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原创 【数据库实验课堂】实验三:管理SQL Server表数据

以课本指定的数据库为例,并依据数据表的结构创建相对应的数据表(student、course、sc),请分别使用Management Stuio界面方式及T-SQL 语句实现进行以下操作:向各个数据表中插入如下记录:学生信息表(student)Sno Sname Ssex Sage Sdept 200515001 赵菁菁 女 23 CS 200515002 李勇 男 20 CS 2...

2019-05-22 14:13:49 6260 1

原创 【数据库实验课堂】实验二 使用SQL Server管理数据表

实验二 使用SQL Server管理数据表:1、请在指定数据库内完成以下内容:1) 依据数据表的结构创建相对应的数据表,表结构如下所示;**学生信息表(student)**字段名称 字段类型及长度 说明 备注Sno Char(9) 学生学号 主关键字Sname Char(6) 学生姓名 非空Ssex Char(2...

2019-05-22 14:12:51 6689

原创 【数据库实验课堂】实验一:数据库的管理

实验一:数据库的管理1、假设SQL Server服务已启动,并以Administrator身份登录计算机(文件名称自定);请分别使用Management界面方式和T-SQL语句实现以下操作:1) 要求在本地磁盘D创建一个学生-课程数据库(名称为student),只有一个数据文件和日志文件,文件名称分别为stu和stu_log,物理名称为stu_data.mdf 和stu_log.ldf,初...

2019-05-22 14:11:35 3751

原创 【Gym - 101915D】Largest Group(二分图最大团,状压dp)

题干:大黑山上有小小民和小小涛两种物种,山东人小李想要研究这两种物种的关系奇怪的是大黑山上有相同数量的小小民和小小涛。小李数了数一共有 P 个,小李分别给P个小小民和小小涛编号 1 - P 号,已知每对小小民之间都是好朋友,每对小小涛之间也都是好朋友,但是 i 号小小民和 j 号小小涛不一定是好朋友山东人小李想要知道在这个物种间最大的友好群体的物种数量(在这个群体中任意两个生物都是好朋...

2019-05-13 17:17:36 467

转载 如何在Word中排版出漂亮规整的编程语言代码样式?【☆】

[1] 能输出各种编程语言并保持代码格式和语法高亮显示的网站:PlanetB | Syntax Highlight Code in Word Documents http://www.planetb.ca/syntax-highlight-wordWelcome! — Pygments http://pygments.org/[2]How do you display code ...

2019-05-10 15:34:15 4876

原创 【HRBUST - 1621】迷宫问题II (bfs)


2019-05-09 21:57:23 331

原创 【 POJ - 3628 】Bookshelf 2(dfs 或 dp,0-1背包)

题干:Farmer John recently bought another bookshelf for the cow library, but the shelf is getting filled up quite quickly, and now the only available space is at the top.FJ hasNcows (1 ≤N≤ 20) ea...

2019-05-09 21:53:34 277

原创 【nyoj-456】 邮票分你一半 (dp,0-1背包的中点问题)

题干:邮票分你一半时间限制:1000ms | 内存限制:65535KB难度:3描述 小珂最近收集了些邮票,他想把其中的一些给他的好朋友小明。每张邮票上都有分值,他们想把这些邮票分成两份,并且使这两份邮票的分值和相差最小(就是小珂得到的邮票分值和与小明的差值最小),现在每张邮票的分值已经知道了,他们已经分好了,你知道最后他们得到的邮票分值和相差多少吗?输入...

2019-05-09 21:51:52 260

原创 *【POJ - 2796】 Feel Good (前缀和优化+单调栈维护)

题干: Feel GoodTime Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submissions:12409 Accepted:3484 Case Time Limit:1000MS...

2019-05-09 21:51:09 375

原创 【POJ - 2253】Frogger(floyd,或 部分瓶颈生成树的最大边)


2019-05-09 21:29:01 183

原创 【2018ACM山东省赛 - G】Games(Nim博弈 + dp)

题干:Problem DescriptionAlice and Bob are playing a stone game. There are nnn piles of stones. In each turn, a player can remove some stones from a pile (the number must be positive and not greater ...

2019-05-09 21:27:28 355 2

原创 【2018ACM山东省赛 - E】Sequence(树状数组,思维,优化)

题干:We define an element aia_iai​ in a sequence "good", if and only if there exists a j(1≤j<i)j(1\le j < i)j(1≤j<i) such that aj<aia_j < a_iaj​<ai​.Given a permutation ppp of integ...

2019-05-09 21:27:24 413

原创 【2018ACM山东省赛 - C】Cities(最小生成树变形优化,贪心思维)

题干:Problem DescriptionThere are nnn cities in Byteland, and the ithi_{th}ith​ city has a value aia_iai​. The cost of building a bidirectional road between two cities is the sum of their values. Pl...

2019-05-09 21:27:17 374

原创 【2018ACM山东省赛 - B】Bullet(二分 + 二分图匹配,匈牙利算法,卡常)

题干:Problem DescriptionIn GGO, a world dominated by gun and steel, players are fighting for the honor of being the strongest gunmen. Player Shino is a sniper, and her aimed shot kills one monster a...

2019-05-09 21:27:13 439 1

原创 【2018山东省赛 - A】Anagram(贪心,费用流,KM算法)

题干:Problem DescriptionOrz has two strings of the same length: A and B. Now she wants to transform A into an anagram of B (which means, a rearrangement of B) by changing some of its letters. The on...

2019-05-09 21:27:10 310

原创 【CF - 699C】 Vacations (日程安排 dp)

题干:Vasya hasndays of vacations! So he decided to improve his IT skills and do sport. Vasya knows the following information about each of thisndays: whether that gym opened and whether a contest ...

2019-05-09 21:26:04 286

原创 【HDU - 1530】Maximum Clique(最大团问题,图论)

题干:Given a graph G(V, E), a clique is a sub-graph g(v, e), so that for all vertex pairs v1, v2 in v, there exists an edge (v1, v2) in e. Maximum clique is the clique that has maximum number of verte...

2019-05-08 19:10:12 505

原创 【BZOJ - 1305】dance跳舞(拆点网络流,建图,最大流,残留网络上跑最大流)


2019-05-08 19:08:25 279

原创 【FZU - 2039】Pets(二分图匹配,水题)

题干:有n个人,m条狗,然后会给出有一些人不喜欢一些狗就不会购买,问最多能卖多少狗。。InputThere is a single integer T in the first line of the test data indicating that there are T(T≤100) test cases. In the first line of each test case,...

2019-05-07 22:27:48 198

原创 【POJ - 2337】Catenyms(欧拉图相关,欧拉通路输出路径,tricks)

题干:A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For example, the following are catenyms:dog.gopher...

2019-05-07 11:39:55 291

原创 【HDU - 1116】【POJ - 1386】Play on Words(判断半欧拉图,欧拉通路)

题干:Some of the secret doors contain a very interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologists has to solve it to open that doors. Because there is no other way to open the doors, the puzzle is very...

2019-05-07 10:46:02 281

原创 【POJ - 2762】Going from u to v or from v to u?(Tarjan缩点,树形dp 或 拓扑排序,欧拉图相关)

题干:In order to make their sons brave, Jiajia and Wind take them to a big cave. The cave has n rooms, and one-way corridors connecting some rooms. Each time, Wind choose two rooms x and y, and ask on...

2019-05-06 22:56:33 212

原创 *【HDU - 5711】Ingress(tsp旅行商问题,优先队列贪心,状压dp,floyd最短路,图论)

题干:Brickgao, who profited from your accurate calculating last year, made a great deal of money by moving bricks. Now he became ``gay shy fool'' again and recently he bought an iphone and was deeply ...

2019-05-06 22:11:01 339

原创 【POJ - 3272】Cow Traffic(dp,建反向图,DAG拓扑图)

题干:The bovine population boom down on the farm has caused serious congestion on the cow trails leading to the barn. Farmer John has decided to conduct a study to find the bottlenecks in order to rel...

2019-05-06 22:07:00 282

原创 *【HDU - 5707】Combine String(dp)

题干:Given three stringsaa,bbandcc, your mission is to check whetherccis the combine string ofaaandbb.A stringccis said to be the combine string ofaaandbbif and only ifcccan be brok...

2019-05-06 22:06:55 214

原创 【HDU - 5706】GirlCat(bfs)

题干:As a cute girl, Kotori likes playing ``Hide and Seek'' with cats particularly.Under the influence of Kotori, many girls and cats are playing ``Hide and Seek'' together.Koroti shots a photo. T...

2019-05-06 11:36:24 415

原创 【POJ - 1486】Sorting Slides(思维建图,二分图求必须边,关建边,图论)

题干:Professor Clumsey is going to give an important talk this afternoon. Unfortunately, he is not a very tidy person and has put all his transparencies on one big heap. Before giving the talk, he has...

2019-05-04 21:13:32 258

原创 【POJ - 2594】Treasure Exploration(floyd传递闭包 + 最小路径覆盖,图论)

题干:Have you ever read any book about treasure exploration? Have you ever see any film about treasure exploration? Have you ever explored treasure? If you never have such experiences, you would never...

2019-05-04 20:00:04 212

原创 【POJ - 2195】Going Home(二分图最优匹配,费用流 或 KM)

题干:On a grid map there are n little men and n houses. In each unit time, every little man can move one unit step, either horizontally, or vertically, to an adjacent point. For each little man, you n...

2019-05-04 17:33:49 249

原创 【POJ - 3020】Antenna Placement (匈牙利算法,二分图最小边覆盖)

题干:The Global Aerial Research Centre has been allotted the task of building the fifth generation of mobile phone nets in Sweden. The most striking reason why they got the job, is their discovery of ...

2019-05-04 16:49:27 259

原创 【POJ - 3026】Borg Maze(bfs预处理 + 最小生成树,建图)

题干:The Borg is an immensely powerful race of enhanced humanoids from the delta quadrant of the galaxy. The Borg collective is the term used to describe the group consciousness of the Borg civilizati...

2019-05-04 16:14:00 239

原创 【BZOJ - 1059】矩阵游戏(二分图匹配,建图,最小边覆盖)

题干:  小Q是一个非常聪明的孩子,除了国际象棋,他还很喜欢玩一个电脑益智游戏——矩阵游戏。矩阵游戏在一个N*N黑白方阵进行(如同国际象棋一般,只是颜色是随意的)。每次可以对该矩阵进行两种操作:行交换操作:选择矩阵的任意两行,交换这两行(即交换对应格子的颜色)列交换操作:选择矩阵的任意行列,交换这两列(即交换对应格子的颜色)游戏的目标,即通过若干次操作,使得方阵的主对角线(左上角到...

2019-05-04 14:33:11 377

原创 【HDU - 1839】Delay Constrained Maximum Capacity Path(最短路 + 二分)

题干:考虑一个包含 N 个顶点的无向图,编号从 1 到 N,并包含 M 条边。编号为 1 的顶点对应了一个矿藏,可从中提取珍稀的矿石。编号为 N 的顶点对应了一个矿石加工厂。每条边有相应的通行时间 (以时间单位计),以及相应的运载量 (以矿石单位计)。现决定使用一条路径,将从矿藏中提取的矿石运送到加工厂。这条路径应当具有尽可能高的运载量,以便并行运输尽可能多的矿石。路径的运载量等于它的各边的最...

2019-05-03 15:37:54 324

原创 【LightOJ - 1123】Trail Maintenance(在线维护最小生成树,删边思维)

题干:Tigers in the Sunderbans wish to travel freely among theNfields (numbered from1toN), even though they are separated by trees. The tigers wish to maintain trails between pairs of fields so th...

2019-05-03 14:22:12 480 2

原创 【牛客 - 696D】小K的雕塑(dp,鸽巢原理,01背包类问题)


2019-05-02 23:43:14 315

原创 【牛客 - 696C】小w的禁忌与小G的长诗(dp 或 推公式容斥)


2019-05-02 22:56:49 327

原创 【洛谷 - P3376 】【模板】网络最大流


2019-05-02 18:14:09 241

原创 【BZOJ - 1001】狼抓兔子(无向图网络流,最小割,或平面图转对偶图求最短路SPFA)


2019-05-02 16:46:14 292

原创 【POJ - 1273】Drainage Ditches(网络流,最大流,模板)

题干:现在有m个池塘(从1到m开始编号,1为源点,m为汇点),及n条水渠,给出这n条水渠所连接的点和所能流过的最大流量,求从源点到汇点能流过的最大流量。Input输入包括几种情况。 对于每种情况,第一行包含两个空格分隔的整数,N(0 <= N <= 200)和M(2 <= M <= 200)。 N是Farmer John挖的沟渠数量。 M是那些沟渠的交叉点。 以...

2019-05-02 16:33:44 302

原创 【POJ - 3159】Candies (差分约束,卡SPFA)

题干:在幼儿园的时候,Flymouse是班上的班长。有时班主任会给班上的孩子们带来一大袋糖果,让他们分发。所有的孩子都非常喜欢糖果,经常比较他们和别人买的糖果的数量。一个孩子A可以有这样的想法,尽管可能是另一个孩子B在某些方面比他好,因此他有理由比他应得更多的糖果,但无论他实际得到多少糖果,他都不应该得到比B少的一定数量的糖果,否则他会感到不满意,去喝头茶。雪儿抱怨飞鼠的偏态分布。 当时史努比...

2019-05-02 16:32:14 324



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