# Write your MySQL query statement below
select b.name as Department, a.name as Employee, a.salary as Salary
from Employee as a, Department as b, (
select max(salary) as max, departmentId
from Employee
group by departmentId) as f
where a.departmentId = b.id and f.max = a.salary and f.departmentId = b.id;
使用group by语句,max的子查询建表
# Please write a DELETE statement and DO NOT write a SELECT statement.
# Write your MySQL query statement below
delete a
from Person as a, Person as b
where a.email = b.email and a.id > b.id
#类似于将select a.*变成delete a
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select b.id
from Weather as a, Weather as b
where DATEDIFF(b.recordDate, a.recordDate)=1 and a.Temperature<b.Temperature
#比较日期,要用与日期相关的函数,本题应该使用datediff(date1, date2)=1
#DATEDIFF(date1, date2) #date1-date2