mysql 学习笔记



1.1 mysql 数据库的概述


1.1.1 数据


    MS Sql Server(微软开发的)



1.1.2 Mysql历史介绍


  * 开源免费

  * mysql 卖给sun公司(10亿美金),一年后,Oracle(公司) 收购了sun(公司)

  * mysql 免费开源社区版


  * mysql 未来有完全闭源的风险(未来前景)

  * mysql 创始人,又开发了一个(源代码创始人卖了10亿美金后又开发了)mysql的分支 mariadb(新的开源数据库)  

  * 开源社区已经放弃支持 mysql,(mysql的开发速度已经大大的放慢,linux社区已经放弃)转为支持 mariadb


                               (yum  在线安装—提供一个软件的全部依赖包)

                                (yum list |grep  mysql ,找不见,已经放弃mysql了)       


1.1.3 数据库的


  * 关系型数据库

        *) 用“表”保存数据,相关数据存入一张表。

  * 非关系型数据库

        *) 对象数据库

        *) 键值数据库

1.1.4 mysql 安装


  * 安装 mysql 社区版 community

  * 安装 mariadb

  * linux yum 安装 mariadb

      yum -y install mariadb-server mariadb mariadb-devel

      systemctl start mariadb

1.2 mysql 数据库的使用


1.2.1   * 登 mysql 服

      mysql -hlocalhosst -P3306 -uroot -p

      mysql -uroot -p



1.2.2   * 看数据列表

      show databases;

      show schemas;


        *) database   数据库

        *) schema     数据库中一组对象的集合,即数据库


1.2.3   * 入数据

      use test;

      use db1;

      use mysql;

                use 后面是库名。

1.2.4   * 看数据

      show tables;     //查看这个库中所有的表

1.2.5   * 查询表中的数据

      select * from user;


1.2.6   * 建数据


      create database db1 charset utf8;


      show databases;


1.2.7   * 数据保存目



          ls  /var/lib/mysql





1.2.8   * 看数据配置文件



          *)字符的排序方式 * 数据使用的默字符编码


          cat /var/lib/mysql/db1/db.opt



          把文件拖拽到记事本  * 字符排列方式


      collation  排列、校对、字符排序


      show collation;


      show collation like 'gbk%';

      show collation like 'utf8\_%';






1.2.9   * 修改数据


        alter database db1 charset gbk;



        alter database db1 collate gbk_bin;


1.2.10   * 建表

        column/field 列、字段

        use db1;  


        -- 用户表

        create table user(

          name varchar(16),

          age  int

        ) engine=innodb charset=gbk;


        show tables;

        desc user;


1.2.11   * 数据中的表文件

          user.frm    --表结构文件

          user.myd    --数据存储文件

          user.myi    --索引文件



            ls -al /var/lib/mysql/db1



            找到 data\db1 目录


1.2.12   * 存引擎       *)innodb








1.2.13   * 在表中插入数据


        insert into user values('张三', 23);


        insert into user(age, name) values(22, '李四');



        select * from user;


1.2.14   * 修改表         *) 修改表名

              rename table user to tb_user;

               *) 修改表属性(引擎、字符编码)

              alter table tb_user  

              engine=myisam charset=utf8;


              show create table tb_user;

         *) 添加字段

              *)first 加载第一个

              *)after 指定加在某个字段之后


              alter table tb_user add id int first;


              alter table tb_user add(

                  gender char(1),

                  tel    char(11)



              select * from tb_user;


         *) 修改字段               *)改字段名

                  -- gender 改成 sex

                  alter table tb_user

                  change gender sex varchar(10);


                  desc tb_user;

                  select * from tb_user;


                  alter table tb_user

                  modify tel varchar(20);


                  alter table tb_user

                  modify tel varchar(20) after age;


                  desc tb_user;


                  alter table tb_user

                  modify sex varchar(10) after name;


                  desc tb_user;

               *) 除字段

               alter table tb_user

               drop sex;


               desc tb_user;

1.2.15   * 除表(不可恢复)


      drop table tb_user;


1.2.16   * (不可恢复)


      drop database db1;


1.3 mysql-day01练习


1.3.1   1.  jtds 数据,使用 utf8 编码

      create database jtds  charset utf8;


      use  jtds;


1.3.2   2.  tb_item 商品表

      create table tb_item2(

          id          bigint(20),     -- id

          cid         bigint(10),     -- 分类id

          brand       varchar(50),    -- 品牌

          model       varchar(50),    -- 型号

          title       varchar(100),   -- 商品名

          sell_point  varchar(500),   -- 卖点文本

          price       long,           -- 价格*100

          num         int(10),        -- 库存量

          barcode     varchar(30),    -- 条码

          image       varchar(500),   -- 图片路径

          status      tinyint(4),     -- 状态1正常2下架3删除

          created     timestamp,      -- 创建时间

          updated     timestamp       -- 修改时间

      ) engine=innodb charset=utf8;


1.3.3   3. 在 tb_item 表插入商品数据


        insert into  tb_item(id, brand, title, price, created)

        values(7, '苹果', 'iPhone x', 999999, now());


        select id,brand,title,price,created  from tb_item;


1.3.4   4. 修改 id 是7的商品,降价 12%,修改存量20


        update tb_item

        set price=round(price*0.88), num=20     -- round表示保留两位小数点,四舍五入

        where id=7;


        select id,brand,title,price,created,num

        from tb_item;


1.3.5   5. 除商品 7


        delete from tb_item where id=7;


1.右键桌面, 终端  -- Windows cmd窗口

2.mysql -uroot –p   -- 账户

  password:直接回车   --  密码 databases;  显示所有数据库

4.create database test2 charset utf8;


5.use test2;


6.退出 mysql

exit 或 \q

1.4 mysql数据库表的数据类型


1.4.1 建数据表









1.4.2 建表


    create table user(

        id int,

        username varchar(32),

        password varchar(32)

    ) engine=innodb charset=utf8;

    show tables;


1.4.3 数据

===========================================   字符串


      char(固定长度)      定长字符串,最多 255 个字节

      varchar(最大长度)   变长字符串,超过出错,65535 个字节,一般不超过 255个字节

      text                65535 字节           

      blob                大数据对象,以字节方式存储数据(如图片,视频)   数字


      不带符号, 添加 unsigned,

      zerofill  显示时,位数不足,可以补0

      tinyint   1字节

      SMALLINT  2字节

      int       4字节

      BIGINT    8字节



      float     4字节

      double    8字节







                decimal(10,2) 整数位数是:,小数位数是:二。   日期


      date        年月日

      time        时分秒

      datetime    年月日时分秒

                  到 9999 年


      timestamp   同 datetime

                  到 2038 年

                  第一个 timestamp 字段,在行数据更新时,自动修改为系统当前时间


      也可以使用 bigint 整数表示时间


            java 中时间是用长整型毫秒值表示

                毫秒值: 1970-1-1 0点开始 表字段量限制 65535


  * varchar 需要额外两个字节来表示长度

  * 一个字段如果允许 null 值,需要额外 1 个字节

  * text 类型 65535 个字节,但仅占用表的 10 个字节额度


1.4.4  5种


  * 所有的约束保存在 information_schema 库中,table_constraints 表中。

  * 限制字段的取值

  * 主键、非空、唯一、外键、检查(mysql不支持)   *主 *)一行数据的唯一标识


            *)不能为空 null *)尽量使用业务无关数据作

            *)连续自增整数 auto_increment

            *)随机字符串 *)主添加索引 *)添加主


                create table tb1(

                    id bigint primary key auto_increment,


                ); *)修改表添加

                alter table tb1 add primary key(id); *)除主

                alter table tb1 drop primary key; *)auto_increment 自增


            *)查看下一个自增值:show create table tb1\G;




            *)如果删除自增主键约束,先取消自增,再取消主键约束 *) 双主(不推荐)



            create table tb1(

                id ..,

                name ...,


                primary key(id, name)

            );   *非空

        不能取 null 值 *)添加非空 *)建表

                create table tb1(

                    id int primary key,

                    name varchar(20) not null

                ); *)看表中的非空

                desc tb1;

                show create table tb1\G *)修改字段,添加/除非空

                alter table tb1 modify name varchar(32) not null; -- 添加非空

                alter table tb1 modify name varchar(32) null;  -- 删除非空   *唯一

       限制字段的值不能重复,但允许多个 null 值 *)添加唯一 *)建表

                 create table tb1(


                    name varchar(20) unique,




                 create table tb1(


                    name ...,

                    gender ...,


                    unique key(name, gender)



                 alter table student

                 modify name varchar(20) unique;


                 alter table student

                 add unique key(name, gender); *)看唯一

                 show create table tb1\G *)取消唯一

                 alter table tb1 drop index 约束名   *外键约foreign key



        *)mysql的 innodb 引擎才支持外键,效率低

                  myisam 引擎不支持外键,效率高

        *)foreign key(Item_cat_id) references tb_item_cat(id)

        学生表                  联系方式表

        id    name  ..          id    stu_id    tel .. ..

        1     张三              1     1         43634634

        2     李四              2     3         47542345

        3     王五              3     2         678434

                                4     2         845345354

                                5     null      45568753

                                6     1         44523234

 *)添加外键约 *)建表添加

                create table tb2(


                    stu_id ...,


                    foreign key(stu_id) references student(id)

                ); *)修改字段添加外

                alter table tb2

                add foreign key(stu_id) references student(id); *)取消外键约

                alter table tb2 drop foreign key 约束名;

   *检查约(mysql 不支持)


        create table tb1(





            check(gender='M' or gender='F'),

            check(age>=16 and age<=60)



1.4.5 认值


  create table tb_item(


      status tinyint default 0,




1.5 Mysql-day02练习


1.5.1   1. 测试数据型,以及表的 65535 字量限制

    drop table tb1; -- 删除表


    create table tb1(

        id int(6),             -- 4字节

        title varchar(21842)   -- 21842*3+2+1

    )engine=innodb charset=utf8;


1.5.2 text

    drop table tb2; -- 删除表


    create table tb2(

        id int(6),             -- 4字节

        title varchar(21839),  -- 21842*3+2+1

        des   text             -- 占10个字节

    )engine=innodb charset=utf8;


1.5.3   3. 测试

      create table student(

        id bigint primary key auto_increment,

        name varchar(20)



      -- 插入一行数据

      insert into student(name) values('张三');

      insert into student(name) values('李四');


      -- 查询

      select * from student;


1.5.4   4. 手向自增主插入更大的


        insert into student(id,name) values(10000, '王五');


        select * from student;


        show create table student\G;


1.5.5   5. 除主键约


        -- 取消自增

        alter table student modify id bigint;


        -- 删除主键约束

        alter table student

        drop primary key;


1.5.6   6. 学生姓名非空


      use test2;


      drop table if exists student;


      create table student(

        id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment,

        name varchar(20) not null,

        gender char(1)



      desc student;

      show create table student\G;


      insert into student(gender) values('M');-- 失败


      insert into student(name, gender)

                  values('张三', 'M');


      show warnings;


      select * from student;


1.5.7   7. 修改学生表添加学号字段,不能重复


        alter table student

        add stu_num int unsigned unique    -- 不带符号的唯一

        after id; -- 字段顺序添加在 id 后面


        desc student;

        show create table student\G; -- 查看唯一约束名


        -- 在约束表中查看

        use information_schema;


        select * from table_constraints

        where table_schema='test2'; -- 过滤test2库中的约束


        use test2;


        -- 插入重复学号

        insert into student(name, stu_num)

                    values('张三', 2017001);

        insert into student(name, stu_num)

                    values('张三', 2017002);

        -- 删除唯一约束,约束名字叫stu_num

        alter table student drop index stu_num;

        -- 再添加唯一约束

        -- 如果已经有重复数据,不能添加唯一约束

        alter table student add unique key(stu_num);


  *) 添加联系方式表,用 stu_id 引用学生的主键id值


        create table contacts(

            id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment,

            stu_id bigint unsigned,

            tel varchar(20),

            foreign key(stu_id) references student(id)



        desc contacts;

        show create table contacts\G;


        select * from student;


        insert into contacts(stu_id,tel)

                    values(1, '345364564');

        insert into contacts(stu_id,tel)

                    values(1, '956454');

        insert into contacts(stu_id,tel)

                    values(2, '7455');

        insert into contacts(stu_id,tel)

                    values(5, '4565363');

        insert into contacts(stu_id,tel)

                    values(5, '2467457');

        insert into contacts(stu_id,tel)

                    values(9999, '2467457');        


        -- 取消外键约束

        alter table contacts

        drop foreign key contacts_ibfk_1;



1.5.8   *)  分表和商品表


        -- 删除数据库 jtds

        drop database if exists jtds;


        -- 重新创建数据库 jtds

        create database jtds charset utf8;


        -- 进入 jtds 库

        use jtds;


        -- 新建分类表 tb_item_cat

        create table tb_item_cat(

            id bigint primary key auto_increment comment '自增主键',

            parent_id       bigint             comment '父分类',

            name                varchar(50)        comment '分类名称',

            status            tinyint default 1  comment '状态码',

            sort_order    int                comment '排序顺序号',

            is_parent       tinyint default 1  comment '是否父分类',

            created           datetime           comment '创建时间',

            updated           datetime           comment '修改时间',

            foreign key(parent_id) references tb_item_cat(id)

        )engine=innodb charset=utf8;


        show create table tb_item_cat;


        create table tb_item(

            id          bigint primary key auto_increment comment '主键',

            cid         bigint not null comment '分类id',

            brand             varchar(50) comment '品牌',

            model             varchar(50) comment '型号',

            title             varchar(100) comment '名称',

            sell_point  varchar(500) comment '卖点',

            price             bigint comment '价格*100',

            num         int comment '库存数量',

            barcode         varchar(30) comment '条码',

            image             varchar(500) comment '图片路径',

            status          tinyint default 2 comment '状态码',

            created         datetime comment '创建时间',

            updated         datetime comment '修改时间',

            foreign key(cid) references tb_item_cat(id)

        )engine=innodb charset=utf8;







  4.2.2 商品描述表(tb_item_desc)

          item_id 外键引用商品主键


          timestamp 修改成 datetime


  4.2.1 商品规格参数表(tb_item_param)

          Item_cat_id 分类id引用分类表主键


          timestamp 修改成 datetime


  4.2.1 用户表(tb_user)


          timestamp 修改成 datetime




    mysql  mariadb



    mysql -P3306 -uroot -p



    exit 或 \q



    show databases;

    show schemas;



    create database db1

    charset utf8;



    drop database db1

    drop database if exists db1



    show tables;

    desc tb1; -- 查看 tb1 的表结构

    show create table tb1\G  -- 查看建表语句




    create table tb1(

      id int primary key auto_increment,

      name varchar(20) not null,

      num int  not null unique,

      xid int,

      foreign key(xid) references tb2(id)

    )engine=innodb charset=utf8;



    alter table tb1

    add gender char(1) after name;


    alter table tb1

    modify num int null;


    alter table tb1

    modify id int;


    alter table tb1

    modify id int auto_increment;


    alter table tb1

    drop primary key;


    alter table tb1

    drop foreign key(外键约束名);


    alter table tb1

    drop index 约束名;



    drop table if exists tb1;










    表总字节量最大 65535



    主键、非空、唯一、外键、      检查



    num int default 1


1.6 mysql的 sql_mode

            linux 中安装 mysql,sql_mode 变量默认是空值,


            非空字段会插入 ''





1.6.1             --  sql_mode 量的值  

            show variables like 'sql_mode';

           -- variables 变量

1.6.2             -- 修改

            set global  sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';


1.6.3             -- 退出,重新 mysql,再

            show variables like 'sql_mode';


1.7 sql  补充


  * structured query language



  * sql 标准语法


1.7.1   * 个数据厂商都有自己的

      *) mysql        扩展

      *) oracle       plsql

      *) sql server   t-sql


1.7.2   * sql 分

      *) DDL    - 定义语言,建库建表修改表...

      *) DML    - 数据操作语言,增删改

      *) DQL    - 数据查询语言,select

1.8 Mysql操作表数据的语法

1.8.1 插入数据 insert


    * insert into tb1 values(5, 'abc');



    * insert into tb1(gender, name) values('M', '张三');



    * insert into tb1(gender, name)

                  values('M', '张三'),

                        ('F', '李四'),

                        ('M', '王五');



    * insert into tb1 select * from tb2

      insert into tb1(name, gender) select name, gender from tb2;

          向 tb1 插入 tb2 表中的数据


1.8.2 修改数据 update


  * update tb1 set name='abc', age=23, gender=null

    where id=43;


1.8.3 除数据 delete


  * delete from tb1 where ...  -- id=10


1.8.4 查询数据 select


  * where 子句    -- 条件语句

        =       等

        <>      不等

        >       大于

        <       小于

        >=      大于等于

        <=      小于等于

        between 小值 and 大值       范围

        in      指定几个固定取值       -- in(5,6,8)

        like 模糊查询       通常只查字符串

         %       -匹配0 到多个任意字符

         _       -匹配单个任意字符


        escape '\' : 指定转移运算符,也就是java中的转移符

                     \_  普通下划线字符

                     \%  普通百分号字符

        is null        -- 是空     

        not            -- 不


        not between xxx and zzz     -- 不在xxx到zzz范围内

        not in(x,a.xx,zz)           -- 不包含括号内的内容。        

        is not null                 -- 非空   


        and          -- 且,与

        or           -- 或




1.9 Mysql-day03练习


1.9.1   1. 商品描述表 tb_item_desc


      drop table if exists tb_item_desc;


      create table tb_item_desc(

        item_id  bigint primary key  comment '引用商品id',

        item_desc  text              comment '描述',

        created  datetime            comment '创建时间',

        updated  datetime            comment '修改时间',

        foreign key(item_id) references tb_item(id)    -- references  参考

      )engine=innodb charset=utf8;


1.9.2   2. 格参数模板表 tb_item_param


      drop table if exists tb_item_param;


      create table tb_item_param(

          id  bigint primary key auto_increment   comment '自增主键',

          Item_cat_id  bigint not null            comment '分类id',

          param_data  text                        comment '规格参数模板',

          created  datetime                       comment '创建时间',

          updated  datetime                       comment '修改时间',

          foreign key(Item_cat_id) references tb_item_cat(id)

      )engine=innodb charset=utf8;


1.9.3   3. 具体商品的格参数表 tb_item_param_item


      drop table if exists tb_item_param_item;


      create table tb_item_param_item(

          id  bigint primary key auto_increment   comment '自增主键',

          item_id  bigint not null                comment '商品id',

          param_data  text                        comment '规格参数',

          created  datetime                       comment '创建时间',

          updated  datetime                       comment '修改时间',

          foreign key(item_id) references tb_item(id)

      )engine=innodb charset=utf8;


1.9.4   4. 用 tb_user


      drop table if exists tb_user;


      create table tb_user(

        id  bigint primary key auto_increment   comment '自增主键',

        username  varchar(50) not null unique   comment '用户名',

        password  varchar(32) not null          comment '密码',

        phone  varchar(20) unique               comment '电话',

        email  varchar(50) unique               comment '邮箱',

        created  datetime                       comment '创建时间',

        updated  datetime                       comment '修改时间'

      )engine=innodb charset=utf8;



1.9.5   5. 新建数据


        create database stu charset utf8;


        use stu;


1.9.6   6. 新建学生表 students

        drop table if exists students;

        create table students(

            id int primary key auto_increment,

            name varchar(20),

            gender char(1),

            birth  date



1.9.7   7. 向学生表插入数据


        insert into students

        values(null, '张三', 'M', '2017-10-10');


        insert into students(birth,name,gender)






        insert into students(name)



        select * from students;


1.9.8   8. 同表复制数据



        insert into students(name,gender,birth)

        select name,gender,birth from students;


1.9.9   9. 从 students 表查询果,建成一新的表


        create table xueshengs


        select id,gender,name,birth from students;



        desc xueshengs;

        select * from xueshengs limit 5;


        -- 加主键

        alter table xueshengs

        add primary key(id);


        -- 加自增

        alter table xueshengs

        modify id int auto_increment;



1.9.10   10. 系方式表,与学生表一一关系


        一对一关系: 不重复的非空外键


        drop table if exists lianxi;

        create table lianxi(

          xs_id int primary key,

          tel varchar(100),

          qq varchar(20),

          email varchar(50),

          foreign key(xs_id) references xueshengs(id)



        insert into lianxi(xs_id,tel)


        (1, '215321346234'),

        (4, '2456246'),

        (5, '8463'),

        (8, '5657436235'),

        (9, '7456456');


        insert into lianxi(xs_id,tel)

        values(9999999, '7456456');-- 违反外键约束


        select * from lianxi;


        -- 先删 lixanxi 表的外键约束

        alter table lianxi

        drop foreign key lianxi_ibfk_1;


        -- 再加 xueshengs 表的自增

        alter table xueshengs

        id int auto_increment;


        -- 再把 lianxi 表的外键加回来

        alter table lianxi

        add foreign key(xs_id) references xueshengs(id);


1.9.11   11. 修改学生5的年


        select * from xueshengs where id=5;


        update xueshengs set birth='1992-1-1' where id=5;


        select * from xueshengs where id=5;


        update xueshengs set

        name='张三', gender='M', birth='1970-1-1'

        where id in(3,6,7,8,11);


        select * from xueshengs where id in(3,6,7,8,11);



1.9.12   12.除名字叫三的学生


        -- 用所有张三的id过滤,删除联系方式

        delete from lianxi where xs_id in(

            select id from xueshengs where name='张三'



        delete from xueshengs where name='张三';



1.9.13   13. 添加 banji 表


        drop table if exists banji;

        create table banji(

            id int primary key auto_increment,

            name varchar(20)



1.9.14   14. 修改 xueshengs 表,添加外字段 banji_id


        alter table xueshengs add banji_id int;


        alter table xueshengs

        add foreign key(banji_id)

        references banji(id);


1.9.15   15. 添加班“男班”,“女班”


        insert into banji(name) values('男班');

        insert into banji(name) values('女班');

        insert into banji(name) values('妖班');


1.9.16   16. 男女分班


        update xueshengs set banji_id=1 where gender='M';        

        update xueshengs set banji_id=2 where gender='F';        

        update xueshengs set banji_id=3 where gender is null;




  banid, banname


          xueshengs x, banji b


        limit 20;



1.9.17   17. 程表 kecheng,

      与学生多对多关系中间表 xs_kc_link


          drop table if exists kecheng;

          create table kecheng(

            id int primary key auto_increment,

            name varchar(20)



          -- 多对多关系中间表

          drop table if exists xs_kc_link;

          create table xs_kc_link(

            xs_id int not null,

            kc_id int not null,

            foreign key(xs_id) references xueshengs(id),

            foreign key(kc_id) references kecheng(id),

            unique key(xs_id, kc_id)



1.9.18   18. 添加程,学生选课


        insert into kecheng(name)



        insert into xs_kc_link









1.9.19   19. 查询谁选了什么






          xueshengs x,xs_kc_link l,kecheng k





1.9.20   20. 准数据,公司工管理系数据


 提取到此处 hr.sql


          复制到 /home/soft01





          cp    hr_mysql.sql    ~/

          ls  ~/

          cat  ~/hr_mysql.sql



          mysql>source /home/soft01/hr_mysql.sql



          show tables;

          desc employees;

          desc departments;

          select * from employees;

          select * from departments;


1.9.21   21.查询 employees 表中





        from employees;


1.9.22   22.查询 employees 表中





        from employees

        where salary>=10000;


1.9.23   23. 工种代job_id)是 IT_PROG 的




        from employees

        where job_id='IT_PROG';


1.9.24   24. 上司工号(manager_id)是 100 的




        from employees

        where manager_id=100;


1.9.25   25. 部门编号(department_id)是 30 的




        from employees

        where department_id=30;


1.9.26   26. 不在 50 部



        from employees

        where department_id<>50;


1.9.27   27. 薪水范[5000,8000](范between xxx and yyy)




        from employees

        where salary between 5000 and 8000;


1.9.28   28.

      10 , 20 , 60 , 90 四个部门中所有员工 ( in 过滤)




        from employees

        where department_id in(60,10,90,20);


1.9.29   29. 查询 first_name 中包含 ar 的




        from employees

        where first_name like '%ar%';


1.9.30   30. 查询 first_name 第三个字符是 e 的




        from employees

        where first_name like '__e%';


1.9.31   31. 查询工种(job_id)以 SA 开




        from employees

        where job_id like 'SA%';






  4.2.3 订单表(tb_order)

  4.2.4 订单详情表(tb_order_item)

 drop table if exists tb_order;


  create table tb_order(

    order_id  varchar(50) primary key,

    user_id  bigint not null,

    add_id  bigint not null,

    payment  decimal(10,2),

    payment_type  int,

    post_fee  decimal(10,2),

    status  int,

    payment_time  datetime,

    consign_time  datetime,

    end_time  datetime,

    close_time  datetime,

    shipping_name  varchar(20),

    shipping_code  varchar(20),

    buyer_message  varchar(100),

    buyer_nick  varchar(50),

    buyer_rate  int,

    create_time  datetime,

    update_time  datetime,

    foreign key(user_id) references tb_user(id)

  )engine=innodb charset=utf8;



  drop table if exists tb_order_item;  

  create table tb_order_item(

      id        varchar(20) primary key,

      item_id   bigint not null,

      order_id  varchar(50) not null,

      num       int,

      title     varchar(200),

      price     decimal(10,2),

      total_fee decimal(10,2),

      pic_path  varchar(200),

      created   datetime,

      updated   datetime,

      foreign key(item_id) references tb_item(id),

      foreign key(order_id) references tb_order(order_id)

  )engine=innodb charset=utf8;





    insert into tb1(a,b,c,d) values(1,2,3,4);


    update tb1 set a=7,b=3,d=9 where ...;


    delete from tb1 where ...;


  * where 子句


        =  等

        <>  不等

        >  大于

        <  小于

        >=  大于等于

        <=  小于等于

        between 小值 and 大值  范围

        in  指定几个固定取值

        like 模糊查询  通常只查字符串

          %  -匹配0 到多个任意字符

          _  -匹配单个任意字符


          escape '\' : 指定转移运算符


                  \_  普通下划线字符

                  \%  普通百分号字符



        is null




          not between and

          not in

          is not null    





1.10 sql语句语法

1.10.1   * order by 子句



          select ..

          from ..

          where ..

          order by a    按a字段从小到大


          order by a,b  按a字段排,a相等按b排


      asc     ascend    升序(默认)

      desc    descend   降序


          order by a asc

          order by a desc

          order by a desc, b asc



1.10.2   * distinct    -去除重复数据


        select distinct a  from ...

               查询字段 a 并去除重复数据


        select distinct a,b  from ...

a,b 组合去除重复


1.10.3   * 字段



            name n,

            age a,

            gender as g

        from ...


        * mysql 中 where 子句不能使用字段别名


1.11 mysql 函数


1.11.1 字符串

             char_length('a中') - 字符数

             length('a中') - 字节数

             concat('a','b','cde','fff') - 字符串连接,其他数据库可用 || 连接字符串,'abc' || 'def'

             concat_ws(';','abc','def','ggg') - 用分隔符连接字符串            

             instr('abcdefgdef','def') - 返回第一个子串的位置,从1开始,找不到返回0

             locate('abc', '---abc---abc---abc-') - 返回第一个子串的位置,从1开始,找不到返回0

             locate('abc', '---abc---abc---abc-',5) - 从指定位置向后找

             insert('abcdefghijkl',2, 11, '---') - 用子串取代从2位置开始的11个字符

             lower('AdFfLJf') - 变为小写

             upper('AdFfLJf') - 变为大写

             left('AdFfLJf',3) - 返回最左边的三个字符

             right('AdFfLJf',3) - 返回最右边的三个字符

             lpad('abc', 8, '*') - 左侧填充,指定长度比源字符串少,相当于left

             rpad('abc', 8, '*') - 右侧填充,指定长度比源字符串少,相当于right

             trim('  a  bc   ') - 去除两端空格

             substring('abcdefghijklmn', 3) – 截取从3位置开始的所有字符

             substring('abcdefghijklmn', 3, 6) – 截取从3位置开始的6个字符

             repeat('abc', 3) - 重复三遍abc

             REPLACE('Hello MySql','My','Your') - 子串替换

             REVERSE('Hello') - 翻转字符串

             SPACE(10) - 返回10个空格


1.11.2 数字

             floor(3.94) - 舍掉小数

             format(391.536, 2) - 数字格式化为字符串,###,###.###,四舍五入,第二个参数为小数位数

             round(673.4974) - 四舍五入

             round(673.4974, 2) - 四舍五入到小数点后两位

             round(673.4974, -2) - 四舍五入到百

             TRUNCATE(234,31, 1) - 舍去至小数点后1位


1.11.3 日期

             NOW()           返回当前的日期和时间

             CURDATE()       返回当前的日期

             CURTIME()       返回当前的时间

             DATE(时间)      提取日期或日期/时间表达式的日期部分

             TIME(时间)      提取日期或日期/时间表达式的时间部分

             EXTRACT(字段 From 日期)     返回日期/时间按的单独部分

1.11.4 字段的合法

             MICROSECOND   microsecond




















             DATE_ADD(日期, INTERVAL 数量 字段)    给日期添加指定的时间间隔



             DATE_SUB(日期, INTERVAL 数量 字段)    从日期减去指定的时间间隔

             DATEDIFF(日期1, 日期2)      返回两个日期之间的天数

             DATE_FORMAT(日期, 格式)     用不同的格式显示日期/时间

        格式字符:  %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s



                    %a      缩写星期名

                    %b      缩写月名

                    %c      月,数值

                    %D      带有英文前缀的月中的天

                    %d      月的天,数值(00-31)

                    %e      月的天,数值(0-31)

                    %f      微秒

                    %H      小时 (00-23)

                    %h      小时 (01-12)

                    %I      小时 (01-12)

%i      分钟,数值(00-59)

%j      年的天 (001-366)

%k      小时 (0-23)

%l      小时 (1-12)

%M      月名

%m      月,数值(00-12)

%p      AM 或 PM

%r      时间,12-小时(hh:mm:ss AM 或 PM)

%S      秒(00-59)

%s      秒(00-59)

%T      时间, 24-小时 (hh:mm:ss)

%U      周 (00-53) 星期日是一周的第一天

%u      周 (00-53) 星期一是一周的第一天

%V      周 (01-53) 星期日是一周的第一天,与 %X 使用

%v      周 (01-53) 星期一是一周的第一天,与 %x 使用

%W      星期名

%w      周的天 (0=星期日, 6=星期六)

%X      年,其中的星期日是周的第一天,4 位,与 %V 使用

%x      年,其中的星期一是周的第一天,4 位,与 %v 使用

%Y      年,4 位

%y      年,2 位

LAST_DAY(日期) - 返回当月最后一天



                NULL 相关


                                IFNULL(数据1,数据2) - 数据1是null返回数据2;不是null返回数据1

                                coalesce(数据1,数据2,......) - 从左向右第一个不是null的数据








1.12 多行函数


1.12.1   * 多行数据交函数理,生一个


        count()   计数,数量

        max()     最大值

        min()     自小值

        avg()     平均

        sum()     求合


  * 不能直接与普通字段一起查询



1.13 Mysql-day04练习


1.13.1   1. 售提成 commission_pct 不是null 的


        use hr;





        from employees

        where commission_pct is not null;


1.13.2   2. 没有上司的人 manager_id




        from employees

        where manager_id is null;


1.13.3   3. 没有部的人 department_id




        from employees

        where department_id is null;


1.13.4   4. 部 50 中,薪水大于等于 5000  的



        employee_id, first_name,salary,


       from employees


            department_id=50 and



1.13.5   5. 姓名中有 en ,且在80 部中的











          (first_name like '%en%' or last_name like '%en%')  and




1.13.6   6. 部 90 中所有 ,和工种后 CLERK 的











          department_id=90 or job_id like '%CLERK';


1.13.7   7. 薪水从小到大排列




        from employees

        order by salary;


1.13.8   8. 按降序排列,相同部中,按薪水升序排列



          from employees

          order by department_id desc, salary asc;


1.13.9   9. 薪水大于等于 10000  的工,按姓名排序



          from employees

          where salary>=10000

          order by first_name,last_name


1.13.10 10. 查询  first_name 是 Bruce 的



          from employees

          where first_name='Bruce';

1.13.11 11. 查询 薪水大于10000,且在100部 



          from employees

          where salary>10000 and department_id=100;

1.13.12 12. 查询 薪水小于3000的工,和100部所有的



          from employees

          where salary<3000 or department_id=100;

1.13.13 13. 查询员 100,150,200,250 的



          from employees

          where employee_id in(100,150,200,250);

1.13.14 14. 工不在 3000-10000 范内的



          from employees

          where salary not between 3000 and 10000;

1.13.15 15. 工作代 job_id 不是




          from employees

          where job_id not in('IT_PROG','SH_CLERK','PU_CLERK','ST_CLERK');

1.13.16 16. 查询所有工,按部门编号升序排列




          from employees

          order by department_id,first_name;

1.13.17 17. 查询 50 和 80 部工,




          from employees

          where department_id in(50, 80)

          order by salary desc, job_id;


1.13.18   18. 部门编


        select distinct department_id

        from employees

        where department_id is not null;  

1.13.19   19. 工种代

        select distinct job_id

        from employees order by job_id;

1.13.20   20. 主管id

        select distinct manager_id

        from employees

        where manager_id is not null;

1.13.21   22. 部中的主管id

        select distinct department_id,manager_id

        from employees

        where department_id is not null

          and manager_id is not null

        order by department_id,manager_id;


1.13.22   23. 查询姓名和年薪




          concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) name,

          salary*12  anu_sal



        where salary*12>100000;



1.13.23   24. 字符串函数测试


        select char_length('a中');

        select length('a中');


        use stu;

        select char_length(name), length(name) from kecheng;


        select instr('abcdefgdef','def');-- 子串的起始位置

        select instr('abcdefgdef','xxx');-- 找不到得到 0


        -- first_name 第三四个字符是 'en'


            employee_id, first_name,salary

        from employees

        where instr(first_name, 'en')=3;


1.13.24   25. 电话中的 "44" 替换为 "88"









1.13.25   26. email 中去掉第一个字符,与 last_name 不相同的





            substring(email, 2)




            last_name<>substring(email, 2);


1.13.26   27. first_name, last_name 度相同




          from employees




1.13.27   28. first_name, last_name 拼接示,空格居中



              concat(lpad(first_name,20,' '),' ',last_name) name

          from employees;


1.13.28   29. 数字函数测试

                                select floor(3.94); -- 向下

                                select floor(-3.94); -- 向下

                                select format(574346391.536, 2); -- 数字格式化为字符串,###,###.###,四舍五入,第二个参数为小数位数

                                select round(673.4974); -- 四舍五入

                                select round(673.4974, 2); -- 四舍五入到小数点后两位

                                select round(673.4974, -2); -- 四舍五入到百

                                select TRUNCATE(234.91, 1); -- 舍去至小数点后1位

                                select TRUNCATE(234.99, 1);


1.13.29   30.  11.37%,向上取整到 10 位




            truncate(salary*1.1137+10, -1)







1.13.30   31. 测试日期函数


        select now();     -- 当前日期时间

        select curdate(); -- 当前日期

        select curtime(); -- 当时时间


        use stu;


        insert into xueshengs(name, birth)

        values('aaa', now());


        insert into xueshengs(name, birth)

        values('aaa', curdate());


        select * from xueshengs

        order by id desc limit 1;


        select date(now()); -- 取日期部分

        select time(now()); -- 取时间部分

        select extract(year from now()); -- 取年

        select extract(month from now());-- 月

        select extract(day from now());  -- 日


        select date_add(now(), interval 10 year); -- 加10年

        select date_add(now(), interval -24 month); -- 减 24 个月


        select datediff(now(), '1995-6-12');


        select date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s');

        select date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S');

        select date_format(now(),'%d/%m/%Y');

        select date_format(now(),'%Y年%m月%d号');


        select last_day(now());


1.13.31   32. 入20年以上的


        use hr;



          employee_id, first_name, salary,





          datediff(now(), hire_date)>20*365+5;


          -- hire_date<date_add(now(),interval -20 year);


1.13.32   33. 1997年上半年入的人








              extract(year from hire_date)=1997 and

              extract(month from hire_date)<7;


              -- hire_date

              -- between '1997-1-1' and '1997-6-30';


1.13.33   34. 不哪一年,所有1月份入的人







              extract(month from hire_date)=1;


1.13.34   35. null 函数测试


        select ifnull(345, 678);

        select ifnull(null, 678);


        select coalesce(null,45,null,765);

        select coalesce(null,null,234,765);


1.13.35   36. 求年薪,有提成,年薪*(1+提成)





          salary*12*(1+ifnull(commission_pct,0)) anu_sal

        from employees;


1.13.36   37. 加密函数测试


        select md5('abc'); -- 更常用

        select sha('abc'); -- 更安全的加密方式


1.13.37   38. 多行函数测试


        select sum(salary) from employees;


        select first_name, sum(salary)

        from employees;



          sum(salary),    -- 求合

          avg(salary),    -- 求平均

          count(salary),  -- 数量

          max(salary),    -- 最大值

          min(salary)     -- 最小值

        from employees;


1.13.38   39. 测试 count  null


        -- 忽略 null 值

        select count(commission_pct)

        from employees;


        -- 求平均,忽略null值,对35人求平均

        select avg(commission_pct)

        from employees;


        select sum(commission_pct)/count(commission_pct)

        from employees;


        -- 107人求平均

        select avg(ifnull(commission_pct,0))

        from employees;


1.13.39   40. 用 count() 求数据行数


        select count(*) from employees;


        select count(1) from employees; -- 效率更高


1.13.40   41. 1997 年入的人数


        select count(1)

        from employees


            extract(year from hire_date)=1997;


1.13.41   40. 50 部的人数


        select count(1)

        from employees




1.13.42   41. 最后公司的人的入职时间


        select max(hire_date)

        from employees;


1.13.43   42. 122号工是个主管,他的手下有多少人


        select count(1)

        from employees

        where manager_id=122;






  4.2.1 收藏夹表(tb_collect)

  4.2.2 购物车表(tb_cart)

  4.2.5 订单物流表(tb_order_shipping)


  查询 first_name 以 es 结尾的人

  first_name 和 last_name 首字母相同的人

  做文员的员工人数(job_id 中 含有 CLERK 的)

  销售人员 job_id: SA_XXXXX 的最高薪水



  drop table if exists tb_order_shipping;  

  create table tb_order_shipping(

    order_id  varchar(50) primary key,

    receiver_name  varchar(20),

    receiver_phone  varchar(20),

    receiver_mobile  varchar(30),

    receiver_state  varchar(10),

    receiver_city  varchar(10),

    receiver_district  varchar(20),

    receiver_address  varchar(200),

    receiver_zip  varchar(6),

    cereated  datetime,

    updated  datetime,

    foreign key(order_id) references tb_order(order_id)

  )engine=innodb charset=utf8;




  drop table if exists tb_collect;  

  create table tb_collect(

    id  bigint primary key auto_increment,

    user_id     bigint not null,

    item_id     bigint not null,

    item_title  varchar(100),

    item_price  bigint,

    item_image  varchar(200),

    item_param_data     varchar(200),

    status      tinyint default 1,

    created     datetime,

    updated     datetime,

    foreign key(user_id) references tb_user(id),

    foreign key(item_id) references tb_item(id)

  )engine=innodb charset=utf8;



  drop table if exists tb_cart;  

  create table tb_cart(

    id  bigint primary key auto_increment,

    user_id     bigint not null,

    item_id     bigint not null,

    num int default 1,

    item_title  varchar(100),

    item_image  varchar(200),

    item_price  bigint,

    created     datetime,

    updated     datetime,

    foreign key(user_id) references tb_user(id),

    foreign key(item_id) references tb_item(id)

  )engine=innodb charset=utf8;



  查询 first_name 以 es 结尾的人






          first_name like '%es';


  first_name 和 last_name 首字母相同的人


          employee_id,first_name, last_name,salary






  做文员的员工人数(job_id 中 含有 CLERK 的)

      select count(*)

      from employees

      where job_id like '%CLERK%';


  销售人员 job_id: SA_XXXXX 的最高薪水

      select max(salary)

      from employees

      where job_id like 'SA\_%';



      select min(hire_date), max(hire_date)

      from employees;




    * where



          >  >=  <  <=  

          like  %  _

          between ... and ...


          is null

          not between ... and ...

          not in

          is not null

    * order by

          order by a,b

          order by a desc, b asc

    * distinct



          select distinct a,b ...


    * 函数



    * 多行函数



1.14 sql子句

1.14.1 group by 分组子句


  * 求多行函数时, 用 group by 分组计算


        1  张三  30

        2  李四  30    30部门 3 人

        3  王五  30


        4  赵六  70

        5  钱七  70    70部门 2 人


    select department_id,count(*) from emp

    group by department_id



1.14.2 having 过滤子句


  * 多行函数分组计算,


    不能用 where,而使用 having 代替


      *) where 过滤普通条件

      *) having 过滤多行函数结果



1.14.3 查询

================================================   * 用一个查询果,另一个查询过滤条件


      select id,name,sal...

      from ...

      where sal=(select min(sal) from...);   * 单值查询




      >   * 多查询




      > all(1,2,3,4)  大于最大值

      > any(1,2,3,4)  大于最小值


1.15 行内视图


  * 从一个查询的查询结果再查询


      select ... from (select ... from...) tb


1.16 多表查询


1.16.1   * 用外将多接成一大表





      from  a, b


   = b.xid



1.16.2   * 自






1.16.3   *  sql




        select ...


           a inner join b on

             inner join c on

             [inner] join d on ...

             [inner] join e on ...


1.16.4   * 左外接、右外


             a left [outer] join b on ...

                  将左表 a 中接条件之外的数据也出来


             a right [outer] join b on ...

                  将右表 b 中接条件之外的数据也出来




1.17 Mysql-day05练习


1.17.1   1. 每个部的人数


        select department_id,count(1) c

        from employees

        where department_id is not null

        group by department_id

        order by c;


1.17.2   2. 每个部中,每个主管的手下人数


        部门    主管id     手下

        1       1          3

        1       2          5

        1       3          2

        2       4          6

        2       5          1


        select department_id,manager_id,count(1) c

        from employees

        where department_id is not null and

              manager_id is not null

        group by department_id,manager_id

        order by



1.17.3   3. 每种工作的平均工

        select job_id,avg(salary)

        from employees

        group by job_id;


1.17.4   4. 每年的入人数

        select extract(year from hire_date) year,count(*) c

        from employees

        group by year     //以年为单位分组

        order by c;       //排序


1.17.5   5. 只有一个人的部


        select department_id,count(*) c

        from employees

        where department_id is not null

        group by department_id

        having c=1; -- 对多行函数结果进行过滤


1.17.6   6. 拿最低工工信息




        from employees

        where salary=

          (select min(salary) from employees);


1.17.7   7. 只有一个下属的主管信息


          100   张三

          110   李四

          120   王五    100

          130   赵六    110




       from employees

       where employee_id in (

           select manager_id

           from employees

           where manager_id is not null

           group by manager_id

           having count(*)=1;



       select manager_id

       from employees

       where manager_id is not null

       group by manager_id

       having count(*)=1;


1.17.8   8. 平均工最高的部门编





            select department_id, avg(salary)

            from employees

            where department_id is not null

            group by department_id;



            select max(avg)

            from (

                select department_id, avg(salary) avg

                from employees

                where department_id is not null

                group by department_id

            ) a;


            select department_id, avg(salary) avg

            from employees

            where department_id is not null

            group by department_id

            order by avg desc

            limit 1;


1.17.9   9. 下属人数最多的人,查询其个人信息


        1. 得到下属最多的人他的 id

        2. 用 id 过滤查询他的个人信息



           select manager_id

           from employees

           where manager_id is not null

           group by manager_id

           order by count(*) desc

           limit 1;


           select employee_id,first_name,salary

           from employees

           where employee_id=(

                 select manager_id

                 from employees

                 where manager_id is not null

                 group by manager_id

                 order by count(*) desc

                 limit 1



1.17.10 10. 拿最低工的人的信息



       from employees

       where salary=(

            select min(salary)

            from employees



1.17.11 11. 最后入工信息



       from employees

       where hire_date=(

            select max(hire_date) from employees




1.17.12 12. 工多于平均工工信息



       from employees

       where salary>(

            select avg(salary) from employees




1.17.13 13. 部


       select * from departments;


1.17.14 14. 查询员工信息,部名称





       from employees e, departments d

       where e.department_id=d.department_id;


1.17.15 15. 查询信息,和部门经理的信息





       from departments d, employees e

       where d.manager_id=e.employee_id;


1.17.16 17. 地区表


       select * from locations;


1.17.17 18. 工信息,部名称,所在城市


        1   张三  7000   销售   纽约







          employees e,

          departments d,

          locations l


          e.department_id=d.department_id  and



1.17.18 19. Seattle 市所有的工信息


        1 张三 7000






            employees e,

            departments d,

            locations l


            e.department_id=d.department_id and

            d.location_id=l.location_id and



1.17.19 20. 按城市分算每个城市的工数量


        Beijing   12

        Seattle   18




  , count(*) c


            employees e,

            departments d,

            locations l


            e.department_id=d.department_id and


        group by


        order by c;


1.17.20 22. 查询员工信息和他的主管姓名


        1  张三

        2  李四

        3  王五  1  张三

        4  赵六  1  张三

        5  钱七  2  李四




            e2.first_name  mgr_name


            employees e1,

            employees e2




1.17.21 23. 工信息,工主管名字,部


        1  张三

        2  李四

        3  王五  1  张三  销售

        4  赵六  1  张三  销售

        5  钱七  2  李四  IT




          e2.first_name mgr_name,



            employees e1,

            employees e2,

            departments d


            e1.manager_id=e2.employee_id and



1.17.22 24. 工信息,部名,和部门经





           e2.first_name mgr_name


           employees e1,

           departments d,

           employees e2


           e1.department_id=d.department_id and



1.17.23 25. 用信息,工作位,直接上司名,部名,城市,国家,州

          select * from jobs;

          select * from locations;

          select * from countries;

          select * from regions;





              e2.first_name mgr_name,






              employees e1

              join jobs j on e1.job_id=j.job_id

              join employees e2 on e1.manager_id=e2.employee_id

              join departments d on e1.department_id=d.department_id

              join locations l on d.location_id=l.location_id

              join countries c on l.country_id=c.country_id

              join regions r on c.region_id=r.region_id;


1.17.24 26. 工和他所在部名,没有部门显示 null






              employees e

              left join departments d

              on e.department_id=d.department_id;





  4.2.14        用户地址表 (tb_address)


          Is_default 后面加两个字段

              user_id bigint    外键

              status  tinyint


  4.2.6 内容表(tb_content)

  4.2.7 内容分类表(tb_content_category)



        工资多于工种 IT_PROG 平均工资的员工






                salary>(select avg(salary) from employees where job_id='IT_PROG');



        平均工资最高的工种, 显示工作全名







                    select job_id

                    from employees

                    group by job_id

                    order by avg(salary) desc

                    limit 1






               e.job_id,j.job_title,avg(salary) avg


                employees e join jobs j on e.job_id=j.job_id

            group by e.job_id,j.job_title

            order by avg desc

            limit 1;












            from employees

            where (department_id,salary)=(60,  9000);






            from employees

            where (department_id,salary) in(


                department_id, max(salary)

            from employees

            where department_id is not null

            group by department_id













            from employees

            where hire_date in(

                select min(hire_date)

                from employees

                group by extract(year from hire_date)









                departments d left join employees e

                on d.manager_id=e.employee_id;




1.18.1 概述与特征

    *) 事务是数据操作的最小单元

    *) 多个数据增删改操作,完成的一项业务处理

    *) 如果事务事务成功,其中每一项操作都生效;如果事务事务失败,其中每一项操作都失败。

    *) 数据库数据操作,以事务为一个最小操作单元,



    *) 事务的原子性

    *) 在当前事务中对数据的修改,只对当前连接可见

    *) ACID


            A - 原子性 Atomic

            C - 一致性 Consistency

                    转账前 a+b = 100

                    转帐后 a+b = 100

            I - 隔离性 Isolation



            D - 持久性 Durancy




1.18.2 操作



            start transaction;


            set autocommit=0;








        *) mysql 默认不开始事务,需要手动启动事务


1.18.3 看事是否开启

            show variables like 'autocommit';





1.18.4 innodb 提供行级锁







1.18.5 事务隔离级别

          set tx_isolation='READ-UNCOMMITTED';     -- 脏读

          set tx_isolation='read-committed';       -- 幻读

          set tx_isolation='repeatable-read';

          set tx_isolation='serializable';

 1) 脏读  READ-UNCOMMITTED 未提交数据



 2) 不允许脏读 read-committed 提交数据




              虚读 update

              幻读 insert,delete


 3) 可重复 (mysql 默) repeatable-read





         4) 串行化 serializable





1.18.6 看隔离级别


             show variables like 'tx%';




1.19 视图 view


  * 将一个查询的查询结果当做表

  * 可以从这个虚拟的表查询


    drop view if exists v1;


    create [or replace] view v1


    selet ...;


  * 视图不是表,不保存数据,



1.19.1   * 视图

      show tables;

      desc v1;

      show create view v1;


  * 为什么使用视图



1.19.2       *)查询



              a join b .. join c...join d...join e...


          select .. from v1;


1.19.3       *)安全









1.20 索引


  * 数据存储位置目录




  * 提高查询效率,首先考虑创建索引


  * where name='abc'




  * where name='abc' and birth='1993-5-3'



        对 where name='abc' 单字段过滤也有效

        但对 where birth='1993-5-3' 单字段过滤无效


1.20.1   * 建索引


      create index index_name on tb1(name);


      create index first_name_index

      on employees(first_name);      


      create index job_dept_index

      on employees(job_id, department_id);


1.21 数据份和恢复


1.21.1   * 表及数据


        mysqldump  -uroot –p --default-character-set=utf8 >/home/soft01/hr.sql


        mysqldump  -uroot -p --default-character-set=utf8  stu>/home/soft01/stu.sql



        cat ~/stu.sql  |more      -- 分页查询


1.21.2   * 将份数据重新入数据


        mysql -uroot -p --default-character-set=utf8 <文件路径


        mysql -uroot -p --default-character-set=utf8 stu2</home/soft01/stu.sql        


        drop database if exists jtds;

        create database jtds charset=utf8;

        将 jtds.sql 导入 jtds 库




1.22 limit分页查询


  * limit 5



  * limit 0,10

        从第一条 开始的10条


  * limit 10,10



  * limit 20,10



  * 查询 page 页,每页10条


        第一个参数:  (page-1)*10

        第二个参数:  10


  *公式:limit (page-1)*pageCount,count



1.23 Mysql-day06练习


1.23.1   1. 测试操作


        start transaction;


        insert into regions(region_name) values('aaa');

        insert into regions(region_name) values('bbb');

        insert into regions(region_name) values('ccc');


        select * from regions;


        -- 新开终端,查询 regions 表


        -- 第一个客户端



        -- 第二个客户端再查询



        -- 第一个客户端

        start transaction;

        insert into regions(region_name) values('aaa');

        insert into regions(region_name) values('bbb');

        insert into regions(region_name) values('ccc');

        select * from regions;


        select * from regions;


        -- 第一个客户端

        start transaction;


        update regions set region_name='南极'

        where region_id=5;


        select * from regions;


        -- 第二个客户端

        start transaction;


        update regions set region_name='北极' where region_id=5;


1.23.2   2. 测试隔离级别


        1) 脏读



           set tx_isolation='READ-UNCOMMITTED'; -- 脏数据


           -- 第一个客户端

           start transaction;


           insert into regions(region_name) values('eee');


           update regions set region_name='月球'

           where region_id=5;


           -- 第二个客户端

           select * from regions;


           -- 第一个客户端






      2) 幻读



           set tx_isolation='read-committed'; -- 读提交数据、幻读


           -- 第一个客户端


           start transaction;

           insert into regions(region_name) values('5555555');


           update regions set region_name='水星'

           where region_id=5;


           -- 第二个客户端


           start transaction;

           select * from regions;


           -- 第一个客户端



           -- 第二个客户端

           select * from regions; -- 看到第一个客户端提交的数据




      3) 可重复读



           set tx_isolation='repeatable-read'; -- 读提交数据、幻读


           -- 第一个客户端


           start transaction;

           insert into regions(region_name) values('888888');


           update regions set region_name='土星'

           where region_id=5;


           -- 第二个客户端


           start transaction;

           select * from regions;


           -- 第一个客户端



           -- 第二个客户端

           select * from regions; -- 看到第一个客户端提交的数据


1.23.3   3. 视图测试


      drop view if exists v1;


      create or replace view v1




            from employees

            where (department_id,salary) in(


                department_id, max(salary)

            from employees

            where department_id is not null

            group by department_id



            show tables;

            select * from v1;


1.23.4   4. 商品表 tb_item


        select * from tb_item;


1.23.5   5. 有什么品牌


        select distinct brand from tb_item;


1.23.6   6. 最商品的品牌、名称、价格


        select brand,title,price

        from tb_item

        order by price desc

        limit 1;


1.23.7   7. 分页查看商品


        select id,brand,title,price

        from tb_item

        order by price desc

        -- limit 0,10;

        -- limit 10,10;

        -- limit 20,10;

        limit 30,10;


1.23.8   8. 商品名和商品描述





            tb_item i join tb_item_desc d


        limit 1;


1.23.9   9. 商品分 tb_item_cat


        select * from tb_item_cat;


        select * from tb_item_cat

        where name like '%电脑%' or

              name like '%笔记本%' or

              name like '%手机%';


1.23.10   10. 查询所有的顶层


        select * from tb_item_cat

        where is_parent=1 and parent_id is null;


1.23.11   11. 查询 161 下的二


        select * from tb_item_cat

        where parent_id=161 order by sort_order;


1.23.12   12. 查询 162 下的三

        select * from tb_item_cat

        where parent_id=162 order by sort_order;


1.23.13   13. 用

        select * from tb_user;


1.23.14   14. 订单

        select * from tb_order;


        用户 id 是14的订单

        select * from tb_order where user_id=14;


1.23.15   15. 订单编号是 20161001490698615071



        select * from tb_order_item

        where order_id=20161001490698615071;




1.24 day06作



    查询 类别 163 的商品
















    获取订单编号为 20161001490698615071 中的每种商品的标题、单价、数量、总价













    select cid,count(*) from tb_item group by cid


    查询 类别 163 的商品

    select id,title,price from tb_item where cid=163;


    select id,title,price from tb_item where price<100;


    select id,title,price from tb_item where brand='联想' and price>40000;


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand='三木' or price<50;


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand in('三木','广博','齐心');


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand not in('联想','戴尔');


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand='联想' and price>10000;


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand='联想' or brand='戴尔';


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand in('联想','戴尔','三木');


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand<>'戴尔';


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where title like '%记事本%';


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where brand like '%力';


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where title like '%联想%';


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where cell_point like '%爆款%';


    select id,brand,title,price from tb_item where title like 'A%';


    select concat(receiver_city, receiver_district,receiver_address) addr from tb_address;

    获取订单编号为 20161001490698615071 中的每种商品的标题、单价、数量、总价

    select title,price,num,total_fee from tb_order_item where order_id='20161001490698615071';


    select brand,count(*) from tb_item group by brand;


    select brand,count(*) c from tb_item group by brand order by c;


    select brand,count(*) c from tb_item where brand is not null group by brand order by c;


    select id,title,brand,price from tb_item where (brand,price) in(

      select brand,max(price) m from tb_item where brand is not null group by brand);


    select id,title,brand,price from tb_item where (brand,price) in(

      select brand,max(price) m from tb_item where brand is not null group by brand)

    order by price desc;



    select id,title,brand,price from tb_item where (brand,price) in(

      select brand,max(price) m from tb_item where brand is not null group by brand)

    order by price desc

    limit 3;







    select id, username, phone, email from tb_user where id in

      (select user_id from tb_order where order_id in

        (select order_id from tb_order_item where item_id=10000028))




        distinct, u.username,,


        tb_user u join tb_order o on

                  join tb_order_item i on o.order_id=i.order_id




1.25 的程序


  * 数据库中存储的程序,对数据进行运算处理


  * 存储过程

  * 函数

  * 触发器



1.26 话变


  * 一次会话过程中,可以设置一些变量保存数据


  * set @name='张三'


      * @表示回话变量

      * @@表示全局变量,指定是系统变量


            set @@sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';

            set @@autocommit=OFF

            set sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';

            set autocommit=OFF


  * 显示变量的值


      select @name, @a, @b, @c;




1.27 存储过程


1.27.1   * 创建存储过


      delimiter // -- 设置语句的结束符号


      create procedure p1()


          select * from t;




      delimiter ; -- 语句的结束符重新设置会成分号


1.27.2   * 用存储过


      call p1();


1.27.3   * 除存储过


      drop procedure [if exists] p1;


1.27.4   * 参数



      in      输入参数(默认)

      out     输出参数

      inout   即可输入也可输出


      定义存储过程: p2(in a int, out b int)



                        set b = a*2;


      调用 p2():


            call p2(255, @v1)

            select @v1;


1.28 流程控制

1.28.1 *)选择判断


          if 条件 then


          end if;


          if 条件 then




          end if;



              when 条件 then ...;

              when 条件 then ...;

              when 条件 then ...;

              else ...;

          end case;


1.28.2 *) 循


          while 条件 do


          end while;




          end loop;  




          until 条件 end repeat;



          leave     跳出循环

          iterate   直接进入下次迭代





              lp: loop

                  leave lp;

                  iterate lp;

              end loop;


1.29 declare定局部



        *) declare a int;             -- null

        *) declare a int default 1;


        *) 局部变量在 end 结束时销毁



                  declare a int default 1;


                        declare b int default 2;


                  select a; -- ok

                  select b; -- 错误






1.30 函数


  * 与存储过程类似,

  * 函数有返回值

  * 用 select f() 调用函数


  * 创建


      create function f(参数) returns int



          return 计算结果;




1.31  cursor

     游标 cursor

  * 游标: 查询结果的数据指针      

  * 只能一步一步向下一行移动

  * 不能任意的被定位

  * 游标操作:



          declare c cursor for select ...



          open c;



          -- 从游标取出几个字段的数据,存入几个变量

          fetch c into v1,v2,v3,v4;



          close c;


  * 从头到尾用游标访问数据


        mysql 的错误处理机制:

            declare continue handler for ...


            当出现指定错误(not found)时,执行一段代码(done=),



        declare done int default 0;

        declare c cursor for select ...

        declare continue handler for not found set done=1;


        open c;

        while done=0 do

            -- 在末尾取不到数据,会出现 not found 错误

            -- 触发 done=1 执行

            fetch c into ...

        end while;






  * 对一行数据进行增删改操作,



  * 六种: 一张表最多就能创建6个触发器

        before insert

        before update

        before delete


        after insert

        after update

        after delete


  * 创建触发器


        create trigger 名称 before insert

        on tb1 for each row





  * 两个隐含对象


        new  - 新的数据行

        old  - 旧的数据行

        ,,  new.price,,  old.price



              new  - 新插入的一行数据

              old  - 没有


              new  - 修改后的新数据

              old  - 修改前的旧数据


              new  - 没有

              old  - 被删掉的数据



1.33 mysql-day07练习


1.33.1   1. 新建新建表

        create database db1 charset=utf8;


        use db1;


        create table t(

            c int



1.33.2   2. 建存储过

        delimiter //                -- 修改语句结束符


        drop procedure if exists p1; -- 删除存储过程


        create procedure p1()       -- 定义存储过程 p1


            insert into t values(floor(rand()*10));

            select * from t;



        call p1();//                -- 调用存储过程




1.33.3   3. 测试输入参数和出参数


        drop procedure if exists p2;


        create procedure p2(in a int, out b int)


            set b = a*2; -- 设置输出变量 b 的值



        call p2(1, @a); -- a变量在p2()存储过程中被赋值

        call p2(2, @b);

        call p2(3, @c);

        select @a, @b, @c;



1.33.4   4. 测试选择判断


      drop procedure p3 if exists;


      create procedure p3(in a int)


          if a=1 then  -- 如果a是1

              select 10;

          end if;



              when a=2 then select 20;   -- 如果a是2

              when a=3 then select 30;   -- 如果a是3

              when a=4 then select 40;   -- 如果a是4

              else select 100;           -- 如果a是234之外的其他值

          end case;          



      call p3(1);

      call p3(2);

      call p3(3);

      call p3(4);

      call p3(5);



1.33.5   5. 循环测试,循插入 1,2,3,4,5


        truncate table t; -- 删除再重建表


        drop procedure if exists p4;


        create procedure p4(in a int)


            -- 定义变量1.局部变量 2.会话变量

            declare i int default 1; -- 局部变量 i



            while i<=a do -- 当<=a时重复执行

                insert into t values(i);

                set i = i+1;

            end while;


            set i=1;

            lp: loop

                insert into t values(i);

                set i = i+1;

                if i>a then  -- 如果超过a离开循环

                    leave lp;

                end if;

            end loop;


            set i=1;


                insert into t values(i);

                set i = i+1;

            until i>a end repeat;  -- 直到超过a结束循环




        call p4(5);


        select * from t;



1.33.6   6. 测试函数,求 a 的 b 次方


        drop function if exists func_pow;


        create function func_pow(a bigint, b bigint) returns bigint


            declare r bigint;             -- 用来保存结果

            declare i bigint default 1;   -- 用来控制循环次数

            set r = a;


            while i<b do                  -- 重复b-1次

                set r = r*a;              -- 重复地乘a

                set i=i+1;                -- 次数递增

            end while;


            return r;                     -- 返回计算结果



        select func_pow(2,3);

        select func_pow(3,2);

        select func_pow(2,8);



        select c, func_pow(c, 2) from t;



1.33.7   7. 生随机字符串





       drop function if exists rand_str;


       -- 产生的随机字符串长度范围 [a, b)

       create function rand_str(a int, b int) returns varchar(255)


            -- 从这些字符当中随机挑选几个

            declare s0 varchar(600) default 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ的一是在不了有和人这中大为上个国我以要他时来用们生到作地于出就分对成会可主发年动同工也能下过子说产种面而方后多定行学法所民得经十三之进着等部度家电力里如水化高自二理起小物现实加量都两体制机当使点从业本去把性好应开它合还因由其些然前外天政四日那社义事平形相全表间样与关各重新线内数正心反你明看原又么利比或但质气第向道命此变条只没结解问意建月公无系军很情者最立代想已通并提直题党程展五果料象员革位入常文总次品式活设及管特件长求老头基资边流路级少图山统接知较将组见计别她手角期根论运农指几九区强放决西被干做必战先回则任取据处队南给色光门即保治北造百规热领七海口东导器压志世金增争济阶油思术极交受联什认六共权收证改清己美再采转更单风切打白教速花带安场身车例真务具万每目至达走积示议声报斗完类八离华名确才科张信马节话米整空元况今集温传土许步群广石记需段研界拉林律叫且究观越织装影算低持音众书布复容儿须际商非验连断深难近矿千周委素技备半办青省列习响约支般史感劳便团往酸历市克何除消构府称太准精值号率族维划选标写存候毛亲快效斯院查江型眼王按格养易置派层片始却专状育厂京识适属圆包火住调满县局照参红细引听该铁价严龙飞';

            declare len int;                    -- 保存随机长度值

            declare s varchar(255) default '';  -- 保存随机字符串结果

            declare i int default 0;            -- 用来控制次数

            declare j int;                      -- 随机位置

            -- 随机长度,范围 [a, b)

            set len = a+floor(rand()*(b-a));

            -- 产生 len 个随机字符连接到 s

            while i<len do

                -- 随机位置 [1, char_length(s0))

                set j = 1+floor(rand()*(char_length(s0)-1));

                -- 从s0取i位置字符,连接到 s

                set s = concat(s, substring(s0, j, 1));

                set i = i+1; -- i递增

            end while;


            return s; -- 返回随机字符串结果



       select rand_str(3,8);

       select rand_str(3,8);

       select rand_str(3,8);

       select rand_str(3,8);

       select rand_str(3,8);








              1.具体长度 len




                    len = a+floor(rand()*(b-a))


                    0                   0

                    0.1          *5     0.5

                    0.2                 1

                    0.3                 1.5

                    0.8                 4

                    0.9999              4.xxxx



              2. 需要一个空串 s=''


              3. 循环 len 次

                    4. 产生随机位置 j

                       1+ [0, char_length(s0)-1)

                       j = 1+floor(rand()*(char_length(s0)-1))

                    5. 截取 s0 的 i 位置字符

                       substring(s0, j, 1)

                    6. 这个字符连到 s 上

                        s = concat(s, substring(s0, j, 1))


1.33.8   8. 在表中插入大量随机字符串





                    memory 内存表


        2.循环向内存表插入 10 万数据



        -- 内存表

        drop table if exists tm;

        create table tm(

          c varchar(255)




        -- 磁盘表

        drop table if exists td;

        create table td(

          id int primary key auto_increment,

          c varchar(255)




        -- 存储过程

        drop procedure if exists rand_data;


        create procedure rand_data(n int)


            declare i int default 0; -- 用来控制循环多少次

            while i<n  do  -- 循环 n 次

                -- 向内存插入随机字符串

                insert into tm values(rand_str(3,6));

                set i=i+1;

            end while;

            -- 内存数据全部插入磁盘表

            insert into td(c) select * from tm;

            delete from tm; -- 清空内存表



        call rand_data(9);


        call rand_data(20000);//


  * 查询 td 表的 c 字段


        select * from td where id=2918757


        select * from td where c='值w农计调';


        select * from td where c like '值w%';


        select * from td where c like '%计调';


        select * from td where c like '王__';



  * 对 c 字段创建索引,再查询



        create index td_c_index on td(c);



        explain select * from td where c like '值w%';


        explain select * from td where c like '%计调';



        -- 删除索引

        alter table td drop index td_c_index;




  * 游标测试


      drop procedure if exists p5;


      create procedure p5()


          declare sum int default 0; -- 累加变量

          declare a int; -- 保存每行的值

          declare done int default 0; -- 结束标志

          declare c cursor for select * from t; -- 游标

          -- 错误处理,找不到数据值将标志值设置成1

          declare continue handler for not found set done=1;

          open c; -- 打开游标

          while done=0 do -- 当结束标志是0,没结束

              fetch c into a;  -- 抓取下一行数据存到变量a

              set sum = sum + a;

          end while;

          close c;

          select sum;



      call p5();




  * 商品分类表(tb_item_cat)

    修改数据时,不必手动修改 updated 字段,



        update tb_item_cat set name='新类别'

        where id=16;


        update tb_item_cat set name='新类别',updated=now()

        where id=16;


        use jtds//


        create trigger cat_updated_trigger

        before update on tb_item_cat

        for each row


            set new.updated=now();-- 新数据的更新时间字段填入系统时间



        select id,name,updated from tb_item_cat

        where id in(3,4,5,6,7);


        update tb_item_cat

        set name=concat('>>>', name)

        where id in(3,4,5,6,7);




  * 阻止删除商品表数据


      *)当 before delete 时,手动产生一个错误,



      create trigger item_del_trigger

      before delete on tb_item

      for each row


          -- 手动暴力产生错误

          delete from 不允许商品表的删除操作;



      delete from tb_item where id=10000028;






    tb_item 商品表的商品数量,不允许减为负数






drop trigger if exists item_num_trigger;


create trigger item_num_trigger before update on tb_item for each row


    if new.num<0 then

        delete from 商品数量不能是负数;

    end if;





drop trigger if exists order_item_num_trigger;


create trigger order_item_num_trigger before insert on tb_order_item for each row



    declare n_id bigint;

    declare n_num int;


    set n_id = new.item_id;

    set n_num = new.num;


    update tb_item set num=num-n_num where id=n_id;





insert into tb_order_item(id,item_id,order_id,num,title,price,total_fee,pic_path,cereated,updated)




insert into tb_order_item(id,item_id,order_id,num,title,price,total_fee,pic_path,cereated,updated)









当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


