

第一章 绪论
show variables like’char%’;//改中文字符
set character_set_database=‘gbk’;
create table xs (
学号 char(6) not null primary key,
姓名 char(8) not null,
专业名 char(10) null,
性别 tinyint(1) not null,
出生日期 date
not null,
总学分 tinyint(1) null,
照片 blob null,
备注 text null

create table KC (
课程号 char(3) not null,
课程名 char(16) not null,
开课学期 tinyint(1) not null default 1,
学时 tinyint(1) not null,
学分 tinyint(1) null,
primary key(课程号)

create table XS_KC(
学号 char(6) not null,
课程号 char(3) not null,
成绩 tinyint(0) null,
学分 tinyint(1) null,
primary key (学号,课程号)
1.delete from table_name where 学号='00000’or 学号=‘00001’;//删除一个人的数据,and 有两个主键;
2.insert into xs//插入多条数据
3.alter table table-name
add 姓名 char(8) not null after 学号,
drop column;//插入删除一列数据
4.alter table table_name change a b integer//把列名a变为b
5.alter table table_name modify b bigint not null//改变列的数据类型
6.alter table a rename to b //把表名a改为b
7.rename table user1 to user2//把数据库user1重命名为user2
8 drop table if exists user1 //删除表user1
9.drop database if exits database_name;//删除数据库
10.update xs
set 总学分=总学分+10,备注=‘拂袖’;
where 姓名=‘张三’;
11.truncate table table-name//清除指定表的所有数据
12.desc xs 学号//看列信息
13.source 路径 文件;//文件导入
mysqldump -u dbuser -p dbname users> dbname_users.sql

14mysqldump -u root -p dbname > dbname.sql//导出整个数据库
mysqldump -u dbuser -p dbname users> dbname_users.sql//导出一个表

第四章 学号 as number, 姓名 as name from xs where 专业名=‘计算机’; 学号,姓名,
when 总学分 is null then ‘尚未选课’
when 总学分 <50 then ‘不及格’
when 总学分 >=50 and 总学分 <=52 then ‘合格’
else ‘优秀’
end as 等级
from xs
where 专业名=‘计算机’; 学号,课程号,成绩1.20 as 成绩120
from xs_kc //计算列值
where 学号=‘081101’;
4. select distinct 专业名,总学分 from xs;//消除重复行
a. select count(
) as '学生总数’from xs; //求学生的总人数
b. select count(备注) as ‘备注不为空的学生数目’from xs;
c. select count(总学分) as’总学分50以上的人数’
from xs
where 总学分>50 max(成绩),min(成绩)
from xs_kc
where 课程号=‘101’; sum(成绩) as ‘课程总成绩’
from xs_kc
where 学号=‘081101’; avg(成绩) as ‘课程101平均成绩’
from xs_kc
where 课程号 = ‘101’; variance(成绩)
from xs_kc
where 课程号 = ‘101’;//方差 stddev(成绩)
from xs_kc
where 课程号 = ‘101’; //标准差 group_concat(学号)
from xs_kc
where 课程号 = ‘206’;//求选修206课程的学生的学号
j. select bin(bit_or(bin_value)) from bits//或运算

(1) 全连接
select distinct kc.课程名,xs_kc.课程号
from kc,xs_kc
where kc.课程号=xs_kc.课程号
select distinct 课程名,xs_kc.课程号
from kc inner join xs_kc
on (kc.课程号=xs_kc.课程号)

select 姓名,成绩
from xs join xs_kc on xs.学号=xs_kc.学号
where 课程号 = ‘206’ and 成绩>=80 //查找选修了206课程且成绩在80分以上的学生姓名及成绩

select xs.学号,姓名,成绩,课程名
from xs join xs_kc on xs.学号=xs_kc.学号
join kc on xs_kc.课程号=kc.课程号
where 课程名 = ‘计算机基础’ and 成绩>=80//查选修了“计算机基础”课程且成绩在80分以上的

select a.学号,a.课程号,b.课程号,a.成绩
from xs_kc as a join xs_kc as b
on a.成绩=b.成绩 and a.学号=b.学号 and a.课程号!=b.课程号//查找数据库中课程不同,成绩相同的学生的。。。。。

select 课程名
from kc inner join xs_kc
using (课程号); //查询kc表中所有学生选过的课程名
select xs.* , 课程号 //查找所有学生情况及他们选修的课程号,未选课也要包括
from xs left outer join xs_kc on xs.学号=xs_kc.学号

select xs_kc.* ,课程名 //查找被选修了的课程的选修情况和所有开设的课程名
from xs_kc right join kc on xs_kc.课程号=kc.课程号

select 课程名,课程号 from kc
where 课程号 in
( select distinct 课程号 from kc natural right outer join xs_kc);

select 学号,姓名,课程号,课程名
from xs cross join kc;
select distinct 课程名,xs_kc.课程号
from kc straight_join xs_kc
on (kc.课程号=xs_kc.课程号) 姓名,学号,性别,总学分
from xs
where 专业名=‘计算机’ and 备注<=>null 学号,姓名,性别
from xs
where 姓名 like ‘王%’;//查询姓王的学生的。。

select 学号,姓名,专业名
from xs
where 学号 like ‘%0_’;// 查询学号倒数第二个数字为0的学生的。。。

select 学号,姓名
from xs
where 学号 like ‘%#_%’ escape ‘#’;//查询名字包含下划线的学生的。。。

select 学号,姓名,专业名
from xs
where 姓名 regexp ‘^李’;//查询姓李的同学的。。。

select 学号,姓名,专业名
from xs
where 学号 regexp ‘[4,5,6]’;//查询学号里包含4,5,6的学生的。。。

select 学号,姓名,专业名
from xs
where 学号 regexp ‘^08.*08$’;//查询学号以08开头,以08结尾的学生的。。。。 学号,姓名,专业名,出生日期
from xs
where 出生日期 not between ‘1993-1-1’ and ‘1993-12-31’;
//查询xs表中不在1993年出生的学生情况 * from xs where 专业名 in(‘计算机’,‘通信工程’); * from xs where 总学分 is null;//查找总学分为空的学生
select 姓名,学号
from xs
where 学号 in
( select 学号
from xs_kc
where 课程号 = ‘206’

select 姓名,学号,专业名
from xs
where 学号 not in
( select 学号
from xs_kc
where 课程号 in
select 课程号
from kc
where 课程名=‘离散数学’
select 学号
from xs_kc
where 课程号=
select 课程号
from kc
where 课程名=‘离散数学’

select 学号,姓名,专业名,出生日期
from xs
where 出生日期<all
select 出生日期
from xs
where 专业名=‘计算机’

select 学号
from xs_kc
where 课程号=‘206’ and 成绩>=any
select 成绩
from xs_kc
where 课程号=‘101’

select 姓名
from xs
where exists
select *
from xs_kc
where 学号=xs.学号 and 课程号=‘206’

select 姓名
from xs
where not exists
select *
from kc
where not exists
select *
from xs_kc
where 学号=xs.学号 and 课程号=kc.课程号

select 姓名,学号,总学分
select 姓名,学号,性别,总学分
from xs
where 总学分>50
)as student
where 性别=‘1’;//查找总学分大于50分的男同学的。。。

select 学号,姓名,year(出生日期)-year (
( select 出生日期
from xs
where 学号=‘081101’
))as 年龄差距
from xs
where 性别=‘0’;//查询所有女学生de学号姓名以及与081101号学生的年龄差距

select 学号,姓名
from xs
where(性别,总学分)=(select 性别,总学分
from xs
where 学号=‘081101’);//查找与081101号学生性别相同,总学分相同的学生的。。。
select 专业名
from xs
group by 专业名;//各专业名输出

select 专业名,count(*) as ‘学生数’
from xs
group by 专业名;//各专业的学生数

select 课程号,avg(成绩) as’平均成绩’,count(学号) as’选修人数’
from xs_kc
group by 课程号;//被选修的各门课程的平均成绩和选修该课程的人数

select 专业名,性别,count(*) as ‘人数’
from xs
group by 专业名,性别
with rollup;//每个专业的男生人数、女生人数、总人数,以及学生总人数
select 课程名,专业名,avg(成绩) as ‘平均成绩’
from xs_kc,xs,kc
where xs_kc.课程号=kc.课程号 and xs_kc.学号=xs.学号
group by 课程名,专业名
with rollup;//每门课程各专业的平均成绩,每门课程的总平均成绩和所有课程的总平均成绩

select 学号,avg(成绩) as’平均成绩’
from xs_kc
group by 学号
having avg(成绩)>=85;//平均成绩在85分以上的学生的。。。

select 学号
from xs_kc
where 成绩 >=80
group by 学号
having count(*)>2;//查找选修课程超过2门且成绩都在80分以上的学生。。

select 学号,avg(成绩) as’平均成绩’
from xs_kc
where 学号 in
select 学号
from xs
where 专业名=‘通信工程’
group by 学号
having avg(成绩)>=85;//查找通信工程专业平均成绩在85分以上的学生的。。
select 学号,姓名,专业名,出生日期
from xs
where 专业名=‘通信工程’
order by 出生日期;//按出生日期先后排序

select 姓名,课程名,成绩
from xs,kc,xs_kc
where xs.学号=xs_kc.学号
and xs_kc.课程号=kc.课程号
and 课程名=‘计算机基础’
and 专业名=‘计算机’
order by 成绩 desc;//把计算机专业学生的“计算机基础”课程成绩按降序排列

select 学号,姓名,专业名
from xs
where 专业名=‘计算机’
order by(
select avg(成绩)
from xs_kc
group by xs_kc.学号
having xs.学号=xs_kc.学号

select 学号,姓名,专业名,性别,出生日期,总学分
from xs
order by 学号
limit 5;//查找学号最靠前的5位学生的信息

select 学号,姓名,专业名,性别,出生日期,总学分
from xs
order by 学号
limit 3,5;//查从第4位同学开始的5位学生的信息

20.UNION 语句
select 学号,姓名,专业名,性别,出生日期,总学分
from xs
where 学号=‘081101’
select 学号,姓名,专业名,性别,出生日期,总学分
from xs
where 学号=‘081210’

handler kc open;

handler kc read first
where 学分>4;

handler kc read next;

handler kc close;

create or replace view test.cs_kc
select xs.学号,课程号,成绩
from test.xs,test.xs_kc
where xs.学号=xs_kc.学号 and xs.专业名=‘计算机’
with check option;//创建test数据库上的cs_kc视图,包括计算机专业各学生的学号、其选修的课程号及成绩

use test
create view cs_kc_avg(num,score_avg)
select 学号,avg(成绩)
from cs_kc
group by 学号;//创建test数据库上的计算机专业学生的平均成绩视图cs_kc_avg
select 学号,课程号
from cs_kc;
create view xs_kc_avg(num,score_avg)
select 学号,avg(成绩)
from xs_kc
group by 学号;
select * from xs_kc_avg
where score_avg>=80;
create or replace view cs_xs
select *
from xs
where 专业名=‘计算机’
with check option;
insert into cs_xs values(‘081255’,‘李牧’,‘计算机’,1,‘1994-10-14’,50,null,null);

update cs_xs
set 总学分=总学分+8;

update cs_kc
set 成绩=90
where 学号='081101’and 课程号=‘101’//若一个视图依赖于多个基本表,一次只能修改一个基本表的数据

delete from cs_xs where 学号=‘081255’;

alter view cs_kc
select 学号,姓名,总学分
from xs
where 专业名=‘计算机’;//修改为只包含计算机专业的学生的。。。
drop view cs_xs;

第五章 MYSQL索引与完整性约束

  1. CREATE INDEX 语句创建
    create index xh_xs on xs(学号(5) asc);
    create index xskc_in on xs_kc(学号,课程号);
    2.ALTER TABLE 语句创建
    alter table xs
    add index xs_xm using btree(姓名);//在xs表的姓名列上创建一个非唯一的索引
    alter table xs
    add index mark(出生日期,性别);
    show index from xs;// 查看索引
    create table xs_kc
    学号 char(6) not null,
    课程号 char(3) not null,
    成绩 tinyint(1),
    学分 tinyint(1),
    primary key(学号,课程号),
    index cj(成绩)
    drop index index_name on table_name;
    alter table xs drop index mark;
    5.索引的利弊 加快查询速度,占据磁盘空间 利大于弊
    create table xs1
    学号 varchar(6) null,
    姓名 varchar(8) not null primary key,
    出生日期 datetime

create table course
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
毕业日期 date not null,
课程号 varchar(3),
学分 tinyint,
primary key(课程号,学号,毕业日期)
create table course
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
毕业日期 date not null,
课程号 varchar(3),
学分 tinyint,
primary key index_course(课程号,学号,毕业日期)
create table xs1
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(8) null unique,
出生日期 datetime null,
primary key(学号)
create table xs1
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
出生日期 datetime null,
primary key(学号),
create table xs1
学号 varchar(6) null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
出生日期 datetime null,
primary key(姓名),
foreign key(学号)
references xs(学号)
on delete restrict
on update restrict

select * from xs1
where 学号 not in
select 学号 from xs

create table xs2
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
出生日期 datetime null,
班长 varchar(6) not null,
primary key(学号),
foreign key(班长) references xs2(学号)

create table xs1
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
出生日期 datetime null,
primary key(学号),
foreign key(学号)
references xs(学号)
on update cascade

create table student
学号 char(6) not null,
性别 char(1) not null
check(性别 in (‘男’,‘女’))

create table student1
学号 char(6) not null,
出生日期 date not null

create table student2
学号 char(6) not null,
性别 char(1) not null
check(性别 in
(select 性别 from student))

create table student3
学号 char(6) not null,
最好成绩 int(1) not null,
平均成绩 int(1) not null,
create table xs1
学号 varchar(6) null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
出生日期 datetime null,
constraint primary_key_xs1
primary key(姓名)
alter table xs1 drop primary key;
alter table table_name add constraint primary key();//增加主键

第七章 MYSQL5过程式数据库对象

1.delimiter // 将MYSQL结束符修改为两个斜杠
delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e d e l e t e s t u d e n t ( i n x h c h a r ( 6 ) ) b e g i n d e l e t e f r o m x s w h e r e 学 号 = x h ; e n d create procedure delete_student(in xh char(6)) begin delete from xs where 学号=xh; end createproceduredeletestudent(inxhchar(6))begindeletefromxswhere=xh;end
declare num int(4);
declare str1,str2 varchar(6);

set num=1,str1=‘hello’;…into语句
select 姓名,专业名 into name,project
from xs
where 学号=‘081101’;

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e t e s t . c o m p a r 1 ( i n k 1 i n t e g e r , i n k 2 i n t e g e r , o u t k 3 c h a r ( 6 ) ) b e g i n i f k 1 > k 2 t h e n s e t k 3 = ′ 大 于 ′ ; e l s e i f k 1 = k 2 t h e n s e t k 3 = ′ 等 于 ′ ; e l s e s e t k 3 = ′ 小 于 ′ ; e n d i f ; e n d create procedure test.compar1 (in k1 integer,in k2 integer,out k3 char(6)) begin if k1>k2 then set k3='大于'; elseif k1=k2 then set k3='等于'; else set k3='小于'; end if; end createproceduretest.compar1(ink1integer,ink2integer,outk3char(6))beginifk1>k2thensetk3=;elseifk1=k2thensetk3=;elsesetk3=;endif;end
delimiter ;

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e t e s t . r e s u l t ( i n s t r v a r c h a r ( 4 ) , o u t s e x v a r c h a r ( 4 ) ) b e g i n c a s e s t r w h e n ′ m ′ t h e n s e t s e x = ′ 男 ′ ; w h e n ′ f ′ t h e n s e t s e x = ′ 女 ′ ; e l s e s e t s e x = ′ 无 ′ ; e n d c a s e ; e n d create procedure test.result (in str varchar(4),out sex varchar(4)) begin case str when 'm' then set sex='男'; when 'f' then set sex='女'; else set sex='无'; end case; end createproceduretest.result(instrvarchar(4),outsexvarchar(4))begincasestrwhenmthensetsex=;whenfthensetsex=;elsesetsex=;endcase;end
delimiter ;

when str=‘m’ then set sex=‘男’;
when str=‘f’ then set sex=‘女’;
else set sex=‘无’
end case;

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e d o w h i l e ( ) b e g i n d e c l a r e v 1 i n t d e f a u l t 5 ; w h i l e v 1 > 0 d o s e t v 1 = v 1 − 1 ; e n d w h i l e ; e n d create procedure dowhile() begin declare v1 int default 5; while v1>0 do set v1=v1-1; end while; end createproceduredowhile()begindeclarev1intdefault5;whilev1>0dosetv1=v11;endwhile;end
delimiter ; //while 循环

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e d o w h i l e ( ) b e g i n d e c l a r e v 1 i n t d e f a u l t 0 ; r e p e a t s e t v 1 = v 1 − 1 ; u n t i l v 1 < 1 ; e n d r e p e a t e n d create procedure dowhile() begin declare v1 int default 0; repeat set v1=v1-1; until v1<1; end repeat end createproceduredowhile()begindeclarev1intdefault0;repeatsetv1=v11;untilv1<1;endrepeatend
delimiter ; //repeat 循环

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e d o l o o p ( ) b e g i n s e t @ a = 10 ; l a b e l : l o o p s e t @ a = @ a − 1 ; i f @ a < 0 t h e n l e a v e l a b e l ; e n d i f ; e n d l o o p l a b e l ; e n d create procedure doloop() begin set @a=10; label:loop set @a=@a-1; if @a<0 then leave label; end if; end loop label; end createproceduredoloop()beginset@a=10;label:loopset@a=@a1;if@a<0thenleavelabel;endif;endlooplabel;end
delimiter ; //loop循环 允许某特定语句或语句群重复执行

call doloop();//调用存储过程
select @a; //查看用户变量的值
leave label //退出被标注的循环语句
iterate label //重新开始一次循环

use test;
delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e m y i n s e r t 1 ( ) b e g i n d e c l a r e c o n t i n u e h a n d l e r f o r s q l s t a t e ′ 2300 0 ′ s e t @ x 2 = 1 ; s e t @ x = 2 ; i n s e r t i n t o x s v a l u e s ( ′ 07110 1 ′ , ′ 王 民 ′ , ′ 计 算 机 ′ , 1 , ′ 1994 − 02 − 1 0 ′ , 50 , n u l l , n u l l ) ; s e t @ x = 3 ; e n d create procedure my_insert1() begin declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000'set @x2=1; set @x=2; insert into xs values('071101','王民','计算机',1,'1994-02-10',50,null,null); set @x=3; end createproceduremyinsert1()begindeclarecontinuehandlerforsqlstate23000set@x2=1;set@x=2;insertintoxsvalues(071101,,,1,19940210,50,null,null);set@x=3;end
delimiter ;

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e c o m p u t e ( o u t n u m b e r i n t e g e r ) b e g i n d e c l a r e x h c h a r ( 6 ) ; d e c l a r e f o u n d b o o l e a n d e f a u l t t r u e ; d e c l a r e n u m b e r x s c u r s o r f o r s e l e c t 学 号 f r o m x s ; d e c l a r e c o n t i n u e h a n d l e r f o r n o t f o u n d s e t f o u n d = f a l s e ; s e t n u m b e r = 0 ; o p e n n u m b e r x s ; f e t c h n u m b e r x s i n t o x h ; w h i l e f o u n d d o s e t n u m b e r = n u m b e r + 1 ; f e t c h n u m b e r x s i n t o x h ; e n d w h i l e ; c l o s e n u m b e r x s ; e n d create procedure compute (out number integer) begin declare xh char(6); declare found boolean default true; declare number_xs cursor for select 学号 from xs; declare continue handler for not found set found=false; set number=0; open number_xs; fetch number_xs into xh; while found do set number=number+1; fetch number_xs into xh; end while; close number_xs; end createprocedurecompute(outnumberinteger)begindeclarexhchar(6);declarefoundbooleandefaulttrue;declarenumberxscursorforselectfromxs;declarecontinuehandlerfornotfoundsetfound=false;setnumber=0;opennumberxs;fetchnumberxsintoxh;whilefounddosetnumber=number+1;fetchnumberxsintoxh;endwhile;closenumberxs;end
delimiter ;

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e t e s t . d o u p d a t e ( i n t x h c h a r ( 6 ) , i n t k c m c h a r ( 16 ) ) b e g i n d e c l a r e k c h c h a r ( 3 ) ; d e c l a r e x f t i n y i n t ; d e c l a r e c j t i n y i n t ; s e l e c t 课 程 号 , 学 分 i n t o k c h , x f f r o m k c w h e r e 课 程 名 = k c m ; i f c j < 60 t h e n u p d a t e x s k c s e t 学 分 = 0 w h e r e 学 号 = x h a n d 课 程 号 = k c h ; e l s e u p d a t e x s k c s e t 学 分 = x f w h e r e 学 号 = x h a n d 课 程 号 = k c h ; e n d i f ; e n d create procedure test.do_update(int xh char(6),int kcm char(16)) begin declare kch char(3); declare xf tinyint; declare cj tinyint; select 课程号,学分 into kch,xf from kc where 课程名=kcm; if cj<60 then update xs_kc set 学分=0 where 学号=xh and 课程号=kch; else update xs_kc set 学分=xf where 学号=xh and 课程号=kch; end if; end createproceduretest.doupdate(intxhchar(6),intkcmchar(16))begindeclarekchchar(3);declarexftinyint;declarecjtinyint;select,intokch,xffromkcwhere=kcm;ifcj<60thenupdatexskcset=0where=xhand=kch;elseupdatexskcset=xfwhere=xhand=kch;endif;end
delimiter ;

insert into xs_kc values(‘081101’,‘208’,50,10);

call do_update(‘081101’,‘数据结构’);
select *from xs_kc where 学号=‘081101’ and 课程号=‘208’;

create procedure test.do_insert1()
insert into xs values(‘091101’,‘陶伟’,‘软件工程’,1,‘1994-03-05’,50,null,null);

delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e t e s t . d o i n s e r t 2 ( i n x b i t ( 1 ) , o u t s t r c h a r ( 8 ) ) b e g i n c a l l d o i n s e r t 1 ( ) ; i f x = 0 t h e n u p d a t e x s s e t 姓 名 = ′ 刘 英 ′ , 性 别 = 0 w h e r e 学 号 = ′ 09110 1 ′ ; s e t s t r = ′ 修 改 成 功 ′ ; e l s e i f x = 1 t h e n d e l e t e f r o m x s w h e r e 学 号 = ′ 09110 1 ′ ; s e t s t r = ′ 删 除 成 功 ′ ; e n d i f ; e n d create procedure test.do_insert2(in x bit(1),out str char(8)) begin call do_insert1(); if x=0 then update xs set 姓名='刘英',性别=0 where 学号='091101'; set str='修改成功'; elseif x=1 then delete from xs where 学号='091101'; set str='删除成功'; end if; end createproceduretest.doinsert2(inxbit(1),outstrchar(8))begincalldoinsert1();ifx=0thenupdatexsset=,=0where=091101;setstr=;elseifx=1thendeletefromxswhere=091101;setstr=;endif;end
delimiter ;

call do_insert2(1,@str);
select @str;

call do_inisert2(0,@str);
select @str;

drop procedure if exists dowhile;


delimiter d r o p p r o c e d u r e i f e x i s t s d o q u e r y ; c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e d o q u e r y ( ) b e g i n s e l e c t ∗ f r o m x s ; e n d drop procedure if exists do_query; create procedure do_query() begin select * from xs; end dropprocedureifexistsdoquery;createproceduredoquery()beginselectfromxs;end
delimiter ;

7.2.1 创建存储函数

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;//8.0版本要先加这句话
delimiter c r e a t e f u n c t i o n n u m o f x s ( ) r e t u r n s i n t b e g i n r e t u r n ( s e l e c t c o u n t ( ∗ ) f r o m x s ) ; e n d create function num_of_xs() returns int begin return(select count(*) from xs); end createfunctionnumofxs()returnsintbeginreturn(selectcount()fromxs);end
delimiter ;

delimiter c r e a t e f u n c t i o n n a m e o f s t u ( x h c h a r ( 6 ) ) r e t u r n s c h a r ( 8 ) b e g i n r e t u r n ( s e l e c t 姓 名 f r o m x s w h e r e 学 号 = x h ) ; e n d create function name_of_stu(xh char(6)) returns char(8) begin return (select 姓名 from xs where 学号=xh); end createfunctionnameofstu(xhchar(6))returnschar(8)beginreturn(selectfromxswhere=xh);end
delimiter ;

delimiter c r e a t e f u n c t i o n d e l e t e s t u ( x h c h a r ( 6 ) ) r e t u r n s b o o l e a n b e g i n d e c l a r e s t u c h a r ( 6 ) ; s e l e c t 姓 名 i n t o s t u f r o m x s w h e r e 学 号 = x h ; i f s t u i s n u l l t h e n d e l e t e f r o m x s k c w h e r e 学 号 = x h ; r e t u r n t r u e ; e l s e r e t u r n f a l s e ; e n d i f ; e n d create function delete_stu(xh char(6)) returns boolean begin declare stu char(6); select 姓名 into stu from xs where 学号=xh; if stu is null then delete from xs_kc where 学号=xh; return true; else return false; end if; end createfunctiondeletestu(xhchar(6))returnsbooleanbegindeclarestuchar(6);selectintostufromxswhere=xh;ifstuisnullthendeletefromxskcwhere=xh;returntrue;elsereturnfalse;endif;end
delimiter ;

7.2.2存储函数的调用、删除和修改 num_of_xs();
select name_of_stu(‘081106’);

delimiter c r e a t e f u n c t i o n i s s t u ( x h c h a r ( 6 ) ) r e t u r n s c h a r ( 10 ) b e g i n d e c l a r e n a m e c h a r ( 8 ) ; s e l e c t n a m e o f s t u ( x h ) i n t o n a m e ; i f n a m e = ′ 王 林 ′ t h e n r e t u r n ( s e l e c t 出 生 日 期 f r o m x s w h e r e 学 号 = x h ) ; e l s e r e t u r n ′ f a l s e ′ ; e n d i f ; e n d create function is_stu(xh char(6)) returns char(10) begin declare name char(8); select name_of_stu(xh) into name; if name='王林' then return(select 出生日期 from xs where 学号=xh); else return 'false'; end if; end createfunctionisstu(xhchar(6))returnschar(10)begindeclarenamechar(8);selectnameofstu(xh)intoname;ifname=thenreturn(selectfromxswhere=xh);elsereturnfalse;endif;end
delimiter ;

select is_stu(‘081102’);
select is_stu(‘081101’);

drop function if exists num_of_xs;

7.3 触发器
14.在表上创建一个触发器,每次插入操作时,将用户变量str的值设为“trigger is working”
create table tablel(a integer);
create trigger tablel_insert after insert
on tablel for each row
set @str=‘trigger is working’;

insert into tablel values(10);

select @str;

delimiter c r e a t e t r i g g e r x s d e l e t e a f t e r d e l e t e o n x s f o r e a c h r o w b e g i n d e l e t e f r o m x s k c w h e r e 学 号 = o l d . 学 号 ; e n d create trigger xs_delete after delete on xs for each row begin delete from xs_kc where 学号=old.学号; end createtriggerxsdeleteafterdeleteonxsforeachrowbegindeletefromxskcwhere=old.;end
delimiter ;

delete from xs where 学号=‘081101’;
select * from xs_kc;

delimiter c r e a t e t r i g g e r x s k c u p d a t e b e f o r e u p d a t e o n x s k c f o r e a c h r o w b e g i n d e c l a r e x f i n t ( 1 ) ; s e l e c t 学 分 i n t o x f f r o m k c w h e r e 课 程 号 = n e w . 课 程 号 ; i f n e w . 成 绩 < 60 t h e n s e t n e w . 学 分 = 0 ; e l s e s e t n e w . 学 分 = x f ; e n d i f ; e n d create trigger xs_kc_update before update on xs_kc for each row begin declare xf int(1); select 学分 into xf from kc where 课程号=new.课程号; if new.成绩<60 then set new.学分=0; else set new.学分=xf; end if; end createtriggerxskcupdatebeforeupdateonxskcforeachrowbegindeclarexfint(1);selectintoxffromkcwhere=new.;ifnew.<60thensetnew.=0;elsesetnew.=xf;endif;end
delimiter ;

delimiter c r e a t e t r i g g e r x s k c z x f a f t e r i n s e r t o n x s k c f o r e a c h r o w b e g i n d e c l a r e x s i n t ( 1 ) ; s e l e c t 学 分 i n t o x s f r o m k c w h e r e 课 程 号 = n e w . 课 程 号 ; i f n e w . 成 绩 > = 60 t h e n u p d a t e x s s e t 总 学 分 = 总 学 分 + x f w h e r e 学 号 = n e w . 学 号 ; e n d i f ; e n d create trigger xs_kc_zxf after insert on xs_kc for each row begin declare xs int(1); select 学分 into xs from kc where 课程号=new.课程号; if new.成绩>=60 then update xs set 总学分=总学分+xf where 学号=new.学号; end if; end createtriggerxskczxfafterinsertonxskcforeachrowbegindeclarexsint(1);selectintoxsfromkcwhere=new.;ifnew.>=60thenupdatexsset=+xfwhere=new.;endif;end
delimiter ;

18.student 表中的数据与xs表同步
delimiter c r e a t e p r o c e d u r e c h a n g e s ( ) b e g i n r e p l a c e i n t o s t u d e n t s e l e c t ∗ f r o m x s ; e n d create procedure changes() begin replace into student select * from xs; end createprocedurechanges()beginreplaceintostudentselectfromxs;end
delimiter ;

create trigger student_change after insert
on xs for each row
call changes();

insert into xs values
select * from student;

drop trigger xs_delete;

7.4.1 创建事件
create event direct
on schedule at now()
do insert into xs values

create event thrityseconds
on schedule at now()+interval 30 second
do insert into xs values

delimiter c r e a t e e v e n t s t a r t m o n t h o n s c h e d u l e e v e r y 1 m o n t h s t a r t s c u r d a t e ( ) + i n t e r v a l 1 m o n t h e n d s ′ 2019 − 12 − 3 1 ′ d o b e g i n i f y e a r ( c u r d a t e ( ) ) < 2018 t h e n i n s e r t i n t o x s v a l u e s ( ′ 09110 5 ′ , ′ 王 建 ′ , ′ 软 件 工 程 ′ , 1 , ′ 1994 − 03 − 1 6 ′ , 48 , n u l l , n u l l ) ; e n d i f ; e n d create event startmonth on schedule every 1 month starts curdate()+interval 1 month ends '2019-12-31' do begin if year(curdate())<2018 then insert into xs values ('091105','王建','软件工程',1,'1994-03-16',48,null,null); end if; end createeventstartmonthonscheduleevery1monthstartscurdate()+interval1monthends20191231dobeginifyear(curdate())<2018theninsertintoxsvalues(091105,,,1,19940316,48,null,null);endif;end
delimiter ;

7.4.2 修改和删除事件
alter event startmonth rename to firstmonth;
show events;
drop event event_name;

第八章 MYSQL数据库备份与恢复

1.log-bin=E;/Program Files/MYSQL/MYSQL Server 8.0/bin/bin_log; stop mysql start mysql

mysqlbinlog bin_log.000001
mysqlbinlog bin_log.000001>路径
p194 书上
reset master
第九章 MYSQL安全管理

create user
‘king’@'localhost’identified by ‘queen’,
‘palo’@'localhost’identified by ‘530415’;
use mysql
show tables;
select * from user;

drop user palo@localhost;

rename user
‘king’@‘localhost’ to ‘ken’@‘localhost’;
set password for ‘ken’@‘localhost’ = password(‘qen’);

grant select
on xs
to ken@localhost;

grant select,update
on xs
to liu@localhost identified by ‘lpwd’,
zhang@localhost identified by ‘zpwd’;

grant update(姓名,学号)
on xs
to ken@localhost;
grant select on test,* to ken@localhost;
grant all
on *
to ken@localhost;

grant create,alter,drop
on .
to peter@localhost identified by ‘ppwd’;

grant create user
on .
to peter@localhost;

grant select
on test.xs
to caddy@localhost identified by ‘19830925’
with grant option;

mysql -hlocalhost -ucaddy -p19830925

grant select
on test.xs
to Jim@localhost;

  1. 授予Jim每小时只能处理一条SELECT语句的权限
    grant select
    on xs
    to Jim@localhost
    with max_queries_per-hour 1;
    revoke select
    on xs
    from caddy@localhost;

analyze table xs;
show index from xs;

check table xs;

checksum table xs;

optimize table kc;

//如果一个表或索引已经损坏,可以使用REPAIR TABLE语句尝试去修复它

还有两个表维护语句:BACKUP TABLE和RESTOTRE TABLE语句,但是效果不理想,不推荐使用
(sno char(6) not null primary key,
sname char(8) not null,
zuanyemin char(10) null,
ssex tinyint(1) not null default 1,
chushengriiqii date not null,
zongxuefen tinyint(1) null,
zhaopian blob null,
beizu text null
)engine = innodb;

(kechenghao char(3) not null primary key,
kechengming char(16) not null,
kaikexueqi tinyint(1) not null default 1,
xueshi tinyint(1) not null,
xuefen tinyint(1) null

(sno char(6) not null ,
kechenghao char(3) not null ,
chengji tinyint(1) null,
xuefen tinyint(1) null,
primary key(sno,kechenghao)

use XSCJ

insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into XS
insert into xs
insert into xs
insert into xs
insert into xs
insert into xs
insert into xs
insert into xs

insert into kc
insert into kc
insert into kc
insert into kc
insert into kc
insert into kc
insert into kc
insert into kc
insert into kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc
insert into xs_kc

函数不能创建 错误代码:1418
SET @@global.log_bin_trust_function_creators=‘ON’;
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘log_bin_trust_function_creators’;





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


