descent (section 4.3) algorithm that follows the gradient of an entire training set downhill. This may be accelerated considerably by using stochastic gradient descent to follow the gradi

2021-08-05 12:21:25 601

原创 Optimization for Training Deep Models(1)

CONTENTSHow Learning Differs from Pure OptimizationOptimization algorithms used for training of deep models differ from traditional optimization algorithms in several ways.Machine learning usually acts indirectly. In most machine learning scenarios,

2021-08-03 22:05:33 415

原创 Regularization for Deep Learning(3)

CONTENTSParameter Tying and Parameter SharingThus far, in this chapter, when we have discussed adding constraints or penalties to the parameters, we have always done so with respect to a fixed region or point. For example, L2L^{2}L2 regularization (or

2021-08-02 11:16:33 354

原创 Regularization for Deep Learning(2)

CONTENTSNoise RobustnessSection 7.4 has motivated the use of noise applied to the inputs as a dataset augmentation strategy. For some models, the addition of noise with infinitesimal variance at the input of the model is equivalent to imposing a penalt

2021-07-28 21:12:29 339 1

原创 Regularization for Deep Learning(1)

CONTENTSA central problem in machine learning is how to make an algorithm that will perform well not just on the training data, but also on new inputs. Many strategies used in machine learning are explicitly designed to reduce the test error, possibly at

2021-07-26 21:37:08 567

原创 Deep Feedforward Networks(3)

CONTENTSBack-Propagation and Other Differentiation AlgorithmsWhen we use a feedforward neural network to accept an input xxx and produce an output y^\hat{\boldsymbol{y}}y^​, information flows forward through the network. The inputs x\boldsymbol{x}x provi

2021-07-24 12:18:52 1012

原创 Deep Feedforward Networks(2)

CONTENTSHidden UnitsThe design of hidden units is an extremely active area of research and does not yet have many definitive guiding theoretical principles.Rectified linear units are an excellent default choice of hidden unit. Many other types of hi

2021-07-22 11:58:23 335 2

原创 Deep Feedforward Networks(1)

CONTENTSDeep feedforward networks, also often called feedforward neural networks, or multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), are the quintessential deep learning models. The goal of a feedforward network is to approximate some function f∗f^{*}f∗. For example, fo

2021-07-20 21:45:41 426

原创 Machine Learning Basics(3)

CONTENTSSupervised Learning AlgorithmsRoughly speaking, learning algorithms that learn to associate some input with some output, given a training set of examples of inputs xxx and outputs yyy. In many cases the outputs yyy may be difficult to collect au

2021-07-17 22:10:22 904

原创 Machine Learning Basics(2)

CONTENTSCapacity, Overfitting and UnderfittingThe ability to perform well on previously unobserved inputs is called generalization.The field of statistical learning theory provides some answers. If the training and the test set are collected arbitra

2021-07-08 13:20:25 681 3

原创 Machine Learning Basics(1)

CODE WORKSWork Here!CONTENTSLearning AlgorithmsA machine learning algorithm is an algorithm that is able to learn from data. But what do we mean by learning? Mitchell (1997) provides the definition "A computer program is said to learn from experience

2021-07-02 20:39:19 496

原创 Numerical Computation

Overflow and UnderflowThe fundamental difficulty in performing continuous math on a digital computer is that we need to represent infinitely many real numbers with a finite number of bit patterns.Rounding error(舍入误差) is problematic, especially when i

2021-07-02 14:21:43 651

原创 Probability and Information Theory

There are three possible sources of uncertainty:Inherent stochasticity in the system being modeledIncomplete observability(we cannot observe all of the variables that drive the behavior of the system)Incomplete modeling( When we use a model that must d.

2021-06-30 17:32:26 538 2

原创 Linear Algebra

GOALS矩阵的对⻆化分解,以及⼀般矩阵的svd分解,以及应⽤pca算法推导逆矩阵以及伪逆举证,最⼩⼆乘估计,最⼩范数估计CODE WORKSWork Here!CONTENTSScalars: A scalar is just a single numbe.We write scalars in italics.We usually give scalars lower-case variable names.Vectors: A vector is an array of

2021-06-27 16:32:06 526 1

原创 个性化智能推荐系统


2021-04-17 20:49:14 318


2021-04-13 20:41:27 1485

原创 Attention,Transformer,Bert

2021-04-13 18:14:27 278

原创 Bidirectional RNN and Mutil-layer RNN

2021-04-11 22:52:51 273





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