
1. 检查设备基本信息

1.1. 查看设备的配置

  • 命令:display current-configuration

1.2. 检查设备版本

  • 命令: display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 8.191 (NE5000E V800R011C10SPC800)
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NE5000E uptime is 469 days, 8 hours, 53 minutes 
Patch Version: V800R011SPH055

NE5000E-X16A version information:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BKP  version information:
  PCB         Version : CR56BKP16F REV A
  MPU  Slot  Quantity : 2
  SRU  Slot  Quantity : 0
  SFU  Slot  Quantity : 4
  LPU  Slot  Quantity : 16
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
MPU version information:

MPU (Slave) 17 : uptime is 469 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes
  StartupTime 2022/05/20   01:53:52
  SDRAM Memory Size   : 8192 M bytes
  FLASH Memory Size   : 16 M bytes
  NVRAM Memory Size   : 512 K bytes
  CFCARD Memory Size  : 7681 M bytes
  MPU CR5D0MPUB560 version information
  PCB         Version : CR56RPUC REV C
  EPLD        Version : 103
  MADB version information
  PCB         Version : CR56MADB REV B
  FPGA        Version : 103
  BootROM     Version : 06.15
  BootLoad    Version : 06.15
  MonitorBUS version information:
  Software    Version : 18.7

MPU (Master) 18 : uptime is 469 days, 8 hours, 25 minutes
  StartupTime 2022/05/20   01:47:10
  SDRAM Memory Size   : 8192 M bytes
  FLASH Memory Size   : 16 M bytes
  NVRAM Memory Size   : 512 K bytes
  CFCARD Memory Size  : 7681 M bytes
  MPU CR5D0MPUB560 version information
  PCB         Version : CR56RPUC REV C
  EPLD        Version : 103
  MADB version information
  PCB         Version : CR56MADB REV B
  FPGA        Version : 103
  BootROM     Version : 06.15
  BootLoad    Version : 06.15
  MonitorBUS version information:
  Software    Version : 18.7
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
LPU version information:

LPU 1 : uptime is 469 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes
  StartupTime 2022/05/20   01:28:17
  Host processor :
  SDRAM Memory Size   : 4096 M bytes
  Flash Memory Size   : 128 M bytes
  LPU CR5DLPUFA060 version information:
  PCB Version         : CR56LPUF100B REV D
  EPLD Version        : 005
  FPGA Version        : 014
  NP Version          : 110
  TM Version          : TM100 REV A
  BootROM Version     : 06.15
  BootLoad Version    : 06.15
  NSE version information:
  PCB Version         : 000
  PIC2:CR5D00EFGF60 version information
  StartupTime         : 2022/05/20    01:28:57
  PCB Version         : CR56EFGF REV B
  FPGA Version        : 108
  MonitorBUS version information:
  Software Version : 16.9

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
SFU version information:

SFU 22 : uptime is 469 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes
  StartupTime 2022/05/20   01:28:02
  SDRAM Memory Size   : 512 M bytes
  Flash Memory Size   : 64 M bytes
  SFU CR5DSFUIK06A version information:
  PCB         Version : CR56SFU400A REV B
  EPLD        Version : 103
  BootROM     Version : 06.15
  BootLoad    Version : 06.15
  MonitorBUS version information:
  Software Version : 20.7
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
CLK version information:

CLK 23 : uptime is 469 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes
  StartupTime 2022/05/20   01:53:52
  FPGA     Version : 003
  DSP      Version : 10205016

CLK 24 : uptime is 469 days, 8 hours, 25 minutes
  StartupTime 2022/05/20   01:47:11
  FPGA     Version : 003
  DSP      Version : 10205016

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Power version information: 

POWER 26 MonitorBUS version information:
  PM B1 version information:
  PCB      Version : PDC-2200WB REV A
  Software Version : 2.6
  PM B2 version information:
  PCB      Version : PDC-2200WB REV A
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
FAN version information: 

FAN 27 MonitorBUS version information:
  PCB      Version : CR56FCBJ REV D
  Software Version : 4.35

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
PMU version information: 

PMU 33 MonitorBUS version information:
  PCB      Version : CR56PMUA REV A
  Software Version : 11.5

1.3. 查看补丁状态

  • 命令:display patch-informatio
Patch Package Name    :cfcard:/NE5000EV800R011SPH055.PAT
Patch Package Version :V800R011SPH055
Patch Package State   :Running   
Patch Package Run Time:2023-01-13 01:11:23+08:00

1.4. 查看与本次及下次启动相关的系统软件、配置文件名

  • 命令 :display startup
  Configured startup system software:        cfcard:/v800r011c10spc800-ne5000e.cc
  Startup system software:                   cfcard:/v800r011c10spc800-ne5000e.cc
  Next startup system software:              cfcard:/v800r011c10spc800-ne5000e.cc
  Startup saved-configuration file:          cfcard:/vrpcfg.zip
  Next startup saved-configuration file:     cfcard:/vrpcfg.zip
  Startup paf file:                          default
  Next startup paf file:                     default
  Startup patch package:                     cfcard:/NE5000EV800R011SPH055.PAT
  Next startup patch package:                cfcard:/NE5000EV800R011SPH055.PAT
  Configured startup system software:        cfcard:/v800r011c10spc800-ne5000e.cc
  Startup system software:                   cfcard:/v800r011c10spc800-ne5000e.cc
  Next startup system software:              cfcard:/v800r011c10spc800-ne5000e.cc
  Startup saved-configuration file:          cfcard:/vrpcfg.zip
  Next startup saved-configuration file:     cfcard:/vrpcfg.zip
  Startup paf file:                          default
  Next startup paf file:                     default
  Startup patch package:                     cfcard:/NE5000EV800R011SPH055.PAT
  Next startup patch package:                cfcard:/NE5000EV800R011SPH055.PAT

1.5. 设备的健康状态

1.5.1. 单框

  • 命令 :display health
Slot                       CPU Usage  Memory Usage(Used/Total)
18      MPU(Master)            13%          30%   2391MB/7941MB
1       LPU                    12%          22%    496MB/2239MB
2       LPU                     7%          24%    542MB/2239MB
3       LPU                    17%          10%    821MB/7801MB
4       LPU                    15%          10%    817MB/7801MB
5       LPU                     8%          24%    552MB/2239MB
6       LPU                     7%          24%    547MB/2239MB
7       LPU                    19%          23%    517MB/2239MB
8       LPU                    12%          22%    514MB/2239MB
9       LPU                    10%          23%    515MB/2239MB
10      LPU                     8%          25%    561MB/2239MB
11      LPU                     6%          23%    532MB/2239MB
12      LPU                     7%          24%    547MB/2239MB
13      LPU                     6%          23%    532MB/2239MB
14      LPU                    12%          10%    803MB/7801MB
15      LPU                    22%          23%    518MB/2239MB
16      LPU                    16%          22%    514MB/2239MB
19      SFU                    15%          28%    138MB/481MB
20      SFU                    16%          28%    138MB/481MB
21      SFU                    15%          28%    138MB/481MB
22      SFU                    15%          28%    138MB/481MB
17      MPU(Slave)              7%          20%   1639MB/7941MB

1.5.2. 多框

多框集群请执行命令display health chassis chassis,查看中央交换框和线卡框的健康状态。

  • 命令:display health chassis ccc1
Chassis ID: ccc1
Slot                           CPU Usage  Memory Usage(Used/Total)
ccc1/20     MPU(System master)      2%           7%   4750MB/64279MB
ccc1/1      SFU                    12%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/2      SFU                    16%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/3      SFU                    12%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/4      SFU                    16%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/6      SFU                    15%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/7      SFU                    13%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/8      SFU                    15%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/9      SFU                    12%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/10     SFU                    13%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/11     SFU                    16%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/12     SFU                    12%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/13     SFU                    16%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/15     SFU                    15%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/16     SFU                    12%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/17     SFU                    15%          35%    173MB/481MB
ccc1/18     SFU                    13%          35%    170MB/481MB
ccc1/19     ICU                     4%          22%    109MB/481MB
ccc1/21     MPU(Slave)              0%           2%   1685MB/64279MB

1.6. 检查各元件主备状态和注册状态

  1. 显示信息中重点关注Register字段以及Status字段。其中:
    • Register:表示设备是否注册成功,有2种显示值,分别为Registered和Unregistered。Registered表示单板注册成功;Unregistered表示单板未注册。
    • Status:表示设备的状态,有两种状态:Normal和Abnormal。
  1. 显示信息中加粗部分的设备注册状态为Registered,设备状态为Normal,则继续后续的调测项目。
  2. 显示信息中重点关注Primary,检查当前在位各元件是否有备份。Master表示该元件为主用状态,Slave表示该元件为备用状态,NA表示该元件没有主备之分。
  • 命令:display device
NE5000E's Device status:
Slot #   Type    Online     Register     Status     Role   LsId   Primary      
1        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
2        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
3        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
4        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
5        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
6        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
7        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
8        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
9        LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
10       LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
11       LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
12       LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
13       LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
14       LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
15       LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
16       LPU     Present    Registered   Normal     LC     0      NA           
17       MPU     Present    Registered   Normal     MMB    0      Slave        
18       MPU     Present    Registered   Normal     MMB    0      Master       
19       SFU     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
20       SFU     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
21       SFU     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
22       SFU     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
23       CLK     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      Slave        
24       CLK     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      Master       
25       PWR     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
26       PWR     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
27       FAN     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
28       FAN     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
31       FAN     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
32       FAN     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      NA           
33       PMU     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      Slave        
34       PMU     Present    Registered   Normal     OTHER  0      Master       

1.7. 检查电源状态

  • 命令 :display power
No.  Present Mode    State                                   Num                   
25   Yes     DC      Normal                                  Abnormal(0)/Normal(6) 
26   Yes     DC      Normal                                  Abnormal(0)/Normal(6) 
Power monitor cable state:
  1. 显示信息中电源在位(Present: YES)并状态正常(State:Normal),则继续后续的调测项目。

1.8. 查看系统时间

  • 命令:display clock
2023-09-01 10:22:30+08:00
Time Zone(utc) : UTC+08:00

1.9. 查看风扇状态

  • 命令:display fan
2023-09-01 10:22:30+08:00
Time Zone(utc) : UTC+08:00
<SNTCH-PC-CMNET-RT02-NE5000E>display fan
Slotid    : 27
Present   : YES
Registered: YES
Status    : AUTO
FanSpeed  : [No.]Speed
  [1]50%  [2]50%  [3]50%
  [4]50%  [5]50%  [6]50%
Slotid    : 28
Present   : YES
Registered: YES
Status    : AUTO
FanSpeed  : [No.]Speed
  [1]50%  [2]50%  [3]50%
  [4]50%  [5]50%  [6]50%
Slotid    : 31
Present   : YES
Registered: YES
Status    : AUTO
FanSpeed  : [No.]Speed
  [1]50%  [2]50%  [3]50%
  [4]50%  [5]50%  [6]50%
Slotid    : 32
Present   : YES
Registered: YES 
Status    : AUTO
FanSpeed  : [No.]Speed
  [1]50%  [2]50%  [3]50%
  [4]50%  [5]50%  [6]50%
  1. 显示信息中风扇在位(Present: YES)并注册成功(Registered: YES),

1.10. 检查光子卡


  • 命令: display device ofc-status
<HUAWEI> display device ofc-status chassis ccc1
Ofc-status information in chassis ccc1:
Ofc#      Status     Type                    Port_count Init_result  Logic_down
ccc1/1/0  Registered OFC2TA_CARD            6          SUCCESS      SUCCESS
ccc1/1/1  Registered OFC2TA_CARD            6          SUCCESS      SUCCESS
ccc1/1/2  Registered OFC2TA_CARD            6          SUCCESS      SUCCESS
ccc1/1/3  Registered OFC2TA_CARD            6          SUCCESS      SUCCESS
  1. 如果上述显示信息中加粗部分为:光子卡注册成功(Status:Registered)、光子卡初始化成功(Init_result:SUCCESS)、光子卡逻辑加载成功(Logic_down:SUCCESS),

1.11. 检查框模式

  • 命令:display next-run-mode
current-run-mode: ccc-2
next-run-mode: ccc-2

1.12. 检查框ID设置

  • 命令 :display chassis-id
current chassis id is : 1
next run chassis id is : 1

1.13. 查看路由器的内存占用率信息。

  • 命令:display memory-usage
Memory utilization statistics at 2023-09-01 11:05:01 433 ms
System Total Memory Is: 8131860 Kbytes
Total Memory Used Is: 2438084 Kbytes
Memory Using Percentage Is: 29%
Process memory information in the slot:
ProcessId  ProcessName      Used(Kbytes)
1052       PROTO1                 302174
1051       RESP                   136449
1048       PSM1                    94120
1047       FESMB                   66054
1050       PROTO5                  99520
8          LM                      54002
7          SM                      49929
6          CFG                    887380
1046       OPS                     21182
1049       PSM2                    23230
0          system                 704044

1.14. 显示CPU占用率的统计信息。

  • 命令:display cpu-usage
Cpu utilization statistics at 2023-09-01 11:06:28 637 ms
System cpu use rate is : 14%
Cpu utilization for five seconds: 14% ;  one minute: 14% ;  five minutes: 12%.
Max CPU Usage : 68%
Max CPU Usage Stat. Time : 2022-05-20 01:47:59 920 ms
ServiceName  UseRate   
SYSTEM           14%
AAA               0%
ARP               0%
BGP               0%
CMF               0%
DEVICE            0%
DHCP              0%
EUM               0%
FEA               0%
FEC               0%
FIBRESM           0%
IFM               0%
IP STACK          0%
ISIS              0%
L2VPN             0%
LDP               0%
LINK              0%
LOCAL PKT         0%
ND                0%
NETSTREAM         0%
OAM               0%
PIM               0%
PKI               0%
RBS               0%
RGM               0%
RM                0%
SLA               0%
SVRO              0%
TNLM              0%
TUNNEL            0%
VLAN              0%
CPU Usage Details
CPU     Current  FiveSec   OneMin  FiveMin  Max MaxTime         
cpu0        19%      19%      18%      16%  64% 2022-05-20 01:48:02
cpu1        13%      13%      12%      11%  73% 2022-05-20 01:48:02
cpu2        12%      12%      13%      10%  62% 2022-05-20 01:48:02
cpu3        13%      13%      13%      11%  71% 2022-05-20 01:48:02

1.15. 查看CPU占用率的统计历史消息

  • 命令:display cpu-usage history

1hour Latest 1-hour cpu-usage information

24hour Latest 24-hour cpu-usage information

72hour Latest 72-hour cpu-usage information

slave Slave BOARD

slot Specify the slot

              10        20        30        40        50        60
       System cpu-usage last 60 minutes(Per Min)


1.16. 查看查看主用板/备用板的备份状态。

  • 命令:display switchover state
   Chassis           :  Single
   Switchover State  :  Ready
   Switchover Policy :  Board Switchover
   MainBoard         :  18
   SlaveBoard        :  17

1.17. 检查接口状态是否正常


命令:display interfacebrief [ main ]

PHY: Physical
*down: administratively down
^down: standby
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
(E): E-Trunk down
(b): BFD down
(B): Bit-error-detection down
(e): ETHOAM down
(d): Dampening Suppressed
(p): port alarm down
(ld): loop-detect trigger down
InUti/OutUti: input utility/output utility
Interface                   PHY   Protocol  InUti OutUti   inErrors  outErrors
100GE11/0/0                 *down down         0%     0%          0          0
100GE13/0/0                 *down down         0%     0%          0          0
100GE14/1/1                 *down down         0%     0%          0          0
Eth-Trunk0                  *down down         0%     0%          0          0
  GigabitEthernet4/1/10(10G) *down down         0%     0%          0          0
  GigabitEthernet4/1/11(10G) *down down         0%     0%          0          0
  GigabitEthernet4/1/12(10G) *down down         0%     0%          0          0
Eth-Trunk1                  *down down         0%     0%          0          0
  GigabitEthernet1/2/0      *down down         0%     0%          0          0
LoopBack0                   up    up(s)        0%     0%          0          0
NULL0                       up    up(s)        0%     0%          0          0

1.18. 查看告警


  1. 执行命令display trapbuffer [ sizebuffersize ],查看Trap显示区内的信息。
<HUAWEI> display trapbuffer
Trapping buffer configuration and contents : enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 512
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 
Current messages : 187
May  1 2011 19:20:32 XXXXX %%01STANDARD/6/linkup:CID=0x807a271c-OID=;The interface status changes. (ifName=Ethernet 1/0/1, AdminStatus=UP, OperStatus=UP, Reason=Interface physical link is Up.)
  1. 执行命令display alarm statistics [ namealarm-name ],查看告警的统计数据。
<HUAWEI>  display alarm statistics

Alarm Statistic
AlarmName : IsisAdjacencyChange
Active    : 0
All       : 1

AlarmName : linkDown
Active    : 0
All       : 142


  1. 查看当前告警 display alarm active
  2. 查看历史告警 display alarm history
  3. 查看硬件告警: display alarm hardware 查询单板或子卡的硬件告警信息
  4. 查看历史硬件告警:display alarm hardware history all

1.19. 检查所有单板电压

  • 命令: display voltage

  Base-Board, Unit:V, Slot 1
PCB          I2C Addr Chl Status   Require MajorL FatalL MajorH FatalH Vlt(V) Ratio
LPUF100B     0   0    0   NORMAL   1.80    1.67   1.62   1.93   1.98   1.80   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   0   NORMAL   1.00    0.93   0.90   1.09   1.12   1.02   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   1   NORMAL   1.00    0.93   0.90   1.09   1.12   1.01   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   2   NORMAL   1.00    0.93   0.90   1.09   1.12   1.02   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   3   NORMAL   1.00    0.93   0.90   1.09   1.12   1.02   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   4   NORMAL   1.05    0.98   0.95   1.13   1.16   1.06   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   5   NORMAL   1.00    0.93   0.90   1.07   1.10   0.99   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   6   NORMAL   1.00    0.95   0.90   1.05   1.10   1.00   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   7   NORMAL   1.00    0.95   0.90   1.05   1.10   1.01   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   8   NORMAL   3.30    3.14   2.97   3.47   3.63   3.33   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   9   NORMAL   1.20    1.11   1.08   1.28   1.32   1.21   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   64   10  NORMAL   12.00   10.00  9.00   13.00  14.00  11.84  0.19 
LPUF100B     0   64   11  NORMAL   12.00   10.00  9.00   13.00  14.00  11.84  0.19 
LPUF100B     0   65   0   NORMAL   3.30    3.14   2.97   3.47   3.63   3.33   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   1   NORMAL   1.80    1.67   1.62   1.93   1.98   1.80   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   2   NORMAL   2.50    2.33   2.25   2.68   2.75   2.48   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   5   NORMAL   1.80    1.67   1.62   1.93   1.98   1.83   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   6   NORMAL   1.80    1.67   1.62   1.93   1.98   1.83   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   7   NORMAL   1.20    1.12   1.08   1.28   1.32   1.21   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   8   NORMAL   1.20    1.12   1.08   1.28   1.32   1.24   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   9   NORMAL   1.50    1.40   1.35   1.61   1.65   1.52   1.00 
LPUF100B     0   65   11  NORMAL   3.30    3.14   2.97   3.47   3.63   3.31   1.00 
LPUF100B     1   0    1   NORMAL   3.30    3.15   2.98   3.48   3.66   3.33   0.60 
LPUF100B     2   0    2   NORMAL   3.30    3.15   2.98   3.48   3.66   3.33   0.60 
LPUF100B     3   0    3   NORMAL   5.00    4.55   4.05   5.77   6.07   5.07   0.40 
LPUF100B     4   0    4   NORMAL   0.90    0.84   0.81   0.96   0.99   0.92   1.00 
LPUF100B     5   0    5   NORMAL   0.90    0.84   0.81   0.96   0.99   0.92   1.00 
LPUF100B     6   0    6   NORMAL   0.90    0.84   0.81   0.96   0.99   0.92   1.00 
LPUF100B     7   0    7   NORMAL   0.90    0.84   0.81   0.96   0.99   0.92   1.00 
LPUF100B     10  0    10  NORMAL   0.90    0.84   0.81   0.96   0.99   0.91   1.00 
LPUF100B     11  0    11  NORMAL   0.90    0.84   0.81   0.96   0.99   0.92   1.00 
EFGF         4   43   0   NORMAL   1.20    1.12   1.08   1.28   1.32   1.20   1.00 
EFGF         4   43   1   NORMAL   12.00   10.00  9.00   13.00  14.00  12.07  0.14 
EFGF         4   43   2   NORMAL   2.50    2.32   2.25   2.67   2.75   2.46   0.76 
EFGF         4   43   3   NORMAL   3.30    3.06   2.98   3.54   3.64   3.36   0.50 
EFGF         4   43   4   NORMAL   3.30    3.06   2.98   3.54   3.64   3.26   0.50 
EFGF         4   43   5   NORMAL   3.30    3.06   2.98   3.72   3.80   3.38   0.50 
EFGF         4   43   6   NORMAL   1.20    1.12   1.08   1.28   1.32   1.20   1.00 


1.20. 检查所有单板温度

  • 命令: display temperature

  Base-Board, Unit:C, Slot 1
PCB          I2C ADDr Chl Status   Minor Major Fatal FanTMin FanTMax Temp(C)
LPUF100B     0   73   0   NORMAL   62    65    75    49      59      44     
LPUF100B     0   74   0   NORMAL   79    85    93    66      76      44     
LPUF100B     0   75   0   NORMAL   71    77    83    58      68      49     
LPUF100B     0   77   0   NORMAL   79    85    93    66      76      42     
LPUF100B     0   78   0   NORMAL   84    90    98    71      81      50     
LPUF100B     0   79   0   NORMAL   86    92    100   73      83      49     
EFGF         4   73   0   NORMAL   77    83    92    64      74      36     
ASE          255 0    0   NORMAL   97    100   105   84      94      52     
ASE          255 0    1   NORMAL   97    100   105   84      94      52     


1.21. 查看设备光功率

  • 命令:display optical-module brief
Port                   Status Duplex Type               Wavelength            RxPower     TxPower     Mode             VendorPN            
ETH1/2/0               down   full   1G-10km-esfp       1310nm                -6.55dBm    -40.00dBm   SingleMode       WXTRPGEAS1          
ETH1/2/1               down   full   1G-10km-esfp       1310nm                -28.86dBm   -40.00dBm   SingleMode       MXPD-243S           
ETH1/2/2               down   full   1G-40km-esfp       1310nm                -32.21dBm   -40.00dBm   SingleMode       SFP-GE-LH40-SM      
ETH1/2/3               down   full   1G-10km-esfp       1310nm                -7.69dBm    -40.00dBm   SingleMode       FTRJ1319P1BTL       
ETH1/2/18              down   full   1G-10km-esfp       1310nm                -26.77dBm   -40.00dBm   SingleMode       MXPD-243S           
ETH1/2/19              down   full   1G-40km-esfp       1310nm                -32.21dBm   -40.00dBm   SingleMode       MXPD-243MD          
ETH1/2/20              down   full   1G-10km-esfp       1310nm                -7.59dBm    -40.00dBm   SingleMode       EOLS-1312-10-D      
ETH1/2/21              down   full   1G-10km-esfp       1310nm                -6.85dBm    -40.00dBm   SingleMode       MXPD-243S           
ETH1/2/22              down   full   1G-10km-esfp       1310nm                -27.44dBm   -40.00dBm   SingleMode       MXPD-243S           
ETH1/2/23              down   full   1G-40km-esfp       1310nm                -31.54dBm   -40.00dBm   SingleMode       RTXM191-450         
ETH2/0/0               up     full   100G-10km-cfp      1295nm~1309nm         6.67dBm     6.29dBm     SingleMode       OM9550L             
                                                        1295nm(Lane0)         0.13dBm     0.17dBm                                          
                                                        1300nm(Lane1)         0.55dBm     0.20dBm                                          
                                                        1304nm(Lane2)         0.75dBm     0.30dBm                                          
                                                        1309nm(Lane3)         1.11dBm     0.41dBm                                          
ETH3/0/0               up     full   100G-10km-cfp2     1295nm~1309nm         4.13dBm     7.61dBm     SingleMode       JC2R10LR4AA1HW      
                                                        1295nm(Lane0)         -1.96dBm    1.26dBm                                          
                                                        1300nm(Lane1)         -1.81dBm    0.95dBm                                          
                                                        1304nm(Lane2)         -1.55dBm    2.80dBm                                          
                                                        1309nm(Lane3)         -2.23dBm    1.10dBm                                          

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