



Building configuration…
Current configuration: 1639 bytes
version AP_RGOS 11.1(5)B23, Release(03191100)
hostname AP-1
ip dhcp dns dynamic
no service password-encryption
dot11 wlan 1
ssid XXXX
link-check disable
vlan 1
vlan 20
name ap#outsideNetwork
interface GigabitEthernet 0/1
encapsulation dot1Q 20
interface GigabitEthernet 0/1.1
encapsulation dot1Q 20
interface Dot11radio 1/0
no ampdu-rts
rate-set 11b mandatory 1 2 5 11
rate-set 11g mandatory 1 2 5 11
rate-set 11g support 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54
rate-set 11n mcs-support 15
country-code CN
radio-type 802.11b
channel 1

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启动时按Ctrl+B 进入bootware模式 |<3> Delete File | |<0> Exit To Main Menu | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-3): 3 【bootware模式下按3删除已经上传的文件】 Deleting the file in flash: 'M' = MAIN 'B' = BACKUP 'S' = SECURE 'N/A' = NOT ASSIGNED ============================================================================ |NO. Size(B) Time Type Name | |1 6599560 Apr/26/2000 13:12:10 N/A wa1208e-cmw520-r1112p15-fa~001 | |2 232 Apr/26/2000 12:02:14 N/A private-data.txt | |3 418 Apr/26/2000 12:02:18 N/A startup.cfg | |0 Exit | ============================================================================ Enter file No:1 【按1删除已经上传的没有改名的bin文件】 The file you selected is flash:/wa1208e-cmw520-r1112p15-fat.bin,Delete it? [ Y/N]Y Deleting.......Done! ============================================================== |Note:the operating device is flash | |<1> Display All File(s) | |<2> Set Application File type | |<3> Delete File | |<0> Exit To Main Menu | ===================================================== Enter your choice(0-3): 0 ====================================================== |<1> Boot System | |<2> Enter Serial SubMenu | |<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu | |<4> File Control | |<5> Modify BootWare Password | |<6> Skip Current System Configuration | |<7> BootWare Operation Menu | |<8> Clear Super Password | |<9> Storage Device Operation | |<0> Reboot | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-9): 0 System is starting... Booting Normal Extend BootWare.... The Extend BootWare is self-decompressing..................................D one! **************************************************************************** * * * H3C WA1208E BootWare, Version 3.08 * * * **************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. Compiled Date : Jul 12 2010 CPU Type : IXP422 CPU L1 Cache : 32KB CPU Clock Speed : 266MHz Memory Type : SDRAM Memory Size : 64MB Memory Speed : 133MHz BootWare Size : 512KB Flash Size : 8MB BootWare Validating... Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu... Please input BootWare password: Note: The current operating device is flash Enter < Storage Device Operation > to select device. ====================================================== |<1> Boot System | |<2> Enter Serial SubMenu | |<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu | |<4> File Control | |<5> Modify BootWare Password | |<6> Skip Current System Configuration |<7> BootWare Operation Menu | |<8> Clear Super Password | |<9> Storage Device Operation | |<0> Reboot | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-9): 3 【<3>进入以太网子菜单| 】 ==================================================== |Note:the operating device is flash | |<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run | |<2> Update Main Application File | |<3> Update Backup Application File | |<4> Update Secure Application File | |<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter | |<0> Exit To Main Menu | | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-5): 2 【应该先按<5>做好设置 Modify Ethernet Parameter 前面按2就错了所以要重复上面的步骤选3选5设置tftp地址】 Loading... System is starting... Booting Normal Extend BootWare.... The Extend BootWare is self-decompressing..................................D one! **************************************************************************** * * * H3C WA1208E BootWare, Version 3.08 * * * **************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. Compiled Date : Jul 12 2010 CPU Type : IXP422 CPU L1 Cache : 32KB CPU Clock Speed : 266MHz Memory Type : SDRAM Memory Size : 64MB Memory Speed : 133MHz BootWare Size : 5 Flash Size : 8MB BootWare Validating... Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu... Please input BootWare password: Note: The current operating device is flash Enter < Storage Device Operation > to select device. ====================================================== |<1> Boot System | |<2> Enter Serial SubMenu | |<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu |<4> File Control | |<5> Modify BootWare Password | |<6> Skip Current System Configuration | |<7> BootWare Operation Menu | |<8> Clear Super Password | |<9> Storage Device Operation | |<0> Reboot ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-9): 3 ==================================================== |Note:the operating device is flash | |<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run | |<2> Update Main Application File | |<3> Update Backup Application File | |<4> Update Secure Application File | |<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter | |<0> Exit To Main Menu | | | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-5): 5 ==================================================== |Note: '.' = Clear field. |.. The Extend BootWare is self-decompressi | '-' = Go to previous field. | one! ***************************** | Ctrl+D = Quit. | * ============================================================================ 记住网线要直连pc 设置tftp时一定要在一个网段 就是这两个Server IP Address : Local IP Address : ############################################################################################################ 【这里还有一项在设置ip之前还要输入wa1208_fat.bin 下面一行也是。要求全部小写包括改下载的那个文件名也是要全部小写】 Server IP Address : Local IP Address : 【这里是我设置错了,更改的,重新执行 <5> Modify Ethernet Parameter 就可以重新设置tftp地址了也可以更改】 |<1> Download Applic Gateway IP Address : | ====================================================te Main Application File | |Note:the operating device is flash |te Backup Application File | |<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run |te Secure Application File | |<2> Update Main Application File |fy Ethernet Parameter | |<3> Update Backup Application File | To Main Menu |<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter | |<0> Exit To Main Menu |============================ | | field. | ============================================================================ previous field. | Enter your choice(0-5): 2 【设置完以后选 <2> Update Main Application File 后开始传送文件了】 Loading.....................................................................| ..............................................................Done!========= 6599560 bytes downloaded!l (FTP or TFTP) :tftp Updating File flash:/wa1208_fat.bin......................................... Target File Name :wa1208_fat.bin============= ..............Done!===== Server IP Add ==================================================== : 3 Gateway IP Address |Note:the operating device is flash |r Ethernet SubMenu>========================== |<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run |lash | |<2> Update Main Application File |am To SDRAM And Run ============================================================================0-r1112p15-fat.bin,Delete it? [ Enter your choice(0-5): 4========================= Loading..................................................................... address ========================== ..............................................................Done! | |Note:the opera 6599560 bytes downloaded! Updating File flash:/wa1208_fat.bin | The file is exist,will you overwrite it? [Y/N]Y............................. | | ............................Done!pplication File 【问是否写入时按Y,然后等在自动跑完】 ==================================================== |<3> Update Backup Application File |Note:the operating device is flash | |<4> Update Secure Application File |<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM A ========================== | |sword |Note:the operating device is fla ===================================================== |<2> Update Main Application File |Note:the operating device is flash | |<3> Update Backup Application File |<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run | |<4> Update Secure Application File |<2> Update Main Application File | |<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter |<3> Update Backup Application File | |<0> Exit To Main Menu |<4> Update Secure Application File | | |Note:the operating device is fla ============================================================================ * H3C WA1208E BootWar |<1> Download Application Program Enter your choice(0-5): | System is starting... * Booting Normal Extend BootWare....Update Main Application File The Extend BootWare is self-decompressing..................................D************************************ |<3> Update Backup Application File one! ********************************************* Flash Size : 8MB Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.=================enter extended boot menu... Compiled Date : Jul 12 2010Enter your choice(0-5): 2 CPU Type : IXP422lid Gateway ip addressg devi CPU L1 Cache : 32KB ======================== CPU Clock Speed : 266MHz================= device. Memory Type : SDRAM |<3> Update Backup Application File ....................................... The main application file is self-decompressing............................. | ............................................................................ | .................................................................... ............................................................................ address ========================== ............................................................................ |Note:the operating device is fla ............................................................................ |<1> Download Application Program ............................................................................================== |<2> Update Main Application File ..................................................... BootWare updated,System is rebooting now. |<0> Exit To Main Menu System is starting... Booting Normal Extend BootWare.... The Extend BootWare is self-decompressing............................Done! | ****************************************************************************================ * Error: Invalid Gateway ip ad Booting Normal Extend BootWare.... Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. |.............................D Compiled Date : Mar 9 2011 |<3> Update Backup Application F CPU Type : IXP422 |************* CPU L1 Cache : 32KB CPU Clock Speed : 266MHz Application File Memory Type : SDRAM | Memory Size : 64MB | Memory Speed : 133MHz BootWare Size : 5 BootWare Validating...| Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu... | Starting to get the main application file--flash:/wa1208_fat.bin!........... =============================== .......................................===== The main application file is self-decompressing.............................3C Technologies Error: Invalid Gateway ip address ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ...............................Done! System application is starting... Startup configuration file does not exist. User interface con0 is available. Press ENTER to get started. #Jan 1 00:00:19:462 2009 WA1208E-GP SHELL/4/LOGIN: Trap login from Console %Jan 1 00:00:19:463 2009 WA1208E-GP IFNET/4/LINK UPDOWN: Vlan-interface1: link status is UP %Jan 1 00:00:19:463 2009 WA1208E-GP IFNET/4/UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Vlan-interface1 is UP %Jan 1 00:00:19:464 2009 WA1208E-GP SHELL/4/LOGIN: Console login from con0


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