
from lxml import etree
import requests

# 供应商页
def szzfcg() -> dict:
    res = requests.get("https://www.szzfcg.cn/default5.jsp")
    root = etree.HTML(res.text)
    tab = root.xpath("/html/body/table/tr[3]/td/table/tr/td[2]/table[2]/tr/td[2]")
    d = dict()
    for i in tab:
        content = i.xpath("//div/a/text()")
        url = i.xpath("//div/a/@href")
        d = {str(content[i]).replace(" ", ""): str(url[i]) if not str(url[i]).startswith(
            "/") else "https://szzfcg.cn" + str(url[i]) for
             i in range(len(content))}
    return d

# 市本级采购需求公示下载
def purchase() -> list:
    purchase_url = szzfcg().get("市本级采购文件公示")
    res = requests.get(purchase_url)
    root = etree.HTML(res.text.encode('utf-8'))
    url = root.xpath("//*[@id='pageContent']/div/form/div[2]/table//tr//a/@href")
    text = root.xpath("//*[@id='pageContent']/div/form/div[2]/table//tr//a/text()")
    # 下载招标文件
    # https://www.szzfcg.cn/stock/stprFile.do?method=download&id=3214963
    url = ["https://www.szzfcg.cn/stock/stprFile.do" + str(i) for i in url if str(i).startswith("?method")]
    return url

# 市本级采购公告
def procurement(page: int):
    :param page:  市本级采购公告页数
    procurement_url = szzfcg().get("市本级采购公告")
    for i in range(1, page + 1):
        procurement_url = procurement_url[:-1] + str(i)
        res = requests.get(procurement_url)
        root = etree.HTML(res.text.encode('utf-8'))
        url = root.xpath("//*[@id='pageContent']/div/form/div[2]/table//tr//a/@href")
        # text = root.xpath("//*[@id='pageContent']/div/form/div[2]/table//tr//a/text()")
        # https://www.szzfcg.cn/portal/documentView.do?method=view&id=
        # /viewer.do?id=1003372206
        url = ["https://www.szzfcg.cn/portal/documentView.do?method=view&id=" + str(i).split("=")[-1] for i in url if

        # 招标详情页数据
        for i in url:
            details_res = requests.get(i)
            # print(details_res.text)
            details_root = etree.HTML(details_res.text.encode('utf-8'))
            # /html/body/table/tr/td/table[1]/tr/td
            # /html/body/table/tbody/tr/td/table[1]/tbody/tr/td/ol
            # todo  (详情页里面 需要提取出来 预算,联系人,联系方式,开标时间。) 每个页面布局不一样 得写个好点的正则  估计得费点时间
            # h3 = details_root.xpath("//h3")
            # h3_content = details_root.xpath("//h3/text()")
            # print(h3_content)
            # h3_content= [str(i).encode('utf-8') for i in h3_content]
            # print(h3_content)
            fj_url = details_root.xpath("//@href")
            # 找附件链接下载
            for fj in fj_url:
                if "fileDown" in fj:
                        down_res = requests.get(str(fj))
                        with open(str(fj).split("=")[-1] + ".rar", "wb") as code:
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"{fj},download err:{e}")

# http://zfcg.szggzy.com:8081/zcfg/list.html
# 广东省公共资源交易平台
def bf():
    res = requests.get("https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ggzy-portal/mhyy/config/cms/category/440000/11000?siteCode=440000")

def zfcg():
    cookies = {
        '_horizon_uid': '6476aa19-0e7b-46a6-bb77-b3648128981c',
        '_horizon_sid': '525c2334-2363-4eaf-beb4-255e399ff54b',
    # todo X-Dgi-Req-Signature
    headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
        'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Origin': 'https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn',
        'Referer': 'https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ggzy-portal/',
        'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
        'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
        'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
        'X-Dgi-Req-App': 'ggzy-portal',
        'X-Dgi-Req-Nonce': 'qI8r5Yvf6DWehzgw',
        'X-Dgi-Req-Signature': '398715bd6417164ef22487d1d180478b0aac4616addcec4b3368bfce5f4f603e',
        'X-Dgi-Req-Timestamp': '1676628454620',
        'sec-ch-ua': '".Not/A)Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="103", "Chromium";v="103"',
        'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"',

    json_data = {
        'type': 'trading-type',
        'publishStartTime': '',
        'publishEndTime': '',
        'siteCode': '44',
        'secondType': 'A',
        'projectType': '',
        'thirdType': '',
        'dateType': '',
        'total': 0,
        'pageNo': 1,
        'pageSize': 10,
        'openConvert': False,

    response = requests.post('https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ggzy-portal/search/v1/items', cookies=cookies, headers=headers,
    res = response.json().get("data")
    if res:
        for i in res.get("pageData"):
            noticeSecondType = i.get("noticeSecondType")
            projectType = i.get("projectType")
            projectCode = i.get("projectCode")
            siteCode = i.get("siteCode")
            zfcg_details(noticeSecondType, projectType, projectCode, siteCode)

def zfcg_details(tradingType, projectCode, tradingProcess, siteCode):

    cookies = {
        '_horizon_uid': '6476aa19-0e7b-46a6-bb77-b3648128981c',
        '_horizon_sid': '525c2334-2363-4eaf-beb4-255e399ff54b',

    headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
        'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
        'Referer': 'https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ggzy-portal/',
        'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
        'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
        'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
        'X-Dgi-Req-App': 'ggzy-portal',
        'X-Dgi-Req-Nonce': 'NWoNs5jM4gcgQbwV',
        'X-Dgi-Req-Signature': '9c3c9ae441e4cfd2bbddf1e440f05a19c977bfb4cec9a0f05c457fa07acf422b',
        'X-Dgi-Req-Timestamp': '1676628713925',
        'sec-ch-ua': '".Not/A)Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="103", "Chromium";v="103"',
        'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"',

    params = {
        'tradingType': tradingType,
        'projectCode': projectCode,
        'tradingProcess': tradingProcess,
        'siteCode': siteCode,

    response = requests.get(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # procurement(2)
    # zfcg()

广东省公共资源交易平台 逆向 X-Dgi-Req-Signature


function Dc(e) {
    let t;
    switch (e) {
    case "base":
        t = "/ggzy-portal/base/";
    case "search":
        t = "/ggzy-portal/search/";
    case "yhzx":
        t = "/ggzy-yhzx/";
    case "stat":
        t = "/ggzy-portal/center/apis/stat/";
    case "mhyy":
        t = "/ggzy-portal/mhyy/config/";
        t = "/ggzy-portal/center/apis/";
    const n = WY.create({
        baseURL: t,
    function u(o) {
        const r = Nr()
          , {params: i, url: s} = o
          # a  时间戳   X-Dgi-Req-Timestamp: 1676884484177
          , a = Date.now()
          # l  随机字符串   X-Dgi-Req-Nonce: "qBbXuOeeHdLZDJVH"
          , l = Aq(16)
          # c是固定的   "k8tUyS$m"
          , c = lr([8, 28, 20, 42, 21, 53, 65, 6])
          , f = {
            [lr([56, 62, 52, 11, 23, 62, 39, 18, 16, 62, 54, 25, 25])]: lr([11, 11, 0, 21, 62, 25, 24, 19, 20, 15, 7]),
            [lr([56, 62, 52, 11, 23, 62, 39, 18, 16, 62, 60, 24, 5, 2, 18])]: l,
            [lr([56, 62, 52, 11, 23, 62, 39, 18, 16, 62, 40, 23, 6, 18, 14, 20, 15, 6, 25])]: a
        if (o.method.toLowerCase() === "get") {
            (i == null ? void 0 : i.siteCode) === void 0 && !s.includes("?siteCode=") && (i ? o.params.siteCode = r.currentSite : o.params = {
                siteCode: r.currentSite
            const d = Ig({
                p: i,
                t: a,
                n: l,
                k: c
            f[[lr([56, 62, 52, 11, 23, 62, 39, 18, 16, 62, 53, 23, 11, 5, 15, 20, 22, 19, 18])]] = d
        } else {
            const d = Ig({
                p: ey.stringify(o.data, {
                    allowDots: !0
                t: a,
                n: l,
                k: c
            f[[lr([56, 62, 52, 11, 23, 62, 39, 18, 16, 62, 53, 23, 11, 5, 15, 20, 22, 19, 18])]] = d,
            e === "mhyy" && (o.data ? o.data.noSiteCode ? delete o.data.noSiteCode : o.data.siteCode === void 0 && (o.data.siteCode = r.currentSite) : o.data = {
                siteCode: r.currentSite
        return o.headers = {
    return n.interceptors.request.use(u, Dq),
    n.interceptors.response.use(wq, xq),

ig 代码:
( t: a,n: l,k: c)
function Ig(e={}) {
    const {p: t, t: n, n: u, k: o} = e
      , r = Bq(t);
    return Cq(u + o + decodeURIComponent(r) + n)
Bq 代码:
function Bq(e) {
    let t = "";
    return typeof e == "object" ? t = Object.keys(e).map(n=>`${n}=${e[n]}`).sort().join("&") : typeof e == "string" && (t = e.split("&").sort().join("&")),
Cq 代码: 参数 B: 随机字符串l+固定字符串c +decodeURIComponent(r) +时间戳 a
function(B, x) {
      return new C.init(x).finalize(B)
C.init(x).finalize(B)代码: 参数:B: "Gd8t6HVFaAUfa51zk8tUyS$m1676886449404"     x: undefined

 finalize: function(C) {
                        C && this._append(C);
                        var B = this._doFinalize();
                        return B

_append: function(C) {
                        typeof C == "string" && (C = m.parse(C)),
                        this._nDataBytes += C.sigBytes

 _append中的 m.parse(C)代码:核心代码将l+c+a组成的字符串 拆解生成 X-Dgi-Req-Signature--->  init 生成长度10的 words数组  
 parse: function(C) {
                        for (var B = C.length, x = [], b = 0; b < B; b++)
                            x[b >>> 2] |= (C.charCodeAt(b) & 255) << 24 - b % 4 * 8;
                        return new f.init(x,B)
parse中的 f.init(x,B)代码(加工生成长度10的 words数组 ):

 init: function(C, B) {
                        C = this.words = C || [],
                        B != o ? this.sigBytes = B : this.sigBytes = C.length * 4

concat: function(C) {
                        var B = this.words
                          , x = C.words
                          , b = this.sigBytes
                          , _ = C.sigBytes;
                        if (this.clamp(),
                        b % 4)
                            for (var D = 0; D < _; D++) {
                                var I = x[D >>> 2] >>> 24 - D % 4 * 8 & 255;
                                B[b + D >>> 2] |= I << 24 - (b + D) % 4 * 8
                            for (var O = 0; O < _; O += 4)
                                B[b + O >>> 2] = x[O >>> 2];
                        return this.sigBytes += _,

_doFinalize 代码:处理生成的words数组        转为长度为8的数组

 _doFinalize: function() {
                    var h = this._data
                      , p = h.words
                      , m = this._nDataBytes * 8
                      , v = h.sigBytes * 8;
                    return p[v >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - v % 32,
                    p[(v + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = u.floor(m / 4294967296),
                    p[(v + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 15] = m,
                    h.sigBytes = p.length * 4,
_process: function(C) {
                        var B, x = this._data, b = x.words, _ = x.sigBytes, D = this.blockSize, I = D * 4, O = _ / I;
                        C ? O = u.ceil(O) : O = u.max((O | 0) - this._minBufferSize, 0);
                        var P = O * D
                          , j = u.min(P * 4, _);
                        if (P) {
                            for (var H = 0; H < P; H += D)
                                this._doProcessBlock(b, H);
                            B = b.splice(0, P),
                            x.sigBytes -= j
                        return new f.init(B,j)
  _doProcessBlock: function(h, p) {
                    for (var m = this._hash.words, v = m[0], g = m[1], C = m[2], B = m[3], x = m[4], b = m[5], _ = m[6], D = m[7], I = 0; I < 64; I++) {
                        if (I < 16)
                            f[I] = h[p + I] | 0;
                        else {
                            var O = f[I - 15]
                              , P = (O << 25 | O >>> 7) ^ (O << 14 | O >>> 18) ^ O >>> 3
                              , j = f[I - 2]
                              , H = (j << 15 | j >>> 17) ^ (j << 13 | j >>> 19) ^ j >>> 10;
                            f[I] = P + f[I - 7] + H + f[I - 16]
                        var Y = x & b ^ ~x & _
                          , L = v & g ^ v & C ^ g & C
                          , M = (v << 30 | v >>> 2) ^ (v << 19 | v >>> 13) ^ (v << 10 | v >>> 22)
                          , U = (x << 26 | x >>> 6) ^ (x << 21 | x >>> 11) ^ (x << 7 | x >>> 25)
                          , R = D + U + Y + c[I] + f[I]
                          , ee = M + L;
                        D = _,
                        _ = b,
                        b = x,
                        x = B + R | 0,
                        B = C,
                        C = g,
                        g = v,
                        v = R + ee | 0
                    m[0] = m[0] + v | 0,
                    m[1] = m[1] + g | 0,
                    m[2] = m[2] + C | 0,
                    m[3] = m[3] + B | 0,
                    m[4] = m[4] + x | 0,
                    m[5] = m[5] + b | 0,
                    m[6] = m[6] + _ | 0,
                    m[7] = m[7] + D | 0

Aq: 生成 X-Dgi-Req-Nonce的

function Aq(e) {
    return [...Array(e)].map(()=>ky[yq(0, 61)]).join("")







import random
import string
import time

import requests

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import execjs

    # "k8tUyS$m"
    ctx = execjs.compile(
var Br = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
var xy = {
    exports: {}
var rf = {
    exports: {}
}, Pg;
function vq() {
    return Pg || (Pg = 1,
    function(e, t) {
        (function(n, u) {
            e.exports = u()
        )(Br, function() {
            var n = n || function(u, o) {
                var r;
                if (typeof window < "u" && window.crypto && (r = window.crypto),
                typeof self < "u" && self.crypto && (r = self.crypto),
                typeof globalThis < "u" && globalThis.crypto && (r = globalThis.crypto),
                !r && typeof window < "u" && window.msCrypto && (r = window.msCrypto),
                !r && typeof Br < "u" && Br.crypto && (r = Br.crypto),
                !r && typeof Eq == "function")
                    try {
                        r = YC
                    } catch(err) {}
                var i = function() {
                    if (r) {
                        if (typeof r.getRandomValues == "function")
                            try {
                                return r.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0]
                            } catch(err) {}
                        if (typeof r.randomBytes == "function")
                            try {
                                return r.randomBytes(4).readInt32LE()
                            } catch(err) {}
                    throw new Error("Native crypto module could not be used to get secure random number.")
                  , s = Object.create || function() {
                    function C() {}
                    return function(B) {
                        var x;
                        return C.prototype = B,
                        x = new C,
                        C.prototype = null,
                  , a = {}
                  , l = a.lib = {}
                  , c = l.Base = function() {
                    return {
                        extend: function(C) {
                            var B = s(this);
                            return C && B.mixIn(C),
                            (!B.hasOwnProperty("init") || this.init === B.init) && (B.init = function() {
                                B.$super.init.apply(this, arguments)
                            B.init.prototype = B,
                            B.$super = this,
                        create: function() {
                            var C = this.extend();
                            return C.init.apply(C, arguments),
                        init: function() {},
                        mixIn: function(C) {
                            for (var B in C)
                                C.hasOwnProperty(B) && (this[B] = C[B]);
                            C.hasOwnProperty("toString") && (this.toString = C.toString)
                        clone: function() {
                            return this.init.prototype.extend(this)
                  , f = l.WordArray = c.extend({
                    init: function(C, B) {
                        C = this.words = C || [],
                        B != o ? this.sigBytes = B : this.sigBytes = C.length * 4
                    toString: function(C) {
                        return (C || h).stringify(this)
                    concat: function(C) {
                        var B = this.words
                          , x = C.words
                          , b = this.sigBytes
                          , _ = C.sigBytes;
                        if (this.clamp(),
                        b % 4)
                            for (var D = 0; D < _; D++) {
                                var I = x[D >>> 2] >>> 24 - D % 4 * 8 & 255;
                                B[b + D >>> 2] |= I << 24 - (b + D) % 4 * 8
                            for (var O = 0; O < _; O += 4)
                                B[b + O >>> 2] = x[O >>> 2];
                        return this.sigBytes += _,
                    clamp: function() {
                        var C = this.words
                          , B = this.sigBytes;
                        C[B >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - B % 4 * 8,
                        C.length = u.ceil(B / 4)
                    clone: function() {
                        var C = c.clone.call(this);
                        return C.words = this.words.slice(0),
                    random: function(C) {
                        for (var B = [], x = 0; x < C; x += 4)
                        return new f.init(B,C)
                  , d = a.enc = {}
                  , h = d.Hex = {
                    stringify: function(C) {
                        for (var B = C.words, x = C.sigBytes, b = [], _ = 0; _ < x; _++) {
                            var D = B[_ >>> 2] >>> 24 - _ % 4 * 8 & 255;
                            b.push((D >>> 4).toString(16)),
                            b.push((D & 15).toString(16))
                        return b.join("")
                    parse: function(C) {
                        for (var B = C.length, x = [], b = 0; b < B; b += 2)
                            x[b >>> 3] |= parseInt(C.substr(b, 2), 16) << 24 - b % 8 * 4;
                        return new f.init(x,B / 2)
                  , p = d.Latin1 = {
                    stringify: function(C) {
                        for (var B = C.words, x = C.sigBytes, b = [], _ = 0; _ < x; _++) {
                            var D = B[_ >>> 2] >>> 24 - _ % 4 * 8 & 255;
                        return b.join("")
                    parse: function(C) {
                        for (var B = C.length, x = [], b = 0; b < B; b++)
                            x[b >>> 2] |= (C.charCodeAt(b) & 255) << 24 - b % 4 * 8;
                        return new f.init(x,B)
                  , m = d.Utf8 = {
                    stringify: function(C) {
                        try {
                            return decodeURIComponent(escape(p.stringify(C)))
                        } catch(err) {
                            throw new Error("Malformed UTF-8 data")
                    parse: function(C) {
                        return p.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(C)))
                  , v = l.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = c.extend({
                    reset: function() {
                        this._data = new f.init,
                        this._nDataBytes = 0
                    _append: function(C) {
                        typeof C == "string" && (C = m.parse(C)),
                        this._nDataBytes += C.sigBytes
                    _process: function(C) {
                        var B, x = this._data, b = x.words, _ = x.sigBytes, D = this.blockSize, I = D * 4, O = _ / I;
                        C ? O = u.ceil(O) : O = u.max((O | 0) - this._minBufferSize, 0);
                        var P = O * D
                          , j = u.min(P * 4, _);
                        if (P) {
                            for (var H = 0; H < P; H += D)
                                this._doProcessBlock(b, H);
                            B = b.splice(0, P),
                            x.sigBytes -= j
                        return new f.init(B,j)
                    clone: function() {
                        var C = c.clone.call(this);
                        return C._data = this._data.clone(),
                    _minBufferSize: 0
                l.Hasher = v.extend({
                    cfg: c.extend(),
                    init: function(C) {
                        this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(C),
                    reset: function() {
                    update: function(C) {
                        return this._append(C),
                    finalize: function(C) {
                        C && this._append(C);
                        var B = this._doFinalize();
                        return B
                    blockSize: 16,
                    _createHelper: function(C) {
                        return function(B, x) {
                            return new C.init(x).finalize(B)
                    _createHmacHelper: function(C) {
                        return function(B, x) {
                            return new g.HMAC.init(C,x).finalize(B)
                var g = a.algo = {};
                return a
            return n
// 匿名函数
(function(e, t) {
    (function(n, u) {
        e.exports = u(vq())
    )(Br, function(n) {
        return function(u) {
            var o = n
              , r = o.lib
              , i = r.WordArray
              , s = r.Hasher
              , a = o.algo
              , l = []
              , c = [];
            (function() {
                function h(g) {
                    for (var C = u.sqrt(g), B = 2; B <= C; B++)
                        if (!(g % B))
                            return !1;
                    return !0
                function p(g) {
                    return (g - (g | 0)) * 4294967296 | 0
                for (var m = 2, v = 0; v < 64; )
                    h(m) && (v < 8 && (l[v] = p(u.pow(m, 1 / 2))),
                    c[v] = p(u.pow(m, 1 / 3)),
            var f = []
              , d = a.SHA256 = s.extend({
                _doReset: function() {
                    this._hash = new i.init(l.slice(0))
                _doProcessBlock: function(h, p) {
                    for (var m = this._hash.words, v = m[0], g = m[1], C = m[2], B = m[3], x = m[4], b = m[5], _ = m[6], D = m[7], I = 0; I < 64; I++) {
                        if (I < 16)
                            f[I] = h[p + I] | 0;
                        else {
                            var O = f[I - 15]
                              , P = (O << 25 | O >>> 7) ^ (O << 14 | O >>> 18) ^ O >>> 3
                              , j = f[I - 2]
                              , H = (j << 15 | j >>> 17) ^ (j << 13 | j >>> 19) ^ j >>> 10;
                            f[I] = P + f[I - 7] + H + f[I - 16]
                        var Y = x & b ^ ~x & _
                          , L = v & g ^ v & C ^ g & C
                          , M = (v << 30 | v >>> 2) ^ (v << 19 | v >>> 13) ^ (v << 10 | v >>> 22)
                          , U = (x << 26 | x >>> 6) ^ (x << 21 | x >>> 11) ^ (x << 7 | x >>> 25)
                          , R = D + U + Y + c[I] + f[I]
                          , ee = M + L;
                        D = _,
                        _ = b,
                        b = x,
                        x = B + R | 0,
                        B = C,
                        C = g,
                        g = v,
                        v = R + ee | 0
                    m[0] = m[0] + v | 0,
                    m[1] = m[1] + g | 0,
                    m[2] = m[2] + C | 0,
                    m[3] = m[3] + B | 0,
                    m[4] = m[4] + x | 0,
                    m[5] = m[5] + b | 0,
                    m[6] = m[6] + _ | 0,
                    m[7] = m[7] + D | 0
                _doFinalize: function() {
                    var h = this._data
                      , p = h.words
                      , m = this._nDataBytes * 8
                      , v = h.sigBytes * 8;
                    return p[v >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - v % 32,
                    p[(v + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = u.floor(m / 4294967296),
                    p[(v + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 15] = m,
                    h.sigBytes = p.length * 4,
                clone: function() {
                    var h = s.clone.call(this);
                    return h._hash = this._hash.clone(),
            o.SHA256 = s._createHelper(d),
            o.HmacSHA256 = s._createHmacHelper(d)
var Cq = xy.exports;

// var k="k8tUyS$m",n="XgsNo3npVzcW9DOU",p="",t=1676974388321, r = Bq(t);
// const {p: t, t: n, n: u, k: o} = e
//      , r = Bq(t);
//    return Cq(u + o + decodeURIComponent(r) + n)

function Bq(e) {
    let t = "";
    return typeof e == "object" ? t = Object.keys(e).map(n=>`${n}=${e[n]}`).sort().join("&") : typeof e == "string" && (t = e.split("&").sort().join("&")),
function Ig(params) {
    // k8tUyS$m
    //var r = Bq(t);
    //var C = Cq(a+c+decodeURIComponent(r)+l)
    var C = Cq(params)
    for (var B = C.words, x = C.sigBytes, b = [], _ = 0; _ < x; _++) {
                var D = B[_ >>> 2] >>> 24 - _ % 4 * 8 & 255;
                b.push((D >>> 4).toString(16)),
                b.push((D & 15).toString(16))
    return b.join("")
    def zfcg(key, siteCode, secondType, pageNo, pageSize):
        :param key: 固定的c
        :param siteCode: siteCode 44是广东省 440300是深圳市
        :param secondType: # 工程建设是A 土地矿业是B 国有产权是C
        :param pageNo:
        :param pageSize:
        cookies = {
            '_horizon_uid': '6476aa19-0e7b-46a6-bb77-b3648128981c',
            '_horizon_sid': '525c2334-2363-4eaf-beb4-255e399ff54b',
        # todo X-Dgi-Req-Signature
        json_data = {
            'type': 'trading-type',
            'publishStartTime': '',
            'publishEndTime': '',
            'siteCode': siteCode,
            'secondType': secondType,
            'projectType': '',
            'thirdType': '',
            'dateType': '',
            'total': 0,
            'pageNo': int(pageNo),
            'pageSize': int(pageSize),
            'openConvert': False,
        random_s = random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 16)
        Nonce = ''.join(random_s)
        Timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
        # 没请求参数的话 一般不加这个东西 (基本就是请求参数) 这个生成签名需要
        t = "dateType=&openConvert=false&pageNo=%s&pageSize=%s&projectType=&publishEndTime=&publishStartTime=&secondType=%s&siteCode=%s&thirdType=&total=0&type=trading-type" % (
            pageNo, pageSize, secondType, siteCode)
        Signature = ctx.call('Ig', Nonce + key + t + Timestamp)
        print('sign--------------------------------------------->', Signature)

        headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
            'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
            'Connection': 'keep-alive',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Origin': 'https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn',
            'Referer': 'https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ggzy-portal/',
            'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
            'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
            'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
            'X-Dgi-Req-App': 'ggzy-portal',
            'X-Dgi-Req-Nonce': Nonce,
            'X-Dgi-Req-Signature': Signature,
            'X-Dgi-Req-Timestamp': Timestamp,
            'sec-ch-ua': '".Not/A)Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="103", "Chromium";v="103"',
            'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
            'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"',
        response = requests.post('https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ggzy-portal/search/v1/items', cookies=cookies,
        res = response.json().get("data")
        if res:
            for i in res.get("pageData"):
                noticeSecondType = i.get("noticeSecondType")
                projectType = i.get("projectType")
                projectCode = i.get("projectCode")
                siteCode = i.get("siteCode")
                details(noticeSecondType, projectCode, projectType, siteCode)

    # 详情
    def details(tradingType,projectCode,tradingProcess,siteCode):

        cookies = {
            '_horizon_uid': 'ac35adbe-438b-424e-b85e-b80416fbabe0',
            '_horizon_sid': 'a7a555cb-6c3c-492c-b392-e373598df94a',
        random_s = random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 16)
        Nonce = ''.join(random_s)
        Timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000))

        params = {
            'tradingType': tradingType,
            'projectCode': projectCode,
            'tradingProcess': tradingProcess,
            'siteCode': siteCode,
        t="projectCode=%s&siteCode=%s&tradingProcess=%s&tradingType=%s" %(projectCode,siteCode,tradingProcess,tradingType)
        Signature = ctx.call('Ig', Nonce + key + t + Timestamp)
        headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
            'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
            'Connection': 'keep-alive',
            'Referer': 'https://ygp.gdzwfw.gov.cn/',
            'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
            'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
            'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
            'X-Dgi-Req-App': 'ggzy-portal',
            'X-Dgi-Req-Nonce': Nonce,
            'X-Dgi-Req-Signature': Signature,
            'X-Dgi-Req-Timestamp': Timestamp,
            'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="110", "Not A(Brand";v="24", "Google Chrome";v="110"',
            'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
            'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
        response = requests.get(

    key = 'k8tUyS$m'
    siteCode = '44'
    secondType = 'A'
    pageNo = '1'
    pageSize = '20'

    zfcg(key=key, siteCode=siteCode, secondType=secondType, pageNo=pageNo, pageSize=pageSize)

    # 工程建设:A01 项目进场 A02 招标公告 A04 开标公告  A05 评标报告 A06 结果公告 A07 资格预审 A08 中标候选人公示 A09 招标异常情况报告 A10 履约信息
    # 土地矿业 :A01 出让公告 A02 出让结果公示 TY-B-07 挂牌文件
    # 国有产权 :C01 挂牌披露 C02 交易结果 TY-C-07 产权挂牌/拍卖过程信息 TY-C-11 结果公告
    # details(tradingType='A',projectCode='X440200083200017i172',tradingProcess='A01',siteCode='440200')



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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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