2020美赛数学建模 校级培训——Week_3


博主在今年寒假参加了学校组织的美国大学生数学建模竞赛培训, 在此,用博客来记录这段培训时光。


Day 11: 2020.1.14


1. Problem

Problem C: “Cooperate and navigate” Traffic capacity is limited in
many regions of the United States due to the number of lanes of roads.
For example, in the Greater Seattle area drivers experience long
delays during peak traffic hours because the volume of traffic exceeds
the designed capacity of the road networks. This is particularly
pronounced on Interstates 5, 90, and 405, as well as State Route 520,
the roads of particular interest for this problem.

Self-driving, cooperating cars have been proposed as a solution to
increase capacity of highways without increasing number of lanes or
roads. The behavior of these cars interacting with the existing
traffic flow and each other is not well understood at this point.

The Governor of the state of Washington has asked for analysis of the
effects of allowing self-driving, cooperating cars on the roads listed
above in Thurston, Pierce, King, and Snohomish counties. (See the
provided map and Excel spreadsheet). In particular, how do the effects
change as the percentage of self-driving cars increases from 10% to
50% to 90%? Do equilibria exist? Is there a tipping point where
performance changes markedly? Under what conditions, if any, should
lanes be dedicated to these cars? Does your analysis of your model
suggest any other policy changes?

Your answer should include a model of the effects on traffic flow of
the number of lanes, peak and/or average traffic volume, and
percentage of vehicles using self-driving, cooperating systems. Your
model should address cooperation between self-driving cars as well as
the interaction between self- driving and non-self-driving vehicles.
Your model should then be applied to the data for the roads of
interest, provided in the attached Excel spreadsheet.

Some useful background information:

  • On average, 8% of the daily traffic volume occurs during peak travel hours.
  • The nominal speed limit for all these roads is 60 miles per hour.
  • Mileposts are numbered from south to north, and west to east.
  • Lane widths are the standard 12 feet.
  • Highway 90 is classified as a state route until it intersects Interstate 5.
  • In case of any conflict between the data provided in this problem and any oth
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Problem_C_Data.zip The three data sets provided contain product user ratings and reviews extracted from the Amazon Customer Reviews Dataset thru Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). hair_dryer.tsv microwave.tsv pacifier.tsv Data Set Definitions: Each row represents data partitioned into the following columns. Problem_C_Data.zip提供的三个数据集包含产品用户评分和通过Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3)从Amazon客户评论数据集提取的评论。 hair_dryer.tsv微波.tsv pacifier.tsv数据集定义:每行代表划分为以下各列的数据。 ● marketplace (string): 2 letter country code of the marketplace where the review was written. ●市场(字符串):撰写评论的市场的2个字母的国家代码。 ● customer_id (string): Random identifier that can be used to aggregate reviews written by a single author. ●customer_id(字符串):随机标识符,可用于汇总单个作者撰写的评论。 ● review_id (string): The unique ID of the review. ●review_id(字符串):评论的唯一ID。 ● product_id (string): The unique Product ID the review pertains to. ●product_id(字符串):审核所属的唯一产品ID。 ● product_parent (string): Random identifier that can be used to aggregate reviews for the same product. ●product_parent(字符串):随机标识符,可用于汇总同一产品的评论。 ● product_title (string): Title of the product. ●product_title(字符串):产品的标题。 ● product_category (string): The major consumer category for the product. ●product_category(字符串):产品的主要消费者类别。 ● star_rating (int): The 1-5 star rating of the review. ●star_rating(int):评论的1-5星评级。 ● helpful_votes (int): Number of helpful votes. ●helpful_votes(int):有用的投票数。 ● total_votes (int): Number of total votes the review received. ●total_votes(int):评论收到的总票数。 ● vine (string): Customers are invited to become Amazon Vine Voices based on the trust that they have earned in the Amazon community for writing accurate and insightful reviews. Amazon provides Amazon Vine members with free copies of products that have been submitted to the program by vendors. Amazon doesn't influence the opinions of Amazon Vine members, nor do they modify or edit reviews. ●vine(字符串):基于客户在撰写准确而有见地的评论方面所获得的信任,邀请客户成为Amazon Vine Voices。亚马逊为Amazon Vine成员提供了供应商已提交给该程序的产品的免费副本。Amazon不会影响Amazon Vine成员的意见,也不会修改或编辑评论。 ● verified_purchase (string): A “Y” indicates Amazon verified that the person writing the review purchased the product at Amazon and didn't receive the product at a deep discount. ●verify_purchase(字符串):“ Y”表示亚马逊已验证撰写评论的人在亚马逊上购买了该产品,并且没有以大幅折扣收到该产品。 ● review_headline (string): The title of the review. ●review_headline(字符串):评论的标题。 ● review_body (string): The review text. ●review_body(字符串):评论文本。 ● review_date (bigint): The date the review was written. ●review_date(bigint):撰写评论的日期。


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