import os
# ask the user for the old and new values
oldValue = input("Enter the old value: ")
newValue = input("Enter the new value: ")
basePath = "/opt/genshin-server/"
# ask the user for the list of files
files = basePath + "genshin/srv/nodeserver/conf/nodeserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/gateserver/conf/gateserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/dbgate/conf/dbgate.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/dispatch/conf/dispatch.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/gameserver/conf/gameserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/muipserver/conf/muipserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/oaserver/conf/oaserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/pathfindingserver/conf/pathfindingserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/multiserver/conf/multiserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/tothemoonserver/conf/tothemoonserver.xml," + basePath + "genshin/srv/sdkserver/config.json"
# split the list of files into a list of filenames
filenames = files.split(",")
# iterate over the list of filenames
for filename in filenames:
# check if the file exists and is readable
if os.path.isfile(filename) and os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
# open the file in read-only mode
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
# read the file content
content =
# replace the old value with the new value
content = content.replace(oldValue, newValue)
# open the file in write-only mode
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
# write the new content to the file
# print a confirmation message
print(f"The file '{filename}' was successfully updated.")
# print an error message
print(f"Error: the file '{filename}' does not exist or is not readable.")
最新推荐文章于 2024-04-08 09:34:46 发布