我常用的 .zshrc 文件 - oh-my-zsh 自动补齐加 zsh-syntax-highlighting 高亮 加 窗体透明

这篇博客详细介绍了如何配置 .zshrc 文件以实现 oh-my-zsh 的自动补全功能、zsh-syntax-highlighting 高亮显示,并在 Arch Linux 中设置终端窗口透明。内容包括 zsh 的配置文件结构、函数、变量以及如何启用 zsh 的高级特性,同时提到了 zsh 的性能分析。

# Filename:      /etc/zsh/zshrc
# Purpose:       config file for zsh (z shell)
# Authors:       grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop <mika@grml.org>
# Bug-Reports:   see http://grml.org/bugs/
# License:       This file is licensed under the GPL v2.
# This file is sourced only for interactive shells. It
# should contain commands to set up aliases, functions,
# options, key bindings, etc.
# Global Order: zshenv, zprofile, zshrc, zlogin

# If you are using this file as your ~/.zshrc file, please use ~/.zshrc.pre
# and ~/.zshrc.local for your own customisations. The former file is read
# before ~/.zshrc, the latter is read after it. Also, consider reading the
# refcard and the reference manual for this setup, both available from:
#     <http://grml.org/zsh/>

# Contributing:
# If you want to help to improve grml's zsh setup, clone the grml-etc-core
# repository from git.grml.org:
#   git clone git://git.grml.org/grml-etc-core.git
# Make your changes, commit them; use 'git format-patch' to create a series
# of patches and send those to the following address via 'git send-email':
#   grml-etc-core@grml.org
# Doing so makes sure the right people get your patches for review and
# possibly inclusion.

# zsh-refcard-tag documentation:
#   You may notice strange looking comments in this file.
#   These are there for a purpose. grml's zsh-refcard can now be
#   automatically generated from the contents of the actual configuration
#   file. However, we need a little extra information on which comments
#   and what lines of code to take into account (and for what purpose).
# Here is what they mean:
# List of tags (comment types) used:
#   #a#     Next line contains an important alias, that should
#           be included in the grml-zsh-refcard.
#           (placement tag: @@INSERT-aliases@@)
#   #f#     Next line contains the beginning of an important function.
#           (placement tag: @@INSERT-functions@@)
#   #v#     Next line contains an important variable.
#           (placement tag: @@INSERT-variables@@)
#   #k#     Next line contains an important keybinding.
#           (placement tag: @@INSERT-keybindings@@)
#   #d#     Hashed directories list generation:
#               start   denotes the start of a list of 'hash -d'
#                       definitions.
#               end     denotes its end.
#           (placement tag: @@INSERT-hasheddirs@@)
#   #A#     Abbreviation expansion list generation:
#               start   denotes the beginning of abbreviations.
#               end     denotes their end.
#           Lines within this section that end in '#d .*' provide
#           extra documentation to be included in the refcard.
#           (placement tag: @@INSERT-abbrev@@)
#   #m#     This tag allows you to manually generate refcard entries
#           for code lines that are hard/impossible to parse.
#               Example:
#                   #m# k ESC-h Call the run-help function
#               That would add a refcard entry in the keybindings table
#               for 'ESC-h' with the given comment.
#           So the syntax is: #m# <section> <argument> <comment>
#   #o#     This tag lets you insert entries to the 'other' hash.
#           Generally, this should not be used. It is there for
#           things that cannot be done easily in another way.
#           (placement tag: @@INSERT-other-foobar@@)
#   All of these tags (except for m and o) take two arguments, the first
#   within the tag, the other after the tag:
#   #<tag><section># <comment>
#   Where <section> is really just a number, which are defined by the
#   @secmap array on top of 'genrefcard.pl'. The reason for numbers
#   instead of names is, that for the reader, the tag should not differ
#   much from a regular comment. For zsh, it is a regular comment indeed.
#   The numbers have got the following meanings:
#         0 -> "default"
#         1 -> "system"
#         2 -> "user"
#         3 -> "debian"
#         4 -> "search"
#         5 -> "shortcuts"
#         6 -> "services"
#   So, the following will add an entry to the 'functions' table in the
#   'system' section, with a (hopefully) descriptive comment:
#       #f1# Edit an alias via zle
#       edalias() {
#   It will then show up in the @@INSERT-aliases-system@@ replacement tag
#   that can be found in 'grml-zsh-refcard.tex.in'.
#   If the section number is omitted, the 'default' section is assumed.
#   Furthermore, in 'grml-zsh-refcard.tex.in' @@INSERT-aliases@@ is
#   exactly the same as @@INSERT-aliases-default@@. If you want a list of
#   *all* aliases, for example, use @@INSERT-aliases-all@@.

# zsh profiling
# just execute 'ZSH_PROFILE_RC=1 zsh' and run 'zprof' to get the details
if [[ $ZSH_PROFILE_RC -gt 0 ]] ; then
    zmodload zsh/zprof

# load .zshrc.pre to give the user the chance to overwrite the defaults
[[ -r ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshrc.pre ]] && source ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshrc.pre

# check for version/system
# check for versions (compatibility reasons)
function is4 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == <4->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

function is41 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<1->* || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

function is42 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<2->* || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

function is425 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.2.<5->* || $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<3->* || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

function is43 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<3->* || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

function is433 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.3.<3->* || $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<4->* \
                                 || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

function is437 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.3.<7->* || $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<4->* \
                                 || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

function is439 () {
    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.3.<9->* || $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<4->* \
                                 || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

#f1# Checks whether or not you're running grml
function isgrml () {
    [[ -f /etc/grml_version ]] && return 0
    return 1

#f1# Checks whether or not you're running a grml cd
function isgrmlcd () {
    [[ -f /etc/grml_cd ]] && return 0
    return 1

if isgrml ; then
#f1# Checks whether or not you're running grml-small
    function isgrmlsmall () {
        if [[ ${${${(f)"$(</etc/grml_version)"}%% *}##*-} == 'small' ]]; then
            return 0
        return 1
    function isgrmlsmall () { return 1 }

GRML_OSTYPE=$(uname -s)

function islinux () {
    [[ $GRML_OSTYPE == "Linux" ]]

function isdarwin () {
    [[ $GRML_OSTYPE == "Darwin" ]]

function isfreebsd () {
    [[ $GRML_OSTYPE == "FreeBSD" ]]

function isopenbsd () {
    [[ $GRML_OSTYPE == "OpenBSD" ]]

function issolaris () {
    [[ $GRML_OSTYPE == "SunOS" ]]

#f1# are we running within an utf environment?
function isutfenv () {
    case "$LANG $CHARSET $LANGUAGE" in
        *utf*) return 0 ;;
        *UTF*) return 0 ;;
        *)     return 1 ;;

# check for user, if not running as root set $SUDO to sudo
(( EUID != 0 )) && SUDO='sudo' || SUDO=''

# change directory to home on first invocation of zsh
# important for rungetty -> autologin
# Thanks go to Bart Schaefer!
isgrml && function checkhome () {
    if [[ -z "$ALREADY_DID_CD_HOME" ]] ; then
        export ALREADY_DID_CD_HOME=$HOME

# check for zsh v3.1.7+

if ! [[ ${ZSH_VERSION} == 3.1.<7->*      \
     || ${ZSH_VERSION} == 3.<2->.<->*    \
     || ${ZSH_VERSION} == <4->.<->*   ]] ; then

    printf '-!-\n'
    printf '-!- In this configuration we try to make use of features, that only\n'
    printf '-!- require version 3.1.7 of the shell; That way this setup can be\n'
    printf '-!- used with a wide range of zsh versions, while using fairly\n'
    printf '-!- advanced features in all supported versions.\n'
    printf '-!-\n'
    printf '-!- However, you are running zsh version %s.\n' "$ZSH_VERSION"
    printf '-!-\n'
    printf '-!- While this *may* work, it might as well fail.\n'
    printf '-!- Please consider updating to at least version 3.1.7 of zsh.\n'
    printf '-!-\n'
    printf '-!- If it does today, you'\''ve been lucky.\n'
    printf '-!-\n'
    printf '-!- Ye been warned!\n'
    printf '-!-\n'

    function zstyle () { : }

# autoload wrapper - use this one instead of autoload directly
# We need to define this function as early as this, because autoloading
# 'is-at-least()' needs it.
function zrcautoload () {
    emulate -L zsh
    setopt extended_glob
    local fdir ffile
    local -i ffound

    (( ffound = 0 ))
    for fdir in ${fpath} ; do
        [[ -e ${fdir}/${ffile} ]] && (( ffound = 1 ))

    (( ffound == 0 )) && return 1
    if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 3.1.<6-> || $ZSH_VERSION == <4->* ]] ; then
        autoload -U ${ffile} || return 1
        autoload ${ffile} || return 1
    return 0

# The following is the ‘add-zsh-hook’ function from zsh upstream. It is
# included here to make the setup work with older versions of zsh (prior to
# 4.3.7) in which this function had a bug that triggers annoying errors during
# shell startup. This is exactly upstreams code from f0068edb4888a4d8fe94def,
# with just a few adjustments in coding style to make the function look more
# compact. This definition can be removed as soon as we raise the minimum
# version requirement to 4.3.7 or newer.
function add-zsh-hook () {
    # Add to HOOK the given FUNCTION.
    # HOOK is one of chpwd, precmd, preexec, periodic, zshaddhistory,
    # zshexit, zsh_directory_name (the _functions subscript is not required).
    # With -d, remove the function from the hook instead; delete the hook
    # variable if it is empty.
    # -D behaves like -d, but pattern characters are active in the function
    # name, so any matching function will be deleted from the hook.
    # Without -d, the FUNCTION is marked for autoload; -U is passed down to
    # autoload if that is given, as are -z and -k. (This is harmless if the
    # function is actually defined inline.)
    emulate -L zsh
    local -a hooktypes
        chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit
    local usage="Usage: $0 hook function\nValid hooks are:\n  $hooktypes"
    local opt
    local -a autoopts
    integer del list help
    while getopts "dDhLUzk" opt; do
        case $opt in
        (d) del=1 ;;
        (D) del=2 ;;
        (h) help=1 ;;
        (L) list=1 ;;
        ([Uzk]) autoopts+=(-$opt) ;;
        (*) return 1 ;;
    shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
    if (( list )); then
        typeset -mp "(${1:-${(@j:|:)hooktypes}})_functions"
        return $?
    elif (( help || $# != 2 || ${hooktypes[(I)$1]} == 0 )); then
        print -u$(( 2 - help )) $usage
        return $(( 1 - help ))
    local hook="${1}_functions"
    local fn="$2"
    if (( del )); then
        # delete, if hook is set
        if (( ${(P)+hook} )); then
            if (( del == 2 )); then
                set -A $hook ${(P)hook:#${~fn}}
                set -A $hook ${(P)hook:#$fn}
            # unset if no remaining entries --- this can give better
            # performance in some cases
            if (( ! ${(P)#hook} )); then
                unset $hook
        if (( ${(P)+hook} )); then
            if (( ${${(P)hook}[(I)$fn]} == 0 )); then
                set -A $hook ${(P)hook} $fn
            set -A $hook $fn
        autoload $autoopts -- $fn

# Load is-at-least() for more precise version checks Note that this test will
# *always* fail, if the is-at-least function could not be marked for
# autoloading.
zrcautoload is-at-least || function is-at-least () { return 1 }

# set some important options (as early as possible)

# append history list to the history file; this is the default but we make sure
# because it's required for share_history.
setopt append_history

# import new commands from the history file also in other zsh-session
is4 && setopt share_history

# save each command's beginning timestamp and the duration to the history file
setopt extended_history

# If a new command line being added to the history list duplicates an older
# one, the older command is removed from the list
is4 && setopt histignorealldups

# remove command lines from the history list when the first character on the
# line is a space
setopt histignorespace

# if a command is issued that can't be executed as a normal command, and the
# command is the name of a directory, perform the cd command to that directory.
setopt auto_cd

# in order to use #, ~ and ^ for filename generation grep word
# *~(*.gz|*.bz|*.bz2|*.zip|*.Z) -> searches for word not in compressed files
# don't forget to quote '^', '~' and '#'!
setopt extended_glob

# display PID when suspending processes as well
setopt longlistjobs

# report the status of backgrounds jobs immediately
setopt notify

# whenever a command completion is attempted, make sure the entire command path
# is hashed first.
setopt hash_list_all

# not just at the end
setopt completeinword

# Don't send SIGHUP to background processes when the shell exits.
setopt nohup

# make cd push the old directory onto the directory stack.
setopt auto_pushd

# avoid "beep"ing
setopt nobeep

# don't push the same dir twice.
setopt pushd_ignore_dups

# * shouldn't match dotfiles. ever.
setopt noglobdots

# use zsh style word splitting
setopt noshwordsplit

# don't error out when unset parameters are used
setopt unset

# setting some default values

typeset -ga ls_options
typeset -ga grep_options

# Colors on GNU ls(1)
if ls --color=auto / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    ls_options+=( --color=auto )
# Colors on FreeBSD and OSX ls(1)
elif ls -G / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    ls_options+=( -G )

# Natural sorting order on GNU ls(1)
# OSX and IllumOS have a -v option that is not natural sorting
if ls --version |& grep -q 'GNU' >/dev/null 2>&1 && ls -v / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    ls_options+=( -v )

# Color on GNU and FreeBSD grep(1)
if grep --color=auto -q "a" <<< "a" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    grep_options+=( --color=auto )

# utility functions
# this function checks if a command exists and returns either true
# or false. This avoids using 'which' and 'whence', which will
# avoid problems with aliases for which on certain weird systems. :-)
# Usage: check_com [-c|-g] word
#   -c  only checks for external commands
#   -g  does the usual tests and also checks for global aliases
function check_com () {
    emulate -L zsh
    local -i comonly gatoo

    if [[ $1 == '-c' ]] ; then
        shift 1
    elif [[ $1 == '-g' ]] ; then
        shift 1

    if (( ${#argv} != 1 )) ; then
        printf 'usage: check_com [-c|-g] <command>\n' >&2
        return 1

    if (( comonly > 0 )) ; then
        (( ${+commands[$1]}  )) && return 0
        return 1

    if     (( ${+commands[$1]}    )) \
        || (( ${+functions[$1]}   )) \
        || (( ${+aliases[$1]}     )) \
        || (( ${+reswords[(r)$1]} )) ; then
        return 0

    if (( gatoo > 0 )) && (( ${+galiases[$1]} )) ; then
        return 0

    return 1

# creates an alias and precedes the command with
# sudo if $EUID is not zero.
function salias () {
    emulate -L zsh
    local only=0 ; local multi=0
    local key val
    while getopts ":hao" opt; do
        case $opt in
            o) only=1 ;;
            a) multi=1 ;;
                printf 'usage: salias [-hoa] <alias-expression>\n'
                printf '  -h      shows this help text.\n'
                printf '  -a      replace '\'' ; '\'' sequences with '\'' ; sudo '\''.\n'
                printf '          be careful using this option.\n'
                printf '  -o      only sets an alias if a preceding sudo would be needed.\n'
                return 0
            *) salias -h >&2; return 1 ;;
    shift "$((OPTIND-1))"

    if (( ${#argv} > 1 )) ; then
        printf 'Too many arguments %s\n' "${#argv}"
        return 1

    key="${1%%\=*}" ;  val="${1#*\=}"
    if (( EUID == 0 )) && (( only == 0 )); then
        alias -- "${key}=${val}"
    elif (( EUID > 0 )) ; then
        (( multi > 0 )) && val="${val// ; / ; sudo }"
        alias -- "${key}=sudo ${val}"

    return 0

# Check if we can read given files and source those we can.
function xsource () {
    if (( ${#argv} < 1 )) ; then
        printf 'usage: xsource FILE(s)...\n' >&2
        return 1

    while (( ${#argv} > 0 )) ; do
        [[ -r "$1" ]] && source "$1"
    return 0

# Check if we can read a given file and 'cat(1)' it.
function xcat () {
    emulate -L zsh
    if (( ${#argv} != 1 )) ; then
        printf 'usage: xcat FILE\n' >&2
        return 1

    [[ -r $1 ]] && cat $1
    return 0

# Remove these functions again, they are of use only in these
# setup files. This should be called at the end of .zshrc.
function xunfunction () {
    emulate -L zsh
    local -a funcs
    local func
    funcs=(salias xcat xsource xunfunction zrcautoload zrcautozle)
    for func in $funcs ; do
        [[ -n ${functions[$func]} ]] \
            && unfunction $func
    return 0

# this allows us to stay in sync with grml's zshrc and put own
# modifications in ~/.zshrc.local
function zrclocal () {
    xsource "/etc/zsh/zshrc.local"
    xsource "${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshrc.local"
    return 0

# locale setup
if (( ZSH_NO_DEFAULT_LOCALE == 0 )); then
    xsource "/etc/default/locale"

for var in LANG LC_ALL LC_MESSAGES ; do
    [[ -n ${(P)var} ]] && export $var
builtin unset -v var

# set some variables
if check_com -c vim ; then
    export EDITOR=${EDITOR:-vim}
    export EDITOR=${EDITOR:-vi}

export PAGER=${PAGER:-less}

export MAIL=${MAIL:-/var/mail/$USER}

# color setup for ls:
check_com -c dircolors && eval $(dircolors -b)
# color setup for ls on OS X / FreeBSD:
isdarwin && export CLICOLOR=1
isfreebsd && export CLICOLOR=1

# do MacPorts setup on darwin
if isdarwin && [[ -d /opt/local ]]; then
    # Note: PATH gets set in /etc/zprofile on Darwin, so this can't go into
    # zshenv.
# do Fink setup on darwin
isdarwin && xsource /sw/bin/init.sh

# load our function and completion directories
for fdir in /usr/share/grml/zsh/completion /usr/share/grml/zsh/functions; do
    fpath=( ${fdir} ${fdir}/**/*(/N) ${fpath} )
typeset -aU ffiles
(( ${#ffiles} > 0 )) && autoload -U "${ffiles[@]}"
unset -v fdir ffiles

# support colors in less
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m'

# mailchecks

# report about cpu-/system-/user-time of command if running longer than
# 5 seconds

# watch for everyone but me and root
watch=(notme root)

# automatically remove duplicates from these arrays
typeset -U path PATH cdpath CDPATH fpath FPATH manpath MANPATH

# Load a few modules
is4 && \
for mod in parameter complist deltochar mathfunc ; do
    zmodload -i zsh/${mod} 2>/dev/null || print "Notice: no ${mod} available :("
done && builtin unset -v mod

# autoload zsh modules when they are referenced
if is4 ; then
    zmodload -a  zsh/stat    zstat
    zmodload -a  zsh/zpty    zpty
    zmodload -ap zsh/mapfile mapfile

# completion system
if zrcautoload compinit ; then
    typeset -a tmp
    zstyle -a ':grml:completion:compinit' arguments tmp
    compinit -d ${COMPDUMPFILE} "${tmp[@]}" || print 'Notice: no compinit available :('
    unset tmp
    print 'Notice: no compinit available :('
    function compdef { }

# completion system

# called later (via is4 && grmlcomp)
# note: use 'zstyle' for getting current settings
#         press ^xh (control-x h) for getting tags in context; ^x? (control-x ?) to run complete_debug with trace output
function grmlcomp () {
    # TODO: This could use some additional information

    # Make sure the completion system is initialised
    (( ${+_comps} )) || return 1

    # allow one error for every three characters typed in approximate completer
    zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:'    max-errors 'reply=( $((($#PREFIX+$#SUFFIX)/3 )) numeric )'

    # don't complete backup files as executables
    zstyle ':completion:*:complete:-command-::commands' ignored-patterns '(aptitude-*|*\~)'

    # start menu completion only if it could find no unambiguous initial string
    zstyle ':completion:*:correct:*'       insert-unambiguous true
    zstyle ':completion:*:corrections'     format $'%{\e[0;31m%}%d (errors: %e)%{\e[0m%}'
    zstyle ':completion:*:correct:*'       original true

    # activate color-completion
    zstyle ':completion:*:default'         list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}

    # format on completion
    zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions'    format $'%{\e[0;31m%}completing %B%d%b%{\e[0m%}'

    # automatically complete 'cd -<tab>' and 'cd -<ctrl-d>' with menu
    # zstyle ':completion:*:*:cd:*:directory-stack' menu yes select

    # insert all expansions for expand completer
    zstyle ':completion:*:expand:*'        tag-order all-expansions
    zstyle ':completion:*:history-words'   list false

    # activate menu
    zstyle ':completion:*:history-words'   menu yes

    # ignore duplicate entries
    zstyle ':completion:*:history-words'   remove-all-dups yes
    zstyle ':completion:*:history-words'   stop yes

    # match uppercase from lowercase
    zstyle ':completion:*'                 matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'

    # separate matches into groups
    zstyle ':completion:*:matches'         group 'yes'
    zstyle ':completion:*'                 group-name ''

    if [[ "$NOMENU" -eq 0 ]] ; then
        # if there are more than 5 options allow selecting from a menu
        zstyle ':completion:*'               menu select=5
        # don't use any menus at all
        setopt no_auto_menu

    zstyle ':completion:*:messages'        format '%d'
    zstyle ':completion:*:options'         auto-description '%d'

    # describe options in full
    zstyle ':completion:*:options'         description 'yes'

    # on processes completion complete all user processes
    zstyle ':completion:*:processes'       command 'ps -au$USER'

    # offer indexes before parameters in subscripts
    zstyle ':completion:*:*:-subscript-:*' tag-order indexes parameters

    # provide verbose completion information
    zstyle ':completion:*'                 verbose true

    # recent (as of Dec 2007) zsh versions are able to provide descriptions
    # for commands (read: 1st word in the line) that it will list for the user
    # to choose from. The following disables that, because it's not exactly fast.
    zstyle ':completion:*:-command-:*:'    verbose false

    # set format for warnings
    zstyle ':completion:*:warnings'        format $'%{\e[0;31m%}No matches for:%{\e[0m%} %d'

    # define files to ignore for zcompile
    zstyle ':completion:*:*:zcompile:*'    ignored-patterns '(*~|*.zwc)'
    zstyle ':completion:correct:'          prompt 'correct to: %e'

    # Ignore completion functions for commands you don't have:
    zstyle ':completion::(^approximate*):*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*'

    # Provide more processes in completion of programs like killall:
    zstyle ':completion:*:processes-names' command 'ps c -u ${USER} -o command | uniq'

    # complete manual by their section
    zstyle ':completion:*:manuals'    separate-sections true
    zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.*'  insert-sections   true
    zstyle ':completion:*:man:*'      menu yes select

    # Search path for sudo completion
    zstyle ':completion:*:sudo:*' command-path /usr/local/sbin \
                                               /usr/local/bin  \
                                               /usr/sbin       \
                                               /usr/bin        \
                                               /sbin           \
                                               /bin            \

    # provide .. as a completion
    zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs ..

    # run rehash on completion so new installed program are found automatically:





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