博主最近在编写上位机软件,毕竟博主本质还是做嵌入式的,以下总结了一些常用数据数理函数,非常非常基础,权当是对自己工作的总结。语言是.net 。
一. 串口通讯(RS232)
引入Imports System.IO.Ports
2.打开串口Dim RS232 As SerialPort '定义SerialPort Dim mBaudRate As Integer '五个相关参数 Dim mParity As IO.Ports.Parity Dim mDataBit As Integer Dim mStopBit As IO.Ports.StopBits Dim mPortName As String mPortName = My.Settings.set_com mBaudRate = 9600 mParity = Parity.None mDataBit = 8 mStopBit = StopBits.One RS232 = New IO.Ports.SerialPort(mPortName, mBaudRate, mParity, mDataBit, mStopBit) If Not RS232.IsOpen Then Try RS232.Open() flag_rs232 = True Timer1.Enabled = True Catch ex As Exception End Try End If
If (flag_rs232 = True) Then Try RS232.Close() flag_rs232 = False Timer1.Enabled = False Catch ex As Exception Application.Exit() End Try End If
Sub send_direction(type As String, address As String) Dim outByte() As Byte '发的是byte数组 '指令(该函数返回一个byte数组) outByte = direction_Hex(type, address) RS232.DiscardInBuffer() '清缓存 RS232.Write(outByte, 0, outByte.Length) End Sub
Public Function direction_Hex Dim outByte(5) As Byte outByte(0) = &H3 outByte(1) = &H3 outByte(2) = &H0 outByte(3) = &H64 outByte(4) = &H0 outByte(5) = &H1 Return outByte End Function
Function readbtye(type As String, address As String) Dim inDataLen As Integer = 0 If flag_rs232 = True Then inDataLen = RS232.BytesToRead() '从RS232缓冲区获取可读取的字节数 Dim inBytes(inDataLen - 1) As Byte '回传的字节数组 RS232.Read(inBytes, 0, inDataLen) '读取数据 Return (inDataLen) Else Return 0 End If End Function
二、 延时函数
Public Sub TimeDelay(ByVal DT As Integer)
Dim st As Long = Now.Ticks
Dim st1 As Long = Now.Ticks
Dim st2 As Integer = 0
st2 = CInt((st1 - st) / 10000)
Select Case st2 - DT
Case Is < 0
st1 = Now.Ticks
Case Else
Exit Do
End Select
End Sub
三、 各种数据类型转化
Dim a As String a = Val("&H0A") Debug.Print(a) ’输出10
十六进制byte 转 十进制/十六进制数字/字符串
Dim b(5) As Byte Dim a As String b(0) = Val("&H0A") a = [String].Format("{0:D2}", b(0)) ’输出10 a = [String].Format("{0:X2}", b(0)) ’输出0A
十六进制字符串转 十六进制byte
Dim direction_string As String = "101010" Dim outByte(direction_string.Length / 2) As Byte For i As Integer = 1 To direction_string.Length Step 2 outByte((i - 1) / 2) = Val("&H" + Mid(direction_string, i, 2)) Next '即输入101010,输出byte(3)为(0x10,0x10,0x10)
四、 数据库操作
Public Function insertInto([date] As String, time As String, number As String, section As String, tem As String, shidu As String, lefttime As String) ‘hwhs.mdb是存放于你debug和release下的文件 Dim oleConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=hwhs.mdb") Dim sql As String ’插入语句,日期,时间,设备号,段号,温度,湿度,剩余时间为表格的title sql = "insert into DATA(日期,时间,设备号,段号,温度,湿度,剩余时间) values( @日期, @时间,@设备号,@段号,@温度, @湿度,@剩余时间) " Dim oleCommand As New OleDbCommand(sql, oleConnection) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@日期", [date]) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@时间", time) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@设备号", number) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@段号", section) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@温度", tem) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@湿度", shidu) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@剩余时间", lefttime) oleConnection.Open() oleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() oleConnection.Close() Return Nothing End Function
access里日期时间要调成date 的格数据格式
注:程序里获取当前时间: Dim time As Date = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString()) -
Public Sub delete(number As String, dateS As String, dateE As String) Dim order As String Dim oleConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=hwhs.mdb") order = "delete from DATA where 设备号=@number and 日期 between @DateS and @DateE" Dim oleCommand As New OleDbCommand(order, oleConnection) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@number", number) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateS", dateS) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateE", dateE) Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(oleCommand) Dim table As New DataTable() oleConnection.Open() oleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() oleConnection.Close() End Sub
Public Function search(number As String, dateS As String, dateE As String) Dim order As String Dim oleConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=hwhs.mdb") order = "select 日期,时间,设备号,段号,温度,湿度,剩余时间 from DATA where 设备号 = '01' and 日期 between @DateS and @DateE order by 日期 asc" oleConnection.Open() Dim oleCommand As New OleDbCommand(order, oleConnection) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateS", dateS) oleCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateE", dateE) Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(oleCommand) Dim table As New DataTable() adapter.Fill(table) Return table End Function ‘使用该方法 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click DataGridView1.DataSource = search(ComboBox1.Text, DateTimePicker1.Value, DateTimePicker2.Value) ’自定义格式化日期 Dim style As New DataGridViewCellStyle Dim style1 As New DataGridViewCellStyle style.Format = "HH:mm:ss" style1.Format = "yyyy/MM/dd" DataGridView1.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle = style1 DataGridView1.Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle = style End Sub
五、 小操作
Private Sub DataGridView1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.MouseUp If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then ContextMenuStrip1.Show(Me, PointToClient(Cursor.Position)) End If End Sub
ToolStripMenu -
DataGridView11.RowsDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter DataGridView11.Rows.Add() DataGridView11.Rows(Set_count).Cells(0).Value = section DataGridView11.Rows(Set_count).Cells(1).Value = data_setting(1) DataGridView11.Rows(Set_count).Cells(2).Value = data_setting(2) DataGridView11.Rows(Set_count).Cells(3).Value = data_setting(0) Set_count = Set_count + 1 If Set_count >= 50 Then DataGridView11.Rows.Clear() Set_count = 0 End If DataGridView11.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = DataGridView11.RowCount - 1
Me.Hide() '当前页面 Dim dl As FormLanguage dl = New FormLanguage() dl.ShowDialog() '注意顺序