



template <class _Ty>
struct remove_extent { // remove array extent
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty, size_t _Ix>
struct remove_extent<_Ty[_Ix]> {
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_extent<_Ty[]> {
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
using remove_extent_t = typename remove_extent<_Ty>::type;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_all_extents { // remove all array extents
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty, size_t _Ix>
struct remove_all_extents<_Ty[_Ix]> {
    using type = typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_all_extents<_Ty[]> {
    using type = typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type;

template <class _Ty>
using remove_all_extents_t = typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer {
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty*> {
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty* const> {
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty* volatile> {
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty* const volatile> {
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
using remove_pointer_t = typename remove_pointer<_Ty>::type;

template <class _Ty, class = void>
struct _Add_pointer { // add pointer (pointer type cannot be formed)
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty>
struct _Add_pointer<_Ty, void_t<remove_reference_t<_Ty>*>> { // (pointer type can be formed)
    using type = remove_reference_t<_Ty>*;

template <class _Ty>
struct add_pointer {
    using type = typename _Add_pointer<_Ty>::type;

template <class _Ty>
using add_pointer_t = typename _Add_pointer<_Ty>::type;

template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_array_v = false; // determine whether type argument is an array

template <class _Ty, size_t _Nx>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_array_v<_Ty[_Nx]> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_array_v<_Ty[]> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_array : bool_constant<is_array_v<_Ty>> {};

#if _HAS_CXX20
template <class>
inline constexpr bool is_bounded_array_v = false;

template <class _Ty, size_t _Nx>
inline constexpr bool is_bounded_array_v<_Ty[_Nx]> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_bounded_array : bool_constant<is_bounded_array_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class>
inline constexpr bool is_unbounded_array_v = false;

template <class _Ty>
inline constexpr bool is_unbounded_array_v<_Ty[]> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_unbounded_array : bool_constant<is_unbounded_array_v<_Ty>> {};
#endif // _HAS_CXX20

template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_lvalue_reference_v = false; // determine whether type argument is an lvalue reference

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_lvalue_reference_v<_Ty&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_lvalue_reference : bool_constant<is_lvalue_reference_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_rvalue_reference_v = false; // determine whether type argument is an rvalue reference

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_rvalue_reference_v<_Ty&&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_rvalue_reference : bool_constant<is_rvalue_reference_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_reference_v = false; // determine whether type argument is a reference

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_reference_v<_Ty&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_reference_v<_Ty&&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_reference : bool_constant<is_reference_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v = false; // determine whether _Ty is a pointer

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty*> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty* const> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty* volatile> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty* const volatile> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_pointer : bool_constant<is_pointer_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_null_pointer_v =
    is_same_v<remove_cv_t<_Ty>, nullptr_t>; // determine whether _Ty is cv-qualified nullptr_t

template <class _Ty>
struct is_null_pointer : bool_constant<is_null_pointer_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class _Ty>
struct is_union : bool_constant<__is_union(_Ty)> {}; // determine whether _Ty is a union

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_union_v = __is_union(_Ty);

template <class _Ty>
struct is_class : bool_constant<__is_class(_Ty)> {}; // determine whether _Ty is a class

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_class_v = __is_class(_Ty);

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_fundamental_v = is_arithmetic_v<_Ty> || is_void_v<_Ty> || is_null_pointer_v<_Ty>;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_fundamental : bool_constant<is_fundamental_v<_Ty>> {}; // determine whether _Ty is a fundamental type

template <class _From, class _To>
struct is_convertible : bool_constant<__is_convertible_to(_From, _To)> {
    // determine whether _From is convertible to _To

template <class _From, class _To>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_convertible_v = __is_convertible_to(_From, _To);

template <class _Ty>
struct is_enum : bool_constant<__is_enum(_Ty)> {}; // determine whether _Ty is an enumerated type

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_enum_v = __is_enum(_Ty);



例如remove_extent<int [10] [2]> _Ty = int[2],第一层维度int[10]被擦除了,剩下int[2]

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_extent { // remove array extent
    using type = _Ty;
//特化擦除会将已有的擦除掉,因为[Ix]也就是[10]已经被定义了,剩下的_Ty = int[2]
template <class _Ty, size_t _Ix>
struct remove_extent<_Ty[_Ix]> {
    using type = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
struct remove_extent<_Ty[]> {
    using type = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
using remove_extent_t = typename remove_extent<_Ty>::type;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<class T>
struct MyStruct
    using type = T;

template<class T, size_t Ix>
struct MyStruct<T[Ix]>
    constexpr static size_t value = Ix;
    using type = T;

template<class T>
struct MyStruct<T[]>
    using type = T;

int main()
    MyStruct<int>::type a;
    MyStruct<int[]>::type b;
    MyStruct<int[10]>::type c;
    MyStruct<int[10][2]>::type d;
    auto e = MyStruct<int[10][2]>::value;
    MyStruct<int*>::type f;
    return 0;



2.remove_all_extents: 移除所有数组维度


typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type


type=<int[10] [2]>::type,type=<int [2]>::type, type=::type=int

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_all_extents { // remove all array extents
    using type = _Ty;

template <class _Ty, size_t _Ix>
struct remove_all_extents<_Ty[_Ix]> {
    using type = typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type;

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_all_extents<_Ty[]> {
    using type = typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type;
template <class _Ty>
using remove_all_extents_t = typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type;

3.remove_pointer: 移除指针类型

template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer {
    using type = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty*> {
    using type = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty* const> {
    using type = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty* volatile> {
    using type = _Ty;
//特化,擦除掉const volatile指针类型
template <class _Ty>
struct remove_pointer<_Ty* const volatile> {
    using type = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
using remove_pointer_t = typename remove_pointer<_Ty>::type;

4.add_pointer : 添加指针类型


template <class _Ty, class = void>
struct _Add_pointer { // add pointer (pointer type cannot be formed)
    using type = _Ty;
template <class _Ty>
struct _Add_pointer<_Ty, void_t<remove_reference_t<_Ty>*>> { // (pointer type can be formed)
    using type = remove_reference_t<_Ty>*;
template <class _Ty>
struct add_pointer {
    using type = typename _Add_pointer<_Ty>::type;
template <class _Ty>
using add_pointer_t = typename _Add_pointer<_Ty>::type;

5.is_array: 判断是否是数组类型


template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_array_v = false; // determine whether type argument is an array
template <class _Ty, size_t _Nx>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_array_v<_Ty[_Nx]> = true;
template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_array_v<_Ty[]> = true;
//定义一个bool_constant类型,判断是否是数组,最后会是true_type, false_type
template <class _Ty>
struct is_array : bool_constant<is_array_v<_Ty>> {};
#if _HAS_CXX20
template <class>
inline constexpr bool is_bounded_array_v = false;
template <class _Ty, size_t _Nx>
inline constexpr bool is_bounded_array_v<_Ty[_Nx]> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_bounded_array : bool_constant<is_bounded_array_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class>
inline constexpr bool is_unbounded_array_v = false;
template <class _Ty>
inline constexpr bool is_unbounded_array_v<_Ty[]> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_unbounded_array : bool_constant<is_unbounded_array_v<_Ty>> {};
#endif // _HAS_CXX20

6.is_reference:是否是引用类型。is_lvalue_reference: 左值引用,is_rvalue_reference: 右值引用


template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_lvalue_reference_v = false; // determine whether type argument is an lvalue reference

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_lvalue_reference_v<_Ty&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_lvalue_reference : bool_constant<is_lvalue_reference_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_rvalue_reference_v = false; // determine whether type argument is an rvalue reference

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_rvalue_reference_v<_Ty&&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_rvalue_reference : bool_constant<is_rvalue_reference_v<_Ty>> {};

template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_reference_v = false; // determine whether type argument is a reference

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_reference_v<_Ty&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_reference_v<_Ty&&> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_reference : bool_constant<is_reference_v<_Ty>> {};

7.is_pointer: 是否是指针类型


template <class>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v = false; // determine whether _Ty is a pointer

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty*> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty* const> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty* volatile> = true;

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty* const volatile> = true;

template <class _Ty>
struct is_pointer : bool_constant<is_pointer_v<_Ty>> {};

需要注意为很么需要单独_Ty* const,因为又函数是const的,而模板匹配const int * 和int * const显然不是同一个概念。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class>
 constexpr bool is_pointers = false; // determine whether _Ty is a pointer

template <class _Ty>
constexpr bool is_pointers<_Ty*> = true;

int main()
    auto a = is_pointers<int*>;
    auto b = is_pointers<int* const>;
    return 0;


8.is_null_pointer: 判断指针是否是空,利用is_same

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_null_pointer_v =
    is_same_v<remove_cv_t<_Ty>, nullptr_t>; // determine whether _Ty is cv-qualified nullptr_t
template <class _Ty>
struct is_null_pointer : bool_constant<is_null_pointer_v<_Ty>> {};
//继承bool_constant最后为true_type, false_type;


template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_fundamental_v = is_arithmetic_v<_Ty> || is_void_v<_Ty> || is_null_pointer_v<_Ty>;
//is_arithmetic_v, is_void_v具体见其他文章。有介绍。
template <class _Ty>
struct is_fundamental : bool_constant<is_fundamental_v<_Ty>> {}; // determine whether _Ty is a fundamental type


template <class _Ty>
struct is_union : bool_constant<__is_union(_Ty)> {}; // determine whether _Ty is a union

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_union_v = __is_union(_Ty);

template <class _Ty>
struct is_class : bool_constant<__is_class(_Ty)> {}; // determine whether _Ty is a class

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_class_v = __is_class(_Ty);

emplate <class _From, class _To>
struct is_convertible : bool_constant<__is_convertible_to(_From, _To)> {
    // determine whether _From is convertible to _To

template <class _From, class _To>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_convertible_v = __is_convertible_to(_From, _To);

template <class _Ty>
struct is_enum : bool_constant<__is_enum(_Ty)> {}; // determine whether _Ty is an enumerated type

template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_enum_v = __is_enum(_Ty);




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